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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27739201 No.27739201 [Reply] [Original]

>t. Chainlink Labs software engineer

>> No.27739657

fake and gay.

>> No.27739716
File: 962 KB, 1124x987, 1581716066387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok discord tranny

>> No.27739786

Delay staking as long as possible, I need more linkies.

>> No.27740106

You won't need to worry, 2021 is pretty bare. 2022 you'll start to see some things implemented, hopefully. The underlying challenges to getting this right is immense.

>> No.27740234

Can anyone explain why i should care when i'm 50x up on my investment? No? Okay well im just going to keep holding then.

Honestly you shills need to find sometihng better to do with your time and lives. If you had taken this time and energy into researching link in 2017 you could have mad eit by now instead of being pathetic in some botfarm somewhere.

So i'll be here lol'ing at you, maybe buy a second miller aeron for my feet. Bit comfy than that pajeet plastic stool you're on. Scratch that though, pajeets have a work ethic, you're no doubt some coddled westerner, fat and pathetic. Well tell you what i'll buy your gf when i next come over, give you 10 link for her.

>> No.27740409

nobody cares what you think faggot

>> No.27740663

I hope you know that I'm not selling.
t. LINKChad

>> No.27740742

you are an income-less neet for sure

>> No.27740748

I'm sitting in an Aeron working on LINK code you filthy pleb

>> No.27740925

we aren't close on deco, mixicles, signatures or ocr. keep coping, engineers are frustrated

>> No.27740984

i hate to inform you friend that i'm still not selling
also provide proof nigger

>> No.27741096

What’s the value of LINK in 2022 you think?

Or what’s the ultimate value? Surely these things will get figured out and link will be adapted into a ton of industries

>> No.27741234

Next time you larp first check which features have already gone live in the meantime
Good luck

>> No.27741316
File: 154 KB, 1024x1024, 154576E0-B50D-49F2-8D19-FB73F2B81405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The underlying challenges to getting this right is immense
are immense and your retardation is even more immense.

>> No.27741404

trust me bro.

>> No.27741593

If you guys don’t have a working product by 2020 I’ll solve the Oracle problem myself.

>> No.27741731

Whole crypto space is waiting for arbitrum. When eth can scale next on the table are bridging traditional payments. At that point link network has so much usage that staking has to be live.

>> No.27742356
File: 601 KB, 2391x1345, smartcontracttrillions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It blows my mind to see people still FUDing this profusely at even $25. Institutions, enterprise, and whales in general accumulate for the long term outlook years if not decades. The value proposition of LINK is that good. 10s of Trillion dollar market they are targeting which means exponential growth for years. Once staking is implemented and network growth is directly attacked to the token value growth we are going to see a positive feed back look of price discovery that seems impossible and lasts for years.

Staking is Pandora's Box or the actual singularity. Once its not restricted by any limits of LINK per node we will see a network effect in tandem akin to the singularity.