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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2789491 No.2789491 [Reply] [Original]

>make $2000 a month day trading crypto and forex and an extra $1000 on the side doing online freelance programming gigs
>friends and family keep telling me to "get a real job"

What exactly is a "real job" /biz/? I keep hearing this meme thrown around and I don't really understand it's context when I'm earning money and living independently anyway

>> No.2789506

tell me about forex, how do you know what to buy.

>> No.2789507

your friends and family are trash. Cut or limit contact

>> No.2789512

What they're telling you is that they want you to drive to a place, get fucked, and drive back in the evening, it's not that hard OP.

>> No.2789530


I mainly trade major currency pairs. As to how I know what to buy/sell, I've been doing this for over 3 years now so I kinda have a feel of the market.

Why tho? They only ever tell me to get a "real job" in a jokingly manner, but it does get annoying hearing the same shit every time, because I get the feeling they secretly don't approve of what I am currently doing.

>> No.2789531
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Who gives a fuck mate, why do you care about what they're saying? You're not a burden, that's all that matter.

I'm a linguist freelancer and do a bit of trading on the side, people usually do not understand my life style but who cares.
To each their own.

>> No.2789596

They are mad that you aren't getting rammed up the ass like they are. It's amazing who will get told to "get a real job". Youtubers getting half a million views get told this regularly. It's butthurt normies jealous that someone else escaped wageslavery while they are stuck begging their boss for permission to go to their own kid's graduation.

>> No.2789652

>be me, freelancerfag
>make 6 grand a month writing sales copy for 9 figure publishing house
>on my way to hit first five-figure month
>client paid for me to come to their HQ for training
>paid transportation, apartment, edumucation, everything
>make same money as friend whos engineer
>mom still keeps telling me to get a "real job"

>> No.2789663

they're jealous and want to convince themselves youre just getting lucky because theyre too stupid to figure it out.

>> No.2789715

How much DGB do I need to marry her?

>> No.2789721


You can safely say that if you own a million or more DGB, in just a few short years she could be yours.

>> No.2789727

>They only ever tell me to get a "real job" in a jokingly manner, but it does get annoying hearing the same shit every time, because I get the feeling they secretly don't approve of what I am currently doing.
Wow, what a complete faggot. Cry us a river.

>> No.2789744


more than u probably have right now

>> No.2789766

They put all their income into paying off the loans on their houses, cars, campers, boats, motorcycles... They could have already been rich by smartly managing their income from their "real job" but they don't have the brain power, and so they will always live just at the edge of poverty.

>> No.2789792
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>Was reading about possible next bubble from car loans
>Catching up with friends that evening
>"yeah bro, I just bought this £25k car on finance"
>He makes about £18k per year before taxes


>> No.2789824

sometimes i worry about people getting into crypto before i can accumulate more of it.
then i realize 90% of people are idiots blowing their money on meaningless stupid shit. i understand going out and all that, but some people have 4 cars with 2 people in the household, my friend has a car specifically for taking trash to the dump because he doesnt want to pay for the garbage service, fucking idiot acts like he doesnt know car payments and insurrance are 6x if not more the cost of the service.

>> No.2789851


>> No.2789852

Where I live EVERYONE gets a big fifth wheel camper that they use 3 weekends out of the year. I don't understand the appeal. It's such a fucking hassle moving these things around and maintaining them that I don't see how they can even enjoy camping. They also buy a big truck just to haul them and then spend shitloads on gas driving these trucks the rest of the year.

>> No.2790241

Teach me your Forex ways, senpai.

>> No.2790266
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what they mean is: become a wage slave and waste your life and time like they do, because their slave mentality doesn't allow them to acknowledge how much they fucked up.

>> No.2790269

a real job is one that one kill you. those will even if you do end up making money. I make more than you just at my wage cuck day job.

>> No.2790407

a 'real job' means something stable where you have an actual payroll

>> No.2790450

I can write but i don't have a writing/English degree, how can I get into writing copy as a freelancer?

>> No.2790533

>have an actual payroll
And pay taxes? DISGUSTING.

>> No.2790558

Please pay your taxes. My welfare/disability ain't gonna pay for itself.

>> No.2790576

How many programming gigs does it take to get $1000? Does it depend on your reputation and qualifications?
What if I don't have a CS degree but I'm good at C#, WPF, and decent at JS, learning HTML/CSS

>> No.2790585
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They mean get some social prestige, you fucking clown.

No one cares if you make $150k per year if you do it sitting around in your shorts at home.

A doctor or lawyer will always be imminently more respectable. These guys get fucked on regular by supermodels, free game tickets, invites to make personal connections with Democratic Senators.

You're a fucking cuck if you work at home doing shit no one will understand.

>> No.2790596

>democratic senators

i'd rather be a neet that have connections with that cancer

>> No.2790599


clients only care if your writing moves units
if you can write copy that sells stuff, noone cares about your academic background

read up on direct response copywriting, learn the fundamentals and then you can either sell your own shit or work for clients

>> No.2790647

Thanks anon, I'll look into direct response copywriting. Should i also set up my own website with samples, LinkedIn, etc? Will it be difficult for me to get good jobs with non-shitty clients if i have no reviews?

>> No.2790683

>These guys get fucked on regular by supermodels, free game tickets, invites to make personal connections with Democratic Senators.

>> No.2790691

>No one cares if you make $150k per year if you do it sitting around in your shorts at home.
>A doctor or lawyer will always be imminently more respectable.

what did your parents do to you that you are this retarded?

>> No.2790708

This is like the early days of online poker or the dot com boom, I refuse to believe so many people can people succesful traders in the long term.

>> No.2790709

95% of these clowns will blow up

>> No.2790765 [DELETED] 

>A doctor or lawyer will always be imminently more respectable. These guys get fucked on regular by supermodels
what planet do you live on where some fresh-faced junior partner who works 80-90 hour weeks is going around regularly banging supermodels?

jesus you sound underage

>> No.2790785

>What exactly is a "real job" /biz/?

A real job is something that allows you to help others by being of service to them.

Anything else isn't a real job.

>> No.2790901

A real job is where you clock in every day and make a lot of money for someone else and feel thankful at the end of the day

>> No.2790910

Hi OP, hit me up at xapizewulo@bestvpn.top.
Lets talk about trading and programming

>> No.2790912

I trade for living also and they are probably envious of the freedom you have.

They say get a job but in my opinion it can be translated "Do what everyone else does, so we don't feel bads for not wanting something more."

Misery loves company and people in general don't have an entrepreneural drive like yourself and mine.

They don't understand that to us it not abut pretiege or recognition. It's about freedom for the slave labor that is a "normal" job.

Our job is full time hustler. Not that I'm out to screw people over. When I say hustler I mean it the sense of the word. I hustle,I move quickly I'm always in motion.

I don't know how long I will succeed in trading, so we have our first rental home, a 2nd house just bought and relished and are going to tackle a 203k project in the next year.

For now it gives me the luxury of making mine own hours and what I earn is what I put into it. Annnnd now I gotta get back to it.

Lol normal job :)

>> No.2790915


Sure you do.

>> No.2790922

They want you to have a job that brings in money for a longer period of time than between April 2017 to June 2017.

>> No.2790932

Why not. If the market cap Co tines to grow and the tech is there along with innovation which attracts more money, it is completely possible for those doing well now to continue to do so.

>> No.2790980

Hats of to you OP, keep doing what you're doing. Hope I can become more like you

>> No.2791005


all these fucking idiots taking the bait...

>> No.2791072

a job that pays more than 36k/year and has benefits

>> No.2791355
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>> No.2791469

A real job always implies being a cuck wageslave, business owners, pentioners, freelancers and people who live on passive income are considered jobless

>> No.2791489

Volunteering and sucking cock for free isn't a real job, neither is begin a paidless moderator on an imageboard or forum

>> No.2791518

>make $2000 a month day trading crypto and forex and an extra $1000 on the side doing online freelance programming gigs

Before or after taxes? Is the income consistent?

>What exactly is a "real job" /biz/?

If you can't live independently with your income, then it's not a real job.

>> No.2792313

no, i real job means being someone/some companys paid bitch. Why settle for doing someone elses chores when you can figure out how to have someone else do them, and make money on top of it.

>> No.2792362

Are you living with your parents? If so that's why they say it. If not fuck em.

>> No.2792388

It's true unless he says he's a financial trader or something if he tries to explain crypto he's not going to make it.

>> No.2792510
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>get lucky and make $2000 once
>pretend it's monthly income

>> No.2792819

Because most self-employed people don't become self-employed right off the bat. They usually get experience in whatever industry they're working in first, build connections, then they start their own business.

NEETs think they can skip the normal process. They think working for others is beneath them. They think running a business is as simple as ordering people around when in reality it's not that simple. When they think like that, how are they going to attract people to work for them? How to they even attract customers?