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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 400x400, Cardano-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27739542 No.27739542 [Reply] [Original]

We are going mainstream.

>> No.27739932

Already stacked and staked, bro.

>> No.27740057

Yes. ~250k checking in. i want to make it this year!

>> No.27740233

I just sold my VET for ADA. Sucks, I only have 7K but i'm here for the long haul boys!

>> No.27740329

Whats happening?
I know about native assets but it's still far from going mainstream

>> No.27740358
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10k stacklet reporting in

>> No.27740457

I have a whopping 2.96 in cardano should I invest more? honest responses please

>> No.27740564

2k stacklet reporting in.

>> No.27740721

ADA is ETH 3.0.
-High TPS
-enterprise languages smart contracts

>> No.27740945

Yes. get 10k

>> No.27740968

i wish i had this!! only 40k here. but still if it goes to $4 im happy and im going to make it.

>> No.27741275

You will be a millionaire either this year or next year. This shit is going to blast past its last ATH in a few months, and could easily hit $4.

>> No.27741355

lowly 4.5k stacklet here

>> No.27741495

I have $150 dollars in this.
Can't wait for it to become 12 million.

>> No.27741588

by 2025 if digits

>> No.27741697


>> No.27741735
File: 471 KB, 2048x1800, poorfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really hoping this blows up, seems like a legitimate project with potential

am i gonna make it boys?

>> No.27741802


>> No.27741850

both are winners and have outperformed both BTC and ETH since the corona dump.

>> No.27741904

1K stacklet here. Planning on DCAing more in over the next few weeks/months to come. WGMI bros

>> No.27742031

There goes my fourth crypto transaction

>> No.27742064

13k hung lets doo thhiiiis

>> No.27743354
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when is the p00mp c00ming? I have 300 busd to spare, i'll join the fight

>> No.27743449
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You like unicorns or something kek.

>> No.27743544
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>> No.27744048

This is one of winners this bull run. Safe blue chip coin.

>> No.27745329
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Lt. Colonel here

Proud of these digits

>> No.27746563

What makes Cardano so great? I have 180. I've been putting more into XLM. Why should I change?

>> No.27747228

based, I have cardano and xlm aswell. We're gonna make it bro

>> No.27747347

Only a corporal, but I'm a broke ass student. wagmi

>> No.27747404

Because XLM does nothing and doesn't increase in price ever. All it does is fluctuate 3 cents over the weeks

>> No.27747449

Thx for letting me know. Time to sell.

>> No.27747621

Oh I see, you don't care to understand how XLM distinguishes itself from other coins, you're just gambling.

>> No.27747664

134k stack average price 5c comfy asf

>> No.27747796

Buying 16k extra to become major

>> No.27748167



Not a financial advisor, I just like the coin. That said:

It's got just about everything you could want in a technical project. It has a passionate leader in Charles Hoskinson who regularly has interviews with interested parties, deeply cares about technology, and will defend it in a way similar to Elon Musk.

They understand why crypto is important and communicate that on a daily basis. For you an me, cryptocurrency isn't important because we have central banks, central identity services, etc. We don't actually need crypto. Undeveloped countries do. In Africa, do you know how they deal with land disputes? They go up to the old people in the village and ask who actually owns the land. Additionally, they have no banking services, nowhere to take out a loan. It's a mess and they will never be part of the rest of the world until they do. Africa is a 6 Trillion dollar economy with over 1 billion people. If we bring them into the fold, it will do great things for the global economy. Cardano already has teams working with African governments.

They have one of the highest amount of commits on the project. Charles Hoskinson, a great developer, is adamant that Cardano has the best code. So, let me run it down:

- They have probably the best spokesman (ala Steve Jobs, Elon Musk)
- They have one of the best codebases.
- They understand the true use case of crypto

If Bitcoin is IBM and Etherium is Apple, then Cardano is Google.

>> No.27748286

Yeah their objective of giving money to africans doesn't appeal to me

>> No.27748374

realistic eoy price?

>> No.27748463


They're not giving money to africans. They're giving them the ability to do transactions on a global level.

So, if you're a loan company, you just got 1 Billion more people in your customer-base that you previously couldn't access. Charge them 15% interest and take it to the bank.

>> No.27748725

Between 5, and 10, USD.

>> No.27748759

Interesting. I'll have to do some more research on this Charles Hoskinson character. Thanks for the reply.

>> No.27748829

don't care. my tasty BAO do 50% a day unlike stinky ADA which is below 1600 sats for 2 years. piece of shit.
don't care about your superior network, charles, I make more money trading in a day than holding ADA for 1 year.
yeah, so it can do 5x, MAYBE 10x in sats. I can do much better.

>> No.27748885

Also, where the fuck can I buy ADA outside of Binance? I'm in US. Coinbase does not carry ADA.

>> No.27748901

would something line cardano potentially hit same current prices as eth one day?

>> No.27749226


If your state supports it, you should be able to use binance.us

>> No.27749391


You can't really look at it like that, you need to look at market cap. If Cardano was the same in terms of market cap that eth was, it would be about 14x. So if Cardano wasequal Eth, it would cost about $6 per coin.

>> No.27749428

can I link to my binance.com account or do I need to register again on .us?

>> No.27749487

You are gmi.

>> No.27749597
File: 55 KB, 1280x685, Esxk7_SXcAIT_q_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine buying this pumped boomercoin when there's fanom
>superior in any way, shape or form

>> No.27749634

go back

>> No.27749638

thanks for the info

>> No.27749643

Then get pulled in front of commitees and be forced to denounce white supremacy while you get destroyed by the new cultural revolution. They shouldn't even try. Africans are useless.

>> No.27749646

Best exchange to get in???

>> No.27749812

have a look on coingecko

>> No.27749880

Thanks. Is ZBG really good? Or should I go with Bitrue instead? I'm already planning to use Daedalus wallet.

>> No.27749935


The entire purpose of cryptocurrency is that businesses need to make it profitable. If you don't think targeting civilizations without a central ledger is a good idea, then you probably should get out of crypto while you still can.

According to you, it's all going to 0.

>> No.27750017

This is a good time to buy. It will be on Coinbase soon and other platforms.

>> No.27750166

I got it on Kraken. They verified me before Binance and Metrocoin, so I just went with Kraken. Their app is pretty nice too.

>> No.27750181

You're arguing with idiots who cant see that this is a "give a man a fish" situation. Cardano intends to teach africa how to fish by providing them with the financial infrastructure to do it. Its pretty much the exact opposite of charity, lol

>> No.27750484

waiting for binance.us to verify deposits so i can buy ADA... does anyone know how long this normally takes

>> No.27750502

Whats the minimum amount for staking to be worth it?

>> No.27750603

> Civilization

Pick one

>> No.27750647


They've been bottlenecked due to increased interest lately. It's all a giant pain in the ass.

>> No.27750753

can be like 5-10 mins

>> No.27750755

No, think there is a couple centuries of objective data that points to corruption, and blaming others for their inferiority, low iq, and degeneracy.

>> No.27750767


Any amount helps keep the network more secure. I'm going to start staking soon as soon as I get a safety deposit box to keep my codewords secure.

>> No.27750966


nice, you bought a coin that is also the size of ur penis.

>> No.27751084

yeah and now there are tools which transcend the need for trustworthy human stewards. africa is going to explode and all it will require are computers and factories operated by chinks, jews and the occasional enterprising white man

>> No.27751202
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241k here, staked and sitting back.

>> No.27751230

so its literally the redditors then. fuck me

>> No.27751279

Thanks, Kraken looks great

>> No.27751308

Bittrex has it. Very easy to buy and transfer.

>> No.27751432

Of course WA is restricted. Fuck sake...

>> No.27751751

I've been looking where to buy these coins but apparently they're only on Coinbase, Kraken and eToro. I'm not sure about using eToro, Coinbase isn't available in my region and Kraken hasn't verified me yet. Guess I'm fucked guys

>> No.27751835


>> No.27751895

Is Kraken getting overwhelmed or some shit?
I got intermediate within an hour.

>> No.27751996
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Seattle bro here. You can buy it through Bittrex.

>> No.27752081


>> No.27752245

8k stacklet here. Holding this, hoping it hits $3, but will be happy with $1.3

>> No.27752299

>he thinks that people that don't even have computers, smartphones or internet will use cardano to buy stuff

>> No.27752415

K, i got 50 ADA now, let's GOOOOO!

>> No.27752437

Thanks. Signing up now.

>> No.27753003

how retarded are you?
spend some time on /int/ dumb amerishart

>> No.27753009

Poorfag here, only 40 ada. Can you make feel better about myself ? I'm a third worlder I can't buy more

>> No.27753276

there's always a start, just don't panic sell if it dips short term

>> No.27753646

The app has shit reviews.

>> No.27754098

Anyone think it will dip down to like 0.3-0.35 again?

I want to buy a bag but i'd rather not buy right now during a surge.

>> No.27754503

don't you have a computer?

you don't need a great app, just a functional one. bittrex is not the market leader since 2017 so they can't afford too good I guess. or it's a case of the chicken and the egg.
It's fine, remember all crypto goes up in a bull market if you just hold on to it. also remember you have to sell, or you become a pink wojak.
everyone and their means.
bitcoin looks pumpy and ada is delivering, you shouldn't bet on that. buy at least half now.

>> No.27754558

It may dip that hard if BTC goes down to around 25k which most likely wouldn't happen.
ADA is really stable because of rewarding staking system. Delegators aren't selling that much.

Tl;dr just grab some when it dips to 0.40-0.41

>> No.27754635
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I'm using Daedalus wallet to stake and get no fucking rewards.
How does this shit work?

>> No.27754746

you need to wait 3 epochs after delegating to a pool to receive rewards

>> No.27754864

well damn

>> No.27754976

Looked at the charts, it already "mooned" at the beginning of the month. This shit is going to dump.

>> No.27755513

Just buy now and hold. This month will be big for ADA

>> No.27755739

Ok Charles, you convinced me. I just bought to 6600 ada. You know what would bolster your chance? Just post your face here!

>> No.27756149
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>Mfw I am about to receive my first rewards today.

>> No.27757227

Just bought 2k based on this speech alone, I'll buy another 3k by next week. What is the EOY expectations ?

>> No.27757649


>> No.27757813
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Gon make it, congratulations. Remember us Anon.

>> No.27758163

I'm going to profit from the Africans. Kek. It will be glorious.

>> No.27758266

Some say 3-5$ but there are even people who expect 10-20$ this bullrun. Thats scenario with BTC going to 250k+

>> No.27758355
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Is Coinbase listing confirmed?

>> No.27758401

Kek, imagine trying to shill a centralized shitcoin on a chad Cardano thread.

>> No.27758550

Quit shilling the 1 coin I like, I need to keep acoomulating

>> No.27758611

Can confirm crypto.com is a decent place to buy. Their App is solid too.

>> No.27759857

Probably his best vid besides the whiteboard video from 2017:

>> No.27760068

I get the sense that there is genuine enthusiasm surrounding Cardano unlike a Rubic thread which is the Truman Show of /biz/

>> No.27760828

> can't see how corruption can be curbed through crypto

>> No.27761457

Just be warned that Kraken charges pretty solid fees if you're going to be doing a lot of transactions and not just letting shit sit

>> No.27761585
File: 162 KB, 1440x2042, Screenshot_20210204-155924~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I didn't fuck up so much and bought this a bit earlier, could have had 400k+.

>> No.27761907

Kraken is 0.16/0.26 vs. 0.1/0.1 Binance, but why would you ever use market order.
So the difference is only 0.06%. But then Binance actually fuck you in the ass by rounding up your buy/sell leaving you with useless small amounts to push you into converting them in BNB to pay the fees; Kraken allow you to convert easily 100% of your amount by letting you chose in which currency you want to pay the fees.

At the end of the day Kraken is cheaper.

>> No.27762930

Corporal checking in sirs. Do the needful.

>> No.27764543

Nice stack tho, what price u gnna sell?

>> No.27765976


>> No.27766123

Poor fag here only 4000 Ada will I make it

>> No.27766384

balls of steel

>> No.27766576
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Care so you don't die when you fall of your high horse

>> No.27766577

kraken sounds pretty great, time to open an acct there

>> No.27766634

Yes. This shows the strategy to out maneuver ETH 2.0 and DOT. There will be no app live on DOT until end of year, ETH 2.0 is another 2 years away. ADA smart contract platform will be live in March, with a bridge to ETH.

>> No.27766646

Kraken, Binance or Bittrex

>> No.27766936
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I'm only a private

>> No.27767338

Captain checking in lads. Let's fucking GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

>> No.27767358

Poorfag corporal reporting. I bought 1,200 at .33 cents. Going to keep adding more and hold long term

>> No.27767548

Cardarnerds. What happens to the staking rewards once max supply is reached? I realise it's ages away.

And what benefit do ada holders get from side chains and tokens being listed?

>> No.27767823

>literal shitcoin

>> No.27768291
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Sergeant Frog reporting!

Currently have 17k. Realistically cam only get to 25k before lift-off.

>> No.27768372

>What happens to the staking rewards once max supply is reached?
Transaction fees
>And what benefit do ada holders get from side chains and tokens being listed?
Some of those tokens and sidechains can pay their own transaction fees (votable by community in the future). Some of those transaction fees are "airdropped" to ADA delegators. Hold ADA = get (some) tokens

>> No.27768412
File: 280 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210204-163527_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body is ready.

>> No.27768582

I have a tiny bag of ADA because I believe that it will straight up murder ETH.

>> No.27768629

Sweet I was hoping to hear that.
Being a stake holder you get token exposure too. Not always but potential is enough. Like a sophisticated investor for a bonus issue of shares?

>> No.27768664

Absolute Chad folio.

>> No.27768710

>what's the network effect
Yea I'm sure cardano, the boomer coin, will kill ethereum. You fucking ADA shills are so annoying. Obvious astroturf to. Go look at youtube comments right now, ADA shilling everywhere. Nice organized shill campaign, you know, what ever legitimate crypto does

>> No.27768744

sorry bud usually 2-48 hrs so.e ppl say 10 mins. i dont use chinance any more. i use to but got kicked off because they dont support my faggot state.

>> No.27768947

private here SIR who can i suck off SIR

>> No.27768958

Enjoy it lad.

Been getting a steady 15 from my pool for about a month now, past 2 epocs have been 20. Feels good.

>> No.27769118
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>> No.27769318

>phone posting

>> No.27769842

ERC20 Converter.. hmmm

>> No.27769983

Is this the feb 5 pump and dump everyone’s been talking about?

inb4 I got 8k ADA staking on Exodus so I’m not fucking selling...just don’t want to get my boner broken when we dip back too triple digit sats...

>> No.27770844

This retard thinks niggers will ever have functioning societies and economies

>> No.27770988

Phemex has ADA

>> No.27771180

I don't think so...
5th Feb shills are being shit over by /biz/ and their reddit poster that advertise pumps are banned+deleted by Cardano subreddit..
People that hold this want healthy growth, but yea... can't really rule that out, but the chance of it ends up as PnD are low

>> No.27771533
File: 11 KB, 180x180, 11AB767B-6D54-42BA-B2F9-C8BDABF949D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mETH bagholder COPE on display. how bitthurt are you anon. guess what % of new blockchain dapps being deployed on mETH.... ~30 percent. keep coping and thanks for the salt.

>> No.27771654

How many ADA coins can one get from a single Epoch on average?

>> No.27771687

yeah, but after that it's every 5days rewards roll in

>> No.27771884
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>> No.27771947

Depends on how much you've staked and on what pool. There are calculators online. I'm making about 2ADA every epoch with 2000 and that's a tiny stack.

>> No.27771978

it depends pn how much you have staked. there are cardano staking calculators that show you

>> No.27772274

Returns vary https://adapools.org/

>> No.27772327

Getting a 30k stack. planning the moon trip already

>> No.27772428

175k here! Plz make me a millionair.

>> No.27772469

3 Ada reward per 1k staked on exodus

>> No.27772519

50-60 cents very soon, then straight to $1

>> No.27772703

Are we reaching peak euphoria when even ADA starts pumping?

Just bought more API3 instead.

>> No.27772990

Literally 90% of my portfolio. Such a comfy hold.

>> No.27773025

Time frame for the rocket ship? I need a week to get money into my accounts

>> No.27773170

BIZ not taking ADA seriously as usual. Shits literally pumping right now. We will be at $1 by eom.

>Muh Doge
>Muh Shiba
>Muh Akita

>> No.27773193

2300 stacklet here @0.08. Gonna get that Lambo

>> No.27773680

I have a bit less than 250 so I'm not really expecting to become rich anytime soon, but potentially couldn't this reach BTC levels eventually?

>> No.27773715

it's mooning, that's what's happening.

>> No.27774212

Buy now or wait? Barely a dip all week.

>> No.27774587

Im a LINK Sergent and a Cardano Sergent

>> No.27774794

Price no, market cap of bitcoin yes, flip bitcoin not within the first 5 years i think.

>> No.27774805

where is it exchanged on?

>> No.27774961

nevermind im retarded

>> No.27775524

/biz/ doesn't take Cardano seriously because it's a slow burn.

Should seriously consider changing the board name from/biz/ to /bet/ since all these cunts care about is gambling.

>> No.27775867


>> No.27776024

Unhealthy obsession with making it. I'm happy to be in this for the long run and take 5x returns.

>> No.27776052

Hard to say that Africa will adopt these crypto currencies on a large scale before more developed countries that already have the internet infrastructure. I feel like the earliest adopters will be in slightly poorer countries that have much to gain by getting ahead of the blockchain boom like Argentina, Panama, Morroco, Kazakhstan, Chile, Malaysia, Turkey, and certaintly others that we might not expect.

>> No.27776130

It's pumping as btc dumps. Excellent. It has it's own price action for the moment, not correlative to btc. ADA world reserve currency EOY.

>> No.27776187

I hope so. I want the price to drop so I can buy more.

>> No.27776194

yeah i dumped my 3x btc long right before it started to dump and put it all into ada3xlong kek smiles upon me tonight friends

>> No.27776265
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ETH is dumping too.
2 kings of shithill are falling.

>> No.27776353

How realistic is $500 EOY? Serious replies only.

>> No.27776418

0.00001% chance

>> No.27776575

Not realistic this year, maybe in the next 5-10 years it will.
Don't forget, this is like investing into the internet in 1991, but for finance.

>> No.27776576

I mean, no.

>> No.27776647

Ready for the pnd
But youre saying there is a chance...

>> No.27776661

Fuckkkk should i buy even tho its pumped?

>> No.27776687

Well fuck, I was there for the dot-com bubble.

>> No.27776755

So a big hype bubble making impossible promises that will pop and leave most of us broke?

>> No.27776774

Swapped all of my ETH for ADA at .44 a couple hours ago. Jumped off the dumping coin that can't figure out staking after a year and on to the ADA train.

>> No.27776798

I did, got in late. Just gonna let it sit there, thought.

>> No.27776800

Sure, if you wanna get dumped on...

>> No.27776829
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A bold maneuver. Go forth in victory brother.

>> No.27777034

Long term holds are the comfiest because when you're right you get to be so smug about it.

>> No.27777136

Zoom out.

>> No.27777266
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Rate my diversification

>> No.27777268

does ledger allow this

>> No.27777301
File: 264 KB, 1080x2216, Screenshot_20210204-212541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think I can hit a million ?

>> No.27777322

New wave of investors and mostly new companies with better technology. Even MS was dead in the water for over a decade through the 2000s, until they finally passed the torch to the Azure pajeet

>> No.27777350

>They're not giving money to africans. They're giving them the ability to do transactions on a global level.
Yeah and you can give a bear a pallet of bricks and a ton of cement but he's never building a house with it

>> No.27777446

fomoing retard, go buy more rubic

>> No.27777606


Pretty sure I see a bulge here. Would still though.

>> No.27777670
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That's not our problem, as long as the exchange happened for that pallet of bricks and cement and we got paid.
May it be a bear or a unicorn.

>> No.27777690

>open FTM subreddit, telegram, and discord
>90% of comments are pajeets crying that they lost all their money because of the confusion over 3 different chains
top kek, yeah, totally going mainstream

>> No.27777725

Nice link, thank you

>> No.27778104

based future billionaire

>> No.27778422

Thanks bud this looks like a violent moon caught the candle mid flight

>> No.27778432

ADA will basically be ETH 3.0 at the EOM.
Most undervaluated coin ever.

>> No.27778479

Im staking 14K in my Daedalus Wallet. If I transfer 4K more ADA can I just add it to my current Delegation?

>> No.27778574

ADA or VET? They're both "eth killers" from what I understand and a lot of hodlers of both have the other in their portfolio

>> No.27778686

Dude.. VET is not an ETH killer...

>> No.27778779

yes if your wallet is staked and you add to your wallet it is auto delegated.

>> No.27778809
File: 55 KB, 991x672, 861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would put it at the entire GDP of China lmfao. Seeing as its not fully functional I'd estimate $3.25 this year, will break a trillion in 4 years(~$30).

>> No.27778847
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Love you Anon.

>> No.27778876


>> No.27778984
File: 189 KB, 828x846, 2E5FBEBB-EF03-403E-86F4-BFD74F2CBBDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you at the finish line anons

>> No.27779078
File: 1.45 MB, 584x620, 1579051033787.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ada starts to pump before I can finish acoomulating

>> No.27779230

Took 1k profits I made on XMR and threw my entire account at this shit, I now own 6100 lets goooo

>> No.27779278


>> No.27780034

70/30 ADA/DOT

>> No.27780040
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>> No.27780120

You’re over-diversified for a portfolio this small. Choose 2 or 3 coins max.

>> No.27780972


I appreciate your concern

>> No.27780974

When is the dump? I need to buy more!

>> No.27781520


>do I want to pay 1-2% gas fees on 3k or 300k?

I already thought about this

>> No.27781734
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Bros do you expect people to start selling at 50c ? I can imagine a bunch of limit sells going off

>> No.27781860

ADA is actually true ETH killer.

>> No.27781923

No everybody has a dollar in mind. I'll probably sell 10% at a dollar.

>> No.27781985

I honestly dont understand the FUD behind Cardano. The amount of research and time they put in to this project is phenomenal. The ability to port projects from ETH blockchain to Cardano. ERC-20 Converter, planned world wide reach, bring new economies and the unbanked in to crypto. This will be huge even if ETH remains a top dog in the crypto space.

>> No.27782112

Sitting at 1m ADA comfy af boys

>> No.27782183

Never have I experienced this much comfort in my life 200k stack checking in

>> No.27782250
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Help me moon guys

>> No.27782624

LTC and BTC are relics, ETH has already soared beyond all time highs and so traders are happy to dump and put those profits into smaller caps like ADA, which hasn't come close to its ATH which it will reach.

>> No.27782644

Ya'll are staked and ready to no where... Sorry to say.

>> No.27782679

Holy fuck you are GMI...

What did you buy in at?

>> No.27782851

I want to invest 50/50 in FTM and ADA.

What's a good jumping in target right now? Wait for a drop to 45c?

>> No.27782872

Lucky dog, what colors the lambo gonna be??

>> No.27783026

This is the comfiest man on this board rn guaranteed

>> No.27783139

This tech is Fucking amazing. I can’t believe there’s a coin that is so Fucking easy to stake

>> No.27783158

What's the fastest USD to ADA path I can take, as an American? Coinbase and kraken have long deposit wait times

>> No.27783159

I would say yes at .45 but who knows if it will drop man. Might become at .50 stable coin for a bit.

I was waiting for the drop from .42-.44 back to .35ish and it never happened

>> No.27783247
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>> No.27783380

DOT if your poor. Ada if your low IQ pleeb. This is if these are your only choices...

>> No.27783472

Which pool you staking with?

>> No.27783599

When should I buy? It doesn't look like theres going to be a dump anytime soon

>> No.27783614
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Pretty happy with my portfolio atm.

>> No.27784007
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Time to Make it

>> No.27784032

ADA will completely kill ETH.

>> No.27784134

Now or you're going to miss the moon mission.

>> No.27784348
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Fixed with square format and added a little extra animation.

>> No.27784498


Im conflicted. I deposited $1750 this morning to buy more ADA but decided to hold off. Now Im not sure if I should bite the bullet in case it stays at .50 or wait for a potential dip.

>> No.27784594

No one can make up your mind for you.

>> No.27784844

It doesn't matter if you know what you're buying..

>> No.27784907
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>> No.27785033

Alright, you've convinced me. I'm on board ADAbros

>> No.27785998

>tfw 900 ADA
not gonna get me a lambo, but hey, it's nice for a poorfag to see things going good for a change

>> No.27786417
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Sergeant reporting.
Your orders lieutenant?

>> No.27786439

IM TRYING TO DEPOSIT 34K TO BUY ADA BUT I HAVE TO WAIT A WEEK. Bros.... I hope I get in before .50 cents... I wanna make it :(

>> No.27786703


>> No.27786748

600ADA astronaut here, shall i scrub your toilet sir?

>> No.27786779
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My lil love lace stonk doin some

>> No.27786822

600 here, im hoping ADA makes me enough money to spend more than just 200$ on the next big alt coin.

>> No.27786835

>520 ADA

>> No.27786872

>We are going mainstream.
With what? More Github commits?

>> No.27786935

Every time I hear stories like this I get more secure in crypto as the future. You’ll make it anon. 34k in is plenty to make it regardless of the price next week.

>> No.27786968

Only have a 5k stack, am I gmi?

>> No.27786990
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>> No.27787090

Totally incomplete comparison. Solana, for example, has an eth bridge. Polkadot has an eth bridge.

>> No.27787152

Send ADA.
I send HQ 3D model of medal.
Pls sirs do the needful.

>> No.27787560
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>> No.27788651

I thought it was just two epochs?

>> No.27788700

Holy shit I’m saved I just realized that I can use my Robinhood card (that’s where the funds are) to instantly deposit the cash into Coinbase pro

>> No.27789491

Strap those moon boots on fellas

>> No.27789846
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Pump it.

>> No.27790120

Yep. Simple as. This shit is just the beginning.

>> No.27790306

I have 14k in Ethereum, should I switch it to Cardano?

>> No.27790460

How long do I have? I bought $1k. How long do I have to buy $10k-20k?

>> No.27790483

Thats a man

>> No.27790487

it's 11 ADA per 1000 on other staking pools. Exodus is a Jewish scam that takes a cut of your reward

>> No.27790748

A million bags yeah :)

>> No.27790783

How much do I need if I want to pay off a 500K house 7 years from now after paying taxes on gains?

>> No.27790798

I went 33/33/33 ADA, XLM, and XRP.

>> No.27790831

Cardano is going to murder ETH so yes.

>> No.27790855

I'm about to put everything into ADA. Tell me how retarded I am

>> No.27790907

Good choices.

>> No.27790939

Split between ADA and DOT. I have more in ADA personally but between the two I honestly think one of them will end up coming out ahead of the other. Charles called it a "mexican standoff"

>> No.27790961

Bought an 8k stack at $0.16. Once it got up to $0.32 I traded it for a little over a hundred LINK somewhere around $25. I hate myself

>> No.27790974

Can we dump down to .44 before I put everything in?

>> No.27790987

But China has, and Africa is being cucked by China

>> No.27791058

Mah nigger

>> No.27791064

Post your ADA address

>> No.27791115

What app is this?

>> No.27791114

put it back in retard it's gonna be 10 dollars by the end of 2022

>> No.27791119

LINK is a good investment don't worry about it. You're going to make a lot of money.

>> No.27791191

$ALGO 1$ by end of the week..

>> No.27791225

42 suicide stacklette checking in

>> No.27791243

Binance.us limits me to $1000 per day by ACH. But I think you can do wire transfers at much higher amounts

>> No.27791952

based shilling is based. i wish i had purchased moar.

>> No.27792031

50k ADA holder and 750 linklet checking in lads. ADA is our ticket to lambos and bitches.

>> No.27792125

btw is staking on binance worth it or am i better of stacking with the wallet?

>> No.27792338


Either way, they will both be adopted

>> No.27792417

What are the chances it goes to $10-$15?

>> No.27792495

I would soon. Feb is set to be a big month and once Goguen drops all bets are off!

>> No.27792557

100% guaranteed longterm. Remember when people were shilling link at 20 cents a few years back? look at where it's at now. Cardano has better tech. I have no doubt in my mind that Cardano will be upwards of 10-20 dollars a coin in the future. maybe not this year. but it will come

>> No.27792793

It already has a larger market cap than LINK and a shitload more supply.

>> No.27792896

Ouch. It's not too late though, just think of the inflated cost as punishment and take it. The rewards in a few months will more than make up for it.

>> No.27792913

Selling now. Don't want to make life easier for Africans.

>> No.27792944

50c incoming

>> No.27792994


>> No.27793043
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$0.5 reached

Phycological barrier removed

0.6 next

>> No.27793058

we've spent all the money in the world trying to teach niggers how to fish and they still eat mud.

>> No.27793060

Charles said he wasn't worried about DOT in an AMA last month

>> No.27793190

Actually I'm going to buy a shit ton of ADA so niggers are priced out.

>> No.27793228
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Stupid /biz/ decision but based /pol/ decision.

>> No.27793471

I love you guys so much

>> No.27793536


Gonna buy 100 ADA because of you

>> No.27793538

love you too bro WGMI

>> No.27793560


>> No.27793590

i just wanna say that i've lurked /biz/ for about a month now.. i invested into ETH since the first day.. xrp,.. watched the xlm pump to .4.. invested in that.. learnt lessons.. bought nano, link..
After 3 more weeks of analysing the board and DMOR i transferred all my alt coins (not including ETH) into ADA, DOT, and ALGO
And i just want to say thankyou biz. I will now stake and hold everything until I have a family.

>> No.27793650
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>bought in at 0.485 only

set my stop loss at 0.49 am i gmi bros?

>> No.27793756

>he sets a stop loss

>> No.27793896

you don't love the coin if you dont trust the coin

>> No.27794092

Fuck I hope this goes back down I need to buy at least below .45

>> No.27794249

Biz is pure faggotry for not understanding this project

>> No.27794310

ETH = Yahoo
ADA = Google

>> No.27794321

Cardano is the anti-Link.
It blew up in the opposite way to how Link blew up

>> No.27794391
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>its dumping now

>> No.27794478

it dropped 1% after growing 15% paperhands

>> No.27794518
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thanks I'll take 7000

>> No.27794748

Toilets are self cleaning on this starship, astronaut. Get back to the cannons.

>> No.27794766

Finally, time sto stack my stack!

>> No.27794842

i'll never financially recover from this

>> No.27794931
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It's crabbing now between 49 and 51. This means it will go up!

>> No.27794968

I need it to drop to this number 0.44808 so I can have exactly 10k ADA. I'm autistic and will not buy if this does not occur.

>> No.27795006
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IT'S 0.4999

>> No.27795087

oh nooo back to 40 cents? guess ill just keep HODLing until it's $10 faggot

>> No.27795149

Whew! For a minute I was considering dumping now to buy back in when below. 0.40, would have cost me.

Just be patient people