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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27517501 No.27517501 [Reply] [Original]

The Stock is "SBS"

I have an ideas, lets pick a random stock and test if the market is being rigged, because this company is not in the US the number of shares allocated to the NYSE will be low. Any surge in a BUY position will cause the stock to explode and moon. The people controlling the stock exchange will have no option other than to close the market and order more shares from a foreign exchange.

This is an unknown stock (On here and rebbit) that shouldn't be on any BAN list on your broker account , not classed as a meme stock

Sabesp is a Brazilian water and waste management company owned by São Paulo state. It provides water and sewage services to residential, commercial and industrial users in São Paulo

Spread this on rebbit and get the autists to pump a random stock to see the results.

>> No.27517670
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The price is really low to test it

>> No.27518132

Forget it, it was a stupid ideas anyway.

>> No.27518810
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not falling for your market tricks brazzie

>> No.27518959

Not from brazil you can pick a different stock

>> No.27520549

until the epic reddit moment, that is

>> No.27520869

There wont be a rebbit moment , this was an ideas that no one is interested in,
would be nice to see if the market is rigged

Good for SBS people i guess

>> No.27521311

I'm interested, I'm gonna buy some and shill it on reddit.

>> No.27521491


You are a gentleman and a scholar!
+1 internet for you

>> No.27521549

>let’s pump and dump reddit
>pumps and dumps /biz/ instead
You jew motherfucker you.

>> No.27521636

I only use this board you mong

>> No.27521675

Isn't Sabesp best known for being really shit at their job?

>> No.27521916

I have no ideas, it's just a random stock that we could test to see if the NYSE closes the market if it pumps.

>> No.27522281

Just bought 100 shares. You better not fuck this up.

>> No.27522391

We are early. Be the smart money on the chart

>> No.27522448

Whoops, I just sold mine. Have fun with my bags

>> No.27522904

Lol anyone who buys this Brazilian shitstain will be on the SEC hitlist

>> No.27522976

How so, are they enemies?

>> No.27523815

Ok its obvious you are a r*ddit newfag, so let me inform you. You are not allowed to actively coordinate a pump n dump. It's illegal. The SEC is watching the fuck out of forums like this and WSB, and you are blatantly trying to market manipulate.

As well, GME had a lot of hype because of the huge amount of shorts on it, AND the change in the board of directors. It was a perfect storm. People aren't gonna pile on a shit stock just because "its the plan bro".

Third, retail traders have pretty much no influence on the market. What we saw with GME was institutional warfare. Even in the hypothetical scenario where we got both /biz/ and r*ddit to pump this stock, the price change would only be like a few cents. But assuming we got ALL the retail normies on board, it still wouldn't work because the institutions would dump on us as soon as it pumps.

There isn't going to be another opportunity on the same level as gamestop anytime soon. So either fuck off back to r*ddit, or lurk and study the market.

>> No.27524114

not a pump and dump and the SEC has no jurisdiction in my home COUNRTY OF MOTHER RUSSIA! jk

A pump, to see if the market is rigged, it's different
I also like this stock

>> No.27524360

>I also like this stock
Ok at first I pitied you, now you are pissing me off. You are obviously a r*ddit tourist who thinks he's smart, but you are actually a braindead fuck. Take your faggot WSB catchphrases somewhere else.

>> No.27524547

>you are pissing me off.
Why you mad bro?

>> No.27524556

>There isn't going to be another opportunity on the same level as gamestop anytime soon
silver is where the smart money moved. it's ongoing

>> No.27526439
File: 42 KB, 720x300, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is garbage.
Isso é lixo.