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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27884734 No.27884734 [Reply] [Original]

"Those who don't learn history will repeat it..."

>> No.27884891

green go to high so bad
green go more high this time
when go to high time to sell

>> No.27884916

Normies buying in when they seen about the buttcoin on the TV news, then shitting it when it dropped slightly and selling them off.
With the rise of mobile apps, we're getting another group of normies buying crypto.
They'll crash the market again when bitcoin drops 10% in a day.

>> No.27885000

We are primed for an economic collapse OP. Everybody is already anticipating the stock market to crash, this crypto bull run will crash too afterwards.

>> No.27885030

If BTC crashes would it take everyone else with it? I'm still new to this so trying to see the relationship between BTC and crypto's in general.

>> No.27885210

A BTC crash will cause the rest of crypto to crash.
A stock market crash will cause crypto to crash as well.
We saw this happen exactly in March 2020.
For awhile I thought LINK was immune to the BTC crash because it was holding its stats and value, but it crashed hard too. Probably the last time you could buy it under $3.

>> No.27885233

Could go the opposite too where everyone dumps their BTC into the nearest shitcoins.

>> No.27885239

I thought since we "flash crashed" in 2020 that we were able to dodge a real crash. shit mane, economics is so complicated..

>> No.27885241

bitcoin will be held if the stockmarket / economy crashes. are you retarded? why would they cash into a worthless dollar? Everyone will be using their now defunct fiat dollars to buy bitcoin because they learned from the last time.

>> No.27885336

Yeah yeah faggot. We thought BTC wasn't linked to the stock market but we saw otherwise back in March.
And no nigger, we won't be seeing the collapse of the US dollar anytime soon. We will see a recession however.

>> No.27885342

BTC taking a hit immediately stops bull runs on everything else. First people sell to dump into BTC, then they sell out of BTC and wait

>> No.27885362

It was a ded cat from 17. U know 4 yr cycles? Went quite high to an accu phase.

>> No.27885374
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HAHA. THIS MARKET IS NEVER GOING TO CRASH! Biden is about to give everyone $2k to invest. The FED keeps buying our bags. No one has to pay rent. Companies are paying people to sit at home and trade stocks online instead of work. We are all rich, and it's never going to stop! HAHAHA!

>> No.27885501

you're the idiot Bitcoin -50% in one day in March

>> No.27885524

The 2k (actually 1400$) is nothing, the new corona relief package will include an extension to unemployment benefits. They are going to be paying wagies to stay at home, and where do you think they will be putting that money?

>> No.27885535

That was because of the sudden drop in investment because of a pandemic you moronic cock. People pulled out of BTC because they thought they might have to boog out. Now that the fed printed 80 gorillion monopoly monies and we’re living in the Weimar Republic, digital Monopoly money will be worth infinitely more

>> No.27885637

Big money will pull immediately after NEETbux get sent out this last time. Probably at least an additional $200B will be injected before this bubble bursts.

>> No.27885720

Yeah because our society already has the infrastructure to function solely on crypto. Just imagine going to the grocery store and then paying $40 in network fees on top of your groceries. Unless you have gold/silver you won't make it in a post-USD world.

I'd like to believe that as well.

>> No.27885908

Futures caused it

>> No.27885992

>where do you think they will be putting that money?
netflix subscriptions, shoes/clothes, basically any useless shit, my friend used his last corona gibs to put a lift kit on his 2018 truck and got new tires. Maybe a small fraction will buy stocks, even less crypto. Normies are only marginally aware of bitcoin, much less other currencies.

>> No.27886054

Zoom out, dumbass

>> No.27886102

what the fuck did you just say to me you punk ass whiteboy? I'll fuck you til you love me, faggot.

>> No.27886150

Nah, if anything the mega bullishness since march has made people more concerned

>> No.27886173
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Can't wait until everything crashes so I can buy in. I won't let anything stop me from making it this time.

>> No.27886355

Once neets, normies AND companies dump everything to cash out, who the hell will be left to buy your bags even at $1000 cost? You can only trade with druggies and basement dwelling neets by then.

>> No.27886362
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markets crash for no reason cause there’s not enough liquidity at the top.
this and the fact that the mt gox trustee market sold the recovered coins are reasons but if he didn’t do it another whale would eventually do it

>> No.27886384

best take I've seen. Just gotta figure out when the last people get their checks and then maybe 3 weeks after that. They aren't gonna fuck the market before that big payday comes. Short interest on BTC is down actually. Was 14% last week.

>> No.27886444

>timing markets

>> No.27886477

Yes that's true too...

>> No.27886517

you have to go back

>> No.27886524
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It doesn't feel like it

But who knows

>> No.27886571

>let me go to the grocery store and use my gold/silver
KYS faggot

>> No.27886586

The crash in 2018 was the hangover from the drunken 2017 ICO craze. The economics of ICOs form a negative feedback loop on price. Initially, price of ether and various coins rises due to euphoria. Once devs cash out from shit projects, the coin dumps and so does ether.

The current DeFi trend seems to have unleashed a positive feedback loop. Liquidity gets locked in the market making mechanism, rewards are provided to holders, attracting more participants who re-invest, further increasing liquidity. It's a much better, longer-term phenomenon than the ICO craze.

But that's just my two cents...

>> No.27886650

>markets crash for no reason cause there’s not enough liquidity at the top.
what's the rationale here? Why would they do that?

>> No.27886656

Same as what will happen in this cycle.
>People sell their BTC to speculate heavily on alt coins, reducing buy pressure and increasing sell pressure on BTC.
>Alts rocket up for a while
>BTC price starts to sink, but everyone is so excited about their 100x altcoin gains that they dont care.
>People realize alts arent rising anymore because BTC is crashing and that was the main source of money flowing into alts.
> Everything dumps into the abyss. Except alts dump even harder than BTC.
> Repeat every 4 years.

>> No.27886677

also, money printer go brrrr

>> No.27886700

Michael Saylor didnt take a loan to sit on an asset that generates no income. Even now he’a shilling bitcoin to other corporations and he will dump on them when they buy in big. MSTR has actually increased in value TWICE as much as BTC, so it is its own bubble within a bubble by positioning itself as a “sort of but not really” BTC ETF on the NASDAQ.

>> No.27886723

MMM yummy hyperinflation

>> No.27886738

Newfag pls, do you not remember last March? Everything crashes in a economy-wide crash. Everything. Over-leveraged people in the stock market end up needing to liquidate their other assets like crypto so they can meet their margin calls. People get laid off and need to liquidate their investments so they can put food on the table and afford rent. And the whole thing triggers a vicious feedback cycle.

Even fucking gold completely tanked during the 2008 and 2020 crashes.

>> No.27886780

No retard, people repeat themselves. People. Not history. History evolves. It is ever-changing. No aspect of it is cyclical. People are stupid. People often fail to learn from their mistakes.

>> No.27886787

It’s peaked by the end of 17 and crashed too. Since crypto was first stocks like for many people they lost their hope to fast gains and give up with heavy losses. However if you see stocks charts in 2017 and 2021 you’ll understand that 40k definitely not even close to limit. It’s about 125k

>> No.27886813

DeFi has to generate value from somewhere to pay interest to people who are staking, and as more people buy in, even more money has to be paid out. Who’s on the other side, borrowing from the BTC and paying the interest? What happens if they default? If DeFi collapses, this shit will sink FASTER than 2017.

>> No.27886847

Nice positive take. I like this (for my heart).

>> No.27886856

This and a combination of normies going crazy in the space and being erratic with their movements. Though I think we're in for 2 more alt/btc szns before the top in Octoberish

>> No.27886880

Not assets kek

PS5s, Uber eats, Hulu, (insert normie consoomer product here)

>> No.27887032


lmao who is on the other side


have you seen hedera hashgraphs partners? what about Injective protocol?

this isn’t 2017 where these start ups had no funding. that’s the key word here: funding

>> No.27887093

People seem to forget that stuff is only as valuable as the demand for it. You can hoard all the gold you want but itll be worthless in a post-nuclear situation, for example, what good will gold do anyone there.

>> No.27887188

Unironically I survived 2017-2018 crash by exchanging everything to doge. However approximately in May dumped even more. Soon or later btc will affect others. You need to understand that only btc, eth, xmr were adapted by standard for darknet. And unironically doge used for low fee withdrawal from exchanges and maybe tool for studying day trading too since high percent price changing and high volume

>> No.27887206
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>> No.27887335

everyone though we were gonna die in march
hyper inflation is different, shit happened all the time

>> No.27887342

If things are ever that bad everyone would literally be dead. I really cant see a world where things are so bad that people find no point in using gold.

>> No.27887350

markets crash cause there are more sellers than buyers. that’s all. you can make up reasons like the trustee after the fact but it’s a natural law, its destiny. it’s a natural structure that happens all the time and even with the fed intervening these past 10 years the end result will eventually be the same

>> No.27887507

>what's the rationale here? Why would they do that?
They are wolves. The public are sheep.

>> No.27887649


>> No.27887650

>Michael Saylor
doesn't understand what he bought. Don't believe me ? Have a listen.

>> No.27887704
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crypto is all fake money that is a playground for very wealthy people. There is no natural cause and effect to this market like stonks unless they are getting obviously manipulated which is highly illegal. (GME) In otherwords, in crypto you ares still the jews bitch and anyone with a big enough dick can crash or pump, or just do whatever the fuck they want to it. Its a playground for them, not a revenue stream.

>> No.27888033

jesus fuck this guys a retard

>> No.27888193

Pets.com had funding too.

The other word is BURN RATE.

>> No.27888647
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China FUD, India FUD, Japan FUD, every FUD that says the country banning crypto comes every week.
Charlie Lee (LTC Founder) sells all his LTC bags
XRP flipping ETH placed BTC dominance at 35ish%
BCH mooning, (200% or 300% increase in a day) everyone selling BTC for BCH i watched the chart goes ham, BTC went from 20k to 14k in a single night, that's when BTC dominance are it's lowest, people start selling BTC for alts
And the final blow are "BITCONEEEECCCTTTTT", the exit scam make people fear crypto, alt market are crushed that's why alts hit the hardest during recovery (-80 -90%) if you hold a shitcoin with no purpose like REQ, VET, AION, NANO, or other crap

>> No.27888979

Wow, gay much?

>> No.27890237
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> if everyone is dead, things aren’t valuable!

>> No.27890288

So if you are just buying in before the start of a crash, is it better to sell and make out with some profits, or is it better to hodl and dca until the next boom?

>> No.27890361

BTC has stagnated. Im gonna wait for another 10% for this week then sell.
Crash is imminent. A lot of celebs have been tweeting about the stock market and crypto lately.
Remember your lessons. This shit will crash anytime soon.

>> No.27890365

Or a better question would be if you buy at the tip and the market crashes before you sell, is it better to hold and dca?

>> No.27890469

And then in 1-2 years it’s up 200-300% from when you sold earlier

Hodl cunt

>> No.27890504

Im gonna buy the dip of course you DIPshit

>> No.27890507

you live in delusion my friend, there will be no "collapse" as you imagine

>> No.27890654

Triple dubs confirm inevitable disaster

>> No.27890692

Why do you think btc price depend only on what's happening in USA when it's a world market and 50% are owned by chink?

>> No.27890780

>doge to study day trading
doge is the best way to learn to daytrade
it swings around like a fucky forex pair

>> No.27890810

Even gold crashed. This stock-crypto correlation is entirely false.

>> No.27890892

it is correlated.
Its like you didnt feel shit about coronashit happening at full swing in march when eth dropped to 300$

>> No.27891199

>Biden to dole out $1.4k to every middle class American
>Major economic sectors to full reopen in Q3 and 3
>International travel about to explode in 2022

Not going boomercore right now is a literal pants on head retard move

>> No.27891503
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Was he right?

>> No.27891598

nope. we are just starting with for com bubble 2.0. you’re in early. dump on the normies in 3-4 years with occasional sneaky dumps in between

>> No.27891619

Chinese new year sell off.
it's next week by the way so this weekend could be interesting.
Then i suspect the markets will be much quieter for a few weeks.

>> No.27891671


Are you retarded? Explain to me how Hedera is anything like pets.com

>> No.27891741

It's not 2018 anymore bro crypto will only grow in value as more people understand it

>> No.27891948


Price suppression just began?

Fuck yes, we are early !

>> No.27891969

Yeah, but did you buyed?

>> No.27892065


Crypto correlates with perceived US instability

>> No.27892110

7% predicted GDP growth according to blackrock and you advise buying shiny rocks lmfao
in a year youre going to be coping hard nigger

>> No.27892170

As the price goes up, the risk/reward ratio goes down. At some point, it’s obvious that buying at the current prices is not a sound idea. As the price goes up, more and more people realize this and stop buying in. People then notice the price isn’t going up anymore and start to sell, making the price go down, which creates a positive feedback loop, resulting in a crash.

>> No.27892264

crash and muli-year bear market are coming
i just hope not this year

>> No.27892446

yup natural law of markets, all there is to it

>> No.27892489

ETH bros... not the futures...

>> No.27892542

the biggest normie i know, one of my siblings, asked me about buying dogecoin. in late 2017/2018, they were asking about bitcoin. so yes, this poster is correct. sell now

>> No.27893017

Thanks for the sell signal.

>> No.27893073


>> No.27893123

China FUD
Failed projects spreading contagion to the market
Korea FUD
Normalfags buying in at the peak

>> No.27893147

Regular folk will probably never go into crypto until it becomes way more user friendly and actually usable in the day to day. We're still super early.

>> No.27893193

>Michael Saylor: "I love (Big Cock) Bitcoin/BSV the way it is"!!!

>> No.27893258

Here's a pro-tip: "regular folk" will never use crypto. At the most some businesses may use private blockchain technology.

>> No.27893269


>> No.27893290

Have shilled by friends some good projects that would have made lot of money but anything beyond Coinbase breaks their brains

>> No.27894143

This anon is right. This is just pure euphoric mania ICO craze just defi this time. It will all come crashing down and fuck the whole market with it. Only a select few defi platforms will survive.

>> No.27894442

You forgot the heavy Tether FUD.

>> No.27894461

High IQ. The people on the other side are degenerate gamblers borrowing crypto to gamble it on more crypto. It’s a fucking house of cards. There is WAY more crypto being traded than actually exists.

>> No.27894472

Buy the dip, retard
>they said more and more
Then shill this shit on /biz/
>good I have bot ocean subscription and use bots for trading and less risks on DEX

>> No.27894603

Cme. The only reason

>> No.27894605

sweet summer child

>> No.27894613

you fags are all stupid and gay. just buy crypto and stfu, you aren’t smart

>> No.27894812
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normies started talking about it.
I walked into a bar and people were talking about buying some.

As a rule, when the average person starts talking about a stock/coin, it's time to sell out before the bubble bursts.

>> No.27894911

>mt gox trustee market sold the recovered coins
what? pretty sure they still haven't gotten their coins
in fact mt gox trustees getting their coins is still fud

>> No.27894931
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>sweet summer child

>> No.27895037

The crypto market is propped up by FOMO. I'll elaborate.
It has very little use outside of a few niches, mainly buying and selling drugs over the darknet. People know it's kinda useless right now but everybody also thinks that crypto is "the future" and will replace fiat at some point (it probably won't, be real with yourselves)
this attracted people with more cents than sense. You know who likes people with more cents than sense? Bankers and other financiers.
The whole thing is propped up by FOMO and has no real value outside of buying illegal things on the internet.

>> No.27895154
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ignore all linear chart posters
sage all linear chart posters
hide all linear chart posters

>> No.27895304

wtf does this mean?

>> No.27895785

Dumb shit it's a Tyson quote, are you a Zoomer?

>> No.27895962

smooth brain smooth line

>> No.27896072

Btc won't crash because of shills like micheal Saylor and elon musk.

>> No.27896178
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>> No.27896254

Congratulations you’re the 1,000,000,000,000th person to say this you win $1M Bitcoin.

>> No.27896309

Theyll just buy the sale like in first dips in 2017, after media goes after btc its time to sell dude eg. tells bitcorn is dead

>> No.27896340

It's true tho

>> No.27896435

It will crash at some point, but I think crypto is moving too quickly for a TWO FUCKING YEAR bear market to follow.

>> No.27896479

Top is not near yet.

>> No.27896575

Even Snoop dog is talking about crypto now.
If that isn’t a massive fucking warning sign to sell immediately there is no hope for you.
Cripple used to be over $3, don’t make the same mistake again.

>> No.27896620

Btc went 20x from the ath in just 2017 alone anon, have we 20xd from 19,5k?

>> No.27896683

Ive heard that normie integration will speed up the process and we will end up with shorter bull markets and longer and multiple bear markets until the government steps in and bans crypto just to release their coin instead and effectively killing the dollar in the process

>> No.27897752

Not being able to be endlessly minted is its utility

>> No.27897907

Back to the 2013 days and history will repeat

>> No.27898140

It will crash and probably before Halloween this year because normies will inflate the price now that it is on their radar.
Prepare for random pump and dump situation because they all rush off to buy a coin all at once while being public about it
Every good size pump will become huge and every dip a potential market crasher.
I will get out before all this shit happens.
At worst I miss out and start up again a little behind

>> No.27898276

Should I get in now or wait for next end of world btc crash?

>> No.27898312

Get in now and make all the money you can this year before leaving.
After that invest in something else that was inflated like the housing market

>> No.27898325

look it up newfag he sold 35k from jan to march alone. market sold on exchanges.

>> No.27898372

What caused it? regular market cycles... The same happened in 2014, but everyone who wants there just says Mt Gox caused it... but nope, it was the market cycle that time too.

>> No.27898402

I want it to crash so I can buy a fuck tonne

>> No.27898430

We’re currently in a depression

>> No.27898535

"market cycle" is a term coined by the banks who control the money. Crypto moves with regular markets but is not regulated in the same way and can pump or dump way harder.

>> No.27898538

I’m not selling 1c of my cryptos. See you in 10 years bobo, I will gladly let you cook dinner for me

>> No.27898764

this is why mass adoption will speed up the process until every coin is a pump and dump on a daily basis.
Crypto WILL get banned one day and their excuse will be unfair volatility.
Every major country will establish their own coins and only coins with utility will be used aside from new state coins
You didn't pay taxes? They take the money directly from you.
You are on the lam? Unload your wallet so now you have to steal and be found through facial recognition cameras.
Basically its running off the "It you aren't doing anything bad you would have nothing to hide" ideology

>> No.27898797

all speculative markets are attached.

>> No.27898855


>> No.27898900

who allowed them to shill this trashcoin?

>> No.27898945
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>tfw too afraid to invest in shitcoins right now because btc rally ending dumping could kill the entire market

>> No.27899105

actually the way we saved that flash crash from turning into a real crash is just going to make the real crash WORSE.

>> No.27899150

go all in, it literally can't go lower. It's the golden bull run.

>> No.27899283

I fully agree with your thesis.
At least in the idea that defi is an unsustainable ponzi scheme, it's actually sustainable to some degree. More projects are focused on locked liquidity and fair tokenomics. We aren't even close to the end of this run.

>> No.27899441
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I can’t believe nobody knows or remembers this shit... I guess people from 17-18 moved on and this site is infested with normies. This explains 2017 in one video https://youtu.be/e5nyQmaq4k4

>> No.27899579

It has gotten harder and more intimidating over the years to buy crypto thanks to fucking kyc and other regulation bullshit. 90% of people will turn and run when they see plaid/asked to upload ID. And for good reason to be honest. Fintech security is a hilarious joke.

>> No.27899609
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Skyrocketing ethereum gas fees burst the ICO bubble on witch the whole crypto bubble was built on.

>> No.27899692
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how does defi survive the gas prices

>> No.27899721

>it takes 3 years to moon

>> No.27899737

I’m new to crypto, could someone help me to buy some links?

>> No.27899827

Wonder what the new round of QE is going to do to crypto prices. I guess another increase in price for the next few months before the economy slows and people pull money to cover costs.

>> No.27899835

Its objectively not true and its an uneducated perspective.