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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27687229 No.27687229 [Reply] [Original]

Just sell it all anon, you don't deserve to make it, deep down you know.

>> No.27687270

almost everyone doesnt deserve to make it
fuck you

>> No.27687296

You first.

>> No.27687345

Yesterday I shilled the first implementation of shadow staking (gasless, with the coins staying in your wallet) in DeFi, and people called me a pajeet. The coin had a marketcap of one million, had an eponymous Russian team and a working product. It proceeded to x5 three hours later and it refuses to dump since.

>> No.27687408

i have so called hands made from nuclear pasta. also i never plan on selling b/c i actually know where it is all going unlike 99% of traders.
i already made it, solved the unification problem, discovered anti-gravity equations, the meaning of life, etc.. i just do drugs all day and watch the illusion of time go by. it's all pointless when you solve it all.

>> No.27687549

Not until I can buy a house with fake internet cash. No mortgage. I refuse to pay over $500 a month.

>> No.27687628

kek hilarious

>> No.27688529
File: 47 KB, 499x499, 0906_-_svxObyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I'm so fucking close why can't I make it just a little bit come fucking on