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275328 No.275328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>spend 5 years in university
>graduate with STEM degree (electrical engineering)
>spend 6 months just trying to find a job
>mediocre classmates spent less than half the time I did in college learning a trade
>make more money than me now
>found jobs instantly

What the fuck is the point in getting a degree when you can just learn how to fix air conditioners and make just as much or more in some cases?

>> No.275335

Maybe you should learn a trade, champ

>> No.275336

I personally like electrical engineering, but I get a lot of people on 4chan just go into STEM for the money and job security, but if it's those things you're after, you're better off learning a trade, it seems.

>> No.275344

>mediocre classmates spent less than half the time I did in college learning a trade
>make more money than me now
>found jobs instantly

I never understood this

>> No.275345

Supply and demand, I suppose

>> No.275347

Are some people just not cut out for interviews or do they not put in enough effort to find a job?

Honestly, by this point I just believe it's all about location

Of course, there's always that percent of the population that's utterly unfit for general-duty work

>> No.275349

i was thinking about going into electrical engineering but now i don't know, o.p.

>> No.275351


In bumfuck places, trade work will always reign as king, and it's something that will always be needed.

Where do you live?

>> No.275352
File: 133 KB, 467x700, 99tard21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we doing these? I have a couple hundred saved.

> all dat "eduction"

>> No.275356

Some people excel in academics but are completely lost in the real world. Sorry OP.

>> No.275357


>> No.275358

Move to tucson and work for raytheon

>> No.275362

Get a job in sales. I work 20 hours a week in pajamas spewing bullshit about internet marketing and I comfortably clear 6 figures with 0 hours of college.

>> No.275364

Figures typically don't include cents, champ.

>> No.275365

Sorry, my last years total income was something like 125,000.02

I added your two cents to the figure, rounded down.

>> No.275366

How does it feel what you're contributing to society of no value?

>> No.275367

would electrical engineering add any value if i wanted to start my own business?

>> No.275368

Feels excellent.

No really, I have an extremely hard time not smiling while driving a nice car, wearing great clothes and out-earning all of our important college grads.

Their resume is knowledge, mine is manipulation of the system.

>> No.275371

>having a STEM degree
>not being able to get a job
so you went to a shitty college?

>> No.275405

> contributing to society
That's a bullshit argument used by the jealous. Everyone wants to make as much money as they can, the easiest way they can. If you actually want to "contribute to society"", you can use some of your time and money to help others. But working for pay is always a (understandably) selfish thing, not something you do because you want to be a good person.

>> No.275428

it's easy
YOU are the mediocre one

>> No.275434

Except that's not really that retarded. Spending money on education, or research has knock on effects further down the line. Cutting education spending is fucking stupid.

>> No.275448

Did you go to a shit uni?
Did you network at all?
Any internships?

>> No.275467

Excessive government funding of tertiary education results in too many people with college degrees and too many useless courses being offered.

>> No.275485


Don't worry OP, EE here. It gets better when you lose your job every year or two because the R&D project is completed. Engineers are the first to get cut.

Engineers are shit on by society, and yet they are responsible for ALL the technological advancement in society. ALL OF IT.

>> No.275488

My brother is a structural engineer and I am a pipefitter- I made way more than he did until about age 35 then he passed me out by a lot.

>> No.275492

Why don't college grads who are on their asses because of school debt find a way to convert it to private debt so they can declare bankruptcy?

>> No.275503

Got a degree in maths sciences

4 years later i suddenly realise that i dont know what the word "Degree" even fucking means

>> No.275617


That jelly is so thick that I can almost taste it

>> No.275625
File: 257 KB, 1020x683, 1393137455586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw my dad has a company that installs and fixes air conditioning and calefactions
>yfw im a 24yo NEET without no experience and I dont like that job
>yfw depressed because I know my only way to ever work is working with my dad which is a pain in the ass
>yfw you dont even make that much money doing this anymore

>> No.275725

Do you have any idea the number of engineers colleges pump out every year? Thousands and thousands. So do you understand what supply and demand is? Don't get me wrong, people have to design and overcome challanges we face for society to advance. But at the end of the day, you still need someone who is fitting pipes, doing regular jobs.
Every single Highschool pushes college, "if you don't go, you'll starve". When its the opposite. Have fun with your debt and credit score when you can't pay it.

Did you know are only 2-3 in HVAC you make 40$+ an hour? While someone like a petroleum engineer only makes 55 dollars an hour? (Thats the average)

And tradesmen have to chance to advance and even own their own business.
Best an engineer can do is maybe do a consultancy firm.

>> No.275727

Should have gone to Dartmouth.

>> No.275736 [DELETED] 


tradefag detected..

but you are right while college/uni can be a great opportunity it isn't for everybody and the stigma associated with trades and blue collar work is unwarranted

>> No.275740

tradefag detected..

But you are right. While going to college is a great opportunity, it isn't for everybody. And the stigma associated with trades and blue collar work is unwarranted.

>> No.275744

It amazes me how much schools these days push college. Because everyone thinks they can make 60$+ an hour and not have to do any real work.
Like their above getting their hands dirty.

>> No.275789

About half the people at my University don't belong there. I probably didn't even belong there either. I wish I would have gotten a trade instead so I could be making 50k starting instead of making that amount now after 5 years at my white collar job.

>> No.275791


what do you guys do?

>> No.275801

Google it.

>> No.275808

I sit in a cubicle all day typing up reports to keep the FDA off my company's back.

>> No.275806

I feel like this is bait. Any trade takes a 4-5 minimum wage apprentice job to get into. Even if you learn the trade in 1 year at a tech school, you will be working <$10/hr until you get enough experience for a contractor's license. The only way he could be making more then you is if he's working for a family or friend's business. Either you have a really shitty job, or you are a horrible shill.

Trades are only good as a career if you plan to get your contractor's license and pursue a business. Working for somebody else will put you under $20/hr unless you have connections or 10+ years of experience in a large city.

>> No.275847

Most college degrees put you under $20/hour in my city. I'm making slightly more than that with degrees in biochemistry and mathematics.

>> No.277025

>Except that's not really that retarded.
>w/ so much loans

>> No.277040

>Takes 5 years to get a STEM degree
You're obviously fucking retarded.

>> No.277081

Education is very important and market capitalism does this thing where you have to produce more than you consume to survive.

Unfortunately, to learn better trades and modern skills people have to consume more than they make to be excellent at their trades. College is meant to spend your time learning and not working, and that needs funding.

>> No.277103

I've been led to believe electrical engineering jobs are plentiful and it's a worthwhile degree. Do you have poor social skills? What has "looking for a job" consisted of? What is your EE specialization?

>> No.277106

to get an EE degree a lot of people take 5 years

>> No.277109

A lot of retards, maybe.

>> No.277112

Yep. How the fuck do you go through something like EE (which a lot of schools seem to be forcing students actual work experience near the end of completion), and still not find a job after graduation?

My dumb as fuck cousin hates EE, got paid over minimum during school as a part of the learning, and then graduated to a iirc $27/hr position at another company.

I don't fucking get how anyone can not get a job with EE. Maybe they aren't trying to look, maybe they're just a faggot, maybe OP wants a job across the street and isn't willing to travel/relocate at all... or maybe this entire thing is bait

>> No.277117

You can't say because you don't know. This is why the economy should be planned, not left to the wolves.

>> No.277121

I can't say because you have to be a faggot from another dimension to not get a job with EE.

>> No.277131

>so much loans

so many loans
so much money in debt beacuse of loans

fuck america

>> No.277138

i turned down making 70k a year as a tradesman electrician for a union in a big city the elevator union is pushing 85k a year
and the carpenters sit on a fat 65k a year

>> No.277140

>Maybe they aren't trying to look, maybe they're just a faggot, maybe OP wants a job across the street and isn't willing to travel/relocate at all...
Hell, the same could be said about people like the whore in OP's pic.

I have a family member that has a fine arts degree. She makes a living with her skills because she doesn't sit on her ass and wait for money to be thrown at her, she hustles every day of the week and provides a service that people and businesses want.

>or maybe this entire thing is bait
It does reek of /pol/

>> No.277144

better than a business degree

>> No.277158

I bet she's married.

>> No.277172

America has had a shortage of Tradies for like 20 fucking years, no shit they're going to find work easily.

Seriously though, why do Americans avoid blue collar work so much that they'd rather be unemployed and poor than do it?

>> No.277183

>mfw took me 5 years for EE and 4 years for MSEE while working full time
>mfw I can get a job anywhere with 10 years experience under my belt

OP, its all about luck. The reality is that EE is very employable if you have the experience necessary to do work, and are willing to move. But there are way more engineers than jobs these days. It sucks. Find yourself a recruiter who is looking to employ people of our skills, and it won't be as bad.

>> No.277193

when the faa comes out with their commercial regulations for uav's next year there should be an increase in EE jobs.

>> No.277196

america is a very social status driven society and a blue collar workers are generally viewed as the beer gluzzing fat idiots

>> No.277283

Wait, EE doesn't guarantee me a job?

>> No.277288

yes it does. don't let the liberal arts shills fool you.

>> No.277293

Well let me put it this way: unless you do CO-OP in college (in EE) then you're gonna have a fun time competing for jobs with much experienced and older EEs who have had to dial down on $ and fight over lower engineering tiers, so no it won't gurantee you a job.

Also it's amazing how "trade jobs" have been made to seem to be only for complete retards and that everyone else is suited for college, thus creating a shortage for trade workers who now have higher pay and an influx of college graduates with worthless degrees working at nada.

>> No.277301

See here's the good part, I am going to community college for a year so I still have the time and money to look for a college with a good co-op program. My economics teacher told me if I don't do any internship or co-op, I might as well not have gone to college. I realize I need some mad grades to be able to choose what school I want to go to so If I get anything under a 3.5 I'll have to consider a trade.

>> No.277305

Thing is a co-op is not a gurantee, you're gonna be fighting among students who are also trying to get it (and college doesn't give you a co-op, external companies come to colleges and hire engineers in training for a much cheaper fee in return for exp).

>> No.277308

Well, not what I was expecting but I'm sure I'll make it.
Tank you based anon for the knowledge.

>> No.277309

got a BFA in film production less than 2 years ago, now i make 70k editing TV shows :)

>> No.277330

In my country trade workers were being paid higher than engineers, then GFC happened and most tradesmen went back down to the minimum pay. The weird thing is that there's currently a skill shortage, but there is also little work. We don't have a shortage of people who want to be apprentices - in some trades around 1000 people will apply for a single apprenticeship and that is just for a "man and his van" type company. The bigger companies have as little as 5000 applicants for a single position.

The Government thinks that no one wants to be an apprentice because they'll work for $7/h when they can work for $20/h in retail, so they make the apprentice wage higher. All this does is make companies refuse to put apprentices on

>> No.277472

With fat wallets and a stable retirement

>> No.277598

I'm graduating with my EE bachelors in about a month. I still don't have a job offer, hell, I don't have any interviews despite two internships, a decent GPA (above 3.4) and extreme willingness to relocate.

>> No.277610

it doesnt if youre an autist

>> No.277611





>> No.277678

Where did you apply?
Did you follow up?
What does your resume look like?
Are you willing to move?

I bet you don't know of certain jobs out there that you can apply to.

Goldman sachs
Infinity engineering systems

>> No.277679

I take offense to the stereotype that engineering is a guaranteed job because I've been busting my ass just trying to get an interview.

>> No.277690


Nigga. What the fuck are you spewing? Do you know apprentices for the elevator constructor union START at $30/hr. Journeymen make north of $50/hr.

This is a tough union to get into though, as thousands will apply whenever they hold a hiring session. Also, that nepotism. But I know a guy who got in directly out of high school as an 18 year old, so anything is possible.

Look into the elevator constructor union wherever you live and throw your hat in the ring if they're accepting applications. If you have college education plus a mechanical background you should be golden.

I went through the process in Chicago last Sept and 1700+ people passed the test to get an interview. Then comes a 10 question interview; everyone is asked the same questions. You get a score based out of 100 and are placed on a ranked list. The list is good for 2 years and they call men as needed off the list to become apprentices.

Interview tip: wear Carhartt khakis and long sleeve collared shirt; don't show up in a suit, you'll look like a fucking tool. Research what the job entails, because they will ask you.

>> No.277721

what does "busting my ass" entail for you?

>> No.277741


"i sent out TWO resumes on craigslist last week! why haven't i got any interviews! thx obama!"

>> No.277743

What's a trade that anybody can get into without any engineering background and is in high demand in southern california

>> No.277747


get a job watering plants for a company. its contract work and pretty low stress. starting pay in my city is 15/hr.

>> No.277782

I'm in socal also, have you looked into EE programs?

>> No.277784

You're doing something wrong

>> No.277786

EE should be a guaranteed job.

I graduated with a CompE degree. Companies beg for your dick. If you don't have an internship, join a club or design something on your own. Better yet, build some things with an Altera dev. board. FPGAs are easy money.

I had a few job offers before graduating. I am starting at $65k at a prestigious engineering corp (named in this thread).

Recruiters want go-getters, not good test takers. I graduated with a 3.02 GPA, but it is a top 5 US program. Completed three internships and two co-ops with three Fortune 100 companies.

Co-ops have less competition than internships because people don't want to delay graduation. I was paid $20+/hr at my co-ops.

>> No.277788

"with so much loans"

How do retarded illiterate spics even manage to get a degree? This is the question we should be asking ourselves.

>> No.277794

Yet the demand for engineers still greatly outstrips the supply. There's a reason every engineering degree under the sun is listed under most First world country's 'long-term shortages'.

>> No.277795

Gonna need heavy sources on this. A friend of mine got $17/hr straight out of high school (did an early career program) and spent the last half of his high school learning a trade.

>> No.277870

Then why are there any unemployed graduates ever? Why don't I tip my mortar board, walk off stage, and be greeted by a crowd of businesses screaming "Pick me!" Why does it takes 6 months to a year for some people to find a job?

>> No.277937

>>mediocre classmates spent less than half the time I did in college learning a trade
>>make more money than me now
>>found jobs instantly
I think that means you're the mediocre one

>> No.277939

Or OP was retarded as fuck and thought his classmates were below him

>> No.277952

>I have no experience outside of sitting in a classroom for 18 years and have absolutely no people skills, why wont anyone hire me? I only stuttered and mumbled 31 times at the interview.. that's my all time best

>> No.277969

>sitting in a classroom for 18 years
So basically what everyone does, because that's the default path through life. Yet somehow the world turns and everyone has to get their first job eventually. We didn't pop out of the womb with 3-5 years experience.

>List of life milestones and requirements such as going to school
>Fulfill said requirements and responsibilities
>Expect to participate in the next stage of life after performing said duties
>This is somehow an unreasonable expectation
>"No silly, I'm going to change the rules now, here's a list of things you should have been doing instead of what I actually told you to do. Oops, I guess you can't go back now!"

>> No.277971


because not all engineering graduates are qualified for the jobs that are being offered as a result of this employers market

and not all graduates are willing to compromise when it comes to compensation, location, corporate culture, and work life balance

>> No.277979

Your first question is stupid, common sense answers it.

Your second question is silly, why would a business have to go to you graduates (and fight over people) when they can partner with a specific school and get a constant stream of graduates (or hire foreign workers, or hire one of the recently laid off seniors which there seems to be plenty of)? Why would businesses waste their effort chasing students who don't put the effort to chase them? We live in an economy where businesses hold the hiring power.

Your last question is also stupid. Some people apply to one job a week and call that "busting their ass".

So there still is a greater demand than there is supply, but that doesn't mean you're going to land a job being a lazy isolated fuck. It still takes effort dearest.

>> No.277983

lel I love when people complain that "I followed the minimum requirements and I am entitled to a good job dammit!"

Fucking grow a pair and carve your own way in life. Network, connect, and expand. If you can't do that, then just stay forever working at walmart.

So keep making excuses and blaming others, that seems to be working wonders for you.

>> No.277986

thanks dad.

>> No.277987

You're welcome, I still love you even though you're a faggot.

>> No.277990

I'm currently going to community college for welding. I took calc in highschool and passed with an A and really enjoyed it. Not sure where I want to go in life. Should I finish out this welding thing, or go to a 4 year university for some sort of engineering?

>> No.277993

become an engineer and build the robots that replace welders.

>> No.277996

Because the lenders of the private debt will bring it up in court and prevent the share that went to paying off your student loans from being dischargeable in bankruptcy. The lender has to do something incredibly stupid like advertise "Unlike student loads, our loans can be wiped in bankruptcy. Get one today and pay off those evil lifelong students loans" to be able to get out of it with bankruptcy.


Part time jobs, co-ops, study abroad, filled/conflicting/canceled courses, or a second majors can easily cause you to stay a 5th year in Engineering. It's pretty normal to find super senior in EE

>> No.277997

Do welding and make some money and
see how you like the trade lifestyle.
Do that for 5 years (assuming you are 18)
and if you don't like the blue collar lifestyle then you can try uni.


1. you can make good money in welding if you are good and use this to help finance your education, instead of relying on debt and borrowing from parents like most students

2. you will actually have real work experience if you make it through an apprenticeship

3. you get to possibly see both sides of the fence

>> No.277998

yeah, I could. I was the best in my class when I welded in highschool. The instructors at my community college want me to train for the state welding competition.
I taught myself how to program my TI-83 calculator when I was in 8th grade, and my math teachers wanted me to get a degree that involved math.
I just don't know whats out there. I went into welding since I could get it under my belt quickly and get some job security.

>> No.277999

go into welding engineering

>> No.278000

>expecting middle school kids to know that they should be "Network, connect, and expand" when it's bogged down night and day that "YOU NEED TO STAY IN SCHOOL TO GET A GOOD JOB"

You probably from a different generation so it's okay if you don't 'get it', gramps.

It's not their fault that the world told them lies about how getting good grades = a good job and young kids believe it.

It's basic propaganda. Have every parent, teacher, and adult say it over and over, enforce 'high' test scores, 5 hour SAT/ACT tests, 8 hour school days, no child left behind, all while saying "if you fail at these you fail at life", and 90% of students will start to believe it. The others will probably drop out which only encourages the rest to stay in school after they see how shit the drop out's life is now.

Add the fact that everyone older they looked up to are getting pink slips because it's 2008 and they'll really see school as the only pathway available right now, since there's nothing else to do and their to 'inexperienced' to get a part-time-job at 17. And everyone is cutting back on everything, so '>mow your neighbors lawn' isn't an option because they just got evicted and the new residents only hire illegal mexicans and pay them with beans.

Get it now?

>> No.278005

how is a person supposed to "work on his own" when his income comes from everybody else?

>> No.278010
File: 180 KB, 669x376, 1356485346885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much doom and gloom

Personally, I believe that most young adults think they're too good for manual labor and other opportunities.

The problem isn't beating into their head school equals success, the problem is everyone saying "You can do whatever you believe in and want!"

Majority of these young adults think they're entitled to their dream job and stick their nose up at the idea of working something "below them"

This isn't to say that everyone fills this role. A lot of people aren't willing to relocate either, and if they have a choice in the matter I'd imagine they really aren't that desperate.

>> No.278014

My/The current generation (and the next) don't have the privilege of going out and getting a 'summer job', because we're competing against 30+ y/o who got laid off have have more experience than we ever will. And *they* are competing against older people and boomers who are on the edge of being laid off.

>> No.278025

I hate people like you. I would kill for a family business that my dad can teach me about. My best friend has a family chain of restaurants and all he cares about is the shitty salary his dad pays him every week. Which is pretty decent for a 21 year old.

>> No.278028

>$20,000 in student loans

What a light weight.

>Fine Arts degree

Oh... I see her problem. Her top end yearly gross income is the same as her student debt.

I don't see the big deal crying about student debt. I ended up with just shy of $40k in student debt and I am paying it back fine.

>> No.278030

>having mommy and daddy pay for school
>not working full time on the side, and helping take care of family
Son you dissapoint

>> No.278033
File: 328 KB, 619x516, Unit-Housing-Minimum-Wage-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much assuming

>Personally, I believe that most young adults think they're too good for manual labor and other opportunities.
Yes, but a minimum wage job that can't pay your rent, or your parents rent, having time to study for school, and having to live on top ramen also accounts into that.

>The problem isn't beating into their head school equals success, the problem is everyone saying "You can do whatever you believe in and want!"
So giving kids hope and making them strive for the best is a bad thing? Cool.

>Majority of these young adults think they're entitled to their dream job and stick their nose up at the idea of working something "below them"
No I think they really just want A job.

>This isn't to say that everyone fills this role.
Okay I see now.

>A lot of people aren't willing to relocate either, and if they have a choice in the matter I'd imagine they really aren't that desperate.
They can't relocate because the cost of living is damn high.
and no one will hire them, because they have no experience, because no one will hire them, because they have no experience, because no one will hire them, because they have no experience...

>> No.278035

>taking a loan to study

>> No.278040

People can't get jobs because they lack personality. With personality you can bullshit your way into anything. Sure a little know how is important. But you will never in college learn everything there is to know about a trade unless you spend 16 hours a day every day for 2 years doing nothing but reading, practicing, learning. If your persistent enough and have a good personality there is nothing to stop you from getting a job. Work is everywhere to be found. It's the employers who decide they don't want you around. What are you guys willing to forgo for that job? for that opportunity? not much, and that's why you can't get the job.

>> No.278046

I can guarantee I'm younger than you.

It's funny people use the bullshit excuse "BUT I WAS TOLD", but when asked if they would go into being a garbage collector no questions asked, they would say "no I'm in control of my future"


It's just funny to me because you people who want independance, a "career", and a stable future, can't even fucking think for yourself.

So fuck off with your "it's propaganda" bullshit, if you can't cut through the noise, you don't deserve much.

>> No.278051
File: 80 KB, 480x480, 1368132645202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first off your picture is retarded for the simple fact a single person doesn't need a two bedroom unit

>So giving kids hope and making them strive for the best is a bad thing? Cool.
>implying youre entitled to a dream job

beggars cant be choosers mate, you can always strive for your dream but you have to accept the fact you may never achieve it

>No I think they really just want A job.
temp services exist for a reason mate, if you want a job bad enough you WILL find one, be it a minimum wage job or not.

>They can't relocate because the cost of living is damn high.
and no one will hire them, because they have no experience, because no one will hire them, because they have no experience, because no one will hire them, because they have no experience...

Oh I get it you're just scared of reality and don't actually understand how it works.

I also said "if they have a choice in relocating" and believe it or not, a lot of people do.

If you're so desperate for a job why not just get your CDL and be a truck driver? Oh that's right you're too good for that

>> No.278052
File: 13 KB, 333x466, averagepotentialemployee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have almost zero personality and I was able to get a job through nepotism.

I think it is hilarious that you think people can just smooth talk a way into a job. I think you just solved the problem for everyone... just sit down across from your potential employer, state your last name... pause, state your first name, do this while lighting a cigarette and giving a suave look toward your interviewer, if a woman try and seduce her into giving you a job.

It's all so simple!

>> No.278056

Oh and to add, society is changing a whole fucking lot, so I don't understand fools who stick to the books yet fail to create anything themselves. Don't want to start a business because you're lazy. Don't want to invent anything because you were a drone for 5+years in school. Don't want to force your way into the company of your choice because "I don't have experience!"

I'm over this generation whining without accepting fault for their own life choices, happens every generation, but it's much more apparent this generation due to connectivity. No wonder the media is clinging onto the 'lazy millennials' perspective - because they're half right.

I should stop commenting though because it's going to get nowhere, just more excuses piling up. Wake up and smell the roses, society changes and if you can't adapt, you might as well just start saving for your coffin now.

>> No.278059

That's the wrong kind of personality. Fuck, it's no wonder you need nepotism.

>> No.278065


>don't want to force your way into the company of your choice because "I don't have experience!"

Not sure about the rest of your crap, but I have to agree with at least this. I was able to get the job I wanted for a company because I took a semi-unrelated job that paid less and applied for my position of choice when it opened up as an internal employee. With the networking, benefit of being an existing employee, etc, it was easy peasy.


Relax... bud. It was a joke. I am simply stating that talking your way into a job is not the only skill you need. It takes multiple methods, that is just one of many necessities.

>> No.278069

you son are borderline retarded. I didn't say be James Bond. I said have a personality. a good one. Work on it, be likeable and learn to show your skills and or knowledge by not actually showing your skills and personality. I've gotten jobs through nepotism. And I've gotten jobs by having a personality. You learn about the man who's interviewing you, and if you can't you learn to appeal to all types of people. Maybe you should get into dick sucking. Because it seems that you are too stupid to make it on your own.

>> No.278070


So angry. I bet your personality will get you a job any year now.

>> No.278072

So edgy, I bet you and your dad can jerk off your boss together for that promotion.

>> No.278073


You must be new if you thought that was edgy.

>> No.278078
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>> No.278080

>learn to show your skills and or knowledge by not actually showing your skills and personality


>> No.278079

You must actually be retarded if you can't into shit talking.

>> No.278082
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>I'm over this generation whining without accepting fault for their own life choices
They are accepting it. They're just having trouble at doing something about it.

>So fuck off with your "it's propaganda" bullshit
No because then *you* are just being ignorant at what's really going on.
And disregarding a whole generation as 'fuck offs' isn't going to solve anything. It'll just make shit worse when old people retire and everyone realizes that they fucked up and have a whole generation that can't replace utility and non-stem workers.

>If you're so desperate for a job why not just get your CDL and be a truck driver?
Because doing that is a bigger investment than just getting a CDL.
What's exactly wrong with striving to be something better? Isn't that why your parents move to a better location/county? Isn't that why adults give kids encouragement to be better?
Or do you just go around and tell people that they'll never amount to anything and should just fuck off and sell crack because HEY that's a job!

>> No.278083

Think about an actor. And what an actor does. A good one that is. An actor convinces you during the movie that they have a special skill, simply by talking and bullshitting. During the movie you believe the actor. You believe in his/her ability, know how.

>> No.278100
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what part of beggars can't be choosers do you not understand, pleb?

take what you can get (if you're so desperate, but since you aren't willing to take what you can get you must not be so desperate after all)

then you go after what you WANT

you cannot seriously complain about muh jobs when there are jobs, just because you don't want said job.

Nothing is stopping you from getting your dream job later on in life but I suppose its easier to cry on 4chan and blame the world instead of taking responsibility for your actions.

You have temp services, the internet, and other amazing resources that people before you didn't have. Less time crying, more time working.

>> No.278106


Worst analogy I have seen in awhile.

Look... son, we know personality is important, but to think it trumps actual know how, experience, education, etc is on its face laughable. You don't take just one skill (being personable) and tout it as the most significant trait you can have during your job search/interview process.

I don't think you should be telling anyone they are retarded.

>> No.278131
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>> No.278186

You know what I find fascinating about the concept of an employment crisis? Here you have millions of people that want to work, meaning they want to generate profit for you. They are desperate for the opportunity to make *you* money because their life depends on it, but you don't let them. Think about the concept of not letting someone work for you, no matter how much they beg. It's like having a harem of sluts desperate for the opportunity to suck your cock because they need your semen to survive, but you say no. It just seems like the more people who are employed, the more profit would be generated, the happier everyone would be.

>> No.278190

this is why /biz/ needs an age limit

>> No.278207

a bad employee is worse than no employee

your harem analogy breaks down when you consider most girls in on this scheme are 600lb whales. do you really want them on your cock?

>> No.278211

This poster is utter rot. There is work to be done but it doesn't pay a living wage.

>> No.278213

>beggars can't be choosers!!!

>> No.278216

Ironically, being a beggar would probably be more profitable

>> No.278219
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>$60k for driving a semi isn't a living wage

Do you have downs syndrome m8? Do you know what a temp service is? Have you even had a fucking job before?

>> No.278220

that has nothing to do with my post m8 what are you on??

>> No.278232

also truck driving is a bad example since the investment/money needed to get started is so high. If people were desperate, like you said. they would just sell drugs.

>> No.278236



>> No.278252


What if you're a skilled tradesman with a college degree?

>> No.278253

>Nothing is stopping you from getting your dream job later on in life
>blame the world instead of taking responsibility for your actions.

The individual has very little impact on the world, and the appearance of individual success is not so much to do with his will, but the social and economic factors surrounding he/she (as well as luck).

Having the right attitude will increase your chances of success, but it doesn't guarantee it as you seem to imply.

>> No.278255

You cannot blame the world for a "lack of jobs" when they are out there, they just happen to NOT be your dream job. It took me roughly five seconds to find
and they all pay more than minimum wage, a guaranteed 40 hrs. The pay is very reasonable for our cost of living.

I understand some of you live in high cost of living areas and those jobs will look like chump change to you, but for our area they are decent entry level MANUFACTURING jobs.

I could seriously list over one hundred entry level jobs just for the greater Columbus area in Ohio. Ohio can't be the "only place with jobs"

>> No.278258


at least you're not a humanities major

>> No.278272

Now try listing over 100 entry level jobs with no pre-reqs in the greater NY, FL, MI, and CA area.

I understand your point but not everyone lives in rural areas where manufacturing is plentiful. Like the other poster said, this is where your surrounding economic factors and 'luck' come into play.
You can't assume that because you can find these jobs in your area that everyone everywhere can.
Which is what the older generation seem to not understand.
That since they could find a job at their age with a sharp look and a firm handshake in their suburban area that everyone everywhere can do it too.

>> No.278274 [DELETED] 


Suburban white male getting blown the fuck out here, the jobs are there you people are too entitled to take them.

>> No.278281

Which one do you live near? Search for an industrial park, Search temp agencies, etc. You live in a heavily populated area with a high cost of living, from my experience that means more opportunities than less.

>> No.278283

>Suburban white

I am neither of those things.

Why do you keep on assuming things?

>> No.278315

>5 years at uni

>> No.278330

This. How is it your classmates fault you have a 2.5 gpa, you did nothing for 4 years besides attend class, and you never met anyone? OP has no one to blame but himself.

>> No.278404

>Trades are only good as a career if you plan to get your contractor's license and pursue a business. Working for somebody else will put you under $20/hr unless you have connections or 10+ years of experience in a large city.

welder from vancouver here

you have no idea what you are talking about.
6 month course to get my c level from school, cost $3200
1 week after finishing course i found my first job, $18/hour.
now i make $25.5 at a new job, and as much overtime as i want at 1.5X. i worked saturday for an 8 hour day, making just under $40 an hour, in a non union shop and im 23.

i only have my first welding level, once i go back and get the next (16 week long course) my wage will go up to just under 30 at this company

>> No.278434

me again
did the quick math on how much i make per year, about $72000 when i average out my overtime work

i make $3000 more per year than the average canadian FAMILY and im 23. you cant possibly say that trades dont pay well. if i went to work the oil fields in alberta i would start at $60 an hour

>> No.278452

72k is a decent salary, but nothing mind blowing. That $60/hour job seems interesting. How long does it take to make 400K in welding?

>> No.278466

>72k is a decent salary, but nothing mind blowing. That $60/hour job seems interesting. How long does it take to make 400K in welding?

really depends on the path you want to take
work the oilsands, 3 years
building your own company... that might take much longer, but you could make much more

>> No.278541

thats actually how most harems worked, historically.
The concubines fought among themselfs for the right to bed the King/sultan and maybe bear the next heir to the throne.

>> No.278562

I don't think tradesman make as much as most people think, sure you usually pay them alot to get things done but a huge portion of that goes towards materials, tools and other labourers working under them.

>> No.278592

Dunno if it counts as a trade but I just got a $20 starting window washing job, and can move up to $45 in a few years.

>> No.278867

are you a member of a window washing union and do you wash the windows of high rises in a large city?

>> No.279020

most likely he is NEET and is stoking his fire of ruse

>> No.279064
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>mfw i'm getting my trade before I go to collegeland
>mfw I'm pretty much guaranteed a job
>only a matter of time

>> No.279084

What do you guys mean by your "trade"?

>> No.279095


>> No.279101

So basically if you wanna be successful in life, have at least one kind of Trade?

>> No.279108

Or get really good at networking.

>> No.279120

If you had to recommend one. Which would you say to look in to?

>> No.279127

I've always heard good things about welding.
But you should really look into a large spread of trades before making a decision.

>> No.279139

Currently job searching as well, the main thing that pisses me off is the number of employers that do batshit stuff to candidates that make no sense.

>About a month ago
>Sitting at my house when I get a call around 5pm on a Friday
>IT Solutions company recruiter calling
>Said she found my resume on monster.com and wanted to ask some questions and see if I was interested in a job
>Answer questions, phone interview goes really well
>Sends me an email with some information and to call or email her back on Monday in the afternoon if I am interested
>Call her Monday at 1pm, leave a voicemail
>Don't try on Tuesday cause there was a buttload of snow and many places were closed (I live in the DC area, the federal government was closed and since this company is focused on consulting work for gov I assumed they would be closed too)
>Call on Wednesday, no answer, again I leave a voicemail
>Send an email Thursday
>Give up after that

Seriously what the shit? I could understand if I was not qualified for a job and I do not get an answer, but this bitch calls me up, says she likes my resume and interview went well, gives me more information, and then when I contact her when she asks me to she's a fucking ghost?

>> No.279145

sounds like you got scammed. what personal info did you give her? you should look into lifelock.

>> No.279155

That's the thing though, it's a real company and everything. I didn't give her any information that she did not already know (my name), she only asked me questions about my experience from my resume that she was reading from, and she emailed me from a company email address. I am seriously baffled with this whole experience, it makes no god damn sense to me.