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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28058411 No.28058411 [Reply] [Original]

Can't see any new posts or chat in their Telegram today. Maybe I've been banned? Regardless, I've just sold my 1 Shake. $500 loss, but better than losing all of it.

>> No.28059101

I'm really scared bros. I've been shilling this project all day, but I'm really afraid of losing my entire initial investment.

>> No.28059397

I’m out. I could of made it with this coin, but I can’t trust anything anymore. Was a top 20 shake wallet too

>> No.28059463

I think majority already got out, the ones still in are just bagholding waiting to not sell at loss

>> No.28059488

i got out, it's too risky

>> No.28059619

even though you are all fud bots I actually sold I can't deal with this shit I know you'll all just do it again after another pump and desu the mint fud I couldn't care less about but the anon devs and shady connection to that anton scammer got to me. his fucking website looks like such a blatant scam and the entirety of his token supply is providing liquidity to farm milk

>> No.28059745

and the tg/disc admins did a really great job of looking as suspect as fucking possible. i wouldnt be surprised to find out the team themselves is behind this fud campaign and even purposely left the mint function in for an opportunity to tank the price right before announcing binance chain
never looking back

>> No.28060059
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>> No.28060107

I speculated this too. There was biz thread titled “HIGH ALERT SCAM”

Meanwhile, that Anton dude created this coin which I found on his exchange only.


The similarity between the language between the FUD thread and that shit coin made me feel like they two were related. Who speaks that way!

>> No.28060920

its not going under 6k stupid fucks just buy back in and stop your nonsense.

>> No.28060987

Kek I am with fudding group

Took us a while to get war on rugs to help us fud

Elaborate fud but successful thanks guys

>> No.28061091

yeah you were the most annoyin g fucker on the board spamming generals with 40 posts of your fud now shill this shit and lets make some money

>> No.28061113

Remember guys if they were scammers they would have minted million tokens at $4 dollars or any time and delete website and telegram

Everything is still up lol

Fud mission complete

>> No.28061170

We plan on shilling after ceo makes announcement lol get rekted guys bought another couple shakes lol

>> No.28061306

Yeah coinbreeder would like a word.

>> No.28061402


>> No.28061592

you're a coinbreeder anon, keep such language of this board please. We don't speak that devilish tongue here.

>> No.28061681

What's the TG of the fud group

>> No.28061748

Hey are you the greedy guy with Morpheus picture lol hahah greedy dumb pig

>> No.28061754

I know who you are MIlK-BAG-HOLDER. This retard FUD’d his own coin he bought at $4 without selling and buying lower.

>> No.28061798

What's the name of the fud group

>> No.28061816

Lol we all bought in at pennies and dumped at $4

It’s called a narrative so it causes the people who bought top to panic more

>> No.28061825

Craig Sager I'm onto you cunt

>> No.28061827

Retarded biz autist being shaken out yet again, buying high and selling low over some pajeet tier FUD. The faggot who runs the War on Rugs twitter in the same breath while calling SpaceSwap a scam was advertising an AMA for a known scam project lmao
Get fucked morons and stay poor

>> No.28061902
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Lmao you're getting scammed and this is how you cope, by calling other people retards.

>> No.28061998

Hahaha dude I made that pic we used that to make war on rugs post their tweet lol

>> No.28062227

Jeez like 4 fake FUD in a row...
0xBa7c09517DE61A2E45a2C004A5571FD8ec4e4dB9 must want moar.

>> No.28062252

Have fun going broke Justin with an e.

>> No.28062274

Yes, I also called them morons and faggots. Because they are.

>> No.28062372

i shit in your mouth

>> No.28062896

I shilled it and bought at 6k

>> No.28063047


Spaceswap just released an announcement regarding the fud. You guys didn’t fall for our fud right??? Hahah thanks for the cheap shakes

>> No.28063070

Keep acting like there’s some FUD group accumulating massive amounts of shake, meanwhile only 1 wallet in the top 10 has bought in the last 2 days

>> No.28063410

Guys) If there are haters it means that SpaceSwap is really cool A typical way to dump the price, to buy tokens and than be glad when the price will be high of course

>> No.28063530

go back to bed dev, it's too early in europe to be doing PR/marketing on /biz/

>> No.28063697
File: 1.11 MB, 750x1334, 5D33E8EB-1CA4-41E1-84F8-60D65C8E19C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaceswap announcement you didn’t fall for the fud right

>> No.28063888

Why did war on rugs lie to us? Why did this literally who lie to us? Who could have expected some anonymous nigger would have been paid to lie about the project?

>> No.28065139

Curve, Ivan_on_Tech, Binance Smart Chain - great partnerships! Guys, they know what they do!!
And they know more than noname haters

>> No.28066830

Don't fall for the FUD. Someone just want to buy tokens for cheap. SpaceSwap is a solid project.

>> No.28067786

call you pajeet spam bot back dude i think he is becoming sentient or something.

>> No.28068206

These fuckers are out of control in TG banning anyone for asking a god damn question.

Unironically still considering holding because I think the FUD is so fucking strong it has to be fake.

>> No.28068282

Anon me neither, the TG admins are shady as FUCK and that Justen guy is one of the biggest faggots I've ever encountered on the internet.

>> No.28068372

The waronrugs FUD is real. The telegram is like a communist nation now and free speech isn’t allowed, which is unironic because half of the devs are from China.

Justen just talks down to everyone like he’s some genius and the rest of us have no brains. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re paying him

>> No.28068540

Smells like curry in here

>> No.28068638

first, tg groups are cancer, there are no good tg group. the project has been fuded by spammbot, discord trannies and schizos for all weekend, and it was fucking brutal, no wonder why the team is on the edge.

this guy is in on it kek, i guess the bot wasn't enough

>> No.28068813

This is some really fucked up shit going down here fellas.

Is coinbreeder the handle of some fag that coordinates this shit?

Justen you're a faggot.

You're right and that Justen faggot is in this thread, he is part of coordinated FUD campaign.

NGL this is a bit of a mind fuck.

>> No.28068936
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>> No.28068997

How many times we have seen massive FUD against a solid project, sold, and a week later it reached new ATH? That’s OP and his bot friends (Kevin, Layla and Moshe the Jew) plan. They want you to sell so they could accumulate more. I’m super bullish on Spaceswap, so much more good things to come, check out the website and the FOMO will kick in just by looking at the unreleased features at the homepage. From PC not Mobile.

>> No.28069031

I dm’d a bunch of twitter auditors. SS isn’t ruggIng yet because they need more liquidity. Not enough money for these crooks to steal yet. Justin with an e is a crook.

>> No.28069123

I trust no one right now faggot. That bullshit talk is exactly what an actual black hat fudder would talk like.

>> No.28069140
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>> No.28069191

This is pretty interesting to witness play out NGL.

Do you think Justen, Kevin, Layla, Moshe are actually involved with the project or even the Spaceswap admin or is the whole fucking show part of FUD campaign?

>> No.28069233

you are talking to a sentient pajeet spambot, he is after the project because it thinks it hurts cows, may vishnu forgive our sins

>> No.28069405

Also faggot they could have rugged when pumped up with $5mn volume @ $3-4-5 token so I'm pretty convinced you're just another fudding faggot.

Never really dived into TG groups until the SS drama but interesting you say they are all cancer.

What makes you so convinced that ID is a bot?

>> No.28069733

your average tg group is moonbois spamming gifs. and no i don't really think he is a bot i think he is in on the fud cause he pushes the same angle as the bot.

>> No.28069839

I don't have this coin or really even any informed thoughts about it but I really can't even tell who's jewing who anymore. What's uhh... what's going on here?

>> No.28069902

some tranny discord group fuded the project this weekend and their pajeet spam bot went rogue, this is SHODAN all over again

>> No.28069904

Any old fags in this group remember Rowlingstone from 2017?

These guys had a paid weekly newsletter in 2017 and made some people VERY fucking rich in 2017. They also called the market top in mid Jan and said they were selling out of everything - sadly I was too greedy and didn't listen (they called Oyster @ $2mn, went to $170mn MC)

Anyways - Justen, the guy in Spaceswap TG talking down to everyone is the founder of Rowlingstone.

>> No.28069987

tl;dr pretty bullish for the project

>> No.28070008

Kek never a boring day in shitcoinland

>> No.28070174

This is the biggest 4chan fuckery I've witnessed since Assblaster.

I also think that Justen guy is in this thread (or at least was) and is involved with FUD campaign somehow. See these comments.


I will post proof he founded Rowlingstone in next post just got to edit in Photoshop.

Yeah, I agree. That fucker would be rich as fuck right now unless he blew it all on coke and hookers (probably otherwise why would he be admin of a fucking TG group for shitcoin).

BUT - Legit Rowlingstone was epic, they called everything (and maybe their followers just pumped it). Pretty sure it was limited to 200 people though so maybe they were just onto it.