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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 678x356, cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27942939 No.27942939 [Reply] [Original]

What are your price predictions for EOM, EOQ, and EOY?

>> No.27943015

1$ EOM
2$ EOQ
5$ EOY

>> No.27943084
File: 628 KB, 858x782, Screenshot_2021-02-01_at_15.00.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always 1 ADA = 1 ADA

>> No.27943143


>> No.27943158

Not sure about where it's going but ADA seems indomitable right now.

>> No.27943188
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Also, friendly reminder:

>> No.27943237

Obviously its going to the moon

>> No.27943241
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So, any idea what is this amazing news that's dropping soon Charle's been alluding to?
he made a new tweet about it and teased it again in his interview with bitboy yesterday

>> No.27943337

$100 EOY. Screencap this.

>> No.27943360

The moment tokens + smart contracts hit main net, it's moon country

>> No.27943396

Waiting for normies and reddit to full pump it like xrp only to get dump on 4 hours later, then i will be able to rebuy at 0,36€

>> No.27943433

absolute max eoy is like $6

>> No.27943452

Impossible. That would make me millionaire

>> No.27943483

I’m gonna buy some when niggerbinance verifies me

>> No.27943622

is ada's coinbase listing really going to be that big of a deal?
are people not capable of buying crypto from other exchanges?

>> No.27943745

If dubs then $8.73 EOY

>> No.27943770

Based and futurepilled

>> No.27943895

What annoys me are those ethfags that have a bag of ada as a hedge ... deep inside they know ada makes eth obsolete but try to put a front with complete nonsense ... if you're one of these ethfags just know this: ETH CANNOT AND WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SCALE... jfc, there are 3rd tier platforms that scale better than eth

>> No.27943996

It's become a staple meme for price increase. Every coin that is listed on Coinbase goes up in price.

>> No.27944018

if green and dubs, is gon be $114.88 EOY

>> No.27944164

I'm an ADAfag and I have the grand amount of 1 ETH in case it moons with ETH 2.0.
Loving projects is fine, but at the end of the day what matters is market adoption, better to diversify a bit.

>> No.27944211

1 - 2 euro by the end of the year.

>> No.27944580

I hope not. I like our slower strong climb than the volatile unpredicatble pump dump

>> No.27944586

>12:00pm EST today
>5:30pm EST right now

Is this FOMO tier now?

>> No.27944665


I meant $0.55

>> No.27944674
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I got 7.3k coins lads.
Am I going to make it?

>> No.27944681


>> No.27944751

bro just buy bitcoin on another exchange and trade it for ada. Binance took literally a month to verify me and you will get left behind

>> No.27944775

The FOMO hasn't even begun yet.

>> No.27944838

i have 1.6 :(

>> No.27944840

It’s for not or shekels. It’s actually quite difficult for some people to buy it by any other means

>> No.27944851

Kraken has it and they approve pretty quickly

>> No.27944856

Thanks didn’t think about that

>> No.27944924

1780 fren, we're gonna make it.

>> No.27944966

>another exchange and trade it for ada
such as? What exchange?

>> No.27944997

had no trouble getting verified on binance instantly, but the site design makes it feel sketchy as fuck

>> No.27945008

Alright fine asshole. When I get home I'll sell my small stack of linkies for all ADA.

>> No.27945043


>> No.27945100

I've been buying BTC on coinbase and depositing it into binance and trading for ada. This was with basic verification on binance

>> No.27945140

Funds are SAFU

>> No.27945169


>> No.27945239
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ADA frens, don't forget to stake your holdings.

>> No.27945277

if you can get $3k out sell

>> No.27945315

i'll be staking on exodus when binance allows me to withdraw my shit

>> No.27945448

newfrog here how?

>> No.27945470

>This was with basic verification on binance
How long does that take? I use cuckbase too.

>> No.27945488

Fuuuck I'm trying to get verified. I have some coins on CB but I have to wait like 8 days before transferring

>> No.27945518

i would make just over 50 a year.
ada would need to go over $10 for me to care. it will not

>> No.27945562

Lmao I just sent a test 5$ etherium to my binance wallet and I didn’t realize it cost 5.50 to send.

>> No.27945621

I have 930 tokens.....Am I gonna make it in 2+ years?

>> No.27945663

I used crypto.com bought usdt and transferred it over to Binance. Cheap and fast transfer and stable

>> No.27945689

is it paid out monthly? an 5% isnt it?

>> No.27945704

>I love birds
Black Swan Event?... I'm scared and excited bros!

>> No.27945714

How do you stake? I am new to this

>> No.27945752

$1.33 EOM
$2 EOQ1
$5 EOY

>> No.27945815

In the long game sky’s the limit, less than half of bitcoins market cap would be $10 ADA

>> No.27945853

find a pool here https://cardanoscan.io/pools and join it with whichever wallet you hold your ada in
use exodus as it allows you to do it in a few buttons, with a pool that gives about 4.28% back anually
you may as well let it make free ada for you though, no reason not to
i believe it's paid out in "epochs" (every 5~ days), it's around 5% anually (monthly it would be 5% / 12)

>> No.27945912

what percentage of ada in circulation is being staked?

>> No.27945918

You never know mate.

>> No.27945946

> Dissing compound interest

>> No.27946019

70% last time I heard

>> No.27946056

Read this https://cardano.org/stake-pool-delegation/

>> No.27946058


>> No.27946097

>what percentage of ada in circulation is being staked?
around 70% i think
https://cardanoscan.io/ says 22,000,000,000, so
22,000,000,000 / 31,112,484,646 = 70.96% (roughly)

>> No.27946129

This guy gets it

>> No.27946166
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You are correct

>> No.27946188

$0.80 EOM
$1 EOQ
$0.50 EOY

>> No.27946233

Could be a good liquidity indicator for the market too?

>> No.27946254

How does seven hundred buckaroos sound?

>> No.27946394

I think a large majority of ADA holders aren't planning to sell for quite some time, so anytime the price is going up it should go up by quite a bit.

>> No.27946499

so large supply
supply and price compared to eth ada might go to $4.5
i dont think ada should be compared to btc

i think this run will crash and burn before eth will be over $3500 and ada should be considered as equal to eth at that point for it to be $10

>> No.27946519

what prompted the steady climb since early january

>> No.27946599

>you may as well let it make free ada for you though, no reason not to

do i need to transfer ada out of my exchange?

>> No.27946690

i think ada will be over $100 but it might take 10 years and few crashes before it happens.

>> No.27946866

i bought now, was this smart

>> No.27946950

Long term? Probably fine. Short term? Nobody knows, maybe not since we seem to be cresting at the moment

>> No.27947034

I did say long game. Assuming years from now cryptos entire market cap keeps increasing

>> No.27947069

Some exchanges offer delegation but their pools might be saturated. Always better to xfer out and choose your own pool.

K-1000 soon so choose wisely.

>> No.27947142

>he doesn’t have a bag of both

>> No.27947147

not on binance

>> No.27947166
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Deliverance of roadmap goals, staking and hype.

>> No.27947289
File: 226 KB, 400x400, Ticker=4CHAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always pic related
t (dot) me/bizpool_official

>> No.27947386

It might go up over the course of tomorrow, or at least won't fall down. It might go down over the week for a bit, but not by much. If you hold until end of February, you will make profit for sure.

>> No.27947393

Coinbase listing is huge since it’s the biggest normie on/off ramp. GRT launched on coinbase and broke $1 in 3 months.

>> No.27947481

Haha looking that up now

>> No.27947479

That’s like owning 7.3k ETH

>> No.27947491

was buying ethereum killer smart? yes, yes it was
ada is like old blizzard, might be a bit late, but when it delivers it shows

>> No.27947903
File: 74 KB, 1078x638, Biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you biz lads runs these?

>> No.27948059
File: 476 KB, 800x800, Ticker=4CHAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not making blocks right now since it's undersaturated. Need some 2 million + ADA to make blocks. The pools does not miss any slots though, so it would make blocks if it had enough ADA delegated.
The Cardano Foundation used to delegate 15 million ADA to it, mad a lot of blocks then.

>> No.27948185

4CHAN is the real one. Been around since when staking first went live on mainnet. Join the Telegram >>27948059

>> No.27948204

well what should i look for in the pool?
what is a good pool?
just got yoroi

>> No.27948296

i made my exchange account before binance was made and never moved.

>> No.27948381

What is the suicide stack?

>> No.27948422
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>> No.27948472
File: 33 KB, 303x298, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG ~350k stack Cardano master race reporting in.
Got in at 0.03$. Will wait until 10$. In my mind I am already victorious.

I am afraid I will have to bid thee farewell now, gentlemen, for it is time for me to depart from this accursed board; once and for all.
May your dreams of wonderous gains bring you some comfort during you daily toil. Godspeed, fellow wagies.

>> No.27948474

Saturation, luck and uptime to start with
Then I look at pool operator fees.
NB these are take from the whole allocation before distribution.

>> No.27948526
File: 15 KB, 353x606, Hope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 12k ADA
Buying with next check or next dip

>> No.27948533

0.52 EOM
1.3 EOQ
0.8 EOY

>> No.27948573

Not saturated (64 million ADA now, 32 million when K=1000 some time in March), makes blocks consistently and is based. Many good community pools, also many charity pools, many community dev pools as well, like LOVE, who created the pooltool.io site. Also BCSH who's making some really useful tools for pool operators.
Then there's 4CHAN. SPO is working on something in Plutus.

>> No.27948597

2.12 end of month
7.45 end of year

>> No.27948662

why would cardano even hit 10$? isn't max supply huge?

>> No.27948713

EOM 1,3

>> No.27948868
File: 880 KB, 960x866, 1612493861808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only dropped 500 bucks on altcoins that proceeded to more than double about a week later
this is what i get for putting 95% of my money in btc/eth

>> No.27948909

My theory is ETH should be much closer to BTC by now, maybe even worth more, but the high gas fees are preventing it from exploding. If Cardano manages to flip ETH, then assuming the network works well, it will have no problem shooting way past where ETH could ever reach, and perhaps even flip BTC at some point

>> No.27949084

I think ADA flips ETH in 1-2 years, wagmi

>> No.27949155

This. ETH is becoming a liability and their solution isn't anywhere in sight.

>> No.27949232

Yeah with low budget you want to invest in altcoins

>> No.27949280

I would never forgive biz if ADA moons as they have told me it’s a shitcoin for 3 full years

>> No.27949288

Look at market caps. ADA's MC id 1/10 of ethereums. So if ADA gets more interest. a $6 ADA is possible. Probably will take months/years.

>> No.27949359

is that first one good? [ALPS]

>> No.27949362

Dude, if biz FUDs a coin, you buy

>> No.27949375

>tfw you know you’re going to retire in the next 5 years and you’re just waiting for it to happen
Is there anything more comfy?

>> No.27949446

All FUD on /biz/ is from holders trying to keep the price down to accumulate more.

>> No.27949472

I'm really salty because I always thought it's good coin but seeing it underpeform so much for so long made me sell my stack.
Now I'm poor

>> No.27949520

Gotta have patience anon

>> No.27950250

The pump and dump is about to end. Take your profits now guys

>> No.27950471

Maybe a 20-30% dump, which is healthy

>> No.27950503

I fucking wish.

>> No.27950594


>> No.27950648

2017 LINK marine here, its worth the wait

>> No.27950717

bro, I told you I already sold months ago, I can't unsell it

>> No.27950989

Should I buy now or wait for a dip? Im going to put in another $5k?

>> No.27951096

ETH on absolute flip watch

>> No.27951326

Bought in. Moving money is always better than it rotting on my bank account.

>> No.27951624

market cap will prevent this from jumping to 100+

>> No.27951671
File: 28 KB, 1135x614, Captura de pantalla 2021-02-07 010656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready up guys we are closing the bulltrap

>> No.27951770

please dump, I am nowhere near done accoomulating

>> No.27951866

hopium overload in this thread

>> No.27951927

i sold at 35% earnings to cover some loses this week. If it dumps i will buy back some again

>> No.27951950

>market cap
A meme

>> No.27952019

I don't calculate using nazi money.

>> No.27952077

I have 900 bro, don't worry
wait for the dip I'll probs put more in too

>> No.27952188

I use Exodus for staking Cardano, Algorand and Cosmos. Great wallet

>> No.27952270

why exodus and not daedalus?

>> No.27952308

Don't listen to this nigger. That's a nice way to get scammed in gas fees.

>> No.27952360

Doubt it'll go under 0.6

>> No.27952463
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>Start trading first time with the retard squad on Etoro for GME
>Pick up 900 ADA because I was looking at the crypto page and it's pretty cheap so I threw the rest of the spare I had at it

I got in at .45 and have no idea what I'm doing, but I'll fuckin' take lucking into a good thing to hold. Any recommended reading for ADA/coins in general? I'd like to not be AS much of a retard come end of year.

>> No.27952538

Just hold ADA until 2025 and thank me later.

>> No.27952599

Shill me on Daedalus

>> No.27952813

im asking, probably know less than you

>> No.27952985

Because I have all these staked coins in the same place. Easy to use.

>> No.27953104

I like the interface on Exodus but the exchange fees are HIGH. They're also very fast to offset the cost of swaps.

>> No.27953417

If you want to turn something into Cardano use fixedfloat.com

>> No.27953703

maybe, but i had a lot of loses this week that were affecting my morale.

>> No.27953817

just sold, its about to crash hard

>> No.27953831

Is 20k ada acceptable?

>> No.27954058

You will retire in 4 years.

>> No.27954060

Nothing will kill ETH
just buy the dip bro
'i'll just buy the dip'

>> No.27954337


>> No.27954646
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Literally brothers

>> No.27954699

delegate already brother

>> No.27954703


Get a Yoroi wallet.

>> No.27954790
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That's a nice word.

>> No.27954813
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Just started a few weeks ago.

>> No.27954840

i'm using adalite as recommended by the ledger site, is that ok? i dmor and they all seem similar to me

>> No.27954951

Guarda wallet here

>> No.27954957

eth cant scale, but it can convince everyone to adapt to clumsy 2nd layer solutions with it's first mover advantage

>> No.27955086

why? it's at .64 rn. staying above the resistant point of .63 if anything it's likely to go .70+

>> No.27955107

Trips, easy 14,000 EOY.

>> No.27955228

Just chill out, accumulate and be sure to stake, this is a 2-3 year investment.

>> No.27955280

For now, while the space is still in its infancy. The problem is that companies are beginning to take blockchain seriously and are going to start buying up teams and projects that bring the most efficient flow of money. This is why ADA is the ETH killer: it will be adopted by real word companies and institutions and ETH won't be. You have to think about crypto in terms of global economy and global finance. ETH was a revolutionary product but it was never designed to meet the needs of a global economy.

>> No.27955309

How do the 'costs' work when staking ADA, is it worth staking 1000ada?

>> No.27955431

Holding on Exodus automatically stakes.

>> No.27955480

newfag here, what is staking and how do you do it? I dont even have a e-wallet yet

>> No.27955577

Charles makes videos very often and explains his project himself. Doesn't get into price potential too much

>> No.27955601

The pool fees are taken from the overall rewards to the pool, so yes it's worth it but of course you're gaining like 5 ada/year.

>> No.27955692

Sorry, that should be like 5 ada/month.

>> No.27955931

It's basically like being a bank. You put your coins up to be loaned out and as a reward you collect the interest on the loans.

>> No.27955994

why should i put a couple hundred in this?

>> No.27956010

>at least 5k a month in the next 4 years

>> No.27956106

wait I lose coins but gain more? I dont get it sorry

>> No.27956384

Exodus is pretty and easy to use... but the lack of security features spooks me a bit.

>> No.27956425

You don't lose shit. It's a fucking money printer.

>> No.27956563

oh gotcha, will set one up after buying more ADA. Need a good dip to buy more

>> No.27956919

You stake ada on their network and you get a reward every 5 days...overall 5% on the timeline.
I just started and i get like 100 ada a month.it does something to the network i m not sure. It s like mining for bitcoin.you get a reward every 5 days. Exept the first 15 days

>> No.27956944

Are my staked rewards automatically added to my total or do I need to collect them. Afterwards do I need to restake them?

T. New fag

>> No.27956962

you shoudlnt it will drop soon, Im close to project, whales are gonna dump it

>> No.27957020

>he's waiting for the dip
Anon, this project is going to be over $1k per ADA in 2025, I wouldn't worry about buying dips when it's still below $1. If you're REALLY concerned DCA your funds in. So, if you have like $1k to invest right now you
>put $100 in now
>wait an hour/day/whatever
>put another $100 in
>do this until the money you set aside for investments is all gone
Congrats you have averaged out your costs and you didn't need to worry about timing the market. TIME IN MARKET IS ALWAYS SUPERIOR TO TIMING THE MARKET

>> No.27957089


>> No.27957298

>over $1k per ADA in 2025
It's impossible, it will be $8 at max.

>> No.27957392
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>wake up
>another 20% increase
Feels good making half a paycheck in a night

>> No.27957405

good points, I'll wait till my funds are ready from another folio

>> No.27957491


>> No.27957514

Why aren't you using Adalite? Both as a wallet and for staking?

>> No.27957842

>it's impossible
It sure isn't.

>> No.27957892

market cap

>> No.27957936

One of the best case scenario is like 60$ anything more would be insane.but then again who would have tought ntc could have reached 40k

>> No.27957952

how can i do that if i bought them on binance?

>> No.27958014

Why can Ethereum hit $1.5k but ADA cannot go above $60?

>> No.27958133

You delegate from inside an ADA wallet.

>> No.27958140

usingg daedelus

>> No.27958263

oh it's to complicated for me
i am a brainlet

>> No.27958279

.... go back

>> No.27958289

53k reporting in. You would be sick if you knew how little I paid.

>> No.27958513

Theres multiple way but you can t do it from binance.there s wallets your could you with that function.some on pc some on ios or android.for extra security you can stake from a ledger nano s or x. Simpler way is just from the yoroi wallet for a tablet or phone.

>> No.27958540

Because there are 114,565,643 ETH and
31,112,484,646 ADA in circulation.

>> No.27958575

>market cap meme
The entire world economy is going on blockchain over the next 9 years. ADA will be a big player in this.

>> No.27958616

Super easy...get a yoroi wallet app on a ios or android device.transfer your ada and you have choices of pools to delegate.take 5m.

>> No.27958721

Yup I just keep waiting and waiting for Binance.US to approve me and for Bank of America to let a wire go through to Kraken. I can buy something else on Coinbase and trade it but then it's a wait and taxable event.

>> No.27959391

Worth trading my GRT for this? whihc will have more long term growth

>> No.27959642

if you have 5k ADA, Finance > Binance Earn > Fixed > Staking.

>> No.27959655

124k reporting in. Looking forwards to retirement.

>> No.27959775

know what supply is you dummy

>> No.27960746

Just people who don't understand the world.
The piece of shit that is BTC is at 40k but anything that is actually good and useful reaching similar levels with a similarly limited supply is apparently nonsense.

>> No.27961308

got about 300k ada will I make?

>> No.27962144

5k stacklet here sirs

>> No.27962393

hey how are people keeping their ada secure? I don't think daedalus supports ledger or trezor but I would like to stake and be able to send funds....

>> No.27962474

sent it to me ill keep it safe

>> No.27962520

o ty

>> No.27962527


Binance is too big to fall.

>> No.27962649

i am NOT keeping it on a cex

>> No.27962787

Raspi I secured myself with full disk encryption, plus encrypted backup of the keys on the cloud.

>> No.27962850

It supports both now, go to add wallet and then pair.

>> No.27962936

o shit really? thanks I will try

>> No.27963496

is Exodus a good wallet?

>> No.27963818

For ADA you only want wallets that let you stake

>> No.27963900

recommend me some fren. Was also gonna stake FTM

>> No.27964425
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tfw only 500 ADA

I'll never make it am i

>> No.27964655

how does 5 sound

>> No.27964672

How do you even know they did deliver on promises? Have you even checkedout testnet?

>> No.27964777


>> No.27965054

This shitcoin cant go above $10 because any more and it means it surpasses Ethereum in market cap

>> No.27965764

There's only two, daedalus and yoroi

>> No.27965872

Imagine a coin that does everything ethereum does but actually scales, isn't PoW, has an emission cap, and can fix retarded fees with a vote.
Truly unthinkable that it would have a higher market cap in the long run.

>> No.27965934

It will surpass eth though. Go peddle your PedoCoin on reddit sir.

>> No.27966278

for americans yes most people won't go through the trouble of waiting to get verified plus connecting their bank accounts to multiple exchanges just in hopes that a coin which they probably don't know much about might be on there. Keep in mind most people can't even afford a whole bitcoin so when the average coinbase user logs on and see what they have available he thinks its already enough for him.

>> No.27966436

Can any AUS bros PLEASE enlighten me on how to deal with staking come tax time...
do we have to record what the dollar value was of the stake on the day we received it? Sounds so fkn tedious.

>> No.27966576

you give the government all your money and stay in your containment island

>> No.27966629

The fuck you talking about? I have Exodus and I'm staking it right now.

>> No.27966633

should i sell some fantom for this

>> No.27967939

I had 100k of this but sold it last October(?) at 12 cents at the foot of the pump, imagine how I feel now lol, worse thing is I believed in the project too but felt at the time it would correct back to 10 cents

>> No.27967988

EOM 1.25
EOQ 5.37
EOY 25

>> No.27968682


My hand are like wet paper i pulled out at 43, hurts man

>> No.27969120

get back in retard it's not even at a dollar OR its ATH yet

>> No.27970069

This shit is already killed by Polkadot before they even launch smart contracts

>> No.27970133

That would make it 10x BTC in market cap which will never happen

>> No.27970226

ADA just passed DOT.

>> No.27970666

Charles Hoskinson is a hack and a scammer

>> No.27971115

>evil trips
The great deceiver trying to deceive us again.

>> No.27971226

It'll take just one DAO-style exploit to crash this back to earth

>> No.27971674
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IOG isn't mETH faggot, they actually have guys with a brain working in the project unlike mETH wannabe programmers

>> No.27972096

By that logic you just divide ETH's max price by 100 and you have ADA's max, which (currently) puts ADA just over £10 for me.

>> No.27973236

EOM - $1
EOQ - $3
EOY - 30c

As soon as eth 2.0 is finished cardano and polkadot are arbitrary and their prices will reflect this.

>> No.27973409
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>> No.27973422

of course it is
the normies can't wait to get in on cardano since the youtubers keep shilling it

>> No.27973518

spot on, fuck these fucking YouTubers do my head in with their stupid ugly gaping faces I just want to arrg idk

>> No.27973635

That's what I'd be worried about, however in the meantime it might be able to grab some market share and become more widely used. If its able to do that, it could secure itself as competition to ETH that perhaps even crypto boomers can figure out how to use.

>> No.27973693


>> No.27973757

It's been strong moving up. I'm sure it will dump at some point but not sure how much.

>> No.27974245

When they released DPoS in Aug 2020, you had to know. All the talk came to life. I wish I got more but only have about 300k

>> No.27975322

chances at $1 today?

>> No.27975372

Why would it dump?

>> No.27975775

I sold a portion of my ADA at 63 cents. When is this gonna dump so I can buy low?

>> No.27975820
File: 20 KB, 800x450, bounce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

possible but not likely, we will see 70c though. 80c next week then after that $1 and $2 end of month.

>> No.27975839
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lol cya this is a one way ticket nigger

>> No.27975940

Im up 46.45% and climbing.
To all those cucks in here telling me my investments were dogshit.
easiest 65k ive ever made in my life.

>> No.27975969

Nope. A correction is inevitable. Learn to take profits along the way and not be a dumb hodler

>> No.27976093
File: 84 KB, 1030x662, ada_lambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah you're right, when it gets to $1 it will correct to $5

>> No.27976125


Sold at 0.641. This is obviously a pajeet pnd, and very hard to sustain now against the sea of red. I'd give it 2-3 more hours and then back to 0.58 with a low of 0.53 before we slowly start to rise again.

>> No.27976161
File: 541 KB, 1314x967, cardano cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's got just about everything you could want in a technical project. It has a passionate leader in Charles Hoskinson who regularly has interviews with interested parties, deeply cares about technology, and will defend it in a way similar to Elon Musk.

They understand why crypto is important and communicate that on a daily basis. For you an me, cryptocurrency isn't important because we have central banks, central identity services, etc. We don't actually need crypto. Undeveloped countries do. In Africa, do you know how they deal with land disputes? They go up to the old people in the village and ask who actually owns the land. Additionally, they have no banking services, nowhere to take out a loan. It's a mess and they will never be part of the rest of the world until they do. Africa is a 6 Trillion dollar economy with over 1 billion people. If we bring them into the fold, it will do great things for the global economy. Cardano already has teams working with African governments.

They have one of the highest amount of commits on the project. Charles Hoskinson, a great developer, is adamant that Cardano has the best code. So, let me run it down:

- They have probably the best spokesman (ala Steve Jobs, Elon Musk)
- They have one of the best codebases.
- They understand the true use case of crypto

If Bitcoin is IBM and Etherium is Apple, then Cardano is Google.

>> No.27976216
File: 60 KB, 900x643, cardano road map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cardano explained in a few minutes:

Cardano 5-10 year vision:
Cardano's PRISM for Identity Management:

Good Interview with Founder:

How Cardano nails it going forward:

Cardano Monthly Update (January 2021):

Channels Cardano founder on youtube:

IOHK on youtube:

>> No.27976273
File: 82 KB, 1045x614, ada shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the real FLIPPENING begin. Cardano just pumped from $7B market cap to $16B market cap in 1 week and it's only accelerating. In 1 week from now, Cardano will flip DOT, XRP, and Tether for the 3rd spot. Then mETHeads will dump their ETH bags for ADA.

Fact #1: Speed/fastest crypto on earth.

ADA can scale to 1M tps (transactions per second),it's so fast it could power entire stock markets for trading.

Fact #2: Most decentralized crypto on earth.

ADA is also the most decentralized coin on earth. As in it's now more decentralized than bitcoin. The stakepools are full. For comparison, ETH founders host their pos nodes on Amazon Web Services kek. Some guy in Seattle could shut down Ethereum if he wanted.


Fact #3: Eco friendly.

Pos is better than proof of work. No minting/mining = electricity not needed and can't be 51% attacked.

Fact #4: ETH > Cardano bridge.

Will cause most ETH apps to move directly to Cardano. They're building a 2-click converted to convert ETH Solidity code to Haskell. Your favorite shitcoin developers from Uniswap, 1inch, etc, will immediately move to Cardano.

Fact #5: Charles Hoskinson never sells.

While faggot founders like Jed McCaleb, Vitalik, Sergey Nazarov, and other spineless worms unload billions of tokens on their fanboys, Charles holds. He's been holding BTC since $1. You won't have massive selloffs if you hodl ADA long term.

Fact #6: ADA is competing with BTC

While other chains like AVAX, DOT, etc, are competing with Ethereum for smart contract plays, ADA is competing with BTC for everything. The tech is superior, it can do everything ETH can, but it's faster, more secure, and more decentralized.

>> No.27976315


Oh don't you worry about educating me anon, I'll have 20% more ADA on Monday than I had today before selling.

>> No.27976324
File: 817 KB, 2092x2197, ada_vs_eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Cardano had the same market cap as Ethereum right now, it would be worth $6.26 apiece.

Keep in mind that the current total crypto market cap only recently passed $1 trillion. Where do you see the crypto market in 5 years? In 10 years? Imagine if the whole market 2x, 3x, or 5x within the next decade, the above figure will be minuscule. In comparison, the market cap of all mined gold is around $10 trillion.

>ADA has lower transaction fees than ETH
>Cardano is more decentralized
>Cardano will support all used programming languages, unlike Ethereum
>Cardano has a limited supply, so it's inherently deflationary, unlike Ethereum
Basically, you're a fucking retard if you don't buy ADA.

>> No.27976421
File: 67 KB, 696x484, ada_black_fella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoom out nigger the price doesn't drop.


>> No.27976433

Im waiting for the dip as well, Hoping to get in at a decent price abd hodling after

>> No.27976490

im HODLing and hoping for another dip so I can buy more. This coin is going to fucking go ballistic this year

>> No.27976521


Sure pajeet, it will just go up indefinitely like GRT, XRP and DOGE pumps orchestrated by the same faggots. A new floor will be set by this but it will be in the 0.5 range.

>> No.27976553
File: 284 KB, 1450x966, ADAfrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the correct play.

>> No.27976687

the only thing is that btc was the first, so was eth, other than that i hold and stake ADA and hope it continues a steady rise because i like the tech. plus competition is good for the ecosystem

>> No.27976975
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am i gmi

>> No.27977064


I’m so jealous.

>holding 7.4k

>> No.27977119

So the max projected price for this is $6? Dang that sucks...
I'd need at least 20,000ADA to make it big.
Anyone reckon there's going to be a correction soon? We've been going up a lot lately, trying to see if I should wait a bit before I buy some more.

>> No.27977126


>> No.27977199

that is if ADA doesn't actually take over developing countries' economies and replace their fiat currency which I sincerely believe they can achieve. XRP tried to posture like they were going to do this but they're literally just the biggest pnd scam bullshit. cardano will achieve this

>> No.27977305

Haha vitalik dumb

>> No.27977359

You gmi, I'm a thirld world wagecuck and barely managed to get 700 ADA, I hope it dips so I can buy because honestly getting it when I earn 200$ a month it's so fucking hard.

I want to get to 1k at least.

>> No.27977391
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>> No.27977687

deposit btc in your binance wallet. literally verified the same day

>> No.27977693

Dubs and I buy in 1hr 23mins from now fuck it

>> No.27977812

I have about 18k in xrp and 2.8k in ada. Should I convert some of my XRP into ADA?

>> No.27977885

if you put btc in your binance wallet will probably be next business day. I put it in 8 pm on a thursday and got verified 7 am the next day

>> No.27978030

if you are a third worlder like me, yes, YAGMI.

>> No.27978100


>> No.27978168

so what's more profitable? Taking gains from ADA in this bullish run, or just stake it?

>> No.27978246

In long term staking in moer profitable 95% for time

>> No.27978513
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>> No.27978780

Stop rising, and dip to 0.53, fucking ADA

>> No.27978830
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Historically speaking it's still not expensive versus ETH. Still 40% upside until we hit resistance which would be around $0.91 but this will obviously rise and fall with the price of ETH. With ETH transactions being expensive and Cardano finally beginning to roll out the developments it's been working on for years before ETH2.0 I wouldn't be surprised if it just turned that into support.

>> No.27978867

Should convert all of it tbqh

>> No.27978876
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>> No.27978910

This is the real deal, not some daily pajeet pnd.
2021 will be a good year for ADA holders

>> No.27978955

I'm not buying a coin that's up 30%.

>> No.27979019

There will be correction soon to around .50. Current pump not sustainable. Big news later this month though so it will moon again, probably $1 eom.

>> No.27979062

i remember thinking the same when LINK was defying all logic... enjoy the slums pleb

>> No.27979072

Dont hold XRP for to long, unless you know what your doing. ADA pumped 80% already, I'd wait for a dip (hopefully for you).

>> No.27979082

Newfag here to Cardano. I bought 550 ADA when it was at .35 cents.

Will it dip anymore or should I buy more? I have 500 extra that I can put in (well technically 1000 extra that I can fuck around with.)

>> No.27979161

ADA is a long hold. If you want to put money into it just do it and don't worry about waiting for dips.

>> No.27979269

Wait until it subsides onto the early 0.50s before buying more.

>> No.27979441

I am going to wait until the end of the week. I can get extra monies

>> No.27979657

i wouldnt be so sure of that... this is years of development coming to fruition in 2021

>> No.27979826

Just go for it. We aren’t even in FOMO yet. Imagine the scenes when le epic wsb redditor elong muskrats catch a whiff of this and pump it. Honestly wouldn’t even shock me at this point if the world’s richest manchild tweeted about it too because he’s a fucking retard

>> No.27979849

Yesterday's max., and min., were 0.64, and 0.50, respectively.

>> No.27980003

I am just waiting for this stupid dogecoin to hit 8 cents and so I can sell all. I'd have 12.3k from dogecoin profits with only 300 dollar imvestment, to dump into ADA

>> No.27980180


>> No.27980840
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Technically and historically speaking it's still way behind.

>> No.27981271

Ledger and trezor for hardware but prepare your anus buying one.

>> No.27981901

We need to stop posting jewtube links.
And encourage content creators to post elsewhere.

>> No.27982124

The coinbase effect is a very real thing anon.

>> No.27982190

Who gives a shit? ADA is going to 100x over the next 5 years, guaranteed. I'm going to keep buying and keep holding until it's over $100. And if we're lucky, the USD will collapse by then too, making that 100x even bigger

>> No.27982378

Who knows, I'm just happy to have a few thousand ADA and enjoy the ride. It's a great feeling picking a contender and watching it rise through the ranks.

>> No.27982760


>> No.27983548

Doenst mean ETH wont moon until people start realizing this. Im keeping my ETH not as a ADA hedge, but because I think it will moon again first. Ill sell it eventually for more ADA or something else but not yet anon.