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27810851 No.27810851 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/, I have a problem. I want to invest in shit (stocks, crypto, etc.) but my mental illness keeps getting in the way. I doubt myself constantly, check obsessively, and do shit to try and drive the price up (ex. hand washing brings up ETH). I unironically have OCD (was diagnosed when I was like 14), and I can't stop worrying about this shit. I dont even have that much invested. Does anyone have experience with this? Anyone else here have legit mental illness?

>> No.27811043

read on heuristics
if you unironically cant dont even bother emotional traders only lose money

>> No.27811250

>not having Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder so the money doesn't even feel real
pro trader strat, just do shrooms until you develop permanent brain damage.

>> No.27811404

>>not having Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder so the money doesn't even feel real
you guys are so funny

>> No.27811471

>(ex. hand washing brings up ETH)

>> No.27811476
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I feel like no matter what ill always be emotional. But honestly its not even emotion its just my logic being clouded

someone told me amphetamines or SSRIs are the way to go if I want nerves of steel, dont know if its true

>> No.27811509

Depends on what you mean by legit issues. Also, since you cant stop meddling if you have direct control, why not use a broker?

>> No.27811585

Try beta blockers instead of meth first. And SSRI's are scary as fuck.

>> No.27811605

You say this joking but I have 6 figures in crypto and can't look at the horizon without freaking out because it starts becoming wavy.

>> No.27811684

Just get an etf

>> No.27811690

>>>not having Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder so the money doesn't even feel real
you guys are so funny

>> No.27811699
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a) do algorithmic trading
b) there is a way to not think of the game: thinking about something else. so, get a hobby that stresses you out. pit fighting or something.

>> No.27811755

who dis semen hentai demon

>> No.27811781

Wash your fucking hands I need 1700 USD

>> No.27811833

get SPY and microsoft
you'll out perform most of the fags here

>> No.27811908
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>Anyone else here have legit mental illness?
I have large panic attacks whenever I miss out or have a loss. It doesn't help that every time I go to sleep something new has happened and it's too late to get in. Literally every single fucking thing in this community happens when I'm sleeping. I cope with it by hitting myself then completely ignoring it until the hype does down. I've been collecting screenshots of people losing their money with the GME thing so help soothe the pain of missing out. I don't think I clarified it enough, but EVERY single time something happens, it's when I'm asleep. Even if my sleep schedule is different, it always happens when I'm sleeping. I wake up to GME and Doge being spammed everywhere and other bullshit all the time.

>> No.27811919

>beta blockers
for OCD?

>> No.27811934

before you make a trade, have a plan, i.e. how long to hold for, when to take losses, how many gains to take at what level
then, stick to the plan
don't deviate from the plan at any point for any reason
that's all you have to do

>> No.27811997

For the compulsive behavior, totally. For unease, may be worth a shot.

>> No.27812060

Not even memeing, a close friend of mine did so much amphetamine in high school that he has permanent psychosis, he sees faces/monsters everywhere. He trades depending on how intense the hallucinations are. He makes more money than I do

>> No.27812130

That's cause things beyond the wall are whispering secrets to him.

>> No.27812161
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mental illness? XSG is that way->

>> No.27812251

Wow anon that sounds rough. Why not just throw some money in btc, eth and link, the rest in boomer etfs and then never check this board again.

>> No.27812327

I was diagnosed mentally ill when I was like 14 I'm just such a helpless little baby booohooo

>> No.27812394

i heard stomping on the ground three times in a row raises the price of Ethereum. you might want to try that OP

>> No.27812575

> Creating Your Own Mental Disorder

> First, let’s choose some common human experience that most people find unpleasant. How about boredom? Most people experience boredom as...

> unpleasant

> So — let’s get started and substitute the word “pathological” for /unpleasant/

> Doesn’t that simple switch start to give it that ‘disease feel’ already? Pathological boredom!

> The next step is to name our disease. How about “interest deficit disorder” or “motivation deficit disorder”? Better yet, let’s find a medical-sounding word from Latin to substitute for boredom. How about “Dysmoveria”? /Movere/ is Latin for motivation. By naming our disease, we are practically all the way to creating it. When you open a door to a new mental disorder millions of people will rush headlong right in and embrace it, as if they’d been waiting their whole life for just this opportunity. Suddenly they aren’t sad or anxious or bored—they’re afflicted with something.

> We have our disease named: dysmoveria. It sounds a little strange now but it won’t when tens of millions of people start using it and chatting about their disorder. “I’m taking Moveritol for my dysmoveria and it’s working wonders!”

> Next we need a symptom picture. What does it look like and feel like when you’re bored? Well, a bored person would probably experience some or all of the following:

> 1. A lack of interest in usual pursuits
> 2. Apathy about life
> 3. A pessimistic attitude
> 4. Feelings of “emotional instability”
> 5. Difficulty concentrating on ordinary tasks
> 6. A lack of energy
> 7. Chronic fatigue
> 8. Sleeping too much or too little
> 9. Feelings of boredom

>> No.27812632


> How many of these must be present in order for us to “diagnose the mental disorder” of dysmoveria? Since obviously we want more rather than fewer people to fit the diagnostic criteria so that we can create plenty of patients and plenty of drug buyers for Moveritol, let’s make sure that only a few symptoms are needed in order to qualify—let’s say, five. Let’s continue pulling numbers out of thin air and say that these five symptoms must have been present for at least two weeks. Five symptoms, two weeks—sounds good.

> Let’s also make this negotiable. If only four symptoms are present and if they’ve only been present for twelve days, we’re not going to quibble. Heck, if the “primary” symptom is present—feelings of boredom—that’s really enough! We’ll call that looseness “professional discretion.”

> Officially you will need to display five symptoms and have displayed them for two weeks. We offer no rationale for these numbers, as no rationale is needed when creating a new mental disorder. Nor could any rationale conceivably be provided. Unofficially, all you need to do is announce that you’re bored—that’s all we really need to hear!

> Next, if we were doing this “for real,” we would gather a panel of clinicians—some psychiatrists, psychologists, family therapists, and clinical social workers—and we’d ask them, “Do your clients or patients ever report this symptom picture?” “Yes!” they’d cry in unison. “We see this all time!” “Great!” we’d reply. “We have ourselves a genuine disorder!”

>> No.27812701


> Next we’d work on “differential diagnosis criteria,” that is, on distinguishing dysmoveria from, say, clinical depression, which it quite resembles in its symptom picture. How would we know which was which? Naturally enough, we would know according to the self-reports of patients. The primary differential diagnostic criterion would be that if you reported feeling sad we’d go with depression and if you reported feeling bored we’d go with dysmoveria. Simple enough!

> Next, how shall we treat dysmoveria? Well, with some “combination” of treatments—this allows everyone with a clinical practice to have patients. Whatever your license says you are allowed to do, we will say “works.” Those clinicians like psychologists, family therapists and clinical social workers who can’t prescribe medication will be permitted to “talk it away.” Those clinicians like psychiatrists who can prescribe medication will be permitted to prescribe. We need not provide any rationale as to why a mental disorder should be treatable just by talking about it. Talking is a completely customary way to treat mental disorders and needs no rationale.

> Of course we’d get drug researchers right on it to create a drug that can reduce or eliminate the symptoms of dysmoveria. This is much simpler than it sounds, since there is no actual underlying disease to be treated. If you had a malignant tumor, you’d need to treat the tumor and not just the symptoms of its presence. Here we are just treating symptoms, since there is nothing present “underneath” except boredom. So our drug research can be up and running instantly, since our goal is the relatively simple one of eliminating or masking certain symptoms.

>> No.27812733

That's the plan. I'm still gonna do swing trading though

>> No.27812777


> An additional option, if we happen to have a few neuroscientists among our friends, would be to have them do a little brain scanning. You know what? They would discover that a brain looks different according to whether you do or don’t have dysmoveria! Wow. When you’re bored fewer parts of your brain light up than when you’re excited. This kind of observation thrills people and sounds very scientific. It is completely meaningless in and of itself—of course your brain will light up in different ways depending on whether you’re watching the shopping channel or doing calculus—but people take it to mean something. This is muddy cause-and-effect in action. So it’s quite a useful add-on!

> Naturally it helps in this process of creating mental disorders to be in a position of authority. Being a psychiatrist or having some association with a drug company wouldn’t hurt. But, really, anyone can pull off the feat. Just write a book that makes the case for your new mental disorder, hire a publicist, and let’s see how long it takes before patients line up! Wouldn’t millions of people suddenly discover that they were suffering from “internet distraction disorder” or “post-retirement dysthmia” as soon as they heard about it? You bet they would!

>> No.27812802

You aren't wrong, but being diagnosed with 'insert new disease here' because you are vaguely dissatisfied with the thresher called life is slightly different than having to flick a light switch multiple times so your family and hamsters don't burst into flames.

>> No.27812832


> Any unwanted human experience can be turned into a mental disorder by following the simple steps I’ve just outlined. Try it yourself with envy (invidia), rage (furorism), loneliness (infrequentia), or doubt (dubitarism). You can turn any normal human experience into a mental disorder following these steps. Sleeping more than usual? Going through the motions? Not interested in what’s going on around you? Apathetic? Bored? That exactly describes a teenager on a two-week summer vacation with her parents! But now we have a better name for it: dysmoveria. Isn’t it nice that soon there will be a drug to give your daughter so that she will be more pleasant and pliable when she accompanies you on your annual vacation to Nebraska?

> I think you can see the basic ruse. What is the phrase “mental disorder” supposed to connote? As it is currently used, it means precisely the following: anything not wanted. All you need to do is give the unwanted experience a medical-sounding name and describe its look and you’ve created a disorder. That look is called a “symptom picture” but that’s just a fancy phrase meant to sound more impressive than “look.” Give a human experience a fancy name and describe its look—that’s all that’s needed. The unwanted, troubling experience is surely real, but calling it a mental disorder is just a profitable naming game.

>> No.27812882

Don't take amphetamines, it will make it worse.

>> No.27812913
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On psychiatric drugs and diagnosis:












About SSRI drugs 01: https://files.catbox.moe/kpb2n2.mp3

About SSRI drugs 02: https://files.catbox.moe/8m8pbk.mp3

About SSRI drugs 03: https://files.catbox.moe/vdmjym.mp3

About SSRI drugs 04: https://files.catbox.moe/ddto2f.mp3

About SSRI drugs 05: https://files.catbox.moe/kak1pq.mp3

About SSRI drugs 06: https://files.catbox.moe/c42tmy.mp3

About SSRI drugs 07: https://files.catbox.moe/ma0v43.mp3

About SSRI drugs 08: https://files.catbox.moe/nm4ifq.mp3

About SSRI drugs 09: https://files.catbox.moe/u8zobq.mp3

About SSRI drugs 10: https://files.catbox.moe/14ldse.mp3

About SSRI drugs 11: https://files.catbox.moe/hgnzor.mp3

>> No.27813135
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cause I wanna learn and be directly involved in it

maybe ill give em a try why not, any sides?

ill wash em for you lads

ill look into it, worth a shot. also maybe ill get /fit/ but everything else I do I just think of this shit its starting to take over my life

this has been happening to me too, Its fucked my sleep schedule tremendously and I dont have much to show for it. I dont know how Wall Street people handle this shit.

that sounds good, but a lot of my problem is forming plans, discerning solid investments for shit ones. I fee like I can never do enough research

stomped, now to the moon

yea I wish I didn't have to take anything, people swear by ampetimes for nerves of steel. Idk though I probably won't

>> No.27813150

>And SSRI's are scary as fuck.

>> No.27813210

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.27813260

Taking fucking meth gives you nerves of steel but also means you're going to hold your failing shitcoin bag into the fucking ground and make impulsive and horrible decisions. I know a methhead who went in with 50k and is now bankrupt and has to sell the house because he kept bagholding absolute shitcoins.

>> No.27813331

They reorganize your brains plasticity. Also (imo) they are handed out like candy due to the focus being on pharma instead of actual therapy. They may work for some people, but I dont like or trust them.

>> No.27813400

Why not use a broker temporarily and use fake money to learn? Then when you feel you have a better handle ditch the broker

>> No.27813429

Anxious fuck here.
I take beta blockers quite often in the daytime hours as some other anons have stated for anxiety; I used to be a benzo addict. I take melatonin and a low dose antihistamine (25mg diphenhydramine) for sleep quite often. It helps at least get my sedated enough to drift off into sleep. I go through stages of drinking too much. Since covid I’ve certainly been drinking too much. Brewing my own beer doesn’t help. Occasional weed smoking. I feel like I sort of “dance” in and out of my booze consumption however. I take naltrexone if needed to curb craving flare ups. I just do what I can, life isn’t perfect. This world is going to shit anyway so take it day by day and turn it more into a game and live vicariously through yourself. Nothing else you really can do. Make the most of what you can. Corny as it may sound

>> No.27813457

Yes but if you've ever talked with someone who has had a mental illness you would know that they're clearly delusional
Not saying it should be medicated away rather than thought and worked through, but still

Social anxiety? They're delusional about how much people will think about them
General anxiety? They're delusional about how much they should worry about things
Depression? They're delusional about why they should do anything at all, exhibiting almost all symptoms that one has with a physical sickness
Paranoia? Delusional about the malevolence of the average person

I've seen all these first hand in my time and they're all hangups that people have to at least work through to fix their thinking process with these things and get better

>> No.27813458


Keep in mind I am not a doctor.

>> No.27813647
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How dare you! If only I wasn't personality type FDAVGF and wasn't officially diagnosed with chronic overthinking and miscellaneous quirks of the brain, maybe THEN I wouldn't have to receive my whackobucks, it's a legit mental illness! I'm doomed to be autistic I wouldn't expect you to understand. I'll literally never be able to work or do anything, I'm so pathetic. Every day, I live in agony,

>> No.27814077

please be my bf

>> No.27814235

I also have OCD and I'm constantly doubting my investments and scared of losing money

>> No.27814385

everyone has anxiety stop being such faggots

>> No.27814679

You need someone to act as a gate keeper. Go find a good money manager and have them portfolio you. That say when you want to change things you have to argue with your money manager and make a case about it. We have the same problem this is what I do otherwise I would drive myself insane tuning constantly.

>> No.27814691

oh by the way, lad, look into Glycine and NAC. They are certainly not cures but are proven to at least alievate symptoms of OCD / Schizo-shit.

>> No.27814745

bro same, ocd fucking sucks. i have many rituals i need to do to pump REEF. like before i shit i need to touch the lid in specific places, while touching the wall with my other hand. also i count how many times i pet each cat, because i must pet them equally. i have to touch my chair to the wall before sitting down. those are just a few of many rituals. shit fucking sucks. But what's interesting when I'm not alone i very rarely have those urges, so normies think I'm normal. thank god for that

>> No.27815121

Ouch too much....
I'm the wagie wojack
>listens to joe rogan religiously
>wears a hat during work
>shit hairline
>ugly work shoes
>flirts with idea that I'm probably gay
>no gf, ive only bottomed for a few guys in my life
>invests in moonshots

>> No.27815371
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chill out anon

>> No.27815601

You were destined to be a worker OP; a builder of better men's dreams. Don't invest on your own, you will lose everything.

>> No.27815846

>better men
More like more privileged guys who grew up in a two parent household