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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27589718 No.27589718 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you invested in GRT, anon? Do you hate making money?

>> No.27589766

I don't like the logo

>> No.27589839

because you are a shill

>> No.27589864


the tokenomics are truly awful

theyre printing like 3x supply over the coming months

i believe in the use case, but i wonder if i wont make more money parking my investments in other projects

>> No.27589897

Cause I got a bag of RBC, half a pack of cigarettes and a full tank of gas. Fuck GRT

>> No.27589927

I have some GRT but the logo is crap

>> No.27590382
File: 53 KB, 1920x1280, 1610701741955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I edited it a bit to your liking sirs

>> No.27590480

Because it’s scam

>> No.27590541
File: 12 KB, 439x274, fucking cup and a fucking handle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha cup and a handle haha
>haha going back to $0.40 get fukd GRT schizos
>haha google of crypto haha

>> No.27591097


>> No.27591714

kek, based and I unironically bought a small bag moments ago

>> No.27592018

because i got a big bag of bnt instead. tell me GRTbros, should i quit my stake and get into GRT instead?

>> No.27592415

Who is buying this thing at these fucking prices mid week?

>> No.27593564

i too wonder who is paying for my bags

>> No.27593638

I'm wondering the same thing

>> No.27593731

I'm not looking to invest in a project with a mcap of 1 million that has already been pumped.

>> No.27593803

Eth has infinite supply. Yes you read that right. Infinite. Supply.

>> No.27593829

people on this board were calling me stupid for buying at 55c 3 weeks ago

>> No.27593899

Man I wish I bought a stack at 23c back when everything dipped recently. 4x on a mainstream coin? Amazing. Wouldn't touch it at this price though.

>> No.27594086

I’ve been wondering about this since last Friday.

>> No.27594187

wauting for the dip

>> No.27594320

Did you have your eye on it yesterday?
There was clearly a manipulated corridor. It just hung there for 4-5 hours, with zero buy pressure; then, boop, crash down to where it wanted to be.
I believe in the product, but if whales are going to fuck up the actual market flow, I'm losing confidence.

>> No.27594605

PRQ fags on suicide watch. I remember them shilling PRQ as the superior option to GRT, but I guess it couldn't pass the vetting process of any legitimate exchange. You get what you deserve I suppose. Comfy with my 10K GRT bag bought at 30 cents.

>> No.27594683

I don't have money to invest. I invested all I had ($800) in DEXG already.

>> No.27594763

The dip was yesterday when I bought it at .72.

>> No.27595617

is it dipping? should i buy?

>> No.27595755

Yo, you have eyes & a brain just like the rest of us.

>> No.27596243
File: 72 KB, 500x500, 1590581060397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dropping

>> No.27596303

>Gay Rug Token
Hard pass. You bought the top and your desperation is showing.

>> No.27596346

This is true.

>> No.27596485

Just chuck a bit in and see what happens. Kinda long term anyway

>> No.27596492

I only have 2700 GRT why even live GRT bros

>> No.27596543


>> No.27596706
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100$ for GAS


>> No.27596720
File: 224 KB, 3152x1132, GRT_Waterfall_v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My portfolio is big enough now that I dont want short term holds. I rather want longer term investments now. GRT supply will triple in a few months and then keep on growing for quite a while. Not for me.

>> No.27596875

I bought some a week ago and it still hasn't tripled. I am beginning to worry.

>> No.27596962

Bought 10k this morning. Not gonna touch it for a year or so. I really hope this shit doesn't crash lmao

>> No.27597040
File: 8 KB, 189x266, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey swingies

>> No.27597052
File: 324 KB, 675x380, 1573982182514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you implying that it's better to buy at weekend?

>> No.27597117

Im waiting for XRP to pump some more, then cash out and put most of my eggs in GRT basket, best long run investment

>> No.27597152
File: 36 KB, 212x240, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro i put my whole stack on this shit LETS GOOOOO

>> No.27597258

How does that make GRT a short term hold? GRT has always been a long term hold

>> No.27597351

Waiting for another big dump

>> No.27597753

This project seems legit as they listed coin straight to Binance, Coinbase and OKEx, so they were ready to get audited and even paid for listing.
This might be one of those rare projects that might really go to moon before end of year.

>> No.27598051

Who the fuck is on biz while US EST is sleeping?

We had multiple threads last night that reached the bump limit with the consensus being GRT is the next LINK (possibly even better) and $1+ is basically guaranteed by EOM.

Now fucking retards are posting about how they’re “unsure” because muh supply. Who are you people?

>> No.27598187

Because Kraken doesn't let Americans trade it

>> No.27598351

Its always the same FUD from these people

>> No.27598376

pajeet fudders before the EST bros get into work

>> No.27598467
File: 17 KB, 390x226, 2342354235235623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 1480 suicide prevention bags left anons.
There were 5000 left yesterday.


See yourself.

>> No.27598512
File: 714 KB, 640x946, 41fa91f0f273b69c5f0f3da3b5e50c9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here

Do I have to put this shit in a wallet or is there no point?

>> No.27598714

sam i bought on coinbase do i have to do something to it or is it chill

>> No.27598843

Send me and i'll double them

>> No.27598889

Anything over say $1000 that you intend to hold for a while should be moved out of an exchange into a wallet. Exchanges are kind of safe but vulnerable to hacks / data breaches

>> No.27598924

Move it to coinbase pro so you don't get fucked by fees if you end up selling.

>> No.27598926
File: 108 KB, 799x577, 1510783609403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon, I'm just doing whatever job I can get my hands on right now. I got fired because of this virus thing and I still have to support my village.

>> No.27598932

BNT is infinitely better.

>> No.27599000

I have a ministack I was hoping to buy more at .65c but it looks like .73c is the new floor. I do think it will hit a buck eventually. if the floor keeps rising. They plan to increase supply because eventually people are going to Stake their stacks which will pull the tokens out of circulation for a minimum of 28days.

>> No.27599306

I wake up at 6:25 every morning to shill GRT

>> No.27599467

dumped my GRT gains into IOTA. Chad 4d chess move

>> No.27599478

We're going back down to .65

>> No.27600140

Good thing I sold my bags with only a minor loss. See you tomorrow, gents.

>> No.27600948
File: 262 KB, 948x774, 1608644353567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If query fees are $0.0001 (which is what Ativ allegedly said/recommended they will be obviously indexers have the final say in what they set fees at) with the reported 10 billion queries a month there's roughly $1 million in fees a month or 1284302 GRT per month at today's price. Queries have went from 1 billion in June to 10 billion in November so that's pretty solid growth. If it can grow another 10x we're looking at $1.2b annually in fees. As for what that does for the price of GRT I don't know. Thoughts?

>> No.27601132
File: 266 KB, 750x607, 359B37C4-6A2E-46D9-965D-EC9F464C8A4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27601227 [DELETED] 

120 million* not billion sorry

>> No.27601566

>As for what that does for the price of GRT I don't know.
Price is supply/demand.

Everyone talks about the supply but 20% of the total supply has already been locked into the protocol. That amount keeps growing daily. There is also burn mechanisms on every fee paid and ALL of the inflation gets distributed only to already-delegated stakes.

As the graph becomes more popular and as web3 expands, every single client of the graph will need to purchase a stack to cover their data costs.

Dwindling (available) supply + huge demand for data = ???