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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2759253 No.2759253 [Reply] [Original]

Lets talk about wagecucks and how miserable they are

>> No.2759274 [DELETED] 

some wagecucks actually like their jobs, unlike most NEETs who hate themselves and wanna die. just saying.

>> No.2760554
File: 6 KB, 300x194, AAltZyS[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>talking to my nursing buddy
>mfw he enjoys work and tells me about it
>mfw i get severe anxiety and depression when i used to work
>mfw started a home business and love it but no customers

>> No.2760607

idiot when i go to pension i will be paid to not work. just 42 years more of working. screen cap this.

>> No.2760617

>see all my friends in high school working jobs they hate to pay off student loan debt
>tfw been NEET for three years since graduating and can still get any job I want

>> No.2760623

>mfw started a home business and love it but no customers
What's your business, anon?

>> No.2760630

>make a shit ton of money investing in crypto
>confide to a wagecuck in my family about it
>say im going to stop working
>says she would be miserable without a job

idk if she really thinks that or if its just cope. the brainwashing runs deep

>> No.2760643

>idk if she really thinks that or if its just cope. the brainwashing runs deep
A lot of people have jobs just so they have something to do during the day. Many people hate the idea of doing absolutely nothing all day (I, meanwhile, cherish the idea of spending my days goofing the fuck off and taking care of the house).

>> No.2760650

ive been in between jobs for 3-4 weeks at a time, work as a scientist/analyst normally, and i can say that it's fucking awful for me to have nothing to do. even when it's slow at work i get anxiety and feel like my life is being wasted and i can't enjoy my free time.

part of that is because i'm early in my career and want to make money, part of it is because i get really motivated by complicated problems that have a bigger impact than just my own benefit.

if you just mean wagecucks who do min wage, that's mostly kids and drug addicts who don't know any better. i had fun at my fast food job as a 16 year old.

>> No.2760668
File: 41 KB, 1082x770, RAJ FINAL LOGO sized down ultra small FIXED-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Websites and design logos. Started last week.

Made this logo for a realtor who had an open house, he asks for my number and he texts his email. He never replied.

>> No.2760676


Probably because you spelled pajeet wrong.

>> No.2760693

honestly aspiring to retire and sit at home and do nothing is the worst idea unless you have a group of friends who are able to do the same with you.. sitting at home every day gets depressing really quick

>> No.2760695

Self-preservation shenanigans aka damage control.

>> No.2760755


As someone who has spent several years neet I can tell you they are actually right. It starts out awsome of course, but depending on the person, eventually gets pretty boring and depressing. it took me 2 years before I could admit to myself I was not enjoying it anymore. And this was only after feeling anxious and depressed for months and not knowing why, thinking I had some sort of health problems.. Only when I regularely started going out and doing shit every day did I start feeling normal again.

>> No.2760788


That's because you're hardwire to be a wagecuck.

Been a neet for 5 years now and it's amazing not having to do shit but the stuff I actually want to do. You need other people to tell you what to do so you can have some vague sense of meaning, I just tell myself what to do for the same ends. I've just started drawing and editing video because I always thought it was cool as fuck and just because I wanted to. You wagecucks would only ever do such a thing if your boss told you to, which would become an exercise in frustration rather than something delightful and that you'd truly appreciate on your own terms.

>> No.2760875

> and can still get any job I want
Bad news kid - 3 years of doing nothing makes you unhireable

I love my job - the hours are flexible and I make 74k + 30-45k commission on consulting gigs. I use my degree. My boss respects me. My co-workers and I go out for drinks. My gf ducks me like she never did when we were in college.

I'm the happiest I've ever been - I wake up every day excited knowing my life is better then it was the day before.

>> No.2760879

Do like 10 hours of real work a week. get paid a full salary. get fucked NEET niggers

>> No.2760889


You can't circumvent the system. And the system I mean is the fact all humans are "hardwired" to need to go outside and interact with other humans on a regular basis.

>> No.2760892

>My gf ducks me like she never did when we were in college.
For a second I was wondering why you were happy about your gf avoiding you

>> No.2760901

> Thinking because you have a job you have no time for your interests
It's amazing how much free time you have when you don't sleep for 14 hours, Masterbate to cuck porn for 3 hours, and scream at your mommy for allowance every day.

>> No.2760907

>all humans are "hardwired" to need to go outside and interact with other humans on a regular basis.
Most, but not all, and that's what 4chan is for anyways.

>> No.2760913

Sorry - I'm on my phone. Usually only shit post at the gym.

>> No.2760914


>You can't circumvent the system

More like you can't circumvent the fact that you're so hardwired to be a wagecuck you think that you need a job in order to interact with other people.

>> No.2760920 [DELETED] 

I thought I was the only one who did /biz/ at the gym

>> No.2760923

This doesn't count as interacting kiddo.

>> No.2760929

wagecuck reporting in.

Got into crypto 3 weeks ago. Literally the worst fucking time.

>> No.2760933

Yea, gotta have something to do between sets. Honestly I just turn my screen brightness really low so people can't see and read threads like this - all the sadness and pity I feel for NEETs inspires me to lift harder.

>> No.2760943

Not even the person you replied to, I love watching the LARPing on this board between sets

>> No.2760952

>shower, eat, commute, work, commute 5 days a week
>maybe a few hours of free time each night before bed
>wake up exhausted close to the afternoon Saturday
>do chores, by groceries, eat food, etc
>maybe 8-10 hours of truly free time
>go to bed, wake up a little earlier Sunday because you have to be on schedule Monday
>feel a little more energetic and have a little more free time, but now you're just counting down the hours until you have to go to bed
Not that much time. Realistically most people spend more like 50 hours a week dedicated to work due to all the other bullshit like travel that isn't counted. Now spend another 50-60 sleeping. Another 10-15 doing other life necessities. Congrats, you're allowed to spend maybe 15% of your life on things you want to do!

>> No.2760957



>> No.2760964


>> No.2760984

same here. i wagecuck for about 90k a year and I'm only 24. Most of my extra money goes into stocks but i throw a little in crypto for fun. If all my crypto goes to zero it would affect me in any meaningful way.

feels good to be a wagecuck

>> No.2761062

Honestly there's a lot of bullshit on this board, but this is completely true - sorry if it sounds like bragging but here was my day:
> Wake up at 7:45 am next to my f2f
> We have morning sex because we were out too late last night and were too tired
> Shower
> Gf feeds the pets and makes cinnamon buns while I get dressed and watch Netflix
> Eat
> Take out trash
> Commute 4 minutes to work
> Talk with my coworker about the new Spiderman movie
> Begin work
> I work in a lab so I'm ordering samples and preparing a power point to present at a national conference later this month
> Go to Old Chicago with co-workers for lunch
> Go back to work that I'm passionate about and that could help millions of Americans that have strokes due to atypical plaque build-up and release
> Talk with a surgeon about next weeks procedure
> Talk with the vet tech about the pigs
> Get off work at 3:45
> Read sad stories on Biz while I lift

Honestly if you think that's too much to handle then you really should start working on yourself. I love my life. And everyone has a story like this. The job may be different, the hours may be different, but having a job is extremely manageable and often enjoyable.

>> No.2761167

As someone who has spent 10 years as a neet I can tell you that that you are either unimaginative, or hardwired to be miserable unless lashed. It took me 2 years to break the conditioning and admit that I do not want to waste my time working for others; that everyone who has the means not to do it and still does is an enormous cuck.

After that realization every day has been better that the last. I don't have to put up with traffic, simplistic morons you call coworkers, dickheaded bosses and long, boring hours. I do exactly what I want to do, when I want to do it. Sometimes I am even able to monetize my hobbies, but even if I couldn't I would continue doing them.
But keep with the hard work, wagie. You are doing it for yourself, because it makes you happy, right?

>> No.2761183

How do I stop being a wage cuck?

>> No.2761185

is this a meme or are there people who live like this? If you don't like your job why don't you just get a better job? As long as you're not a complete brainlet you can make decent money

>> No.2761193

You become a NEET

>> No.2761201

Why "get a job" when you have the means to not need on? Is this a meme or there are cucks who live like this?

>> No.2761212

Lol. Thats called a hobby bruv, wagecucks can afford lots of them. Using their wages.

>> No.2761213

*Need it. Fucking autocorrect

>> No.2761228

if you have your own business or something that's great, but i don't see how living off of welfare can be appealing.

>> No.2761259

Where I live neets don't get welfare. I inherited a few properties and I move around my money reasonably smart. I'm pretty frugal though, so most of my gains go to my rainy day fund.

>> No.2761287

why are you so angry about other people's lifestyles if you chose your own? if you talked to most people in a decent career, yes they are happy with their work output and the overall experience, despite having to deal with ***traffic*** (wow that would be so difficult for you!)

NEETs are usually the rejects. Here you say you essentially manage properties/accounts which is technically a job >>2761259
So are you dumb or just making shit up?

>> No.2761420

>arrive at work at 9:30
>eat free cereal for half an hour
>get a request to write a script to check for files with a certain header or similar bullshit
>copy paste 90% of it from old scripts
>spend 5 minutes writing the last 10%.
>"wow thanks anon, you did that pretty quickly"
>"i just really like working i guess"
>browse the internet for hours until i get another request. rinse and repeat.
>go home at 5

It's almost fun. I might be underpaid at 55k but i dont think i'll ever have an easier job in my life.

>> No.2761430

>you essentially manage properties/accounts which is technically a job
Here come the Internet Retirement Police!

I'm with >>2761167 morally, I am literally doing a job that I would do for free (well, I might be less reliable about it if I didn't like the money), and that I was doing for free for years before I was hired to do it. At this point I no longer need any income but I keep on doing it, and if my company went away I'd keep on doing it.

>> No.2761435

>be me
>be freelancer
>can do whatever I want as long as shit gets done
>sleep in until 11AM every day
>work from home, sometimes go to the office
>make good money and enjoy my job

fuck its really terrible being a wagecuck

>> No.2761457

I'm not hating it, because the colleagues are great and the boss is a cool guy and actually tries hard to meet the wishes of us workerbees. But I'm anxious and apprehensive about living this kind of month-by-month life with no real major breakthrough if this trend continues. A wagecuck life is good enough to offer the majority of people what they want - a stable life with wife and kids and a dog and a couple vacations. Manageable loans, leased car and new phones, clothes for the kids and themselves and so on and so forth.

But I don't want that. I despise the thought of having kids when I'm not financially secure enough to provide them with all the opportunities to develop as a person that I can. I don't want that beautiful average life. I just want to be relatively wealthy, travel, do things at my own pace, not worry about bills or rent, ride a bicycle on a nice summer day without the looming thought of having to go back in to work the next morning and so on.

I am busting my ass to make sure I get there. I will not fail. Fuck the wagecuck life. It's honestly not even BAD per se, but fuck it. I desire freedom.

>> No.2761475

Easy. You start by investing in some kneepads. Figure it out from there.

>> No.2761480

I got out of high school, fucked around for awhile, had some fun, partied alot. Settled down later on, got a job in sales... now I make 135K a year working from 9 to 5:30 every day in wholesale. Its a super easy job, i work with good people and its fun, and i make a shit ton of money. About to buy my second rental property, drive a nice car, go on vacations - go camping, hang out after work and on weekends with friends, have a hot wife and daughter

but yeah.. being a fat fucking slob living in a dark cave 24 hours a day, splitting time between the internet, jerking off to traps and taking 12 naps a day sounds MUCH better than my life. fucking retards

>> No.2761491
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How do I do this? You just described my dream life.

>> No.2761506

nice larp faggot
>wife and daughter
>make a shit ton of money

pick 2

>> No.2761560

I think the problem with NEETs I'd that after highschool they were scared to go into the real world. Maybe they got a shitty retail job for a few months - this is where their warped perception of what adults do comes into play. If you're over the age of 20 and you still work those intentionally shitty jobs then you fucked up.

Most jobs are fun and easy.

>> No.2761606

>works in a lab
The Dream

>> No.2761625 [DELETED] 

lol, a healthy, happy person on this board who clearly is not LARPing. it's a miracle.

>> No.2761785


i would be.

>> No.2761861
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old but gold

>> No.2761890

probably cuz the design is shit. hit me up if you need an actual graphic designer

>> No.2761898

The problem is that NEETs have difficulty socializing and rather than confront their anxiety, they'd rather just isolate themselves and play vidya. Years pass and they realize they became those 30 something year old brony neckbeards they never thought they'd be.

Natural selection is still very much a thing these days, it just uses different methods to weed out the weak

>> No.2761903

anon, i....

>> No.2761910


is it really that bad?

>> No.2761914

>tfw considering becoming a pilot so I can have a job I enjoy and have disposable income to throw at investments
>tfw happy wagecucks do exist and I will be a rich happy wagecuck

>> No.2761943

What job do you have? What is your definition of a full salary?

>> No.2762728

It starts earlier than highschool. People who grow up with minimal/no responsibilities and spoiled by their parents are more likely to become NEETs. Their warped perception of reality comes from their lazy and pampered lifestyle. They develop a strong sense of entitlement, thinking that the world owes them. They constantly see themselves as victims and the underdogs. The entertainment and whatever other media they consume exacerbate this attitude. If anything doesn't go their way, they automatically claim victimhood and the opposite side as aggressors/villains. They only see reality in black and white. There's no middle ground for them because that would mean that they're at least partially culpable for their own condition. This is how they cope. They play the blame game.

>> No.2762814
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>monday - friday
>wake up at 7 am and go be dev at buzzfeed tier media corporation
>spend entire day implementing ways to make users stare at advertisements for fractions of a second longer
>write highly advanced, modern javascript (node, react, redux, webpack) and the end result is articles about Justin Biebers dick
>get home at 7 pm, smoke weed, masturbate and play video games til 3 am

I feel like shit because I get 4-5 hrs sleep each night , and I spend all weekend catching up on sleep and avoiding my friends.

I'm so tired, I just want to quit and find work that doesn't need to make sure im a cuck clocking in at 9 am like a good goy. People tell me "just fix your sleep schedule" but I've tried everything, quitting weed, turning off all electronics after 10pm, no fap, taking melatonin, going to the gym, yoga fucking everything AND I JUST CANT FUCKING DO IT I JUST WANT TO BE A NEET AGAIN WHO SLEEPS AT 6 AM AND CODES STUPID GAMES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT WHY DID I HAVE TO MAKE A FUCKING JOB OUT OF THIS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.2762835


work someplace cooler faggit

>> No.2762882


if your a dev and you guys don't go out for drinks every week ya working at the wrong place

>> No.2762915

I am a dev but my coworkers are all old and don't go out. Like age 40-61

>> No.2762927


yeah sounds lame as fuck. you know now even shitty companies are going 'google' with the office shit, standing desks and what not

>> No.2762929

What do you do for consulting? And are you secure in the case of a recession/depression?

>> No.2762936

No one is saying good jobs don't exist, but if you think that's normal or that everyone can do cutting-edge research, you're dreaming. I mean, from beginning to leaving work you spend like 7 hours there, with a lunch break in the middle, and then half the remaining time shooting the shit? Either you're very talented/intelligent/productive, have connections with your employer, or are just coasting in a boom market while your coworkers pick up slack.

>> No.2762939 [DELETED] 

and here come the excuses for failure. sad

>> No.2762949

it's incredibly bad dude. i'm sorry.

>> No.2762976

What excuses? I'm just trying to find a believable explanation of that guy's story. He's an American and is implying that he works a 35 hour week in a laboratory setting. Most labs are big on overtime and crunching, which means even a standard 40 hour week would be only during lighter workloads.

>> No.2762981

Good goy

>> No.2762982

Former insomniac. I was very much like you anon, basically had a shit sleeping schedule during high school and when I started to live on my own it just got worse. So here's my advice.

Run. Just run until you're exhausted, and in the sunlight if you can. Going to the gym makes you more sore than tired imo. Also try doing something like math or reading a book. Anything that will tire your eyes. Avoid screens, and try to sleep in the dark with a mask or sheet over your eyes (it also helps to make the room cold). Play music/fan if it helps.

You don't want to exercise within 3 hours before sleep, because it'll raise your heart rate (also bad to have it change fast). Try curling your toes, and raising your legs/arms in the air until they're too heavy to lift.

Also helps to quit smoking. Obviously you didn't quit if you're still smoking. At least try to smoke indica. But I found that once my tolerance rose, I was just goofing off/jerking it and basically wasting my time smoking more and staying up later as it wouldn't hit me hard enough to make me tired. Fixing my sleep schedule totally helped me turn my life around. Definitely noticed the energy difference.

>> No.2763009
File: 86 KB, 1082x770, 1499804739399 critique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no graphic designer but it looks really amateur even to someone that doesn't care about that kind of stuff like me

>> No.2763023

seriously. if someone sent me this as their design i would be offended.

>> No.2763030


:( i will do better next time, i wonder if there's a way i could test if it's shit or not

>> No.2763048

You been serious that its your design?or shitting with us?

>> No.2763049

just post it here. it's risk free and no one has any reason to lie to you. you should be doing designs pretty much constantly as practice though. make up fictional companies and do designs for them.

>> No.2763054

Want to know what's better than loving your business?


What are you doing to get clients?
I can help you.

>> No.2763068

oh, and we really shouldn't have to tell you this, but if you're working exclusively in MS Paint, you're never going to make anything worthy of legitimate clientele. you need to research design software and learn that stuff thoroughly.

>> No.2763070

Definitely the worst logo I've seen yet.

If you want it done right for $5 - - google fiverr logo design

I'm glad it's not crypto meme coin however hahah.

Good start.

Whenever I see shit like this I just want to take /biz/ under my wing or bring them into my next company. It would be legendary.

>> No.2763078

nah fuck that. google fiverr logo design and get it done by a professional for $5.

I've used fiverr for a company that I started up now doing 8k a month. The logos are usually awesome.

no more to it.

>> No.2763080

Fuck you described me a little anon, I'm just 19 but discovered crypto 1 month ago, I saw all these "easy gain", didn't made much because of the crash. Is it really bad if I want to gain money by myself and not working for the minimum wage ? Or working 5 more years at school to gain $1000 more dollars...

>> No.2763081

Who's going to take care of you after your parents pass away?

>> No.2763090

>Obviously you didn't quit if you're still smoking
I quit when I started this job (10 months ago) and only started again 2 months ago, so I was fully clean for 8 months.

>avoid screens

I appreciate your advice and I'm happy you managed to fix yourself, but I've tried all these methods. It really does feel like my brain is hard wired to be its most focused and alert at night, and I wonder if I'd be happier building a lifestyle around my sleeping habits, rather than forcing a square peg in a round hole.

>> No.2763100

I would fucking CLEAN and and COOK and get fucking RIPPED if I could sit at home all day. fuck, I want it. I need a sugar momma so I can be a stay at home husband and shitpost while trading cryptos and getting /fit/.

>> No.2763113
File: 460 KB, 1080x1920, checksave2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simple.

The environment you grew up in shaped you because you weren't aware of the subconscious factors that comes with every moment and every interaction.

You can only blame your past for so long.

I grew up in a single mother household low income, dad commit suicide when I was 17, and my brother is suffering from terminal illness.

That did not stop me from learning and guiding others to making 6-figures.

I've been self-employed since 2015 when I made my first 6-figures.

The only reason this worked is because I made the CHOICE not to let my environment influence me negatively.

You must do the same to succeed.

>> No.2763128

holy fuck i took a class for design in hs and didnt do shit in that class and i did way better. only a fucking pleb would do shit like that. i designed the school homecoming tshirt, designed some clothing stores black friday shirt, made about 3 logos for people and even i wouldnt go into that kinda stuff for a job. i never had to try, fuck some people just suck.

>> No.2763138

It is bad because it's not sustainable in the long term. Sure, you can possibly gain a lot of money in crypto, but it's delusional to think that this is "a way out". It's no different than gambling.

>> No.2763142

there's actually websites that auto pilot this shit and make it look professional.

I'm surprised people can't even google this first.

>> No.2763192

pilot is a tough track

if i went that route id just join the airforce

ive looked into it and its competitive

>> No.2763200


Can you make me rich, anon?

>> No.2763204
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>> No.2763216

I'm on a mission so apologize for ignoring everyone. But, does anyone have the smoking hot picture of 3 girls in a club and one of them has pants worth no ass on th and you can see her amazing tan line? I need that RIGHT NOW.

>> No.2763224

Computer tech here.

I listen to nigger hip hop all day and fix and build pcs for about 43k/yr.

I'm underpaid as shit but do what I want. Time flies.

Its pretty fun I do check stocks on me phone every hourish I usually forget about the time.

>> No.2763235


So I can pay some dude to make it for $5 and sell it for $100? Cause that sounds profitable and doesn't make me look like an ass.


I started last Monday. Cold emailed some real estate agents and skin laser clinics. No reply from anyone. I attach designs of the website to add value to the cold email, which I rip off from theme forest and simplified. I added their logo to it to give it a personal touch. All that burned me the fuck out cause no leads.

I'm thinking of the fb ad approach you mentioned to me in the other thread. Pretty much spent the last 6 hours making notes on how to do it right from kissmetrics and other places. Pretty much make a good ad with a non stock image face, a good landing page, test different ads and choose interests that are super related and specific, don't bid much until you know what ads give high ctr.

You've been pretty helpful thusfar and I just joined the board today. So thanks homie, gladly would go under your wing senpai.

>> No.2763241


this guy knows whats up

daz it mang

id say if u can find some side income ur set

>> No.2763253

At the very least, never have broken corners/lines that go past where they're supposed to, and have everything align. If you're submitting a first draft to a prospective client then I understand not wanting to waste time on all the finishing touches, but *never* submit shoddy work to a customer, because it reflects on what you can do.

Also, I just noticed that the window panes on the house in the logo are not symmetrical. If you can't be bothered to even use "align center" and whatnot, graphics design is not for you. And I'm saying this as a graduate student that fucking hates graphics design and fucking around getting everything neat and perfect, but has to do it for the papers I submit to journals. I'm not trying to hold down competition or anything like that, but graphics design requires a very specific kind of mind, patient, high attention to details, and strong sense of spatial reasoning. If you don't have all three of those qualities, just find another line of work more suited to you rather than suffering in something not meant for you.

>> No.2763268
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ill add to this thread

im a 5 yr old wagecuck in the banking ibdustry as a loan officer. i make 77.5k but will graduate from part time mba in 2 yrs from a top program

i work 730-4. i take about 2 hrs easy mode a day. i am not micromanaged at all, which is important.

not bad coming home at 415. not bad at all.

i live with my parents. i put 10% into 401k and 5% to stock options. im left with about 3k a month.

i hope to get big off crypto.

>> No.2763284

>im a 5 yr old wagecuck
The Chinese sicken me to no end.

>> No.2763286

Don't try to create things in a vacuum. You need to look at people/logos that are successful and then analyze/imitate/ripoff their creations.

>> No.2763301
File: 16 KB, 220x318, 220px-MurrayBW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather he be scooping up gutter grease to sell to a roadside fried dog salesman for a penny a day? Child labor laws are unethical and prohibit the most efficient economical transactions between two consenting parties.

>> No.2763303

Seriously. I turned down 70k au/yr job for this and doing what you enjoy no longer feels like work. I been here for 2.5 years and I still enjoy it.

Even if I made tons off crypto id still work here a few shifts a week. I was a neet for 8 months and got fucking bored as shit.

I worked for high paying jobs before but the stress of my hair turning white isnt worth the $1700 after tax.

Im on about $1480/fortnight take home so that extra $300 is fuck all on the grand scheme of things.

Plus I get pc parts at cost so I built 3 mining rigs and my boss gives me cash in hand sometimes if the business is doing well.

Not all wagecucking is bad, it forces me to get up of a morning.

>> No.2763313


Designing is just a secondary to the main website business. Most people need a package with both, which is why I learned illustrator literally last week, a lot of the issues with the off edge shit is because it won't adjust the paths to stop at the anchors. Again, I'm new to illustrator.

That being said, the logo is shit which is something I can't even tell which means yes your right this isn't for me. But again, it never really was something I was trying to focus on, though I would like to improve.

>> No.2763321


Yeah your right anon. I shall learn from this mistake.

>> No.2763419

sounds like a shitty life to me

>> No.2763428

I envy you. teach me your ways senpai!

>> No.2763453

Wagecucking isn't too bad depending on the job and hours and if it allows you to do what you want in your free time.

I work 6am-6pm W/TH/F/SA and have every other Wednesday off so I'm essentially working only 15 days a month. It does sucks getting up that early, and I really only have time to eat and lift after work before I start winding down and calling it a night again.

The payoff is obviously I can still go out Saturday nights (which is better than Fridays because as you get older total normie wagecucks working M-F and 9-5 tend to go out Saturday more often it seems). I'm also big on football so having the whole Sunday to watch games is awesome. Besides all that the constant 3/4 day weekend always lets me get a lot of stuff done.

I personally got lucky because my job had a pilot program that allowed me to have that 3/4 4/3 schedule. Before that it was 5/2 with the same days off. I eventually wanna transition to another department as well so the schedule will change back as my field has shitty days/hours but I really like what I do so regardless I just roll with the punches and have fun with it.

>> No.2763638

holy shit that site is full of skilled pajeets I cant believe I paid a friend 50 fucking dollars for one in black and white

>> No.2763657

What kind of work do you do

>> No.2763700

I feel like this will be me in 3 years.

>> No.2763730

>You just described my dream life.
To be a wagecuck?
Not judging. Just seeing if there's a genuine change of opinion.

>> No.2764100

Rich is subjective.

Can I turn the average person with sufficient motivation from zero to 100k hero?


If you are in the design phase, Do you need advice for what you are working on now?

Or do you need an opportunity?
If yes, What is your sales background?

>> No.2764142
File: 486 KB, 900x973, 1498571808535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these rich wagecucks earning astronomical salaries

I used to work 9 hours a day doing mule-tier physical labor for $3/hr.

>> No.2764147

>working for one of the better tech companies
>team consist of 14 crazy people with 2 pregnant girls and a gay midget
>other teams have same diversity
>get paid to fix computer issues all day
>get $800 a month for my work
>have regular group lunches and such
>have a ukulele at work to play with
>interact with mostly everyone on a daily basis be it business or tomfoolery

can't say i hate being a wagecuck but it's manageable

>> No.2764156

A rule for me is I never EVER spend time doing something that needs to be done professionally.
I have my strengths, you have yours.
Let's stick to them and develop them.
Double down on what you are GOOD at.
Ignore and delegate the rest.
This is a fast(er) way to win.

You are correct thus far on Facebook... the copywriting and image quality are so extremely important

I like what you are doing. I respect the guy that is willing to make those phone calls.
You probably need an analysis of your sales approach.. coming from a place of NEED from the client.
I am willing to give you some of my time to help you craft your business model.
Do you want my email? I'll only create one if I hear back from you.

don't update or do ANYTHING to the logo you have now. it's bad. throw it out and move on.
getting punched in the face by the market is something you have to love in business.
this is a normal hiccup.
you should start fresh (with a pro).
fiverr and upwork have saved me $50k in past year compared to other so called professionals.

India a lot of the time does their shit better for less.

mistakes were made. You could make 50/hr from your computer by next week with the right freelancing.

>> No.2764253

>loan officer
So your duty is to offer loans to passing by folk?

>> No.2764258


pick 1

>> No.2764260

Pardon my ignorance but how do you make 50/hr freelancing with everyone else charging 5$?

>> No.2764274

Perceived value.
check here to confirm I'm right.

>> No.2764278

Eastern european here, working for a $1/hour

>> No.2764287

When you hit around that 6-figure range, serious changes happen to the mind and spirit.
It's that amount that let's you eat better, drink better, feel comfortable, pay off your moms car, pay off debt, etc.

It really feels like a superhero movie.

>> No.2764288

This. Worked at a lab for like 3 weeks and people fucking worked non-stop

>> No.2764296

lmao holy shit...thats hilarious

>> No.2764320

No matter how lowly and menial your job is, anything is better then being NEET. I respect even the kid who hands me my fries more then a grown person who just lets his parents take care of him.

IMO, NEETs are not really adults, no matter how many birthdays they've had. They are children who are stuck and cannot grow up. I feel nothing but disgust for them.

>> No.2764350

hmm that's interesting, damn if this board wasn't filled with coin posts I'd probably read more of your posts lol

>> No.2764360
File: 31 KB, 300x303, man-looking-in-mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw working over 300 hours per month in my slav shithole
>tfw I get $1000 for this

If NEO where I'm putting all my free money won't moon in 2 years I will just kill myself,not even joking

>> No.2764379


haha I'm glad you can see the truth revealed.
if this board wasn't filled with meme readers, I'd post more.
I'm sorry friend. You will most likely fail in this venture. Don't kill yourself. I've got good news. You're probably what? 23?
You've got 50 more years to figure it out.
Stay focused and continue learning. And doing.
It will sort itself out.

>> No.2764382

i was neet for years...had stm degree hated work...i did beacuse it was pointless. got fired alot.

just surfed 4chan, starcraft memes etc.....hated gov....hated wage cucking and the stupiity of most people.

bosses hated me because i was better than them, except 2 english bosses who were ace.

my gf hated me for being unemployed.

i explained to her it was the banks screwing everyone.

bitcoin comes....remember buttcoin on /g/ back in the day

fucking finally i had my instrument of power had arrived.

i tried to explain it to everyone. nope they just lol. no

brought the fuck out of it a few years ago.

my gf now finally shuts up and does not rant about getting a job.

i will probally never have to work again if i don't want to

>> No.2764388

Well that's my yearly pay, I'm also slav

>> No.2764396

hey if this shit is true congrats.

The conversation switches to your favor real fucking quick when you are making all the payments.

congrats anon

>> No.2764539
File: 55 KB, 485x485, GC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wageslave here, ow do you guys manage 40hrs a week and side hustles? I'm making low-mid tier money but i need more, my gf is a great supporter of me right now but I want to see us set up and I know a wage and basic ETF investments are not gonna cut it long term

Any ideas for the right side hustle or motivation would be appreciated, I have skills in writing and research especially and can learn any online biz really fast

>> No.2764557
File: 140 KB, 1280x1280, epep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wageslave here, how do you guys manage 40hrs a week and side hustles? I'm making low-mid tier money but i need more, my gf is a great supporter of me right now but I want to see us set up and I know a wage and basic ETF investments are not gonna cut it long term
> Any ideas for the right side hustle or motivation would be appreciated, I have skills in writing and research especially and can learn any online biz really fast

>> No.2764562
File: 41 KB, 489x499, 1496149620511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skills in research

>Can't research a good way to make money online.

get outta here kiddo

>> No.2764579

That's how my old Civ. Contracting job was. Get paid 50k and only work about 4 hours a day. 2 of those hours were spent on the internet. I'd call in whenever I wanted and it didn't even affect my pay or PTO. When Lockheed Martin lost the bid to a cuck company I got "laid off" indefinitely. Sucks to suck.

>> No.2764625

>been going to community college for 2 years
>got screwed on scholarship so in $2000 of debt
>never had a job before

how do I get a job with no experience at 20 years old?

The only answer I've gotten so far is lie.

>> No.2764645

Is this a joke?

>> No.2764671

agreed.take older logos, cut them into bits, mash them up together. After sometime you'll stay producing originals

>> No.2764680
File: 55 KB, 1311x585, wageslave vs neet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2764685
File: 34 KB, 337x506, 1497254628840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Glad i'm not you, kid.

You got a long road ahead of 'ya.

>> No.2764695

Mash all your skills into your resume, and proceed to spend 8 hours every day sending copies out. If you still dont have a job after 1000 applications, then get some loans and all in crypto

>> No.2764910
File: 105 KB, 1082x770, FINAL LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if you think this is a good concept, why wouldn't you clean it up. di u do this in MS paint?

>> No.2765331

>wake up at 6:30am
>tired as shit
>shower, eat a mediocre breakfast consisting of cereal and and some fruit
>brush teeth
>throw on a monkey suit for work even though the temperature is over 90 degrees outside
>hop into my pre-owned toyota camry at 8:15 so I can make the 45 minute commute to work
>get there at 9AM, say good morning to Patty, the 5/10, overweight middle-aged receptionist and tell her good morning
>plop down in my shared office cubicle where I have to hold in my farts all day and send out emails, complete excel documents, fill out spread sheets for the next 4 hours until I get my 30 minute lunch break that consists of a bologna sandwiich, a bag of chips, and cookie
>make awkward small talk with your coworkers in the shitty "kitchen" that is fitted with a refrigerator filled with old and expired food a microwave
>it reeks of people's frozen microwave meals
>repeat my menial tasks for another 4 hours
>rush out to my car at 5PM and join the crawling commute back home. Maybe I'll turn on some NPR today
>turns out that there's a car wreck along the route, so your 45 minute commute turns into an hour and a half long journey
>30 minutes into stop and go traffic filled with honking, your cortisol levels begin shooting through the roof
>at 6:30, you finally make it home
>you have a few hours of free time but it isn't long enough to do any meaningful outdoor hobby
>you want to go to the gym but too tired for it. So you decide to just relax and watch tv
>you're hungry but too tired to cook, so you order chinese
>the combined effects of sitting down at a desk job all day, the high cortisol levels, shitty diet, and lack of physical activity has turned your body into a skinny-fat mess with horrible mobility/flexibility
>get ready for bed 10PM and you remind yourself to be thankful that you're working 40 hours a week with 10 days vacation and $40k salary
>repeat for the next 40 years

Justify this

>> No.2765338

>1 minute walk to work
>start at 11 am
>trade crypto all day at work
>don't do shit

I'm ok with it.

>> No.2765348

You're lazy. I get home at 7.30 and still have time to do stuff outside and go to the gym. You're a bum.

>> No.2765400

That sounds awful, honestly.

You're just a normie. Another number in the system.

>> No.2765410

>wake up at 4 pm
>take a shower
>fuck around on my phone for 5 hours
>work out
>try not to kill myself
>dream about all the big and amazing things I want to do in life
>stare out the window and do nothing for a few hours
>lay in bed and cry for a while
>sleep at 5 am

>> No.2765479


>> No.2765501

>Justify this

You literally can't

Being a NEET isn't all great, but I would rather live as a free man than a slave.

>> No.2765517

Fucking wagecucks justifying their lives hahahahahaha

>> No.2765528

Friendly regards, poor person

>> No.2765530

>wake up at 6:30AM
>eat breakfast, get some coffee
>play videogames until 9:30, go outside to grab another coffee and a donut
>go home and play more games until 10:30
>start working at 10:30 remotely, usually just a skype call other days not even that
>work until 13:00 while listening to podcasts, videos or music in my comfy desk
>go eat lunch, maybe make some if i'm feeling like it
>technically should work some more until 16:30 but I never do because we're not hard pressed with deadlines
>after lunch rest of the day is free time spent playing videogames with my boyfriend, listening to music and chilling
>buy groceries once a week
>visit my mom every two weeks or so on the weekend, she cleans my clothes and cooks nice food for me while i chill at her nice house by the sea
>get paid quite above minimum wage in my country
>have enough money to eat out often, buy some stuff like new computer parts and games and still have a bit left to invest in crypto

I have decided I don't want to work an on-site job ever again, working remotely has made me enjoy life 1000 times more. I can get a good sleep, wake up any time I want before 10:30 and get paid good money (not needing a car or having to commute saves you a lot of money).

I love "working"

>> No.2765555

Hey Milllie could you create that email? I'd love to chat, really inspired by your posts.

>> No.2765580

Post it on >>>/gd/ senpai

>> No.2765628

That's not my life, wage-cuck

So many of my friends from uni who are now working 9-5 cubicle slave jobs are always too tired to do physical shit that they used to always do, so they just play video games and watch tv when they get back from work in the evening.

Friends who used to be athletes in great shape and smash plenty of girls in school now look like slobs with dad bodies.

>> No.2765637

Go to Wagecuck job $27 an hour spend 8 hours there go home. Drink and play vidya till now with the aim to spend no money to save and pay off debt.

>My life
>What /biz/ wants to here.

Trying to get into uni to be a Mechatronics engineer so i can earn more money and have a more intresting job.

>> No.2765640

This logo is actually good, has a real old school pop art feel to it like Andy Warhol or whats the name of the guy who did the stick figure outline dudes?

>> No.2765774

Fuck standing desks. Sitting around all day isn't healthy, but what good is standing if you're not moving? They should just have ellipticals or something for the breaks. I don't want to stand for the whole day.

>> No.2765828


Wagecuck here

My life-in gf is a NEET, and she's more miserable than I am, ends up spending hours a day answering surveys for like $2.50

Being a wagecuck isn't the worst thing.

>> No.2765958
File: 16 KB, 313x278, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man this stinks. There are endless logo creators available for very cheap, I made this in 30 seconds. You don't even need to wait on Fiverr times if you have a modicum of design instinct.

>> No.2765982

I want to start a buisness but have no idea how to get clients and I harlte talking to people so would probrably faIL at selling myself and the buisness to people that could use it.

Thus I am wage cuck.

>> No.2765990

>That's not my life, wage-cuck
>Oh no, my friends working shit jobs and are miserable therefore I won't work a job.
Ha, I love these threads where pathetic liars like you pretend they are happy. Much like your friends, you have a shit life and have to justify that to anons with anecdotes that you believe are indicative of all wagecucks. Keep staying a loser so I can make fun of you again in another thread like this.

>> No.2766010

You can go outside even if you don't have a boss anon. You can travel and even talk to other people without a travel waver and per diem from corporate.

>> No.2766025

If you live more than 10 minutes from work (in traffic/during commute) you are doing it wrong.

>> No.2766030

This. If you have a job that'd easy or enjoyable, it can be pretty comfy. I used to work data entry for $15/hour and had the freedom to set my own schedule and work on my side business during work hours as long as I got the work done.

>> No.2766045

>i don't see how living off of welfare can be appealing.
If the money you get was enough I would do it. If ubi ever becomes a thing I would be one of the people who would likely never work again.

>> No.2766075



He may actually have something here if he can add a little more old school to it. Dead serious too. Everything old school is actually starting to come back and I'm sure if he could actually have a business.

>> No.2766107


Yeah dude make an email, I'm sure there are a lot of people on this board besides me as well who want to learn more from you.

>> No.2766128
File: 12 KB, 320x240, Captain-Benjamin-Franklin-Hawkeye-Pierce-m-a-s-h-14710447-320-240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it still wagecucking if I love my job and make a difference for the greater good?

>> No.2766201

I'm dying here
>a 1000 hours in paint

>> No.2766237


i seriously am completely blind to the fact it looks bad, but yeah I just learned about my own perception, i'm ganna fiverr it from now on

>> No.2766264

What is your job? I'm a designer and would love to work remotely.

>> No.2766268

Is a cuck still a cuck if he loves watching his wife get fucked by another man?

>> No.2766285
File: 225 KB, 2400x2400, feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2766311


>> No.2766376


this better be satire or else kys

>> No.2766404
File: 130 KB, 600x400, Mayweather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i love my job!!!

>> No.2766427

Out of curiosity, do you have any publications from your lab you could link me? Not trying to dox you or anything, just interested in what kind of research you've done. Just like a PubMed article with lots of authors that you contributed to or something

>> No.2766501

>Work in a shit town for an industrial supplies retailer in sales
>work with 2 other people
>one is our manager who is really chill and I would call a great friend of mine now
>the other is a warehouse dude who sells pot on the side
>go to work in the morning and blaze with my warehouse guy
>sit around on my phone
>process a few orders
>go out for another toke
>business is booming here
>clear 5 grand a month after taxes
>relatively little expenses so my savings is growing a lot

I don't know man, being a wagecuck is working out for me. It's given me the money to get started in crypto (just over 5k) and enough savings to go to school with probably 40 grand in pocket. I'm happy with how this job has treated me so far. It also gives me a reason to wake up in the morning; while I don't enjoy being on someone else's time, it's motivating when it comes to actually showing up at the store in the morning.

Say what you like but I'd rather go blaze with my warehouse dude than chill at home watching internet money and stressing about dips.

>> No.2766506


To anyone interested in actually starting a business, I like to help and give consultation.
Feel free to send me what you're thinking about starting, or currently working on and I will critique it.
Just understand I might rip your idea to shreds as well.
If you can handle this, definitely hit me up.
I might be starting an actual biz here soon and offer it to /biz/
Would anyone be interested in something like this? or do you guys just care about coins?


>> No.2766509

the fuck
you clear 5k a month for sitting on your ass and smoking weed?

thats outrageous
i make about the same but I have to work for it
fuck my life

>> No.2766558

What all you people that post "get a better job and position in life" don't realize is that there always has to be a concept of winners and losers. Imagine everyone working these jobs and being tired as shit busted their ass off aspiring to aim high - how do you think it ends up? That jobs open up for them all if they have the ability?
Winners exist because losers are pillars to support their climb. Losers exist because even if they tried their best, there will always be someone better. That is the golden rule. And then lethargy sets in, and it's hard to try and break through when you're too tired after work and your days off are spent miserably lamenting how little time you actually have left when you have 3 hour transits every fucking day.

Yes I'm projecting

>> No.2766575

As a graphic designer, yeah its bad at least clean up the lines dude

>> No.2766605

I am a wagecuck at £45,000 as a consultant at a manged services provider. My job has 0.1% stress, 30 days holiday and so much flexibility I could actually bend over backwards.

I work from home a lot and I get lots of sleep, lots of socialising and lots of gaming done, even manage the gym.

I have made it to this position myself.

It's not so bad.

>> No.2766652

>might be starting an actual biz here soon and offer it to /biz/
>Would anyone be interested in something like this?
People will only look for free advice from you. You're just an anonymous person on /biz/, if someone were to actually pay for consultation they would go for someone with an actual background and proof instead of (what might also just be larping) image board text. But don't let me stop you do what you want.

>> No.2766664


Pretty much dude. It's 5k canada bucks though so don't feel bad

>> No.2766678

Gotta start at the bottom and work your way up. Joining a international company helps alot

>> No.2766685

i remember a lot of people getting mad about the existence of "consultants" and how they are all just old overpaid assholes who do nothing bla bla and after like 3 years in my industry i realized that consultant only exist because 90% of managers and admins don't know what the fuck they are doing and don't even care to learn.

you can't even really get a robot to replace consultants outright because of all the disclosure agreements and locked doors in industry.

>> No.2766711

I would never charge anyone for consultation.

Text can misconstrue what is meant to be said.

I want to start a company - and give positions to tech/sales savvy guys on /biz/ that would like to partake.

I've built 2 businesses to 7-figures in 5 years.
It would be fun for me to see what I can do with an anonymous person (which would eventually not be anonymous because that would be necessary for progression.)

Even if it's only ONE person on this forum that I can take from wagecuck and meme coins to actual money maker -- I'm satisfied.

>> No.2766865


just emailed ya my dude

>> No.2766875

>turning off all electronics after 10pm
Try at 9pm.

You should be going to bed at 10pm. No wonder your shit is so fucked. You need to be more consistent and get a ruitine, that isn't just a meme.

>> No.2766998

What would you recommend to stand out to companies if I'm headstrong about flying commercially anyway? I know nepotism might not get you anywhere in this field, but my dad is a pilot for Jetblue.

>> No.2767277


Literally me but wake up at 5 30 AM for a job that doesn't start til 8:30 AM. My commute got voted worst traffic in the country last year.

End my life, please.

>> No.2767501
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1407520883877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not working to get more money to buy crypto with

>> No.2767588

He's a LARPing faggot.

>> No.2767836

>tfw NEET Landlord.
>tfw make 45k a year just from rent and I barely do anything.
>tfw unlimited free time.
>no debt.
>net worth of 1.5 million.
>just sold my stocks for 300k.

Feels good not being a wage slave. I could easily be making over 100k right now if I worked but I prefer my freedom and time over money.

>> No.2767902

you put yourself in that situation, not use. You knew this going in. Idiot.

>> No.2767946
File: 6 KB, 181x200, 0606006d432de6e67f64b996fc10f351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wakeup 6:00 AM
>Comfortable shower, podcast, breakfast
>Get on bus outside of my house, downtown in 10 minutes
>Get to work at 7:15, comfy af, private area with no one around at such a time
>No work,occasional meetings, maybe some excel pivot tables to fix up (kek), open chan, read books, listen to podcasts
>Lunch at 12, literal hour to go to a centre and eat my meal prepped delicious meal, bring my laptop and read side shit on the starbucks wifi
>Lunch ends, shitpost and chill till 3
>Oh look it's 3, guess it's time to go to the gym for an hour (30 sec walk outside work btw)
>Get home at 5:30 after stopping by grocery store for some veggies and chicken
>Finish dinner at 6:15
>Rest of night to learn / be outside (downtown of the city, warm summer nights, comfy bus grid, can get anywhere in 10 min)
>tfw 21$ /hr , $600 rent, no car and 3000% return from crypto
>go to bed at 10 PM (after showering and meditation)
>tfw secretly loaded and play it off like I'm clueless
>tfw will graduate school in a 1.5 years and travel abroad, develop passive income and work off of my laptop making shitloads of money and hitting up roasties

Who else here has a high intelligence and has taken advantage of the rat race. FEELSFUCKINGGOOD. Sucks all you NEET's will never have the social skills to take life by the balls.

>> No.2767970

What the fuck do you and all these other lucky niggers actually do for work?

I get that it's super chill but what's your job title?

>> No.2767987
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 1499855599175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2767991

> unlike most NEETs who hate themselves and wanna die

I hate making more money than most wagecucks online, travelling the world, doing what I want all the time I just wanna die.

I just wish I was caged in a cubicle being subservient to some fat balding old man for $40k a year.

The NEET life is hell.

>> No.2768047

Secret clearance data analysis for the Gov - intern - Studied Management Information Systems. I love all systems, managing information and the grids in place to monitor everything. Mainly one of the reasons I got into Ethereum early last year in the first place - so unique and so ingrained into every concept for the future. I've been shilling this shit for years to my friends and it was nice to see them finally blown away, after doubting me forever.


>> No.2768083

sounds lame

>> No.2768109

Its been some time now since I lefte the wagecuck life.
To be sincere, it was fucking depressing, even though I had a good possition at pretty fucking big company.
The day I decided to leave to satrt my own business, was one of the happiest of my life, I just couldnt take the 4 hours of comute daily.

The first year after starting my buiness was rough as fuck, but I dont regret anything.
Being a wagecuck steals your soul.

>> No.2768752

sorry buddy, but that's trash. what the fuck am i looking at, a CD ROM cover from 1992? why don't you go design linkin park album covers as fanart because that seems like it would be your style (because you have none). as shit as >>2760668 design was, it's still better than your abortion and it's conceptual skeleton could be salvaged by a professional with the proper skills. what's your green 'Q' there supposed to stand for anyway? some people got it some people don't i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


>> No.2768786

lmao roasted

>> No.2768795
File: 2.92 MB, 500x333, 0d41808f60af8871fa122b3b0f37ab1b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if I told you that you could get paid to edit and design video which is "cool as fuck"

>> No.2768815

why don't you better yourself during your 3hr commute by listening to tony robbins or courses on tape while doing cock muscle exercises?

>> No.2768816
File: 25 KB, 500x375, fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green 'Q'

>> No.2768843

you won't be making much for a while

>> No.2768862

>bed at 10pm
i hope you're reading in bed for at least 2hrs before falling asleep. otherwise you are a fucking toddler. big boys only need 5hrs of sleep per night during the week. if you spend more time sleeping than that you are wasting your life. you're not gonna make it, anon.

>> No.2768961

I've had almost no work for this week and the previous one since Tuesday. I come in 1 to 2 hours late, take about 2 hours for lunch, and leave on time. I spend most of my time reading classics on the computer

>> No.2769129

How do you do it?

>> No.2769285
File: 791 KB, 2000x1500, final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cost me $7au. I'm doing changes to the bottom one at the moment, I wanted to see how it goes and it's not bad. Good ideas I might see what more pajeets come up with.

>> No.2769580
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Wagecuck here, need advice, job said they would call me back in 3-4 days to tell me the results of my drug test and let me know when I start (I was told in the interview already I have the job, and I don't do any drugs.). It's 5 days now. Should I call them instead? They pulled this shit before right after the interview too, they said they would call back in 3-4 days, I called them back when it became 6 days and they acted annoyed I had called them. What do?

>> No.2769848

whenever i have 2 days off during the week with noone else to chill with i want to kill myself. not working is the most depressing shit you can do

>> No.2770061


>> No.2770390

This. It starts off great for the first 2-3 years but then everything blurs together and it turns to shit. I got a real career after being a NEET for 4 1/2 years and I'm so much happier and overall better off. I regret slacking off all those years.

>> No.2770392

Reading this was the most depressing thing ive done this week

>> No.2770403

I was a waiter, wagecuck.

>get up at 3AM
>start work at 5AM
>Prepare the breakfast buffet
>get 45 minute lunch break
>I work till 6:30PM

At the end of the day I have no energy, I just lie down on the bed.....and I feel myself getting fatter.

>> No.2770405

I throwed up a little in my mouth

>> No.2770549

What's wrong with not wanting to work?
Feels like most people are just biased because of how capitalism shaped the modern world.
I mean if you just hate NEETs because they don't have to slog through what you consider the "daily grind", isn't that petty ?
Some people like myself can live on welfare and be relatively happy with it since I'm very frugal and careful with money.
Wouldn't the better course of action -if you truly believe that everyone should unconditionally work- would be to reform the job market to be more appealing that even someone who doesn't spend a dime would want to earn more money ?
I'm happy for you if you truly love your job and wished other did so but I do truly enjoy my hobbies and not willing to give them up.

>> No.2770558

Am young and poor, living with friends and accepting their gracious benevolence as I figure my shit out.

How do I make money? How do I invest? What are good get-rich-quick schemes?

>> No.2770634

Create a thread where people make up companies and you make logos for them. We get entertained seeing logos for dindu nuffin consulting, you get practice and anonymous, unbiased feedback. Win win.

>> No.2770692

>I mean if you just hate NEETs because they don't have to slog through what you consider the "daily grind", isn't that petty ?
That's not the usual reason people hate NEETs. NEETs are looked down on because they're usually leeching off of someone else's hard work to avoid being in any way responsible for their own well-being, such as a 25 year old who is fully financially supported by their parents. That kind of NEET is selfish, because they force the people around them to work harder because they feel like their comfort is more important than the comfort of those around them.

If you got a windfall of money that you invested in stocks that let you live off the dividend payouts, nobody will think twice about you sitting in your basement watching anime all day because you earned that life.

Welfare is one of those sticky subjects that varies from person to person. I for one don't really have a problem with it, if you can live off welfare and be happy then more power to you.

>> No.2770778 [DELETED] 


Im 18 and I'm afraid that my life will turn into the NEET side in the picture. I'm trying to learn everything I can, how to code (comp sci major), economics/business, I even started my own e-commerce company and made a quick buck but I'm losing motivation for programming because I feel entitled to an easy life where I don't have to worry about money and that it will work out for me. How do I get this attitude out of my system, how did you?

>> No.2770860

>How do I get this attitude out of my system, how did you?
I got kicked out of my parents house and had to either work or starve.

Being a wageslave is a shitty way to live, sure, but it is also a necessity to make the prospective NEET realize that the only way to truly be free is to earn their freedom. This prevents the NEET from using the safety net his parents set up for him as a hammock.

>> No.2770908

>Natural selection is still very much a thing these days, it just uses different methods to weed out the weak

i guess thats like 95% of whites

>> No.2770926


>> No.2770930

>tfw halfway through year 2

I can't take it anymore. What should I do?

>> No.2770990

I used to be fine with wage cucking. Now all I want in life is to escape this shitty life. My dream life is to just sit at home masturbate, sleep, and consume various forms of media. I recently picked up a job in a kitchen and they love my work ethic so far, but I don't care. All I want is isolation even if just for a couple of years. I'm tired of wagecucking, annoying girlfriends, shitty commutes, and having to be polite to all these cunts. I keep asking myself if it's this bad now how much more I can take. Fuck lazy nigger coworkers, fake ass management, annoying whores, cunty faggots, little crying sperm mistakes. I want out. I've contemplated suicide more than once, but I'd rather just work towards that chronic masturbating, chill cooking, media consuming, perpetual sleeping, isolation lifestyle. Fuck being a wagecuck I need out of this shit show. Fuck these niggers.

>> No.2771006

>Losers exist because even if they tried their best, there will always be someone better.

Some people never tried or never put serious effort in trying in the first place. Some people think they're above doing certain jobs even though they've never worked before. Some blame their self-diagnosed autism and use it as an excuse to remain a NEET. Some think they are better than other NEETs and gloat at their "success" because they're making money online even though it's not even enough to live off of.

>> No.2771014

Yes sorry we can't all work for Papa gov. Somebody gotta actually make the money.

>> No.2771024

I was digging this post until you used such a racist word. Blaming ur faults on my people will not give you the satisfaction you desire. Seek help.

>> No.2771025
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>only $21/h
>obtaining no actual skills
>relying income on crypto
>no gf

I have bad news for you anon...

>> No.2771039

fuck this is me

i just need to find a remote job

>> No.2771085

I've never understood this mentality. Maybe its because I grew up playing video games. I could and literally do sit on my ass all day shit posting on 4chan. Everyday. At least until college starts back up.

>> No.2771122

Nigger I just use nigger to describe people in general. I hope you're either joking or this is a misunderstanding.

>> No.2771130

>What's wrong with not wanting to work?

That's not even the issue. The problem is they leech all of other people, usually their family, and they feel entitled to their lazy lifestyle. Since you live of welfare, you don't interact with the people who are supporting you, making you slightly better than NEETs who live off of their family/friends. You live frugally because you have to, but NEETs who aren't on welfare have no concept of a budget because they're not responsible for their own lives. These NEETs have no respect for people who support them. In fact, they blame the people who support them for everything that's wrong with their lives. Since they absolve responsibility for everything, there's no way they would improve themselves.

>> No.2771141
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>hot wife and daughter

>> No.2771149

Start a Fight Club.

>> No.2771172

>I think the problem with NEETs I'd that after highschool they were scared to go into the real world.

The problem is that they're entering a workforce where
1. They have to compete with women for the same jobs.
2. Women are hired because management wants a nice piece of ass to look at + make diversity quotas.
3. They don't have the same expectation of job security their parents did.

With realizations that
1. They realize that public education is fucking worthless and was a daycare from 5 to 18. Public school administrators should be literally hung for how poorly they squander capital and how poorly they squander the cognition of millions of kids.
2. Nobody has actually shown them a better way. Social atomization leaves Darwin's creatures to scrap together what holistic cultures used to provide.
3. They are useless and the only guide their stupid fucking parents gave them was "go to college".

Under conditions
1. Where they've been fed a terrible fucking dietary regime. Nutritionists should be fucking hung for how little they care about biochemistry.
High-carb shit that never satisfies their hunger. A diet of bacon and eggs would be a vast improvement. But until then, they're going to feel "subdued', "low energy", "feel like shit"

2. Speaking of 3 meals, where they rarely activate their "fasting" state where the body switches routines from "Get most stuff from meal as possible" to "Clean up the fucking garbage"

3. Where neurotic jewish screenwriters somehow made a dividing line between "jocks" and "nerds". Despite the fact that Plato was a fucking championship wrestler, a lyricist, and obviously one of the most influential philosophers of all time.

4. Where electronics usage literally dampens melatonin production on most people. Show of hands, who stops using electronics at night?
Well we have an entire generation of people with sleeping abnormalities.

>> No.2771186


Instead, we have these older shiteaters of human beings who think it's a moral problem. As if the world they left their kids was perfect and their kids, in a mass of an entire generation, were lazy.

It's absolutely fucking horrible the raw deal the younger generations have gotten.

I don't think NEET is a desired thing to be but I understand that in the face of such bullshit, a normal thinking person is going to "opt out" of society.

>> No.2771205


We would literally save trillions of future costs if we

1. Promoted high-fat high-protein low-carb diets
2. Promoted a large meal in the morning and at least an 8-12 period interval each day where no food is consumed
3. Promoted weight-lifting over stupid fucking aerobics. Jesus fucking christ, what a retarded shit pit waste of money and thought.
4. Banned Starbucks. They're a milkshake company, not a coffee company. It's fucking genius how they managed to brand their product.

>> No.2771219


And let's not forget the grand societal ponzi schemes of housing and college debt.

It's fucking sick. A moral person can look at a small picture of this society and approve but looking at the big picture? Grandfather and father burning money on gas station blowjobs. They didn't even let their children play "Esau". They forfeited their legacy for a "bowl of stew".

There will be a "titanomachy" in my lifetime. But then again, I don't know when and how future technologies are going to impact that.

>> No.2771255
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>> No.2771281



And let's not forget the shitty drugs. Cocaine? Columbia should be nuked. Just mass produce ethylphenidate. Coke if coke didn't suck.

Heroin? Oxycontin? Why not legalize psychedelics. Let people actually view themselves from an outside frame. It's even cheaper, per trip, than a night out on the movies.

Of course the dominant culture of molly and Ecstasy places psychedelics in the most hostile conditions for introspection and exploration. It's fucking stupid.

PS: AMT + ethylphenidate + one of the 2Cs is a godly combo.


>> No.2771321

I'm with ya brother. Don't forget taxes. Take half your income and give it to the single moms, the bums, niggers and degenerates. Punish the productive, reward the lazy and incompetent. Makes me sick.

>> No.2771348


Speaking of taxes, the price of most goods has outpaced monetary inflation. Especially meat.

I can't eat at Taco Bell anymore. The quality of their meat has SUNK in the past 15-20 years. The price of meat has roughly quintupled in the past two decades.

The only thing that's gotten cheaper is electronics. But I can't eat a laptop. Instead I eat eggs and bacon from Costco. 180 eggs for between $15-$18? I fucking love Costco.

>> No.2771355
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>> No.2771356

Funny some people use digital electronics as a measure of quality of life and ignore everything else.

>> No.2771370

This post was OK until you go into chemtrails-tier shit about melatonin levels and electrical interference

>> No.2771381


You do realize blue light supresses melatonin production and melatonin, in turn, activates various processes in downtime. Skin repair for example.

Why do you think meth heads look like shit? They stay up all night, under shitty light or blue light from their electronics. Melatonin isn't able to signal skin repair and they go on until they look like shit.

Meth doesn't cause the "meth head" look. It's the lack of melatonin production which causes the "meth head" look.

>> No.2771398


>but don't they just crash and fall asleep for days?

Here's the thing. Sleep debt doesn't exist. You can't sleep more to make up for sleep you didn't get. It's lost biochemical repair signals all the way down.

The best you can do is lessen the frequency at which you have bad sleep. Lost sleep is lost protocols and processes working on the body throughout the night.

>> No.2771400

people like you forget that all the unhealthy people of today would have simply died in childhood 100 years ago.

there's no conspiracy against men/society, people are just getting better at not dying for all their bad habits/medical conditions. you literally believe that meth addicts appearance is based on the effects of a television, just stop talking.

>> No.2771411

>Banned Starbucks. They're a milkshake company

Man, I was just thinking the other day, their regular coffee is so shitty that it has to be intentional to upsell fufu coffee drinks. That is genius.

The wagecuck coping itt is absurd. I'm a commercial weed guy, I automated my whole warehouse is and I just blast everything with nitrogen fresh off the stalk and bulk process it into concentrates, I have two employees and we don't work a combined week a month. I've run out of shit to buy but never shit to do. I wake up whenever I want, sleep whenever, I start my car maybe three times a month (fuck driving unless you have a death wish); I'd never give up my uberNEET lifestyle. The trick is, you have to be the kind of person that can waste time productively. I just earn different relevant certs all the time and make obscure parts that I design in Fusion. It's hard to even meet women anymore because my interests are so diversified that they keep me busy every waking hour. I recently converted my whole operation to ultra efficient chip on board leds that I built and designed myself.

Pro tip: right here faggots, those LEDs, specifically stuff like the Vero29 SE and Cree CXB3590 are changing the commercial agro game and are the first time LED has been viable without sodium supplementation. Design a product around those, and undercut the other guys by $100, you'll eat for a lifetime.

>> No.2771433

>people like you forget that all the unhealthy people of today would have simply died in childhood 100 years ago.

Did you ignore the part where I pointed out that we have a shitty societal dietary regime?

The vast majority of "unhealthy" people aren't doomed to be "unhealthy". They just have a shitty culture surrounding them which produces counter-productive effects.

If you eat sugar all day and you get shit sleep and interrupt your fasting state by stuffing your mouth around the clock...

>there's no conspiracy against men/society

No but who needs one when you live in a shitty culture?

>you literally believe that meth addicts appearance is based on the effects of a television,

It's the effects of melatonin suppression. Which is brought on by blue light. Do you have any reading comprehension?

Watch Barry Lyndon. Notice how fucking dark the scenes get at night without candlelight.

>> No.2771434

>a literal drug addict telling me that we need to ban blue lights because they're unhealthy and meth isn't

>> No.2771456


Where did I say meth was good? Point it out to me.

It does have medical uses. But not at the dosage people take to get fucked up.

And you cannot get addicted to psychedelics. You don't know how stupid you sound. Tolerance makes it impossible for all but the dumbest people to use it as a habit. There's no point in dropping acid for days in a row. The tolerance makes it an exercise in stupidity.

>> No.2771466

You're not a NEET. Being self-employed (i.e., owning a business) is still employment.

>> No.2771474

how to get out of my wage cuck job?

should i try to start a business when i cash out of crypto? or just become a communist and push for basic income?

>> No.2771481

Anon do you work in the D.C. area?

>> No.2771494

>societal dietary regime
1 million percent better than even 40 years ago though.

i could say 1 billion to really impress you.

>shitty culture
culture is always changing

>blue light is why meth addicts look notably worse
>only meth addicts see a lot of blue light
>i'm 13 years old

>> No.2771504

>systems developer
>live in based Texas (no state income tax)
>nice coworkers
>receive a few emails a day, send a few emails a week
>1-2 conference calls per week
>low stress
>enjoy the work
>choose my own hours
>wfh whenever I want
>office is still comfy af

who else /comfywagey/ here?

>> No.2771522


>blue light is why meth addicts look notably worse
>only meth addicts see a lot of blue light
>i'm 13 years old

Meth addicts go on day long binges of not sleeping. I was homeless around people who did meth. It's fucking insane how much it warps normal habits. If you stay up for days straight looking at porn and having sex with your girlfriend who has also been up days straight fucking...

>1 million percent better than even 40 years ago though.

Not really. At least in the US. We have record levels of obesity which translates into record amounts of bad shit that comes from carrying obese amounts of fat.

Now we have theoretical access to stuff that would wow a guy from 40 years ago. The problem is that most people eat worse than the guy from 40 years ago.

For goodness sakes, drinking a fucking milkshake in the morning (Starbucks) is viewed as some daily ritual.

>> No.2771547


Their regular coffee contains something like 400-500 grams of caffeine.

An espresso has something like 50-60 IIRC.

It's insane how people will pay for a liquid version of two caffeine pills.

>> No.2771675

Fug, you're doing it right. My co-worker just cleared 15 mil networth and the fuck is still working. He bought land and developed the property into a commercial building for 8 mil.

He's fucking bought 3 more condo units too. Seems to be addicted to watching the numbers go up more than anything else. Meanwhile I'm wagecucking not by choice.

>> No.2772097

This is exactly what im doing

>> No.2772101

>500 grams of caffeine

>> No.2772107

How did you do it

>> No.2772393
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Oh...oh sweet Anon, you really need to do some serious if your doing to become an artist/designer. If you don't have the flare for that (it seems this may be the case...) focus on the web design aspect, many research options to learn

>> No.2773167

>We have human beings who think it's a moral problem
Because it is. People who adapt ideologies that go along with the current ideas of what's socially acceptable tend to have disdain for tradition, and their subjectivity of morals leads to a lack of firm standpoints.

You're an idiot if you think a country of obese Americans should abandon promoting aerobic exercise. It's a great indicator of mental toughness, and there's a reason why it's declined in comparison to last generation.

>> No.2773189

Holy kek