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File: 62 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27786528 No.27786528 [Reply] [Original]

imagine if reddit wasnt retarded and all ganged up and agreed to not pay taxes and the entire world just stopped paying taxes at once and the jews couldnt do anything because they would have no funding and they would have to go after literally millions of people at once

they could of actually stuck it to jews but instead they just lost 90% of their money and looked like literally retards in front of the entire planet

>> No.27786641

they actually want to pay taxes to feed niggers

>> No.27787794

>muh Jews
Get off the internet, go outside, and interact with people who aren’t retarded you autistic fuck

>> No.27787885
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>> No.27787928
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>> No.27787945
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>> No.27787973


>> No.27788017
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>> No.27788068

yeah right this government has done fucking nothing to me while i cried for help but theyll give 3000/mo to shaniqua living in the hood with 3 kids and no job to buy tattoos and jordans with


>> No.27788107
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>> No.27788121


>> No.27788130

Here's how it works.
You don't pay your taxes.
The United States government sends good goys to pick you up.
You go to big boy jail.
Most people would rather pay their taxes.

>> No.27788163

the govt doesnt really need your taxes its just a nice bonus. They can print all the money they need

>> No.27788210

>(((maintain))) (((society)))

>> No.27788214

that's right
you really are fucking retarded
you're basically just an uneducated piece of garbage at this point if you don't know about jewish dominance at the top of the pyramid

>> No.27788235

>the government takes control of your power, internet, gas, water and food supply
>pay up or die, wagies

>> No.27788267

going outside is a jewish conspiracy!!!!!
talking to real people is a jewish conspiracy!!!!!
shut the fuck up

>> No.27788314

Everyone in the “real” world is retarded. This site is the only thing that comes close to giving me the conversations I desire. You quickly realize that NPCs are not a meme out there, people who don’t care about the future - not even a week or two in advance. Check your mind control privilege yid.

>> No.27788320
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Keep crying little kike

>> No.27788363

>The US government
>using taxes to maintain society

>> No.27788365
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Keep seething

>> No.27788386

fugg da us guberment :DDDD

>> No.27788563
File: 52 KB, 494x824, Er8NI2kXUAArsK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R*dditors are actual fagots trannies and degenerates... They LOVE paying taxes and bringing niggers and mudslime terrorist "refugees" to their country! They will never make anything better.

>> No.27788616

ok reddit... im listening...

>> No.27788744


it amazes me how people will find ways to blame everyone except the gun toting faggots who show up every fucking time to enforce clown world.
american zogbot worship is on a scale that is truly unfathomable. imagine waving little fucking thin blue line flags supporting the very fucking people who are your enemys teeth
americans are just too retarded to continue desu

>> No.27788849

and why can't you do fuck all about it instead of bitching about muh jews every 5 fucking seconds you little spastic shit

>> No.27788853


i understand more and more every day why Hitler did an imaginary genocide of your people

>> No.27788917
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I understand more and more everyday why Hitler lost

>> No.27788998


Because our own people are brainwashed as fuck and will destroy us for Jewish interests. welcome to the last 70 years you slimy little yid

>> No.27789065


he lost because he fucked around with camps instead of shooting every last one of you square in the head as soon as he found you

>> No.27789112

How new are you?

>> No.27789171
File: 640 KB, 1080x1020, nsoysj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because our own people are brainwashed as fuck and will destroy us for Jewish interests. welcome to the last 70 years you slimy little yid

>> No.27789263

Imagine defending j**s, there's a 100% chance a groid is fucking your hideous beast of a girlfriend, probably openly while you get off on it like a freak

>> No.27789315

you need to go back to plebbit

And no this is not a spam dumbass jannies system

Goddamit i told you this is not a spam

>> No.27789329

your ancestors literally fought the british for freedom with a 1% chance of winning with fucking muskets in the snow going all out war and you faggots wont even sit behind a computer and tell the government to fuck off while you trade shit coins


>> No.27789442

>ADL bots running damage control
Its afraid.

>> No.27789565

his ancestors were probably drunken irish subhumans who fled their shitpile island after they fucked their potato crop cause they were too drunk

>> No.27790133

Anon gets it here, I agree with this 20000x

>> No.27790219

goys mad goys mad goys mad

>> No.27790296
File: 341 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210205-002756_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"New orders for manufactured goods in December, up eight consecutive months, increased $5.2 billion or 1.1 percent to $493.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau reported today."


>"US trade court dismisses challenge to Section 232 steel tariff"


>> No.27790344
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>imagine if reddit wasnt retarded

>> No.27790347

I like this idea

>> No.27790375

>no funding
where are you at right now?

>> No.27790406
File: 173 KB, 1024x634, 0BC7A0F7-40C1-421A-BC2B-FCC7CED31D3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck kikes and their enablers

>> No.27790502

Based and truthpilled unless you are blessed with likeminded frens.

>> No.27790595

Money printer go brrrrr

>> No.27790639

Those threads would be deleted immediately and whoever suggested the idea would be banned. Reddit isn’t about free speech.

>> No.27790658

Reddit would never go for this because it's actually a good idea and when the chips are down (we live in a literal pseudo-communist police state, they WILL place harsh measures on resistance) they'll fold.

>> No.27790714

Jews is just the term generally used for (((them)))
(((They))) are also not one group but many groups of evil psychopaths cooperating
>Many are really Jews tho

>> No.27790746

>they would have to go after literally millions of people at once

All they'd have to do is make an example out of the most famous Redditors pushing it, and the rest would just fall in line. Humans are notoriously cowardly without leadership.

>> No.27790915

yeah those retards would remain in that country and sai good idea op

>> No.27790927

This. 4chan hedgies did nothing wrong. Imagine redditors with money. The horror.

>> No.27790988


>> No.27791886

I don’t give a fuck what race you are because you’re not me and that means you’re utter shit in my eyes anon :)

>> No.27793333

How would you even keep track of that? How could you even show screenshot proof of that?