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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27504469 No.27504469 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27504707

>Trust the plan

>> No.27504834

my only question is do I buy more?

>> No.27504895

nah that's shortly before the squeeze which will be what, thursday? friday? Time is with us still.

>> No.27504896


>> No.27504968

Except it started at $5. It already peaked at $400. That was the squeeze. That day it ranked to $130 is when shorts covered. It rose up. Then they shorted again. Today they just made back all their money. Good job.

>> No.27504983

Damn, I bought in at the right time! 120USD/share!

>> No.27505065
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If you have $$$ lying around, sure. It'll hold up better than fiat in the hyperinflation that's just around the corner once covid measures are lifted.

>> No.27505108

Bittrex for direct crypto to GME and vice versa.

>> No.27505178

Except most of the stock price is based on the bubble from the idea that it’s worth thousands of dollars per share. The squeeze already happened. The shorts now are shorting from the top meaning it’s very easy to cover their positions and hold out

>> No.27505210

B-but I held the line

>> No.27505279

So you're saying the hedgies started buying at $5?

>> No.27505337

Literally using this ONE example is not indicative of what GME will actually do. It is not the same scenario. This is pure delusion at this point. The reality was the short squeeze was actually 450+.

>> No.27505343
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Same with AMC. Over the next two days they have to close and pay.
I'm glad the exchanges played all their Jewish tricks on GME. They blew their wad.

>> No.27505394

>once covid measures are lifted.
>implying they will ever be lifted
anon you sweet summer child

>> No.27505469

there was a fucking buyout

>> No.27505844

so when is it time to whip the money changers out of gods house? just like jebus did when he cleansed the temple.

>> No.27505857

Nothing lasts forever. My point is, there's a shitton of money being printed, but velocity is very low still. Once it picks up, we're F U C K E D.

>> No.27506071

You have been posting next 2 days since Friday