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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2792226 No.2792226 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss these prices, guys.

>> No.2792242

We could buy 10-12 year olds and pass them off as 7-9 year olds we could make an easy 40 dollar profit.

>> No.2792344

Think about how much money you could make here. Buy 50 Twenty Year old girls, have them get their makeup done, put them in cheap apartments and make them cam whore for 18 hours a day. Collect all the profits except for living costs and you would be making millions.

>> No.2792367
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>> No.2792415

Guys guys guys I figured out how to short this market.

You borrow a 7 year old, then sell her to some pervert buyer. Then you wait a few years and buy back the now 10 y.o. girl for a lower price, who you then give back to the guy you borrowed her from.

am i doin it rite?

>> No.2792436

They depreciate worse than cars do

>> No.2792509

The "ISIS sex slaves" thing is literally just war propaganda.

The evidence of it existing is nil. We have tens of thousands of videos and photos of the most brutal shit happening in ISIS territory, we have HD videos of men being run over by tanks, burnt alive, butchered and bled out in giant slaughterhouses while their friends are forced to watch...we have photos of barely teenage boys having their hands cut off, and men being crucified.

There's no evidence of the sex slave stuff, this list that the UN representative promoted has been repeatedly shown to be a fraud, but she keeps repeating it - probably because she's paid to do so. The list was fabricated and several authorities have openly said this, which begs the question why? Various anti-ISIS groups have also staged protests 'mimicking' what ISIS sex slave trades would look like, and these photos are then usually taken out of context and claimed ot be actual photos of the trade - the people appropriating these photos are usually 'alt news' sources, probably run by the CIA.

Notice the list doesn't mention male slaves. Why not?? You can't fuck a 1-9 year old girl.

>> No.2792527
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Cant fuck a 9 year old...

>> No.2792549

what exchange

>> No.2792585

ok this thread's getting kind of weird now.

>> No.2792625

I wonder why ISIS doesn't do this already. They'd make even more on the 1-9, as well. Plus who's going to arrest ISIS? We're already planning on killing them every time we get the chance.

>> No.2792686

why the fuck is a 9 year old the most expensive

it's a kid who you can't even fuck properly and can't take care of herself

10-20 should be the most expensive

sandniggers are so fucking dumb

>> No.2792731


>60-90 isn't listed

This is actually the big money opportunity /biz/ was waiting for.

>> No.2792736
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Let's pump & dump 41-50 on YoBit!

>> No.2792789
File: 4 KB, 225x224, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i invested into 41-50s but now their values are crashing due to the defeat in Mosul.


>> No.2792808


21-30 masterrace here:

I'm laughing right now. How could you invest in such old garbarge...it's like you wanna be poor forever

>> No.2792814

So... buy high sell low?


>> No.2792821

What are you, a jellyfish...?

>> No.2792832

lol yeah right...

>> No.2792840

short 10-20

>> No.2792843


Or just buy some 10-20 year olds and impregnate them with beta semen to get continously offspring.

>> No.2792854


>shorting young pussy

The demand is endless. Dafuq you doing.

>> No.2792876


>buy high sell low

>> No.2792880

9 yo will eventually be 20, retard. Also, they probably price them by demand. Even though I bet there is a bigger supply of 9 yos they are probably sought after more too

>> No.2792897

buy 500 10-20 year olds, impregnate them all, sell babies a year later

make half a mil per year while enjoying a massive harem.

>> No.2793245
File: 18 KB, 400x430, ant god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500 10-20 YO

Babies = 500 per year

500 x 165 = 82,500 < 0.5M

>> No.2793492

I laughed

>> No.2793508

my own loli for less than 200$?

sounds pretty cool tbqh, but i bet most of them are dirty sandniggers, and they are not cute at all

wouldn't even want one if they were free

>> No.2793625

Why pay for 165 tier now when you could pay buy 2 82 tier and make 3-4 generations of 165 tier ones?
at basic religious nutjob fertility levels, you'd easily get 10 girls in the first gen, 50 in the 2nd, 250 in the third, and 1250 in the fourth. They're all inbred already, but if you're worried you could get even more value by pimping them to less savvy investors.
that's a 25000-125000% return on your investment over 60 years, not even counting all the slave labor.
invest now!

>> No.2793884
File: 106 KB, 1100x1380, IMG_0795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna sell females with aids withour telling the buyer thats she is inferior. Gotta prank hard fuckerz