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27612497 No.27612497 [Reply] [Original]

What is the easiest way to make it if you're a Mexican?

>> No.27612644

Traffic drugs through the border.

>> No.27612890

Ser diputado

>> No.27613007

encontrar oro azteca

>> No.27613049

join a cartel

>> No.27613069

better yet, traffic anabolic steroids through the border.

>> No.27613077

Nigger your self out....live from the government , a shitty life if you are on the low...or go full corrupt and live as a politician.

>> No.27613120

Get a relative to send you remittances from America.

>> No.27613121

Aren't those legal in America?

>> No.27613140

drug smuggling

>> No.27613291

Work in the US illegally and buy the tools necessary to start a business in mexico and employ some indios and make mexico great again

>> No.27613362

The best way is to stay where you are and convince all your neighbors to also stay where they are

>> No.27613370

volverte diputado, also joining the sinaloa cartel probably.

We don't have many opportunities to make it we

>> No.27613377


>> No.27613379

Sell vegetables near the high traffic roads

>> No.27613419

taco truck

>> No.27613458

Learn English

>> No.27613501

Marry an American /biz/ poster

>> No.27613547

crypto or sell tacos

>> No.27613563

>t. fellow mexican

>> No.27613655

buy silver

>> No.27613766


>> No.27613827

>move to America
>get job
>buy crypto

>> No.27613831

Does any exchange accept Mexican currency?

>> No.27613899 [DELETED] 

Yeah, crypto
t. 200k in crypto 18 years old Jalisciense.

>> No.27613993

we have a lot of posibilities but you are a fucking bold nigger who cant see it

>> No.27614001

mowing my lawn, beaner

>> No.27614065

Yes, Bitso
And from there you can transfer to other exchanges with more coins

>> No.27614073

U can buy tether and send to other exchanges

>> No.27614113

Go to school go to uni talk to your fellow students, get a job
It is not that hard.

>> No.27614129

open a stereo store that also sells rims

>> No.27614144

Marry someone from the USA. That's how my wife did it.

>> No.27614241

>limited to 4500 pesos a month
fuck bitso
go P2P

>> No.27614295

As the other anons told you bitso but also Coinbase but you need to verify your identity with your INE

>> No.27614332
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t. normie

>> No.27614424

Crossing the border and taking all the jobs from my beautiful country

>> No.27614455

I see, thanks for the info.

>> No.27614497

>saving yourself from potentially killing off a whole quincena

>> No.27614526

You can upgrade your limits with some documentation
Not a great exchange, but it is what we have

>> No.27614657

>he doesn't know that 90% of the circles of power of connected by school circles.

Also not stem meme , poliscience memes that is how you get a cushy job from your buddy higher up. All you gotta do is stay long enough to get a sweet private corp deal.

>> No.27614659

Isn’t that like $40 max? Even for a Mexican household income that seems like a low amount.

>> No.27614682

>taking all the jobs from americans
whoa i didn't know mexicans were this BASED

>> No.27614763
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Come across the border and milk our welfare system like all of your other country members anon.

>> No.27614850

that's 222 usd

>> No.27614934

>Live in border
>have dual citizenship
>graduate from an american college
>get well paying job as a structural engineer in america
>feel like im an god-king enperor when i go to mexico to visit my family
>if i decided to live in mexico I would be one part of the elite society

Feels good man

>> No.27615000

Problem is, Coinbase doesn’t let you withdraw your crypto into USD or MXN to your card.
That’s why: fund in Bitso and buy something like XRP for no fees, send it to your Coinbase account, buy shit or even send it to it’s wallet to buy shitcoins like BAO.
Then exchange it back and return it to Bitso for your to finally cash out.

Fucking Binance is shit here

>> No.27615010

Get a degree and immigrate to Canada (not the USA).

Alternatively, jump the border, find some random coalburner, file for DACA, and get in on that sweet welfare dosh.

>> No.27615070

politica, paco corrupto, o ser narco y lo suficientemente ruthless para escalar.

>> No.27615228

>Fucking Binance is shit here
What do you mean? I do what you wrote but I mostly move it to binance

>> No.27615233

Only smooth brained morons become narcos. Unless you are top tier, most narcos make less than working in a maquiladora.

Always funny seeing narco videos were the narcos are eating cheap oxxo ramen and beans from retort bags.

>> No.27615337

Wtf I have 150k a month maximum, just verify some things and that’s it

>> No.27615512

well, that's my problem not theirs, plus I can afford to lose way more than that
how much?

mexico is getting cucked so hard on crypto ngl, you can buy on binance with fucking namibian money and not mxn, fuck this shit, fuck the regulators, fuck their anti-laundering cuckoldry, find a fucking eth miner and buy from them

>> No.27615588

join chapitos cartel

>> No.27615614

move to a Canadian city like Toronto, Calgary or Vancouver, find a cheap place to live with a bunch of other Latinos via one of the Facebook accommodation groups in those cities, get a job working construction, come up with a viable business plan for something in Mexico and then head back down once you've saved 10-15K and start your shit. Used to hire Mexican guys at a landscaping company I ran with a buddy back in high school and saw a few of the ambitious ones do precisely that.

>> No.27615750

interesting, did you give them bank statements?

>> No.27615783

my man

>> No.27615835

Bitso is ok, don’t listen to those poor fags, I have a 150k monthly limit and it gives me the option to improve it even more

>> No.27615871
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>mexico is getting cucked so hard on crypto ngl, you can buy on binance with fucking namibian money and not mxn

>> No.27615909

you'd be surprised how much Taqueros make in Mexico city, more than any retard with a MA degree :3

>> No.27616097

Not everyone has a tarjeta bancaria

>> No.27616110
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>if i decided to live in mexico I would be one part of the elite society
So do it? Or live in Monterrey? I have white family there, been once in the 90s, was a beautiful area, pretty clean compared to the shit you see on T.V. I’m sure the city is fucked but the area they live in looks like Beverley Hills but with bad plumbing. You can make it mexibro. MMGA.

>> No.27616130

No, just my RFC but no bank statements and if you say something about taxes, I have had my bitso account since 2017 and I have never paid taxes on crypto and have even done my yearly declarations for 3 years without any problem, tho year I might pay taxes but I will just declare 50k pesos in earnings, which is not true at all, but just in case

>> No.27616135

As a brazilian living in the US, the answer is the same for everyone, invest, buy some shitcoins that have some potential, earn more money. I got into BTC by early 2017 and surfed the bullrun

>> No.27616163

mostly for its fees and minimun amounts to exchange currencies.
>$10 fee
ah fuck, i guess im a stingy jew after all. I aint paying for fucking fees

Besides, i want my money now and not having to deal with P2P transactions to get my money out. Scummy fucks

>> No.27616169

If you don't have a tarjeta bancaria you don't have any business buying crypto

>> No.27616230

I do have one, but some people don't.

>> No.27616277

ok, gonna check up once again on bitso, I got into crypto very recently to get on bao so I didn't have time to wait for their KYC bullshit. glad I didn't wait though cause I got in bao under 0.0001 before the pumps
so what do I have to give bitso to get better limits?

>> No.27616310

Best broker for a taco eater ? I was all in jewtoro before the gme bllshit

>> No.27616324

Depends on the documents you provide
It could be 150k monthly or up to 1MM
150k is OK for most people

>> No.27616339

No mames quién no tiene una tarjeta siendo mayor de edad?

>> No.27616430

Monterrey is a rich city

>> No.27616505

un neeto que vive con sus jefes y le depositan a su tarjeta de jovenes construyendo el futuro
biba anlo!

>> No.27616507

based, thx anon gonna check it out

probably right

i think you can buy through bitso on oxxo lol

>> No.27616654

retards and poorfags

>muh kks
shut the fuck up we talking bizness here

>> No.27616761

I know, he said if he went back to Mexico he’s be considered part of the elite. Figured Monterrey would be in reach if that was the case. Unless Monterrey is like U.S level rich then, never mind.

>> No.27616836

Why would anyone become a narco for no money? I thought it was high risk= high reward if you don't die?

>> No.27616866

Move to America, steal a trump voter's job

>> No.27616935

>shut the fuck up we talking bizness here
unironically, can you buy crypto with those government cards? Some come with Visa but you cant use it for online transactions.
t. want to get some of that gibs money off my cousin and put it in crypto

>> No.27616940

>mostly for its fees
Aren't coinbase fees way higher that Binace?
>and minimun amounts to exchange currencies.
yeah $10 why would you buy any less? gains would be none existing

>> No.27617009

Ok, I get it now.
I would live there too if I could, or Guadalajara perhaps

>> No.27617078


I make six figures and enjoy ramen and eggs for lunch

>> No.27617150
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>having a normie job = making it

>> No.27617159

Saint peter is where the Rich ppl Live (founded by mountain jews btw)

>> No.27617168

Why does the mexico president speak so fucking slow

>> No.27617407

its the Mexican "dream" bro. To live off the land (drugs) and telling the government to fuck off while feeling like a Bandito and a good catholic as youre dispatching the evil off your land

the dream is free, the hustle comes in a plastic vat filled with your decomposing body

>> No.27617544

Answer this man's question

>> No.27617570

He is trying his best, please understand

When it comes to stocks which is the best one in Mexico, personally I use GBM+

>> No.27617706

GBM or Kuspit.
I've only used GBM tho

>> No.27617757

The guy is like our version of Biden, senile and mentally stunted

>> No.27617772

unironically, he has tism
and really really really becoming senile. Love the old fart but he's really digging his grave every morning when he talks

>> No.27617949

imma keep it hundo with you chief
get a taco truck

>> No.27617953

Are you in danger of being beheaded while doing so and fighting in your flip flops? I don't think so.

>> No.27618125

I think it's just an act, most mexicans talk really slow you know, that's partly how he got to where he is, by convincing millions to stop voting the way they had done for decades and give him a chance

>> No.27618152

>Be broke ass student
>Heard of the scholarship program he is cooking up
>Get excited so I try to apply
>Requirement : be unemployed and currently not studying
What in the actual fuck

>> No.27618233

Don't know, aren't those basically banco azteca cards? no idea, my man, they should be able to though

>> No.27618327

yeah, i'm thinking you're bullshit, i know kids with that scholarship

>> No.27618372
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Well Im about to finish Computer Engineering and holding to my doge.
I try to do some day trading but the money I'm putting into it is pretty low to make significant money.
At least my gf has american nationality. Which is a fucking dream.

>> No.27618602

Walk to U.S. Border. Enter illegally. Biden gives you free housing and a universal basic income.
Simple As.

>> No.27618604

>holding to my doge.
You bought the top didn't you? sell that shit before you lose everything

>> No.27618642
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I'm not shitting you

>> No.27618793

No I bought pretty low.
But I'm still at a loss.

>> No.27618807

Aprovechando el hilo anons, qué pedo con los umpuestos? Le tengo que pagar mi 30% a nuestro cabrzita de algodón o hay una manera de bajarlos/ evadirlos? Tengo 5M de pesos en crypto ahorita

>> No.27618808

>become muh narco!
>be le illegal immigrant in US they give you house!
shut the fuck up we trying to make it here

>> No.27618933

The one you are looking for is Jovenes ESCRIBIENDO el Futuro.

>> No.27618937

Depends how old you are guey

>> No.27619038

vete a Andorra

>> No.27619041

well that's not a scholarship dumbass, that's an apprenticeship and of course you have to be unemployed and not studying to get it what the fuck, the idea is you find someone who will hire you but the govt. will pay your salary for a year, that way you gain job experience and risk is minimized for the employer

>> No.27619089

1. be a woman with a vagina
2. be a woman with a penis

>> No.27619184

Si ya tienes 5M de que vergas te preocupas?
Te va a caer hacienda a huevo cuando te deposites a tu tarjeta.
Registrate como persona con actividad empresarial y declara. Ya ni pedo.
Puedes sacar facturas de todo lo que compres para amortizar un poco. Orientate con un contador no con estos turboautistas

>> No.27619240

siempre hay manera de evadir, pero te la juegas, o dejas de ser un pinche avaro y pagas y disfrutas de tu dinero sin preocupaciones

>> No.27619252

save up for some kneepads and suck 1 million dicks for $1 each.

>> No.27619358

>start a business in mexico and employ some indios
and then get extorted by gangbanging faggots.

>> No.27619360


>> No.27619420

based and tacopilled

>> No.27619442

It's funnier for me to think that's not the case and it's just a welfare system
Is it really going to turn out that way tho?

>> No.27619590

Master classical Latin American guitar.

>> No.27619597

similar position, but I'm planning on moving to Monterrey within the next 10 years

>> No.27619834

I mean, if you jump the border they literally give you a free apartment for a year anon. Just look up the saga of lady frijoles.

>> No.27619941

go to canada during the summer and work on farms

>> No.27620189
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speaking of monterry in the next 10 years. How likely is it that the norf states will separate from the country and live off from sweet remesas?

>> No.27620241

ok boomer

>> No.27620315

Mi papa6tiene una empresa y factura bien sabroso.
Tiene dos casas en una de las zonas ricas de no ciudad, pero vive con su esposa y mi medio hermano (menor).
A mí me tocó vivir con mi mamá en su casita del infonavit. Ella gana 9mil al mes aprox.

Aunque digo que trabajo con mi papá, en realidad sólo lo ayudo a hacer algunas cosas. Me paga de 1200 a 1500 pesos a la semana.
Me siento pobre pero queda la posibilidad de que tal vez algún día heredaré una parte de la empresa.

>> No.27620404

who the fuck knows
you tried to just get in because muh gibs but you got btfo'd so i think it's based

>> No.27620477

What are the mexanons holding right now?
For me it's:

Half in the alts and the other half in ETH

>> No.27620519

marry an americano

>> No.27620710

nice blog faggot

>> No.27620758
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I should have bought 1 ETH when it was $500 pesos putamadre

>> No.27620961

eth, ada, btc, bao (got in early), algo

>> No.27620970

you should have bought a fuckton of bitcoin at .50 usd but you didn't, take the L, move on, get gains crypto just getting started

>> No.27621082

all in on bao since week 4, comfy hold

>> No.27621120


>> No.27621144

Which shitcoins do you recommend

>> No.27621226


>> No.27621305

there’s no point in crying over spilled milk, there are hundreds of opportunities everyday and shitcoins that mega pump every other day

>> No.27621334

find a way to get to china
better jobs than in usa for sure

>> No.27621789

Go to school or become part of the cartel. Literally no inbetween.

>> No.27621918


>> No.27622105

I mean, isn't this just like any other business? you start low, some cases lower than low, and you must be ruthless enough to raise to the top.

of course being ruthless depends on what you are. If you are PMC it means throwing under the bus your coworkers. If you are a WS type, it means destroying businesses and leaving others on the street. If you are a narco, it means a 4 digit body count.

>> No.27622109

>mexabros holding bao
wgmi bros

>> No.27622382

AHHHH ni pedo anon ni pedo.

>> No.27622500

>I mean, isn't this just like any other business?
No anon. It's literally not. The chance of your body ending up in a clandestine grave are so high you have to be a moron to even consider it. Most of the top narcos inherit their positions from other wealthy narcos. The lowly troops literally do not make a significant amount of money. Getting an education of any kind and working a normie job will 9/10 give a you decent quality of life. You won't be swimming in bitches but having your own house and a car or two with some decent girl from your neighborhood is not unheard of.

>> No.27622890
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Anons ¿Como compro cripto como shiba o bao? Solo tengo bitso

>> No.27623061

Compra ETH en Bitso y transifere a tu wallet de metamask
Busca los tokens que quieres en coingecko

>> No.27623486

Gracias anon, mi único pedo ahora es pagar el gas. Esta como en 256 ahorita para enviar a metamask