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27652128 No.27652128 [Reply] [Original]

What’s your biggest financial regret?

>> No.27652194

Putting more money into LCX than BAO.

>> No.27652367

Selling the 120k XLM I picked at 6 cents when it hit 25 cents.

>> No.27652375

getting a gf

>> No.27652398

>23 years old
>Been sitting on 20k since 2018

Didn't invest a dime until today. I wish I got in the game sooner.

>> No.27652429

Not buying RUBIC @ $1

>> No.27652452


Missing out on the negro slave trade moon of the 1700s.

>> No.27652481

swinging/panic selling RBC early on and going from a 500k stack to 150k

>> No.27652500

Being born after 1971

>> No.27652577

Being born *

>> No.27652579

Selling aave at 13 cents

>> No.27652582

Not starting investing until I was 29. I wasted so much money it's hard to not regret it.

>> No.27652644

Getting on acid and changing a shit coin wallet password and forgetting it. It mooned a week later and I missed out on 20k profit. It happened like 7 years ago and I still think about it weekly

>> No.27652656
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Losing £40k on GME

>> No.27652689

It was the semites who manipulated the market mister. I hope our future generations will come to the knowledge and do something about it.

>> No.27652756

Almost all of my investments turned out amazing, but I was weak handed and sold them due to them crabbing, losing money or simply because I thought I should invest in something else.

The reality is you pick a project you like and you hodl it - and it will make you rich as long as it has a use.

>> No.27652762

4chan500 and Donut, weed is good

>> No.27652806

>BTC at $10
>GXY stock at 30 cents
>AMD stock at $2
>almost bought 100 BTC at $300 but didn't
>unironically fell for the LINK fud at 20 cents
>almost had a massive long filled at 4k in march 2019 that could've made me hundreds of BTC
>missed out on yield farming
>missed out on hundreds of shitcoins here that 20-1000x'd

i mean it's fine, i've learned my mistakes over my career and with my portfolio i'm going to have 7 figures by the end of this year but whatever

>> No.27652832
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>What’s your biggest financial regret?
All the booze I've drank.

>> No.27652868

being too young, broke and stupid to buy bitcoin in 2008

>> No.27652902

Hello nigger

>> No.27652916

Never using Tether.

>> No.27652939

>he doesn't write his info in weird code only you can understand

>> No.27652978

being retarded

>> No.27652988


>> No.27653009

Buying Ark and MFT contributed to losing over 70% of my ath networth

>> No.27653024

Seeing PRQ back in late summertime and buying BREE instead

>> No.27653066

only been here since fall

>bought gme at 20
>only bought 25 shares
>could have a 100-200k stack of fantom
>only bought 35k

cant tell if im a retard or not

>> No.27653116

Snorting 1BTC a few years ago

>> No.27653113

being black.

>> No.27653121

damn bro i feel this one

>> No.27653171

not investing in more racist cryptocurrencies

>> No.27653179

Being a pussy nigga and not trusting my gut

>> No.27653190

also this. lost maybe 20 bucks lmao

>> No.27653212
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Falling for the diamon hands meme and holding GME through 300+ only to sell it at 100

>> No.27653266

50$ buying hearthstone packs

>> No.27653316

I traded 42 ETH for coins now worth less than 2 ETH

>> No.27653323

Not buying into BTC early on

>> No.27653345

GME, NOK and LCX. Fucking FOMO.
I feel you so much m8. But when I saw bao being shilled after all that LCX PnD, I thought I wouldn't fall for this shit again...

>> No.27653396

Friend of mine told me about chainlink when it was 0.20 USD.
Put 300 euros on ethereum instead.

>> No.27653453

Knew about BTC when people were shilling it on SA in 2011 and didn't bother to investigate. Old man inherited a few hundred thousand in 2012 and asked me for investment advice...

>> No.27653469

Being too new to crypto to go swing my 25k in stocks over to crypto. I made more holding 1.6eth than in stock gains with 25k....

>> No.27653488

I sold my 80k link stash back in 2018 for pennies, still cry every time

>> No.27653498

Poorfag but I guess selling my extremely small fraction of Bitcoin for 2x like a year ago. Not enough to make me kill myself but could of been like a 5x or more by now.

>> No.27653544

Letting Bao be basically the only shit coin I never bought. Also all the drugs I did from 18 22.

>> No.27653571
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i reformatted over a wallet with .7 BTC in it in 2012

>> No.27653658

Duping 5k into GME instead of RBC. I would've basically had 12k by now without any of the cult indoctrination, batshit insane broker moves, or extreme dips. I sold at a big loss so I'm going to put the rest of the money into RBC when I finally pull it out of Robinhood's jewish claws.

>> No.27653669

Not buying more.

>> No.27653710

Well you might want to look into $NEED

>> No.27653720
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Not buying BTC when I learned about it back in '09. Was right after the market crash and I had ZERO experience in investing or trading anything. All of the little bit of expendable income I had was going in to stocks, but even then I was only playing with under 1k. Didn't get in to investing or crypto until a few years ago. All my buddies at work and my attorney friend from work always talk abouthow I was telling them about BTC when it was a dollar, and if we had all just put $100.00 in to it and left it we would be millionaires. I do not view it as a regret though, just as a learning lesson. Hindsight is always 20/20 and I know what I know now because of the choices I made in the past.

>> No.27653733

i lost 2k on GME when I was up 30k. I pulled out of UNI when it was at 4-5 dollars and two days later it started rising. About three weeks later it's at 20. Also pulled the UNI to give to a "friend" to "swing trade." He ended up just stealing 2.3k from me.

>> No.27653782

Staying at a shitty job thinking it would ever get better.
Spoiler alert: It never does.

>> No.27653783

I was looking to get into crypto after the 2018 crash, but then I found out coinbase didn't accept my country's currency so I kinda forgot it.

>> No.27653899
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Not helping my parents get into crypto when they helped me into stocks.

>> No.27653991

That's more of a "being a shit son" regret than a financial one

>> No.27654033

so far I've wasted 500 bucks on pennies that were shilled here during the summer. Granted I "knew" they wouldn't hit and they were pump n dumps but hey, still annoying.
I also just put 350 into gamestop because I FOMO'd hard on Friday. I'm mad at myself for buying into the hype or at the very least for deluding myself into the meme but hey, at this point it's more entertaining to just HODL and see what happens. I wasn't gonna spend that stim money on anything anyway so why the hell not (COPE).

>> No.27654049

Buy drugs with my Bitcoin in 2013/2014.

>> No.27654118

not learning how to trade sooner.

>> No.27654150

Not buying a house before rona

>> No.27654174

don't have regrets, you can reach mid 6 figures with that

>> No.27654177

I lost about $1,000 in mid-late 2016 because I bought into Pernix Therapeutics when some anons were pushing it on /smg/.

>> No.27654244

Being unable to buy bitcoin in 2013 due to being 12. I wish it wouldn't haunt me so.

>> No.27654254
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didn't get in $TON earlier....looking at how insane the congestion is on Eth right now i can only imagine how far layer 2 is going to go in the next couple of weeks

>> No.27654275

Austrian economics told me that gold and silver are real money, and so I ignored my friend telling me about Bitcoin when it was $2

>> No.27654409
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Not buying chainlink when it was shilled here at .20 a coin

>> No.27654420

Still a make it stack. Swingers get the rope every time faggot.

>> No.27654671

Buying chainlink in '18 and selling it in '18
wasnt much but it wouldve given me enough to make some capital to make big gains in the current market.

I've got paper hands and i want to try to sell the highs and buy back in on the lows or jump ship to things that look more immediately promising. How do i get over it bros?

>> No.27654808
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I owned many fine stocks back in 2000. When the NAZ dumped and lost 80% of it's value, I panicked and sold everything (about 100k worth). Had PTSD for like 5 years and took about a 25k loss. I sold stocks like AMZN, DELL, QCOM, CSCO, MSFT, etc. Basically the best portfolio you can imagine. If I would have held on and just ignored everything I am certain I would have had somewhere around 10 million plus today.

>> No.27654891
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Going to university on student loans. I racked up $80k of debt and wasted 4 years on degrees that didn't help me get a job at all. After 18 months of being NEET I finally joined the military and started making payments and in the end I paid back nearly $90k on those loans after three and a half years of hard work and psychological torture. In total, I wasted 9 years, the prime of my life, making and recovering from the huge mistake of going to uni.

I should have gone straight to work after high school. I should have bought crypto in the early days when it was cheap, and made other investments. I'd be a millionaire many times over and could have gone to uni later anyway when I was ready to find a girl looking for her MRS and bred her repeatedly.

I'm never going to let my children make that mistake. Youth is for breeding and exploring the world and enjoying life. There's time enough for debt and slavery when you're middle aged.

>> No.27654916

I lost a couple btc in 2017 through a friend kek a common coinfession

>> No.27655003

I sold my INJ bag very early. After that, they announced more tokenized stocks like AMZN, TWTR, and GME. The forex market also live, synthetic gold is also live, and the mainnet is coming. this shit is flying man but i sold it really early

>> No.27655018
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dismissing stinky linkies until i was priced out

>> No.27655019

weed and cigarettes that could have been anything else

>> No.27655033

This. At least We have FTM now.

>> No.27655036

You can get sober if you want to man. I did the rehab thing and the AA thing and I've been sober for 15 months now.

>> No.27655087

Not buying GME at $40 because I thought that was the squeeze

>> No.27655096
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bought a bunch of yfte for $37: sold at $120 for XST;
bought XST for $4.50: price crashed, after a bounce I sold the top at $2.60.

this image is a reminder not to fuck up like that again.

>> No.27655143

Not getting into stock trading sooner.

>> No.27655189

This. Did not get started with investing until I'd accumulated about 200k and been sitting on it for a while. I know it's never too late, but still wish I'd gotten into crypto and stocks earlier, people had been shilling crypto to me for ages.

>> No.27655211

Selling my $35 April call on GME early.
I bought it for $300 and sold it for $1600.
When I looked at it during the hype week it was worth $28k

>> No.27655256
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I lost millions....

>> No.27655263

selling perfectly good, working cars for significantly less than what they were worth. that and crashing two of them.

>> No.27655321

spending 17k usd on yugioh cards

>> No.27655343

not buying BTC iin 2011 because I thought it was bullshit. Then not buying Ethereum because I thought it was bullshit. Then I didn't buy LINK because I thought it was bullshit. Now I'm wondering what shill I'm ignoring that will turn out to be right.

>> No.27655408

lmao nerd

>> No.27655428

not buying any Chainlink back in 2018 when I was contemplating it because everybody on /biz was making stupid jokes about it.

>> No.27655461

Not being smart with the money I made selling weed and coke. I was literally making like $200-300k/year in highschool and I just blew it all on more cocaine and getting drunk. I would sell like an ounce or 2 of blow in a night, but it wouldn't matter because I'd be doing a quarter-half o myself. I still feel like a fucking idiot to this day and its been like a decade since I graduated

>> No.27655486

Buying GME and selling because of FUD I read from this board.

>> No.27655493

Post loss nigger

>> No.27655517


>> No.27655585

not buying BTC with tf2 keys back when that was funny

I had hundreds of keys

>> No.27655600

Losing almost 20k by getting scammed in team fortress 2

>> No.27655677

like a lot of people not investing into BTC/ETH and I had the money to buy a lot and be retired by now

>> No.27655706

not buying and holding bitcoin in 2011-2012 when it heard of it first and knew it had to be a revolutionary thing because you could buy heroin online with it

i had 35 btc (cost me 100 euros) but spent it on drugs lol

>> No.27655717

>crypto is meme don't start
>BTC is meme don't buy
>ETH is meme don't buy
>LINK is meme don't buy
listening to my irl friends is my biggest regret, and also biz

>> No.27655734

i sold 5k LINK at 4.20
lost 2 eth because im a retard

>> No.27655762

Was it some guy with broken English saying he wanted to verify your item wasn't duped or something?

>> No.27655776

This is objectively false. I can name countless of projects that fall under this category. HODLE is a meme and a dangerous one depending on what you hold

>> No.27655777


See this post.... >>27654808

>> No.27655976

not starting sooner, with any of this. crypto, stocks, even serious savings. i knew i was never going to get any money passed onto me from family, so i am kicking myself for not being serious about my own finances sooner. oh well, at least i have accepted my reality, and that's the first step on the road to shilling.

>> No.27656053

Not getting into bitcoin in 2010 when all of my friends in college were using it to buy drugs off silk road. Now I've fomo'd in at 30k/coin

>> No.27656147

dangerously based

>> No.27656171

I was really into bitcoin back in 2012/2013. Had a small mining rig setup.
It dipped from 20$ to 10$ and I sold everything i had at that point.

I still have the cards I used to mine. They still work just fine.

>> No.27656261

Not buying bitcoin at $2 because I thought it was a scam.

>> No.27656391

I would have killed myself if that happened to me.

>> No.27656763

not buying bitoin when I was 15

>> No.27657072

honestly though, it really did look like some sort shitty Runescape or Second Life type of scam back then, it's not strange that you didn't jump on board

>> No.27657077

Throughout University I must've spent over two grand on delivering food. WHAT THE FUCK THAT MONEY COULD'VE BEEN A X10 YOU FUCK

>> No.27657160

2017 IOTA

>> No.27657235

Letting a black friend borrow my $200 bike.
Needless to say we weren't friends after.

>> No.27657245

discovering I liked the taste of gin

>> No.27657336

You're not too late for link. I almost bought in at a dollar and I've been regretting it ever since. I'm waiting for it crash again (hopefully sub $20) and then I'm FOMO'ing in. Better late than never. Imagine if you could have bought bitcoin or eth at 20 bucks.

>> No.27657354

Not being born rich

>> No.27657527

pussing out of 5k USD of chainlink in 2018

>> No.27657611

This sort of stuff haunts me, too, but I probably wasted 7 or 8 times that amount.

>> No.27657867

you made a profit, right?
if yes, then you're anything but retarded.

>> No.27658006

not investing in spaceswap or BAO

>> No.27658267

>selling AMPL just before 80x
>Selling XOR just before 100x
>selling PRQ just before it did 170x
And now finally
>seliing BAO just before it did a 105x


>> No.27658385
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>sold a stack of 1,000 Link at $0,22

>> No.27658502

I have been browsing for a while, in November I had my sights on
And I fucked up my trades on all them, because I didn’t hold, gonna invest in some rope soon frens

>> No.27658503
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only investing $500 AUD at this price

OG screencap

>> No.27658517

I've been on 4chan for 15 years now. I knew about bitcoin before probably 99% of the world did. I used to see threads on /b/ talking about mining rigs. Anons used to send it to other Anons for free because it was literally worthless. That being said I can't be too mad about not buying in in the early 2010s. My perception of it was always as an internet meme and I thought there was no way it would sustainably be worth anything, even when it cracked$10, then $100, then $500, etc etc. I think very people really could have confidently predicted just how big it was going to get.

>> No.27658675

sold my 0.2$ LINK at 1$

>> No.27658678

my ex gf

>> No.27658716

you did it 4 times and you STILL didn't learn your lesson.


>> No.27658725

Not mining BTC back in 2011. I had built my first desktop and I was in a college dorm and you weren't charged extra for using more electricity. But I didn't put effort into figuring out how to do it, and after like 15 minutes I just said "fuck it".

I cope by telling myself I probably would've immediately sold the BTC for dollars a piece instead of holding them

>> No.27658760


>> No.27658848

Not selling bzrx at the peak. I had 0.4 btc. Fuck me

>> No.27658870

I went a bit further, mined for like 10 minutes, sold those gains for $50 in 2018

>> No.27658876

Fell asleep with trade open, lost 0.25 btc

>> No.27658893

Going to college. I spent like 8 years paying off around 40,000 of debt, for a degree I didn't need and has done nothing for me. Had I just invested it in SPY I'd easily have my own house and be on my way to early retirement

>> No.27658956

Paying $500 a month extra on my mortgage

>> No.27659034

I did the same thing but ultimately the best strategy is to just buy and forget about it, i bought rubic in November for 300$ and today it’s worth almost 15k, a 300$ is nothing compared for what I stood to gain

>> No.27659044

Not learning about Bitcoin in college 10 years ago. I barely remember it being new.

>> No.27659150

Same on most of that, it is just moving on.

>> No.27659489

Fell into a rut in life and ended up stacking $50k in cash that was not being used on anything. I can live on less than $500 a month and have a job that pays much more than that, and realized that it's a total waste not to do something with it, even if some of it gets lost to some bullshit or another.

>> No.27659820

>Started with 10k in bao last month
Up to 200k.

You will make it with 20 if a midwit like me can get going with 10.


>> No.27660121

Not buying BTC at $7 when I had a chance.

>> No.27660532

The booze is always going to be there. If you can stop and ask yourself if you really need it right now or if you can wait just one more day, it will be one more day of your life that you were clean. Every day matters.

The destination of all men is the same. It only matters how you choose to get there.

>> No.27660940
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started with 5k and I was up to 14k on GRT and I didn't sell. left with the original 5k and now I'm down to 0 after day trading

bought and panic sold at a loss;
ETH at 500$
DOGE at .0058$
DOT at 7.50$
list goes on

if only I just hodled

>> No.27661197

Buying Yu-Gi-Oh cards with my money in high school.
Now the game meta sucks and I can't sell the damn things and I don't want to let go.

>> No.27661253

Not getting into crypto until 2020

>> No.27662019
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Losing three BTC back when 50cent was selling his rap album Animal some shit.

I worked at a job used their email and got layer off with the password 12 word
Combo in email. Of course my work escorted me out the day they laid everybody off and didn’t felt me get back into my email. They erased it along with my access to the email.

The password was attached to work cell which was shit off before I went into the meeting. Bitpay locked my account and to this day the Coins just sit there with me having zero access to them. My job said it erased my email with no way to get any of it back.