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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 206 KB, 1259x1600, ofx6KTV0Bfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28064720 No.28064720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28064774

Are you fat, gay, or both?

>> No.28064777

You a gay nigga op or a female?

>> No.28064818


>> No.28064842

he's not gay, i can tell from his face
so probably a lot

>> No.28064889


>> No.28064894

German means poopsex.

>> No.28064926

Tits or gtfo.

>> No.28064990

tip for flash stinker

>> No.28065240

Oh, it's you.

>> No.28065293

I don’t find him attractive

>> No.28065405

yes thats me stinker, miss me?

he is hapa lol

>> No.28065901
File: 124 KB, 1059x1200, photo_2021-01-12_18-27-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No linkies. Pls no bully.

>> No.28065938

loool oh stinkers have no right to exist

>> No.28066012

we can look at your tits on pornhub for free so whats the point?

>> No.28066095

>all that acne
He seems a bit young for you OP.
Are you trying to groom young men?

>> No.28066112

Okay I'm intrigued, who is this "lady" and why do people seem to know her....

>> No.28066206 [DELETED] 

you will never be a real woman

>> No.28066253


>> No.28066291

Hairlip... >Inbred Genetics
Markings from wearing glasses.
Terrible acne....

What's the appeal here?

>> No.28066309

she's a polish woman who was clearly abused as a child and posts nudes here all the time. she has a pornhub filled with disturbing sexual content

>> No.28066332

sauce pornhub?

>> No.28066352

I kinda figured that, is she hot?
and rich?

Cause I like em crazy.

>> No.28066402

have fun i guess

>> No.28066403

>He doesn't know
You have to go back.

>> No.28066423


lucky sevens. kek is here.

>> No.28066442

>looks like a faggot that would stutter when verbally confronted
>acne scars
>poo in loo colored eyes
>no facial hair like a kid

Looks like the average western eurofag what’s the appeal??

>> No.28066464

kek cake in pussy funny

>> No.28066467

fuck off tranny kike

>> No.28066483

That's a man.

>> No.28066486

Clearly never been with a crazy woman lad. Never been with a woman at all I guess?

>> No.28066492

I look like that but I'm already taken. So only sums that would make me quit wagie would do.

>> No.28066506

Okay hot enough, second question how rich?

Cause that's pretty crazy.

>> No.28066587

Project my friend?

I'd go into details but you wouldn't believe me anyway.

Believe me my ex fiance was a rapid cycling bipolar who would get upset if I didn't fuck her at least 3x a day.

I've had plenty of crazy.

>> No.28066658
File: 246 KB, 602x602, image_2021-02-08_004231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like the average western eurofag what’s the appeal??
The alternative is by far worse

>> No.28066752

Come to england, you can be my gf

>> No.28066777

She looks like one of the girls who you would fuck and she would be looking around like a crazy person.

Probably a cutter as well just by guessing I didn't need to watch the video I get no interest in that extreme, stilesux was enough as a young lad.

>> No.28066794


>> No.28066810

This picture just motivated to stick to my diet for some reason lol
t. plateaued at 25bmi after losing 60kg

>> No.28066840

You were engaged to my ex. Small world.

>> No.28066844

He's cute, who is this?

You can rent male caretakers, anon. Make him do the chores and make him useful and seduce him

>> No.28066883

Yeah that was my last brush with getting into anything serious with crazy.

Hopefully she doesn't come from Kansas.

>> No.28066911

lol coomers , stfu he is hot like fuck.
im searching fathers of my future of my kids

>> No.28067025

I'm waaaaay hotter, I'd post my face but I'd just make all the coomers gay.

I did post it here a few days back and /biz was shockingly nice.

>> No.28067123

prove it. i need sperm for kids

>> No.28067334

Bogdanoff01@protonmail.com not posting anything here.

>> No.28067408

show lol sent

>> No.28067442

Be willing to go out to clubs. Don’t freak out when a clean cut guy makes a move or flirts with you. Let him know if you’re interested or not. Military dudes will go for anything that breathes. Not saying that they won’t take advantage of you but remember you can report them for sexual harassment, or SHARP, and fuck them over for life if anything happens.

>> No.28067571

I'm not one of the coomers, but I highly recommend raising kids without the father in their life.
Make sure you find a man that actually stays and doesn't pump and dump you.

>> No.28067578

That's a stinky soldier serving the government. Some usd is enough to buy him and send him to the frontline to fight for politicians.

>> No.28067627

not ur busy

>> No.28067679

Were you BORN a female?

>> No.28067774

I meant to write "recommend against raising kids without the dad in their life"
Seriously, if you care about your kids you'll try to find a good man.

>> No.28067901

Think she's wanting good genes for the children she wants, could be just my guess but if she's independently wealthy absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I have ulterior motives myself for being interested as my lineage has bottlenecked with me.

>> No.28068082

how do i get perfect skin like this biz bros?

>> No.28068104

show face?
stinker, im

>> No.28068170
File: 174 KB, 655x679, jjjijijijij.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent to your email, and it's not the R Kelly one I jokingly sent.

>> No.28068300
File: 453 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20210207-130439_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eww thats not blonde.

>> No.28068318

If you don't actually raise your own kids, they're gonna end up mentally ill, and quite likely leftist.
That's my entire mother's side of the family since her dad left his 4 kids to be raised by the mom.
You really think they are going to see you as their father if they never see your face?

>> No.28068464


>> No.28068560

One I sincerely doubt I'll ever even meet this woman, two I can say from having two fucked up parents sometimes family isn't all that.

Would you really have wanted your father in your life if he was willing to cast you to the wind?

I myself have a rare genetic condition that cannot be passed to any of my children as it can only come from the mother, I'm also a direct descendant of Ethan Allen ontop of having a genius level IQ and being 6'4 with a body rare bodyshape.

My condition is fatal as well so I cannot even be around but I'd accomplish two things, continue my lineage and give my child a chance at an upper hand with a more perfected genome?

I'd say that's unselfish.

>> No.28068585

he is not blonde lol

>> No.28068681

Thank god, I have jet black hair mixture of Asian, Middle eastern and all other mutt mixes.

I never envied being blonde, always were airheads.

>> No.28068956

Just fucking lol

>> No.28068981

i need white man

>> No.28069089

I'm confused, are you saying this picture is you? or me?

Two I am white.

>> No.28069110

ok now post YOUR face

>> No.28069242
File: 47 KB, 431x328, Eleanor-Miller-eleanor-miller-40333193-431-328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I have a secret crypto hoard of chainlink and eth
>my bf has no idea, he just thinks I "like bitcoin"
>he is a redditor and was big into the gme thing

I'll tell him when he puts a ring on it and I imagine it he will lose it like Fry in futurama when he realizes we are rich kek. I do worry about him finding it emasculating though

>> No.28069247 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20210201_155401_289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiss my ass


>> No.28069274

stop larping or post your fucking tits stupid bitch. people aren't here to read about what some undesirable fat slut wants.

>> No.28069327

Right like every person from Europe and America, most of us are a mixture of those races.

Including yourself, white is a generic term for what I described.

>> No.28069339

do you cheat whore?

>> No.28069390

I think you have the mentality and laziness of the average deadbeat nigger father.
Kids need a father figure to show them how to grow in life and fix mistakes, where as the plays a more supportive role with her unconditional love.

>> No.28069393


>> No.28069407

I'm thinking this is the blonde guy above larping as a woman, somethings misfiring.

>> No.28069425

Of course not. Cheating has no appeal for me. I am a bit controlling outside the bedroom though I have already remade his apartment kek

>> No.28069434

im not fat, u fag
sorry bye

>> No.28069465

i'm an old fag so: tits or GTFO

>> No.28069472

Right I should have kids while they watch their father wither away from reoccuring Lymphoma as soon as they are born....

Either your retarded or you skimmed what I wrote.

This I entered a /pol thread.

>> No.28069525
File: 52 KB, 750x742, 1612297259026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you told me to kiss your ass, and then did what I asked by posting a picture of your face

>> No.28069544

What's the book on the cupboard. I also can't decide if that's lube or j&j shampoo on the left of it.

>> No.28069627

stinkers dont know who im lolol

>> No.28069716

Tits or gtfo

>> No.28069730

Here's an idea,
maybe you shouldn't have kids if you know you're going to die in a few years.

>> No.28069765

This thread is full of schizophrenics.

Please go back for the love of god.

>> No.28069795

I'm in my late 20s and too old for most of you kids any way.

>> No.28069796

still undesirable
what would it take for a whore like yourself to cheat on your beta faggot reddit 'man'?

>> No.28069837

>dating a redditor

>> No.28069884

SPAKR id. Classic.

>> No.28069896

Wait a minute... did you email me...

your typing is not like hers damnit, I knew I was getting confused for a reason.

>> No.28069911

Not happening. I want to get married and produce kids with him kek

He's a good guy although the reddit stuff was cringe. He annoyed me because he wouldn't sell. It wasn't a huge amount of money but I have the sociopathic /biz/ mindset and got pissy over it. He's a technie and doesn't get finance at all

>> No.28069957

Yup damnit it was you..

good glad the crazy OP didn't get my pic.

>> No.28069985

I'd say around 350

>> No.28069991

I'm older than you now post tits or fuck off back to pleddit. The rules are known.

>> No.28070053
File: 454 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20210208-091602_Gmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28070076

Maybe 3.5

Men aren't worth much cmon now.

>> No.28070108

I didn't post it because of gme, but simply because reddit has the worst mentality ever. I had a friend who was browsing reddit, who was very cringe, got him into 4chan to some extent and he's a lot better now, personality wise.

>> No.28070118

I recant that, she/he/it did get it.

>> No.28070227

You can be jealous and dox all day, still way better looking that your greasy looking swedish ass, this OP is a guy by the way begging for attention.

Pathetic richfag.

>> No.28070405
File: 144 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20210130_170924_121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys lol
im a girl. knee for me, pathetic new fag

>> No.28070503

Honestly having a hard time telling if you even are a girl.

Bowed legs scream genetic abnormalities.

Take your money and invest in genome research for your children, they will need it.

>> No.28070557

this isn't /b/

you dont have enough chainlink to even look at my tits

>> No.28070561

rage more kek

>> No.28070613

jesus christ what is that

>> No.28070647

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.28070693
File: 4 KB, 401x172, vzxvxcvcxv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So interesting note, this person has at least 6 ID's being used in this thread.

The same person your saying "show your tits" is posing as other Id's.

Proof in picture look at the typing style it threw me off but I know now I'm talking to multiple Id's under the same computer..

Your not dealing with an idiot here.

There's his real email to since you think it's fun to dox people.

>> No.28070743

And that's a dude...

>> No.28070760

That's a dude who doxed himself attempting to dox me.

>> No.28070776

This isn't /soc/ this is /biz/

>> No.28070941

ok I get it, but there are so many other threads, why sink even a fraction of your attention in to this one? Enough to even pick out the ids that are tied to the transgressors. If you're so concerned, you should just be ignoring it.

>> No.28070949

I don't and never have owned a single link. You've already made this all about you. OP is honest, she just wants to abuse linkies, a pastime I applaud. You? Just want to tell us all about your faggot bf. We don't care. Post old saggy funbags or get the fuck out. Don't forget to timestamp.

>> No.28070988

we are unironically condoning this /soc/ attention whoring on our sacred /biz/ board

>> No.28071026
File: 216 KB, 940x480, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for pointing that out Spakr. Are you new here?

>> No.28071082

Jannies take a look at the ID's before you clean this up, something fucky going on here.

>> No.28071119

Cry to jannie, Ure a fag

>> No.28071152

You and all your alt IDs need to be on a Range ban, illegal activity.

>> No.28071233

Go on jannie, go on.
Hope u get die by aids

>> No.28071285

2 ETH and ill be your bf

even tho im not an infantrist

>> No.28071453

no self respecting man would ever be with a woman who posts on 4chan