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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27776865 No.27776865 [Reply] [Original]

Why did ASKO pump and what is the next DeFi to pump? More importantly where are you retards getting this info from? There's no way in hell people on /biz/ predicted ASKO would pump based on its dime-a-dozen "fundamentals"

>> No.27778475

Look at the Mcap. Then look at the TG. Then look at the twatter. Look at the audits and collaborations. On CG when a legitimately undervalued project isn't in the top 1000. It can pump easily. Alot do. DRC, PLT are examples also. It's not difficult to find them and when people do they accumulate. Check out the volume for the last month. Just going up each day. That's all there is to it really.

>> No.27778625

Also it helps to have a good use case, something that hasn't been done. Asko doesn't break any barriers, but it improves on what Comp has done, and is still in it's infant stages.

I spend alot of time looking at microcaps

>> No.27778719
File: 66 KB, 716x1280, photo_2021-02-04_19-03-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In TA, this is the accumulation phase. Mainnet release on the 13th.

>> No.27778765
File: 170 KB, 480x640, inCollage_20210205_030330675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never be a wo man, ASKO is mooning fag

>> No.27778895

>look for undervalued coin
>tell biz to gain awareness
>sell in a month when plebittors fomo in
This is literally how you make money and ASKO still has another month of pumping

>> No.27778980
File: 39 KB, 853x640, asko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mainnet is in 9 days, get in here before launch fags this is mooning.

>> No.27778986

There was just an ASKO thread, got a bunch of peeps hyped. And then Jannies 404'd it. Be wary.

>> No.27779209

Jannies must still be accumulating kek

>> No.27779293

Why do jannies hate non artificial hype? this is an actual non shitcoin

>> No.27779446

This makes a lot of sense, thanks anon. Gains be upon you

>> No.27779477

Jannies want to accumulate. You know when a thread gets nuked something fishy happening. Most likely dont want the pump to happen quite yet

>> No.27779717

I saw the thread it was organic with OP answering anons questions and destroying FUD, jannies do just want to accoom

>> No.27779739
File: 9 KB, 224x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the pump over. I dont get paid till tomorrow. Am i too late?!

>> No.27779910
File: 40 KB, 1508x830, Screenshot_2021-02-04 ASKO 588603 0 01645229943097 - ChartEx pro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying bao or rubic a couple of weeks ago.

>t.guy who did

>> No.27780331

Your fine, the traffic is moving very slow. It pretty much started with the thread and then stopped once it pumped and the thread 404'd. Been watching the buy orders, they havent moved.

>> No.27780343

The pump never ends it'll pump for 2-3 years atleast fren

>> No.27781142
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If you're right i'll name my first child whatever you like

>> No.27781348

Name it asko

>> No.27781451

Bro it’s only like a fucking cent right now what do you think? 1$ EoY

>> No.27782109

We smart bizraelians have groups that find these coins

>> No.27782401
File: 63 KB, 591x1280, photo5994544262743700337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shill me some other low MC alts that look promising frens. Just threw 1.5 eth into ASKO. I'm a newfag and I just wanna make it and be liberated from wagecucking for ZOG. Made some expensive mistakes being a retard chasing pumps in the beginning but learned my lesson. 10k portfolio and need to make some good plays to get a respectable stack.

>> No.27782520

This legit will pump but Unique Rare is a good choice to, NFT block chain art with a low market cap. Legit team and they are presenting at ETH Denver right now

>> No.27783300

25x-150x Leverage Trade platform
$2 million market cap

I found it on 4chan, but here's a Reddit thread:


>> No.27784172

other way around, it pumps because it was posted here. that's my theory at least.

>> No.27784173

This. I bought 10k rubic at 2 cents and now I own 100k off this. I’m ready for round 2

>> No.27784411

Dat symbol...

>> No.27784815

The telegram link is on the coin gecko

>> No.27785115
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thank you anon

>> No.27785171

It's been 4 hours and my order on MXC still hasn't gone through. Should I just cancel it and stump up for the gas prices on uniswap?

>> No.27785313
File: 691 KB, 620x825, 041b63c0ab1f485bc03124ae73f3791c-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well. ASKO has moved up like 20% since then

>> No.27785490

You really think it'll hit similar numbers at similar speed?

>> No.27785634

this but unironically

defi coins are a gamble but there are some things that can show you like the previous response told you
basically market, cap, volume, and the website of the crypto

>> No.27785807

Accumulation phase tonight with hype building tomorrow and take off time

>> No.27785899

Yes but it will take a few days since there isn’t anything new coming out for 9 days. Gives you a nice amount of time to accumulate, will probably take off a few days prior to the news.