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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 132 KB, 322x303, 1476093131337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2752299 No.2752299 [Reply] [Original]

That's it. I think I am finally fucking doing it. Handle of whiskey and a bottle of sleeping pills will be my escape from this fucking nightmare. If ETH drops another $10 I'm fucking done.

Post addresses, least I can do is give it all to some random guy on /biz/ before I leave this planet. It's not much, just 38 ETH, but I won't be needing it where I'm going. Thanks for all the demented wojacks, I really needed the laughs to get me through these last few weeks.

>> No.2752310


do a flip

>> No.2752313

don't do it bro


>> No.2752317

why aren't you shorting are you retarded

>> No.2752320


good night

>> No.2752322



>> No.2752323

gonna use it to buy helium

>> No.2752327

sleep tight sweet prince

>> No.2752328

Farewell anon

>> No.2752329


>> No.2752335

0xFa5F8454Fc74CD11CCAd24043C69b99982C4dc87 minister you, satoshi

>> No.2752336



I can use the money

>> No.2752339

Bye pal

>> No.2752343


Tell Death said "sup".

>> No.2752344
File: 601 KB, 212x145, 1499653730883.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me suicide dubs ETH plaese.


>> No.2752348

i will always love you anon


don't do it .. there's more to life than societal monetary constructs.. think of the dogs

>> No.2752355


thanks i love you

>> No.2752356



>> No.2752361


buy me a rope to kms

>> No.2752362

Don't do it anon.

>> No.2752375

give it to the dubs lad

>> No.2752380



>> No.2752384



Thanks kind anon, you're truly an hero

>> No.2752387

Don't do it dude : /

but if you you think you are done with crypto, I can assure you your eths will be well used..


>> No.2752393

hang in there bruh


>> No.2752394

don't do it man, eth will easily be 4 digits a year from now. i'll send you your eth back if you change your mind


>> No.2752404
File: 62 KB, 301x267, 1370989644211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2752405

I can't handle the fucking stress. I've already lost too much. I bought when ETH was around $400, I figured it had nowhere to go but up. That was my fucking live savings. Even if I short now I'll have lost more than half of my money. All those hard hours doing mindless data entry at my night auditor job. It's like I was being paid half minimum wage like some illegal alien. I didn't even finish college, I have nothing left in this world. I was sick of being a wagecuck who gets drunk every weekend and jerks off to anime. I just wanted my fucking lambos. Can't find gf, can't find meaning in this miserable life.

>> No.2752406

Don't do it man, what about your family? There's more to life than this shit. I've missed out on a lot of money, it's absolutely not worth ending it over this. Besides ETH is definitely going back up. This isn't the natural state of the market... it's ICOs cashing out and FOMO, we saw this with Bitcoin.

You'll be OK OP

>> No.2752409

Check my quads

>> No.2752410


thanks anon, tell jesus we love him

>> No.2752419


Oh yeah, me too. I'll send you back double the amount


>> No.2752425


I will take good care of your eth anon

>> No.2752426


>> No.2752428


Do a flip

>> No.2752438

life aint for everybody, ill put your eth to good use

>> No.2752439

Do you have relatives? family?

>> No.2752445

>I was sick of being a wagecuck who gets drunk every weekend and jerks off to anime.
>sick of living the dream

>> No.2752450

Hopefully you at least make it to Valhalla biz bro


>> No.2752457

Don't do it anon

Everything will return to normal by the end of the night/next few days.

However, if you don't believe me...

>> No.2752458

You're making fun of me but I swear on my mother I would send him the ETH back. I'm a Christian who believes in karma, I don't think stealing 38 eth would be worth having that on my conscience.

>> No.2752465

Don't do it, anon. Death is permanent, and your only way to suceed is being alive. Your life is full of possibilities.

If you want to throw some coins to poorfags like me, I wouldn't reject it:

>> No.2752468


give away all your stress(eth), take all your earthly belongings and just go hike inna woods. if you make it you make it, if you don't you don't, but you'll be at peace with yourself and nature in the end


>> No.2752470

my family is fucking trash

if working 35 hours a week is living the dream then I want to fucking wake up

>> No.2752475


Oh yeah, then definitely drink some pills


>> No.2752493
File: 139 KB, 779x635, 1499651984850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll never forget you anon

>> No.2752494



Hopefully you won't do it bizbro, but here's my address. Thanks in advance.

>> No.2752504


Jesus makes everything right again. Not karma.

>> No.2752507

crying about working 35 hours a week are you fucking kidding me

>> No.2752513

don't do it anon.

if you are going to do it, at least post on the reply an address you are holding to give you some back later on


>> No.2752515
File: 405 KB, 1021x594, Great_Fire_London.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

donate me please for rope and whiskey

>> No.2752524


>> No.2752529

Dude, please calm down. Bitcoin will go up, and ETH too. There was a crash worse than this one last month. Please don't kill yourself over crypto. There are probably people who care about you and love you. It won't hurt you if you kill yourself, but it will hurt other people if you do. Please just wait this out. If you want to send me some ETH, I'll gladly accept it: 0x4a4f2a72ded4f2ad712fd3acd2c1c99b82a0353b

>> No.2752533

Hold onto it man it'll get better, I've been there and back and trust me there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Stay safe.


>> No.2752553

>going all in at the ath


>> No.2752559


Try to get yourself together. There's no meaning in life. You just have to try to enjoy your life in every way possible. Working and getting money and trying to go up is a goal for that. Be steady friend.

>> No.2752560

It will get better. And ETH will rise.

>> No.2752576


So, don't want to hurry you, but do we have a timeframe for this or what?

Did you start drinking already?

>> No.2752579

Please join me in my telegram. Just talk it over with me.


>> No.2752581

I mean if you wanna help a guy


>> No.2752586


>> No.2752593

You know OP, when life seems like it goes to shit, remember - There are people who are in a worse situation than you are. Fatigue, homelessness, etc, and you want to kill yourself over this crash, which will correct itself after the summer ends? 99% of the world don't know jackshit about crypto. Please don't do it. Do yourself a favor, and wait it out till September ends. Suicide is never the answer.


>> No.2752602

thanks OP for delivering
will put them to good use

>> No.2752605
File: 2.32 MB, 348x323, 1335 copy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life aint for everybody


just hold you stupid fuck. it'll be back to 300 by the end of the month

>> No.2752642

Would it make you feel better knowing you made someone's day?

>> No.2752643

I got a good chuckle thank

>> No.2752647
File: 183 KB, 750x750, __miyafuji_yoshika_sakomizu_haruka_and_shimohara_sadako_brave_witches_strike_witches_and_world_witches_series_drawn_by_mukiki__bef169e92c38d546f6cac7b34194acce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2752654
File: 287 KB, 1000x1256, O1b63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dont do it man there's still time to grill corn instead of coin...

>> No.2752658

fuck, posted the wrong adress

>> No.2752666

Look for another job. What's $15k dollars in a lifetime, anyway? How old are you? You can make that up, even on minimum wage. Diversify into other cryptos instead of banking everything on ETH and hoping it'll turn your life around (you're likely to see bigger gains in promising alts -- don't listen to the shills on biz, pay attention to /r/cryptocurrency and bitcointalk.org's alt discussion/speculation boards), or invest in yourself and change your life.

Sounds like you're sick of where you are, you thought you saw a way out, and now you feel like you've fucked up and it's been snatched from you. You just need a new environment.

Dw man, there are people who are poorer than you who've left us all in the dust, you just need to convince yourself that you give enough of a f*ck to claw your way up.

Are you fat? Do you dress nicely? If you expect to have a good looking gf and you won't make the effort then you're just asking to be single because your general appearance counts more than you think. Don't expect to get even a mediocre looking GF (and that's what most guys are OK with) with a neckbard or baggy jeans and some mismatched top. You have to clean up. Even if you can't afford the gym you can still exercise at home. You need a sense of fashion, not just picking something you think looks "OK".

All this shit is intimidating and I ran away from it until I got sick of being single. The moment I started looking at fashion online and saving here and there (I sympathize with you, I work long hours at an almost min wage job) I started getting attention. I don't consider myself to be good looking, but when I changed my clothes and shed some chub things changed, and there are currently three girls who are flirting with me who didn't even notice my existence a few months ago. They're not models but they're not bad looking either.

You've got to wake up and grab your life by the balls, but it's gonna take effort.

>> No.2752674


>> No.2752691

Listen, you have to think long term. Yeah right now it looks really bad but in a few years when it's way past 400$ / coin you'll look back and laugh. Don't give any of these cucks your hard earned ETH. Be patient and hold, just forget about it for now, you won't regret it.

Love ya.

>> No.2752694

i remember this gif

i was about to short XRP the night before it all went down hill and was convinced not to by people calling me stupid and some faggot posted this gif when polo glitched and my short didnt go through

fuck you anon

>> No.2752700

OP, if you want to help a new coiner who supports and raises feral kitties and volunteers at the local no kill shelter, every little bit helps. I am investing to help the kittehs


>> No.2752703

o shit

>> No.2752705

Well put anon.

>> No.2752712

Don't do it!!


>> No.2752717

this cuck isn't sending anybody anything. it's just a LARP.

>> No.2752729


Think of it as passing on your legacy. This is my Bittrex wallet so make sure you send me at leat 0.1

Thanks buddy, I'll remember you.

>> No.2752730

And don't give away your ETH, that's just shooting yourself in the foot. I want your money just as bad as everyone else here but I sympathize with you. It's absolutely not worth dying over something like this.

Is this what you want your life to have been? The only life you lived? You owe it to yourself to try to seize the life you want for yourself. Don't get tunnel vision from this shit. And talk to someone you can confide it, it's not good to keep this shit in.

>> No.2752780

Anon, i think i'm pretty smart. If you send me anything i'll send back to you what you give me and some money made on that.
I know it's not logic to trust someone on the internet but if you want i can help you a bit.

>> No.2752811
File: 353 KB, 770x1020, 4f3g34h3h4t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is going up better than other altcoins

>> No.2752816
File: 45 KB, 625x469, a dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please anon :)

>> No.2752825

be safe anon

>> No.2752875

LOL - your pissed about losing 15k?

I lost 35k on the roulette wheel all fucked up in vegas - then maxed out 20k in credit cards at the strip club.


>> No.2752917
File: 257 KB, 363x357, 1404766906408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had a business fail and lost my house as well as pushed into xxx,xxx debt. I'm almost out of my debt and have a new business thats starting to do well.

Things could always get better, although things could also just get worse.

>> No.2752924
File: 78 KB, 213x185, asdfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you won't

but if you do:


>> No.2753010
File: 31 KB, 600x783, le sweating doubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets say I have some spare cash I want to use on BTC, and you can't change my mind on investing in anything else. Should be buying now or be waiting a few hours/days?

>> No.2753028

>bought at 400
you are mentally retarded and deserve the loss.

>> No.2753045

don't do it

>> No.2753066
File: 148 KB, 300x225, cursed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Begging for cursed coins

>> No.2753089


hey OP, everything went better than expected, ETH is now allmoust 10 % up, so you dont have to kill yourself.

Don go all in ETH, spread other coins too.

>> No.2753130

eth is a 5k coin faggot wtf is wrong with you? when did suicide become the solution to everyones problems?

>> No.2753145

good luck bro

>> No.2753182
File: 125 KB, 1080x1349, 18299256_1884478658458712_7497373166201733120_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lambos and the gf are awaiting for you in valhalla anon.
You will ride eternal...shiny and chrome


>> No.2753227
File: 73 KB, 358x392, 1462032099448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2753236


>> No.2753259

Dude, just hold the 38 ETH and shitpost on here for a few more years. You'll be rich.

>> No.2753316

Seriously, don't give up bro. I was where you were a good few years ago: depressed, no gf, no money. Market has been up and down, I've seen prices crash and wipe out 80% of my porfolio. But I've built it back up again, now I've got enough money that I've quit my job and spent the last year travelling, met a nice chick and life is good again.

You can pull through it, don't get too hung up on the money. When you stop giving a shit about how much value it is in USD, that's when you can start making decisions that aren't based on emotion. That's when you start making good trades.

>> No.2753356
File: 166 KB, 387x447, kot reakcyjny2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck did it work how can I send my funds to other exchange
I was testing this shit exchange and cause I want to buy ethmovieventure or BAT
but I cant cause always telling me I have not enough ETH
I trnsfered money from something called "wallet" to "etherdelta" and still im not able to buy anything and withdraw this???
here transaction

>> No.2753362


Ignore the rest of the faggotry. I have a question....Now look...anon—do you want to make your situation better?

>> No.2753391


Send me sum. I make great profit and pay u 1000x

>> No.2753421


Hey OP, are you there?

ETH has rebound, so you dont kill yourself.

Dont go all in just one coin, like ETH, go other coins too, hold some Bitcoin, Bitcoin is hold coin.

And i dont want your ETH, i dont want to ride to other people suffering.

>> No.2753441
File: 1.29 MB, 964x1280, Cynthia_Rothrock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its aight OP, you played the game fair and square


>> No.2753475


don't forget to stream it.

>> No.2753478

What this anon said.

I no longer look at the money I have in crypto as actual money. It's all just points, it's a game and you're trying to get the high score.

This enables you to make smart decisions, strategic decisions, without worrying about losing it.

OP for example, this is what my blockfolio looks like.

I went all in on DGB and got greedy wanting to ride it to $1.

Right now I'm still holding, and I'm not panicked in the slightest. The entire market is down, I believe in the coin for various reasons, and I've even moved some of it out into other coins.

There's no doubt in my mind that anyone that has money in crypto today is going to come out rich eventually. How soon depends on how quickly you learn the game.

>> No.2753512
File: 3.95 MB, 307x325, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2753535

>That's it. I think I am finally fucking doing it. Handle of whiskey and a bottle of sleeping pills will be my escape from this fucking nightmare. If ETH drops another $10 I'm fucking done.

This sounds to me like plebbit "the world is falling" threads when btc was moving down. Imagine if those people who bought BTC when it was $1000, held for two years, until now, instead of selling for less.

With Ethereum you need to think on a three month to five year timeframe (depending on your trading/investing style). For holders - it six months to five years

>> No.2753554


>> No.2753572


Don't do it anon.

>> No.2753593

for in that sleep of death, what dreams may come


>> No.2753658

Heh, kid you don't even know what's in store for you. You thought that living in this realm was hard? Oh boy, I have some news for you. Those that off themselves will be taken back to the place they came from. A place so horrific that souls agree to wipe their memories before coming into this world. I'm warning you not to do this OP. Do not give up. The creator only takes those who did not have a choice. But you... you have a choice.

>> No.2753713
File: 57 KB, 704x528, this thread is cursed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dead man's coins

>> No.2753757

You were only supposed to invest what you could handle losing.

I hope others can learn from your mistake.

HODL boys. You only lose when you sell.

>> No.2753768

become a priest

>> No.2753803

Do you have any Bitbeans? Can I take your Bitbeans please?

>> No.2753866
File: 220 KB, 512x288, 2017-06-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2753880
File: 89 KB, 720x720, nogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo hol up
gibsmedat ethereum nigga

>> No.2753894

Oh fuck off. I work 60 hours for 40k. 35 hours is heaven for a majority of people

>> No.2753895


Just go on a google street tour of Europe and pretend you spent that money on a nice vacation

>> No.2754134

> It's not much, just 38 ETH

his life is worth $8000 lmao

>> No.2754316

Don't do it. Nowhere to go but up bro.

>> No.2754335

LOL deserved for going balls deep with life savings

>> No.2754426
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Data mining attempt detected.

>> No.2754515

Hey OP.

Don't do it. There are other ways to make money.

However, if you do it, don't send it all to just one anon. Split it up.

Don't send me more than 10.


Best wishes OP.

>> No.2754573

>35 hours a week

textbook example of being an ungrateful fuck

>> No.2754596


Bang a black tranny before you go out and let me know how it is. I'm too scared.

>> No.2754605

Good luck on the other side, bro

>> No.2754944

I'd be grateful for anything man, no sob to bore you with, got fucked like everyone else, but I will say "Thank You" genuinely.


>> No.2754968
File: 2.04 MB, 1334x750, IMG_1011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort yourself out.

>> No.2754974

OP still here. I'll only send if you post a wallet with a link to your Facebook profile. Thanks.

>> No.2755017

>suicide indicator
Sounds like ETH might be hitting a bottom soon.

>> No.2755032

I bet you have some BTC too pls

>> No.2755069

It's not bottom until the suicides are all over the news. Give it another week or two.

>> No.2755071
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>> No.2755351

look I feel you, today is the first time I might cry outside a funeral in a long time just because I am feeling so much stress (honestly a shitty trader, I just relatively lucked out in timing getting in this in March & flipped every profit into more coins); but that is all, I am going to wake up tomorrow, work hard, and keep enjoying what I DO enjoy in life

I have no idea how to write a good pep talk, but disputably real internet money is not worth killing yourself over

>> No.2755405
File: 261 KB, 1280x717, 1499751025724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take this wallpaper before you go.
Have fun.

>> No.2755420

>not 1920 * 1080

>> No.2755462
File: 33 KB, 460x460, aeNEV1v_460s_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better luck next time when i'm on my desktop.
To piss you off further, take this pic from my old 'meme' folder.

>> No.2755546
File: 264 KB, 2124x1195, 1493727825074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't think people would be so supportive in biz heh.

>> No.2755592

have always wanted eth but only trade bitcoin cus i always thought eth was a shitcoin. prove me wrong anon, make me a believer


>> No.2755605


This is for ma cat

>> No.2755626


Thank you based whisky man.


>> No.2755630
File: 145 KB, 735x825, 1NtjYSN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>address only appears once, in this fucking post you retard

>> No.2755641

where this?

>> No.2755645


Good luck on your journey

>> No.2755677

thx bro


also, don't do it - it will come back.

>> No.2755702

give it all to who you said?

>> No.2755709

Dude. Stop. Chill out. Walk away from crypto for a month. Throw yourself into your job or go visit the ocean or someplace you like. Come back in a couple months refreshed. Look and see that ETH has stabilized. HODL. I've lost my ads these past couple of days but things will turn around. And I will tell you this I have a friend who is a CPA who would love to be you right now. He is mad that he didn't get in on this bull run. Maybe you didn't come out as victorious as you had hoped but at least you got in there. Learn from it and go on.

>> No.2755722

Anon, good luck


>> No.2755741

God speed brother see you on the other side.

>> No.2755753

Anon, good luck


>> No.2755782

>my family is fucking trash
Abandon your family. I moved from near BC/Washington border to the Arctic to be rid of mine. I'm $160k in the hole now because I'm too nice and dumb enough to lend people money when I don't have an immediate need for it and have completely fucked myself over.

>35 hours a week is living the dream
I'm working 65-80 hours a week in a kitchen with no outside air circulation and it's 32c outside, probably closer to 40c inside.
Haven't had a raise in four years despite also taking on managerial work two years ago. We get shit on by everyone in town if we have the audacity to close on a fucking stat. One of the owners shit on us when we closed for a long weekend because "well where am I going to eat?"

Crypto is my way out of the shithole I dug myself. I'm not letting a fucking dip ruin everything and I'm not about to give up before I get to fuck over the owners on my way out the door because they literally can't replace any of the staff.

>> No.2756490

you know what they say, buy when there's blood on the streets.. but not just yet.


>> No.2756497

Rest in pieces OP.


>> No.2756560

>Smart decisions
>Still holding dgb

>> No.2756566

RIP in peace

>inb4 OP delivers

>> No.2756603

If im lucky ETH will be worth 150 by the time op's life savings reaches me


>> No.2756655


Don't worry OP, I'll accomplish what your shit stain ass couldn't

>> No.2756684

You know it'll start to rise after you have given the last ETH away. Just hodl.

>> No.2756700


Please oh generous OP.
Could really get me out of a hole and to see family.

>> No.2756701

gl friendo

>> No.2756722

Shit man, just chill your mind. I'm making 300$ a month,my life pretty much sucks but I manage it. It will get better man.

>> No.2756727

Thanks buddy

>> No.2756730


I'll take some suicide bux

>> No.2756785
File: 58 KB, 480x499, not the one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im about to kill my self too my bro if you can help me not kill my self please donate


>> No.2756794

hahahaha fucking idiots don't know how to trade

>> No.2757052


please change my life

>> No.2757085

You can always rebuild, anon. Right now your head isn't in a good place, so don't listen to your emotions, listen to the guys who are looking in and can see the big picture and are telling you not to do it. People lose everything in wars and are able to dust themselves off and start from scratch. Shit, do you know how many successful people were bankrupt numerous times before they made it? And money isn't even that important, they were just happy giving it their all, taking their falls and dragging themselves back up. Your loses are temporary and are an opportunity to learn. Just fuck it, dude, dust yourself off and realise you have a little more to tell of the story of your life, with all its ups and downs.

>> No.2757103

Such effort. Still, I don't want this to be the last thing I see before I die

>> No.2757771


Pls dont bro


Thanks if you choose to send some and good luck

>> No.2757987

Use an escape bag faggot. Even for a poorfag it wouldn't be too much.

>> No.2757995


I wish you well man

>> No.2758107

Probably late but here is my address, I'm only new to this so I could use some


>> No.2758140

Don't kill yourself but do give me free ETH


>> No.2758226

Don't do it OP, you still have more money than I had before these losses. Triple. Get some sleep and think before you act.


>> No.2758342

Just HODL your ETH man. You're already considering suicide, so what do you have to lose if you HODL? 38 ETH should be enough to stake with when PoS comes out, and the price can go past 400 eventually.

You're in a pretty good spot, don't listen to all the people here who just want your ETH.

>> No.2758371


>> No.2758399
File: 258 KB, 750x500, wolf_wall_street2leo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but don't kill yourself faggot

>> No.2758448

Am I the only person who thinks that OP is a fattie faggot?

>> No.2758463

Whole /biz/ can't be stupid this much

>> No.2758471
File: 598 KB, 1080x1298, 1498472304191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take my best wojack friend. Remember the helium method if those sleeping pills arent doing it.

>> No.2758478

ETH price is uniroically 100 dollars lower from your wojack pic


>> No.2758497
File: 1017 KB, 240x221, 1391706783507142537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newags kill themselfs becouse of some rolercoster dips

i lost 3/4 of my savings and i havent even blink (but i have no eth in my portfolio xD)

>> No.2759252
File: 2.19 MB, 4000x2667, 90386639_george_mag_53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you french ?

>> No.2759304
File: 5 KB, 272x272, ETC Public Address.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2759310
File: 2.53 MB, 5312x2988, 20170322_155327_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We need it for our pupper! He has lupus and pancreatitis.

>> No.2759321

I need moni

>> No.2759339

I had a really hard day, I dropped my breakfast on the floor.


>> No.2759377


>> No.2759394


feel u bro

>> No.2760264
File: 78 KB, 1024x682, 1499712357286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna help a girl?


>> No.2760288

post tits with a timestamp or gtfo

>> No.2760318

nice filename

>> No.2760325
File: 79 KB, 480x608, hyp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes Please

>> No.2760329

No. Too old.

>> No.2760349

For 38ETH I let you cum inside...Im not on BC

>> No.2760393

so let me tell you: your plan is not going to work? why?
u take all the pills rush down the bottle of whiskey and wait 30min. Now you fell like and think you are dying. You lay down preparing for the smooth death.
Next thing you open your eyes and think: oh boy theres an afterlife.
But you are just lying in your own vomit feeling like shit because your body wants to stay alive and exited the whole shit you took.
theres a small possibility you vomit and suffocate from that... but thats not a painless death like you want....

now gimme!!!!

>> No.2760442

that would make his life worse, having to pay for a abortion and all.

>> No.2760461


If you bless me with ETH this Chinese dragon will bless you with good luck for 1000 years


>> No.2760521

Mate, just change it for BTC or for fiat, wait for the bottom of the dip and start over again. BUT CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

We all know how the cryptos work, this is the risk we are accepting. Today is mooning tomorrow is crashing and the next week is mooning again. Grab the whiskey get drunk, dance and wait, but don't suicide because of the 36th crash of the year, do it for me if your family is trash.

>> No.2760734

Thinking of you OP, don't do anything stupid.

I mean, if you do though...

>> No.2760767

>Killing yourself over a few thousand
Wew lad.
Convert to btc and gamble it double or nothing

>> No.2760768


Don't do it man, HODL. Embrace the volatility.

>> No.2760821


Don't do it man.

>> No.2760825

Don't do it my man

>> No.2760864


>> No.2760872

please please please

>> No.2760887

Don't do it you autist

>> No.2760919

Nigga I live with $200 a month in the most shithole country ever and you are crying there with 38 eth. Just download some game and chill out man. Just forget about it for a while.

>> No.2760921



>> No.2761016


His last post was 22 hours ago.

He's probably already in a morgue somewhere.

>> No.2761039


Mmmm cheap ETH


>> No.2761057

That'd require someone to find him : /

>> No.2761066

dont do it you fag, everything will get better

Give me an ETC for this advice however


>> No.2761103

Have fun : )
