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File: 98 KB, 1389x520, biz_bubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27813530 No.27813530 [Reply] [Original]

If you're not tethering up right now God help you.

>> No.27813658

Fuck. I didn't tether up after I 80x my money in 2018 and I'm not doing it now!

>> No.27813739

Can you overlay BTC chart?

>> No.27813768

Seems more like a stock market bubble

Since 60% last week was about boomer stonks

Do people still buy stonks except for this one time GME thingy?

>> No.27813775


>> No.27813812

GME and WSB tourists.

>> No.27813821

This looks like a doge chart.

>> No.27813843

i need this chart

>> No.27813868

Most of that is from GME Reddit fags. This time it's different unironically.

>> No.27813917

If elon musk said he posted here it would go up a lot

>> No.27813941
File: 241 KB, 400x400, 1611729270727.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the influx of redditfags screeching about doge and gme I'm not surprised.
Not tethering

>> No.27814078

my lil biz doin sum

>> No.27814313

Somethings different this time anon. At work, been there 10 years, been into crypto for basically that amount of time and only me and 2 other people have paid an interest in it, even on last golden bull run no one apart from us really cared, this morning basically everyone who didn't give a fuck before is talking about doge coin or gme or ripple pump n dump, older guys on coinnase on their phones, definite peaked an interest . Now I should probably take that as a massive sell signal, but I think people are realising what's actually happening in the world and how fucked the rest of the financial market is. Like i say probably a sell signal but somethings off/different this time round. Can't say what it is or what it means.

>> No.27814386


>> No.27814797

That spike is because of gamestop, faggot

>> No.27814859

Everyone was talking about bitcoin in 2018 idk what you're talking about

>> No.27814867

were you here in the last week? it's because of reddit memestocks, dumbass

>> No.27814879
File: 152 KB, 1311x320, imageonline-co-overlayed-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related
The severe number of newfags has me deeply concerned.

>> No.27814915

it's the GME crap

>> No.27815323
File: 346 KB, 2438x1343, JULY26-NOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27815325
File: 6 KB, 248x250, 1588862754764s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people at the top are much more coordinated this time around, and as Elon Musk has shown, they can do now whatever they wish with impunity. Pump and dump from the top down, rolling profits from one coin to another then dumping them when they know newb money flows in, its a very coordinated scam from the exchanges and whales, you just have to hope to get in earlier than others and guess right coin, then be nimble enough to get out ahead of the herd.
Once this next US stimulus package is doled out and kids get $1400 to dump into crypto, only then will the crypto lords will take final profits and the average user (once again) will be holding the bag. Those 'institutional' buyers everyone talked so much about will be the hardest dumper. People will realize that uniswap gas fees actually add up to losses. Eventually interest will drop off in the Spring, enjoy the swinging while you can...good money made until then though.

>> No.27815684
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>> No.27815799

>im just gonna leave 2017 out
kill yourself

>> No.27815810

Yes we are in a bubble. The question is how high it will go before it implodes. Take profits but don't sell everything

>> No.27815904

>being this retarded
you're retarded.
It's doesn't even go back that far, and half of it is there, the important half, faggot.

>> No.27816236

Good article on the stock market bubble.


>> No.27816866
File: 121 KB, 1024x614, 1611976735966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is much different than 2017 for the following reasons;

-after the early 2018 crash, most people thought crypto was "done". But it came back stronger. So people feel more comfident holding, knowing no matter what happens, it will eventually come back

-the $10 btc / $1 eth buyers are mostly all out, so no one is gonna x1000 dump on the market anytime soon

-the economy is going to shit and people are looking to invest

-there has been a massive growth in the past year as far as normies buying stocks and investing in general. A lot of them are/will dragged into the crypto world

-the stock and precious metal markets are controlled by boomer jews. Crypto is the only market controlled by "us"

With that being said, of course the market will correct/crash sooner or later, but not nearly as bad as 2018

>> No.27817171

Haha, this actually disprove the theory. The new biz activity is not bitcoin but stock related.

>> No.27817446

Yes. Money printing fueled bubble.