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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 160x160, FEG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27814965 No.27814965 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning lads, I hope you all listened when I made the call last night to buy $FEG. Looks like its doubled since then or so. I told you it was heating up with very similar activity to milk2 and SHIB.

Well now theres no stopping us, after only being live for 5 days we have a CMC and coingecko listing. We've been trending on the top movers and I expect us to stay here for a while.

Good thing is, its not too late - this bull run is just starting. We already have 1300 holders after 5 days.

DO NOT MISS OUT. You will be kicking yourself when you see this thread and decide not to go in, only to check the price later and have regrets.

This is the next big money maker folks.


- LIQUIDITY is LOCKED for 1 year, impossible for a rug pull.


- Tokens are burned every transaction and sent to a black hole as well as distributed among ALL token holders.

-Insane volume, hype, and community - join the telegram.

-Has been recovering beautifully from every dip, theres a ton of dedicated holders. Gaining 20-30% more holders a day recently.

Need I say more? Don't have regrets when you see +1000% and wish you could have got in at the beginning, this is it.

>> No.27815071

I sold right before gecko listing. Feels bad.

>> No.27815111

Over 1 trillion $FEG rewards in 3 days. Hodling to 1000x.

>> No.27815128

Yep and it’s popping off!

>> No.27815145

Insane rewards , I keep it for a good time from now

>> No.27815147
File: 34 KB, 625x618, feggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit man, we got on top movers almost instantly and haven't gone off.. consider buying back in

>> No.27815151

this is literally the next DOGE, but you get paid to hold it.


>> No.27815152

Fukkk I sold at 0.2000 and now it's 400% up. Is it too late?

>> No.27815196

Still early on $FEG Eating dips fast

>> No.27815321

No dude, it's not too late, we have been recovering and eating dips non stop. Wait for a good dip so you can enter in at a good position.. you wont regret it. (try not to fomo into the top, wait for a red candle)

>> No.27815324

FUD’ers and early sellers are getting rekt

>> No.27815424


>> No.27815426

No it's not too late, it's very possible we could go up 10000%+ just like SHIB, MILK2, etc. did

>> No.27815476

Apes together strong

>> No.27815494

.2 ETH now worth 1.51 ETH. I wasn't even that early. This thing still has tons of room to run. Rewards keep piling up. Selling nothing until i see at least 100 ETH value.

>> No.27815495

We have had so much support in the last few days, if you haven't already definitely join the telegram channel. WE HAVE AN AMAZING COMMUNITY. If you want to be a wage cuck your entire life sit on the sidelines, if you want financial freedom buy FEG

>> No.27815496

Just jumped in

>> No.27815652

Aped in yesterday and made a cool 2 ETH, thanks for the call anon

>> No.27815666

They FUD either because they want to buy in at a lower price or they have crypto PTSD. We are very lucky to be so early on a project that's as legitimate as this

>> No.27815728

All organic growth. Look at the order books. Most buys are 1 ETH or less. Sells are people taking profit. This beast is home grown not whale made.

>> No.27815746

you're welcome bro, glad I could be of assistance.. now lets turn that 2 into 20 - no reason to stop at 2.

>> No.27815762

I’m one hungry ass ape. I’m lucky to be in early and even more lucky to earn the rewards for the volatility lol. This is fun NGL

>> No.27815924

hell yeah i aped in, this coin looks fucking awesome, buying some more right now, get on it feggits

>> No.27816025

here are some helpful links for newcomers

>Website: fegtoken.com
>Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x389999216860ab8e0175387a0c90e5c52522c945 - Set slippage tolerance to 3%
>DEXTools: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x854373387e41371ac6e307a1f29603c6fa10d872
>ChartEX: https://chartex.pro/?symbol=UNISWAP%3AFEG&interval=1&theme=Dark
>Proof of locked liquidity: https://team.finance/view-coin/0x389999216860AB8E0175387A0c90E5c52522C945?name=FEGtoken&symbol=FEG

>> No.27816069

The community has been growing at insane rates as well, purely organic and word of mouth. Not a lot of big promotion yet, huge opportunity here. There's a youtuber with 90k subscribers making a vid about it today I believe

>> No.27816160


>> No.27816191

Holy shit this is about to gain some crazy traction

>> No.27816239

Ok, then search for it yourself on those platforms. The links are fine...

>> No.27816285
File: 87 KB, 595x488, PUNISH THE PAPER HANDS!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made 3x since yesterday, we started pumping it like we did SHIB.
We new it would appeal to the newfag here like SHIB.
If you hold strong you will make it. The whales are almost outta gas, and /biz keeps eating up the coins.

>> No.27816407

Ape ape ape

>> No.27816431

Im so pumped its beyond belief, FEG IS OWNED BY THE PEOPLE. LOOK AT THE GROWTH. You cant deny this, check the volume, check the community, check everything

>> No.27816458

Really buddy? They're all links to well known websites. Very unimaginative FUD if I do say so myself

>> No.27816769

>wish the faggot would lay off and let it gain some steam to bump it up the chart ffs

>> No.27816860

i like money

>> No.27817079

I like monkey

>> No.27817237

we should hijack some old harambe memes and spread them with the good news of this coin to get the normies to pump this, shit worked for doge and this is way better than doge

>> No.27817276

SHIB army aped in

This is going to another dimension. Only thing that held SHIB back was the hotbit bot fucking everything up

>> No.27817339

Back in $FEG not making that mistake again

>> No.27817371
File: 360 KB, 680x384, Screen-Shot-2018-05-29-at-10.59.03-am-680x384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying feg was honestly the best decision of my life, earned back all my loses from all those stupid shit coins easily within 3 days and we are only just getting started!! $FEG for life

>> No.27817461

Get an error when I try to swap on uni. Where do i buy this shit

>> No.27817572

I feel like a veteran after going through this exact experience with R3FI a couple weeks ago, the cummunity won't stick together once the sperm whale drops his load on you.

>> No.27817580

Dolla dolla bills y'all!!

>> No.27817833

Increase slipage

>> No.27817854

Raise slippage tolerance to 3% and try again, I sometimes get that error too but you just need to try again

>> No.27818220

over $100 gasfees :D

>> No.27818256
File: 16 KB, 825x485, milk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If milk2 can do this the so can we. Keep working together and HODL. This is primed and ready for massive upside with very little downside..

>> No.27818346

LFG boys, let's break ATH today

>> No.27818424
File: 17 KB, 320x320, Eef1RMOGSGcyt6G93tP5kHPq8cE-Eca5DaH1609aVEZcxzmRtENEiXSmK8PxMbyvuevuO65YgQf3FRGg72-7Vj_OXgpbKHtmGl1sS538hRqvp7anuPYEFTzoGjBMuc9N9HMLA6OK62Z1n1pMoRK2NBc8yD7AmyEGLx1AhlsplVzcdI-hknhT09ySxH-uUmuQqs8lWHTFlJp-11kKHZOtWKa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27818711

Thanks anons.

>> No.27818788

No problem, may we all receive massive gains from this

>> No.27819271

The amount of coins just seems so high. Whats the price we're looking at EOM?

>> No.27819336



>> No.27819824

Bro, over half the supply is already burned. Theres no cap on burning, 2% of every single transaction is burned. So it deflates very quickly and price will go up. So it starts very cheap with a ton of coins, and then very quickly the coins get burned

>> No.27819989

I do not like gas fees.
Good luck.

>> No.27820115

The gas will pay for itself very quickly, its really the only way.

>> No.27820174
File: 76 KB, 720x1280, EtPV_EpXcAEcerC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pBpoddmO3PM For all the holders of $FEG, we are going to the moon. Stop whining and start tweeting. Never selling.

>> No.27820198

Yeah Anon just bite the bullet. Its a little to lose and lot to gain.

>> No.27820400
File: 60 KB, 752x385, EtPmTVdWgAAuEIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gas 100, rewards 100x, why complain? Over 2000 member in the telegram group, hungry gorilla ready to buy.

>> No.27820550

I've already got the gas paid and more- I might have made it to a SHIB coin early. Haven't sold the suicide stack making me moneyz

>> No.27820592

We are on the dip from what I can see on the charts. We hit 3 ATH last night, this is another SHIB! Watch some heavy ETH hitters slide in soon from REDDIT and TWITTER with GME money

>> No.27820821

Can't buy on webull

>> No.27821082

Based Schizo

>> No.27821257

buy on uniswap my friend..


Uniswap Buylink:


Coin market cap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/fegtoken/

coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/feg-token

>> No.27821642

I need milk2 gains with this by EOM. Possible?

>> No.27821778

yes sir by EOW sir

>> No.27821829

>already 6M mc
>nothing special about it except for anti rugpull and deflationary
Ok...this ain't it chief...

>> No.27821966

Def getting SHIB vibes again

>> No.27822013

Dont buy crypto on webull, wtf

>> No.27822115

doge has a 6bil marketcap and it has no real use. this is the same thing but its a fucking gorilla and you get paid to hold it

>> No.27822159

$FEG community is on point

>> No.27822226

Wheh will this go up

>> No.27822230

Nah I'm out, have fun holding it, grats if you make money with it.

>> No.27822242

not every coin has to be some breakthrough technological innovation, this is very cimple. RFI + SHIB. RFI mechanics with SHIB like supply = low barrier to entry on a rapidly deflationary coin. It's actually quite genius in its simplicity. Most of these types of coins become too expensive for normal people to consider. This has potential to 100x at least from here. So even if you think the tech is garbage, its a memecoin, etc.. im sure you want to make money like the rest of us.

>> No.27822258


>> No.27822390

Can't pull the trade on metamask, even if I wanted to lose half of my measly 400$ on fees

>> No.27822444

Hungry apes every one of them. Haha I like it

>> No.27822812

So scam vibes? These street shitters are 100% running a scam with this shit but I already 2xd from last night and cashed out my initial investment so fuck it. Definitely a scam but whatever

>> No.27822967


>> No.27822985

you have to click the gear icon in the top right and increase slippage to 4-6%

Its not a scam, look at the order books.. this is organic growth and not manipulated by whales. The community is very hyped up, get in telegram and check it out. Please, stop with the FUD, I'm glad you joined us though

>> No.27823071

Seen milk2 referenced but didnt that have a use case at least vs FEG?

>> No.27823119

Its 100% a scam rajesh, you dumb Indian. I can't wait till they ban crypto in your country you stupid street shitter. I don't care though because I already made money

>> No.27823618

Been in for a few days now. Comfy af.
I just hope gas fees go down a bit so more people can jump on board.

>> No.27823623

You can still make money off scams if you know they are a scam retard. the point is to get out before everyone else realizes. Thats market economics 101

>> No.27823753

It’s not too late for this! Convinced me to join and now over 3x my money! MOON INCOMING!

>> No.27823825

This is meant for DIAMOND HANDS only. Strong will prevail, and in a weeks time coingecko will show UP 15000%%%%

>> No.27823869

been holding since last night already gained 2 bil free FEG from the tax

>> No.27824002
File: 792 KB, 1284x1775, 4FD6D40D-B1DC-4C6D-9717-86F2F20D2308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27824027

I bought back but have a smaller stack. Still glad to be back in though. On the plus side I can get those compounding rewards.

>> No.27824119

dude.. relax. real clever using the same recycled insults to try and sound edgy. No rajesh here, just a warm blooded American trying to live freely. You can go ahead and continue being a wage cuck tho

>> No.27824266

When on Coinbase?

>> No.27824284
File: 1.60 MB, 1284x2778, FA77E03E-5620-4B12-B58C-3AC336E121AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27824377

FEG is lit. Just wait till gas fees get reasonable again. Straight up.

>> No.27824379

thanks for the taxes, paperhands

>> No.27824391

Its a scam retard it will be dead in a day or two. Get out when you make a profit before they dump it again. Just like shib, worthless in q day or two

>> No.27824570

Show us your portfolio then retard

>> No.27824781

Yeah you probably said the same thing about SHIB, milk2, and coscos - all the while they are going up 10,000%

>> No.27825151

>Looks like its doubled since then or so
you fucking retarded Nigger who the fuck do you think you're convincing with that manipulation.

>> No.27825207

just bought a stack...when is it gonna moon

>> No.27825332

whoa, calm down there fella. theres enough FEG for everyone.. sounds like you need some love and positive support. Join the telegram, itll improve your mood

>> No.27825361
File: 727 KB, 234x252, jews koko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if wyre took my card i would be there with u fegbros

>> No.27825656

well it will continue to moon today, tomorrow, the next day, fomo will set in, whales will come in (similar to SHIB) and it will go 100x

>> No.27825755
File: 1.82 MB, 288x377, 45E6E2AD-D8C7-4CFC-92DC-88F8C877B4F6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many for a suicide stack? Holding 38T should I get more?

>> No.27826225
File: 1.46 MB, 360x202, alex jones ssj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27826994

38 is good, 50 is better.. though if you hold long enough youll raise your stack that way as well.. the wallet staking is a pretty cool feature

>> No.27827000

Shib is making another shib right now

>> No.27827245
File: 701 KB, 884x1871, Arpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your hand with a time stamp, go ahead we will wait.

>> No.27827457
File: 81 KB, 800x1280, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are cute when you flirt

>> No.27827514

As if im going to dox myself for some retarded internet stranger, get real

>> No.27827657

Bro..buy gasgains token..it pays back.for every single transaction u do on ETH network..after u do that buy FEG..4 days later u get ur gas fee back..go.to thier telegrsm.gasgains

>> No.27827837
File: 445 KB, 727x1399, Paintjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A picture of your shit colored hand isn't doxxing yourself you dumb nigger. Show us your skin color come on, we all know what color your skin is.

>> No.27828040

damn thats sexy

>> No.27828240

Absolute poorfag here, holding only 2T but still happy

>> No.27828491

You're either strapped in this ride or your not, the ship is leaving with or without you. Lets go

>> No.27829029
File: 211 KB, 730x783, $$$.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27829149

>He fell for the bendy bill meme

>> No.27829388
File: 203 KB, 349x491, 1612132929662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to >>>/k/ you go!

>> No.27829670
File: 76 KB, 762x696, EtURSGCXAAIOO-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27831303

Pump it.

>> No.27831420

LETS GOOOOOOO i copped a bag, lets blow this up

>> No.27831955

fuck it im in, not missing any more pumps

>> No.27832033


Nice anon.
Rememeber how everyone wished they got in on SHIB before the weekend -- well here you are.

>> No.27832255

Good anon, enjoy the trip!

>> No.27832291

you think this will blow up like shib?

>> No.27832422

This is my first time being early to a coin
This better blow up

>> No.27832437

Hell yeah dude, the weekend is coming, it will be meme energy overload.

>> No.27832581

Too poor to get in without gas fees killing me.

>> No.27832648

If this is the coin I got into the same way I slept on SHIB then fucking I love you stupid apes. It's alt season and it's all going up

>> No.27832701

tried transferring 10 bucks got 120 dollar gas fee yep im trapped the ethjew got me

>> No.27832885


It will go up anon

>> No.27833087

literally bought in because youtubers are going to be talking about it. Should be an easy x10, thanks to reddit/tubers

>> No.27833372

Surprised how well this is doing.

>> No.27833668

Imagine not jumping in

>> No.27834008

Attention everyone, bull signal. Crypto Pablo made a video about us. Check it out, he has almost 100k subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QeDkOoAJoA&feature=youtu.be

Also, buy the dip, were here to stay. Almost 1400 holders now

>> No.27834187

Yeah dude, you and me both. Im not just shilling because I have a bag to sell, I genuinely believe this can perform to 10-100x from here.

>> No.27834313
File: 64 KB, 796x810, fuc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying to swap my STA for FEG but i keep getting this, anyone know a fix?

>> No.27834361

The auto rewards hitting my wallet makes it pretty addictive to hodl as well
Someone needs to get this hodl-motivated APE coin in front of all the reddit normies as a chance to make back their GME losses

>> No.27834368


try increasing slippage.

>> No.27834441

It's a PND scam you idiot.

>> No.27834463

Try increasing slippage between 3%-5%, and try to buy a nice, round number of FEG.

>> No.27834565

You're a fucking newfag lmao, stay poor

>> No.27834608

Okay Rakesh

>> No.27834640

Thanks! Fixed but as soon as I saw the gas prices realised I can't fucking afford anyway lol. $200 what in the fuck, it was $19 last week?

>> No.27834724
File: 2.28 MB, 2108x1748, ff9usbfw80b41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must be all the eth token shilling, I can't believe how congested the network is getting.

>> No.27834940

absolutely fucked, yikes, really wanted to grab some FEG, hopefully I still can when gas isn't so fucking ridiculous

>> No.27835023

it genuinely feels like 80% of posts in this thread were written by bots with a vague understanding of /biz/ slang trying to fit in. I wasn't aware this type of shittery was happening on /biz/. is there a business board somewhere that hasn't yet been inflicted with this problem?

>> No.27835184

>it genuinely feels like 80% of posts in this thread were written by bots with a vague understanding of /biz/ slang trying to fit in
Astute observation Anon, you're gonna make it. I don't know how bad the infestation is in other places, but you seem able to spot the scams so I see no reason why you should leave.

>> No.27835599

>he didn't buy the dip
Weak FUD

>> No.27836601

you guys with your bots again, whenever we have an organic thread with input from the community, you guys always come out and scream bot.. there are no bots here, just people who love FEG. Get in or stop being such a bitch.

The truth is, 4chan isnt your little private corner anymore, its mainstream. Were all here to make money dude, get out of here with your bull shit

>> No.27836943

Do you hear that? It's the sound of poor people being content.

>> No.27836964

>The truth is, 4chan isnt your little private corner anymore, its mainstream. Were all here to make money dude, get out of here with your bull shit
Yeah, Reddit is more based and redpilled than /biz/ nowadays, this board is not infected with a bunch of weak fucking faggot FUDDERS. They are literally GIVEN a moon mission to them on a silver platter and they FUD. Lmao, never change /biz/

>> No.27837142
File: 62 KB, 680x529, $FEG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, exactly

>> No.27837185

Imagine having micro penis and having to FUD 4chan to try to buy cheaper lmao

>> No.27837221

Its because they love finding every reason to shit on something, especially if they arent apart of it. You can find something wrong with literally anything in life, some of these people love being miserable I swear

>> No.27837226


don't worry, my dudes. i got in on shiba early and everyone here was calling it a pajeet scam. of course a few days later the board was blowing up with people fomoing in.
let's see what the weekend brings :)

>> No.27837531

1000x tonight

>> No.27837709

They're going to be so damn salty when they see they missed out on this, talk about roping yourself when you would have been able to quit your job, instead on here butt hurt beyond repair

>> No.27837713

oh hell yeah dude

>> No.27838032

so obviously this is a scam...but the question is can i still make money on it

>> No.27838445
File: 68 KB, 666x553, $.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But the answers is yes

>> No.27838460

The website is too professionally done to be a scam. In hindsight it’ll seem like a no-brainer.

>> No.27839032

Everyone wondering if its still worth it might consider buying some $WOLFY. The same concept but with way less coin supply and still only on day 2. Gorillas strong but it is still just a memecoin and those usually dont survive very long.

>> No.27839224

u can still get profit on FEG but wolfy is just gonna do the same and u can get in early

both are good

>> No.27839586

interesting that this is an "organic thread" with input from a community, I've never seen a community where every member has the same opinion and typing style

>> No.27839942

Well there is a community desu, it's a PND group famous for such scams as R3FI and SIMI, that's why they all write the same. Look up the old threads on the previous scams and you're likely to find the exact same messages posted there.

>> No.27840313

Newfag here.

Does the 1% go into my Metamask every day then just for holding?

>> No.27840687


Yep, you'll see it update automatically every few mins actually.

>> No.27840890

aren't these both fuckin memecoins lol - it's just an arms race between which memecoin will come out on top and FEG had something like 1300 holders already

>> No.27842159

FEG is a memcoin and WOLFY isnt? yeah right.. also WOLFY stops burning at 50%, this will burn indefinitely. no comparison - on top of that, the barrier to entry here is way lower. Lower starting amount of tokens doesnt mean its better.

Yes its automatically deposited into your wallet via smart contract

Thank you, exactly my point. Coming here acting like WOLFY is a legit coin - LMFAO

>> No.27842401
File: 79 KB, 720x1280, feghowto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for anyone wondering how to buy

>> No.27842536

Anyway to work out how much it's worth? I have 3,138,885,918,165 and bought 3,130,609,558,222 this morning so it's gone up 8,276,359,943 since.

>> No.27842769

So go to UNI and swap it back for eth (dont actually exchange it) but just look at how much it would give you, that is an easy way to track profits.. You can also go on dex tools

>> No.27842874

when is the pump?

>> No.27843010

this is the pump anon, what you really should be asking if you want to profit is "when is the dump"

>> No.27843122

Thanks, it's not that much actually it is around 0.11 eth. That said, on dex tools i've just seen 5000000000000 bought and it says 0.17470859 eth. Yet I have 6x that amount? Confused.

>> No.27843219

yeah and for what it's worth - I've gotten billions of tokens back as people keep doing transactions so people trading back and forth are burning these tokens on transactions quickly in a good way

>> No.27843271

When is the dump?

>> No.27843467

ask the pajeets, not me - from what I gather they're all laughing together on a stinky discord server right now while they post

>> No.27843628

everything is pajeets to you guys, can you come up with a better insult? come have fun and relax, dont be so high strung all the fucking time

>> No.27843636
File: 39 KB, 493x721, FEG instructions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy ya pajeets

>> No.27843958

I don’t speak pajeet but i wouldn’t mind listen to laughter. Someone should get a kick out of my retardation.

>> No.27844125

pretty defensive anon... you remember we're talking about money right? specifically investing money? who's high strung?

>> No.27844239

Whats the link to the telegram. met to join it last night but was tired and went to bed.

>> No.27844268

gas fees are 60+ and they were 100+ like 2 days ago what the fuck

>> No.27844632

>When is the dump?
Judging by the intensity of the shilling today I'd say the dump is imminent. If you're already in profit, sell now and be happy with what you got.

>> No.27845811

Where my fegs at

>> No.27845939

i bought some this morning...I was skeptical but it is true that a lot more coins have been adding into my wallet all day.

idk if it will moon or dump but at least it does what it says it will do

>> No.27846546

Same here my balance has gone up since I bought earlier. Pretty fun, hope we get more tokens with gimmicks like this

>> No.27846688


>> No.27846946
File: 222 KB, 800x450, 4D45DD3D-E8DF-438B-8897-654F224763D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27847020
File: 65 KB, 770x702, 1599578788782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had 12345....0 coins
>now its 1237....0.

>> No.27847606

Stfu discord tranny

>> No.27848447

100 quadrillion supply?

>> No.27848738


It's that high because every transaction, holders get 1% of a tax fee dependent on the volume. 53% has already been burnt so holders are stacking their chips increasing the value of each token slowly.

>> No.27849940

yeah, the devs are working on updating coingecko and cmc with the proper supply amounts to reflect the actual supply because 53%+ have been burned already

>> No.27850817
File: 57 KB, 709x618, wwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck me
what is this shit, you cannot even see the price.


>> No.27850942

use dextools to view the price, they use like 18 decimals or something and gecko doesn't have enough by default

>> No.27851036

you understand you gotta get near 99.9999999% of token burnt for them to have any meaningful value?