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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 511 KB, 482x599, ya bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2793031 No.2793031 [Reply] [Original]

sup monacoin users

i'm about to use 10,000 monacoin to buy 5 laptops/netbooks ($2,000 total) for an organization in cambodia that teaches kids computer and photography skills so they can bring in some money for thier families. Third world country, these kid's parents earn $5 a day farming or laboring. With a camera and laptop and the instructor, a kid can earn $20 in one gig. Life changing opportunity for the kid, so yea bout to drop some of my mona earning to help these poor kids. Flying to them in early August

>> No.2793044

If this is true, I salute you

>> No.2793176

>wasting money on the turd world
you are not /biz/ material.

>> No.2793193
File: 123 KB, 941x941, POSW Roadmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying glorious POSW to give back to Africa
Oh you

>> No.2793222

>training a bunch of third worlders to be phishing scammers so they can overpopulate their countries even more

>instead of spending the money toward alleviating child poverty in your own nation


>> No.2793904

One laptop per child...

Is that you Negroponte you fucking ped?

>> No.2793905

>child poverty

>> No.2793924

How about a beer? I'm parched.

>> No.2793944

Holy shit I just woke up and realized that BTC is sub-$2000 now. So glad I went USDT --> BTC at $2100 --> MONA at 18900 sats. MONA keeps me safe <3

>> No.2793970

You make me sick

>> No.2794083

Dude how are they expected to work in the media field down there If the people can't even afford food. Or does the money for them just magically appear? Any job multimedia related can only sustain itself of your reach of clients is wealthy enough to afford your services.
>giving kids expensive equipment for a job nobody needs or could afford down there.
Better send them some farming equipment

>> No.2794311

This is from the kickstarter videos you fucking idiots

>> No.2794371

monacoin is literally going back to 1YEN. It's a complete piece of shit.

Enjoy your bags forever if you buy.

The only thing you see are sell orders for it. Nobody is buying.

Lost 50% of its value over a week.


>> No.2794382

This is also the reason why it kept failing at breaking 100YEN. Because there are huge sell walls of people that hold before.

Zoom out, it's a massive PnD

>> No.2794384

She was in a short-bubble, something that happens every month to her. She moons, dips, then stabilizes somewhere in the middle of the two. Rinse and repeat. Long-term, I have faith in Mona

>> No.2794433
File: 491 KB, 1092x1400, monabtfo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mona fags still shilling this shit coin?

>> No.2794443

Tether + Mona completely absorbed my potential BTC losses from current fall.

>> No.2794444

I noticed the mooning. But what I'm seeing now is Mona falling almost below the previous low which is a very bad omen. String indicator of a bearish market.

MONA also has to moon on the 20 - 23st or the monthly mooning pattern will be broken.

>> No.2794455

How fucking butthurt do you have to be to make a picture like that

>> No.2794470

She'd have to fall about 50% more to reach that. Even if it happened (the most recent moon was unusually large I'll admit), keep in mind that these cycles actually predate the April crypto boom. She also had these cycles at the beginnings of January (50%), February (20%), and March (60%).
It's an ironic Jap meme, Mona loves Nomona

>> No.2794547

Whales are pumping Mona on ZAIF for the third time within the last 24 hours, ATH-buying bagholders slowly exiting and lightening the load. 22200 on Bittrex right now. It's accumulation time, baby.

>> No.2794956
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Love you, Mona!

>> No.2795051

Shut the fuck up shitcoiners

your precious weeb coin won't save you

>> No.2795083
File: 128 KB, 425x700, 1498955170173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up 25% over BTC right now.

>> No.2795105

dam this market got yall mad
im just trying to help out some poor folks

>> No.2795115

>5 laptop
You got scammed. Get $200-300 laptop.

Also, any practical use of this shitcoin? Keep seeing it shilled on /biz.

>> No.2795162

Can be used to purchase things at niche stores currently but it's expanding in reach, recently accepted at some ATMs in Japan alongside Bitcoin.

>> No.2795185

Hot tip: Mona is currently 200 blocks away from its halvening.

>> No.2795194

Really. Who's the backers? Any jap big shots involved in this? Does hiroshimoot got involved in any of this?
Googling doesn't really help. Even if only Akiba/Denden shops would support it on unison it might be at least more useful compared than the rest of shitcoins.

>> No.2795218

None that I'm aware of, I think it's more of a tightknit community thing. Sort of the meme appeal of DOGE, but more anti-inflationary, also fairly old (the first Japanese crypto), and with a group of dedicated fans and workers that frequently improve the wallet and apps, e.g. tipping, SegWit activation, stuff that other altcoins from late-comers only promise. It doesn't have that killer edge that other coins promise, but it's very well-rounded. Personally, the greatest value I get out of it is that it's tied to the yen (80% of trades are done on ZAIF), which means it's out of phase with 95% of the market and is great for riding a turbulent market.

>> No.2795224

They actually do. Look at the map of monacoin ATMs. They are in akihabara

>> No.2795285

Any news? Announcement in near time? Japs is gung-ho about fintech, so if names like mizuho or sbi give any slightest damn about mona, it might pick-up pace.

From my research so far:
>atm is powered by zaif? English damnit
>jap fintech space still prefer playing safe with btc?

>> No.2795302

I think one of the things which probably scares potential investors and collaborators is that it is whale-heavy. The founder owns something like 20% of the supply; he and the other whales aren't stupid and I doubt they'll crash the market, but I'm not sure it's a good look from the outside.

If they ever do a large coin burn, however, I'd expect things to hit the moon.

>> No.2795332
File: 363 KB, 589x727, 359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mona chan daisuki~

>> No.2795340
File: 338 KB, 859x1214, 1498952682673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25300 sats on Bittrex! On Coinmarket cap, Mona's the #1 24hr gainer of all coins in the top 100 marketcap! Love you Mona!

>> No.2795365
File: 63 KB, 749x565, mona16072017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2795370

What a fucking waste

>> No.2795412
File: 50 KB, 600x400, 1499224152950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

150 blocks from halving point now. (at 1051k: https://bchain.info/MONA).).

At 1.5min per block, that's in a little over 3 and a half hours

>> No.2795413
File: 1.82 MB, 1480x1103, 1498991265680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mite be cool to see it used in comiket. It already got some legs.
Will wait and see. Thanks for the info.

>> No.2795440

I didn't realize it was this close. I'm actually a little worried that Japan is about to sell the news right now.

>> No.2795761
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98 blocks remaining!

>> No.2796252
File: 53 KB, 640x640, 1497757247845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 blocks left! Will she hit 27000 again?

>> No.2796355

Where can I check the remaining blocks Mona Chan?

>> No.2796369
File: 201 KB, 568x781, 1496821385148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That very last block sure is stubborn!

>> No.2796561

i see mona had a nice pump. once i have more money i will invest in the weebs