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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.27363555

50 GRT bag here

>> No.27363902

It's too soon. I still need to hit 50k girth before we moon. Who would respect my 39k king of girthlettes stack?

>> No.27364124

Doubt we’ll see a dollar today

>> No.27364488

Tfw maximum poorfag so only 120 girths for now.
I do have faith in this project though, I'm not going to dump whatever I have too early.

>> No.27364562

>going down
Can we just set this bomb off already??

>> No.27365088

Same but we’re in a position to flex in like 3 years even if we don’t accumulate more. Remember the humble bragging linkies sayinf “tfw only 120’linkies :(“ were those guys now

>> No.27365202
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>> No.27365228

1180 GRT bag here. holding for life

>> No.27365365

predictions for this week? feel like we might be crabbing in the 70s and then pumping at the weekend

>> No.27365443

It always crabs low during the week
and always pumps during the weekend.
natural course of events.

>> No.27365463

you are mixing things up with pnk. newfag

>> No.27365473
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>up 60% over the weekend
>drops slightly
>still up over 50% from a week ago
>"Can we just set this bomb off already??"
tfw someone is this retarded.

>> No.27365651

Back to 50 cents soon enjoy holding your bags

>> No.27365712

yeah my thoughts exactly bro, think we can easy smash a dollar this month though

>> No.27365765
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>tfw when posting about having 120 link is interpreted as "humble brag"
Would you believe me if i told u i hold over 15'000 link?

>> No.27366234

Crab around low 70s high 60s until Thursday when we'll pump hard. We usually only pump on weekends but the swingies have been progressively getting cucked harder and harder with each pump so I think we'll pump early just to fuck them for good. At that point we'll break a dollar and peak at $1.20

>> No.27366239

Yeah I believe you but you are the exception. Not hating on you, I’m genuinely happy you are successful, but the reality is most people are what this board considers poor fags. Most of us can only really afford to dump a small portion of our checks every couple weeks. So yeah a hundred twenty links is a good chunk of cash for most people

>> No.27366466

I am a bit of a new fag to this board yeah. Been on 4chins since 2009 but not on biz since maybe a couple months ago

>> No.27366592

It needs to hit 1$ and then we start playing in the big leagues nigger
Enough with the penny market, time to claim our divine right

>> No.27366670

>Knew about link when it was less than a dollar per and people would FUD it as a pajeet scam. Only bought 500. I sold them all recently to add to my GRT stack. Zero regrets other than not doing my own research on link back then. Would have had way more.

>> No.27366689
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im so fucking close to 7fig I can taste it

>> No.27366886

Holy fuck. How much do you get a day delegating?

>> No.27366943

Will make it

>> No.27366967
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>retards actually BUY GRT
>I got it for free doing some quizzes on coinbase
I'm gonna be rich!

>> No.27367045

agreed, I'm planning on buying more on Wednesday/Thursday

>> No.27367184

>tfw 33K stacklet

>> No.27367218

Is the plan to dump to 60 cents and then pump still on?

>> No.27367433
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GRT $2.33

>> No.27367441

currently 0 because I swapped from ryabina but the pool im going to should net around 1000grt a day, but calculators are a bit off from what ive experienced so probably more

>> No.27367531

bah gawd that’s a lot of graph

>> No.27367601
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>> No.27367650
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I sold at .65 to buy ADA

>> No.27367666

pathetic 1k graphlet here.

>> No.27367756

post ends in 33
its gonna habben

>> No.27367788

whats the minimum GRT that I should delegate for it to be worth it?

>> No.27367905

1k if you intend to delegate for more than 5 years
10k if you intend to delegate for more than 1 year

>> No.27368012

split 4 ways


>> No.27368141
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>satan has almost the same amount of graph as me
1.2k graphlet here, I thought we had more time.

>> No.27368258

I'll be shorting this, cheers lads.
Regression to the mean is a wonderful thing.

>> No.27370430

please be correct I need to accumulate

>> No.27371325
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Sometimes being a leaf isn't so bad

>> No.27372644

>He shorted?
>Pump it

>> No.27373012

Please please please tell me I have another month to acoomulate.
Or just dump it in the meantime if it turns out to be a jewish scam. Following jews can be very financially rewarding and also very ruining.

>> No.27373616

you were supposed to buy at 10 cents retards. If you pay $1 for 1 girthy you’re either a newfag or a 14 year old brainlet

>> No.27373875

a year from now you'll be begging to buy more at $1

>> No.27373972

Notice how it's only poorfags being tricked into the pump and dump scheme. Yaniv should be ashamed of himself, not only because he's using Tegan as eye candy to trick investors, but because he's the brains behind this i'll admit clever scam. Don't be surprised if one day you can't delegate your GRT anymore and https://network.thegraph.com/ will stop working.

>> No.27373986


>> No.27374156

As always, nothing to support this baseless accusation. Anon missed out and is seething.

>> No.27374254

perhaps it will, when it reach 1$ the dump will be massive. no dumperino, no pumperino

i'm looking for a dip in the next 2 day

>> No.27374366

Waiting on $.7578.

>> No.27374465

Downpression heavying up

>> No.27374468
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The pump from $1 to $2 will be faster than the pump from 50c to $1.

>> No.27374519

Always do what /biz/ says

>> No.27374643
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>> No.27374825

oh yeah swingies. That candle is looking good

>> No.27374947

If it hits a dollar and dumps I will buy $10k worth

>> No.27374953
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>> No.27375053

The only one who's gonna be coping is yourself when this bollocks get dumped hard pal.

>> No.27375315


>> No.27375324
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Remember me when GRT hits $12 EOY.

>> No.27375341
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>tfw 1k stacklet myself

It hurts bros I wanted at least 5k before it went over 30 cents.

>> No.27375495

we are going down???

>> No.27375826
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540 GRT. Am I going to make it?

>> No.27375957

Heavy buy resistance at .77-.73, I don't see it passing that today unless the swingies get really bored/discouraged

>> No.27375989

You will have money to make a nice small purchase and a coke.

>> No.27376171

Not selling schlomo

>> No.27376447

>The pump from $1 to $2 will be faster
in this case i'm doubting that, there will be a massive dump before it reach 2$ which is a big problem.

>> No.27377087


>> No.27377095

this fucking snow storm closed my bank. THIS BETTER NOT FUCKING MOON TODAY.

I need to finish my stack.

>> No.27377166

Dump is only bad if you're not looking to stuff your bags and be comfy for the next 5+ years

>> No.27377200

it pumps on weekends and crabs in the week, i'm buying more on wednesday/thursday

>> No.27377472


>> No.27377693
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>> No.27377795
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>tfw 70% ETH 30% GRT
Should have converted more bros

>> No.27377940

I think its funnier if its not so on the nose and just kept the quote.

>> No.27377953

that's a perfect combo, no need to change

>> No.27378056

why are you so confident?

>> No.27378163

I want to buy in, will this go any lower than .75? getting a little spooked the next ath jump is soon, going from the prior trend.

>> No.27378350

Hell yes

>> No.27378484

it's not too late to sell your Turdano stack

>> No.27378508

Unlikely to blast off again til maybe the weekend. Right now, order book full of a buncha sub-1000GRT sell orders, broke boi redditors selling their weekend fagbags

>> No.27378648

Based and screen capped

>> No.27378670

just look at the weeks before, it's done this for the past 3/4 weeks, pumped weekends and crabbed in the week. look at the price now

>> No.27378729

Sweeping back in during this weeks dip to make my stack a nice 12k. Feels good Anons.

>> No.27378814

Half of the spike, between .65 and .70

If only BTC price goes down you're lucky and maybe you can buy lower than .60

Burger got no choice but to use UNI in exchange for specific coin, also UNISWAP gas fees is terrible, that's why i put 25% on UNI

>> No.27378855 [DELETED] 

ive got 2k graph will hold until 2024

>> No.27379089

I still havent received them, wtf?

>> No.27379155

I like it blue

>> No.27379218

On average it drops 37% from peak, usually 3 days after drop begins. I calculated that the drop would begin around 21:00gmt and I was only 3 hours off. Also predicted moon 2 days before moon but undercalculated the amount by a little.

Am I a sperg? I've never been tested but I'm beginning to think I'm on the spectrum.

>> No.27379219

actually really solid

>> No.27379237

where do you think it will bottom out during the week? I'm thinking 60 cents at worst

>> No.27379300


>> No.27379354
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Did we get too cocky bros? We are dumping

>> No.27379491

wow who would've predicted that it would test a higher low after reaching ath...

>> No.27379580

finally an anon talking sense, this bollocks of a project is headed straight to ZERO

>> No.27379592
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>> No.27379711

Pretty sure that's around right. Largest dip you'll see is low 60's

>> No.27379936
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Hang in there GRound Troops. We're AGMI.

>> No.27380001


yeah think low 60s at the absolute worst, I think most likely low 70s high 60s

>> No.27380229

According to your calculation, how far do you think it will dip this week? 70 cents? I'm saving up fiat to buy more when/if the dip comes.

t. another sperg

>> No.27380814

Big whift truth. Pull up! $1.420

>> No.27380876

Good for you anon.
I was here but believed it was a pajeet scam and bought at 5.
Now I'm trying not to miss on shitcoins such as RBC. Big case of FOMO....

>> No.27381334

Would i be stupid to put an extra 1k down at this price? its supposed to go down right but it won't gooo dooooown

>> No.27381652

checked. 1/2 of a percent burned when you delegate plus gas fee. 2k or more is ideal for a long hold.

>> No.27382033


how come you pulled out of ryabina? is there someone else I should be delegating to instead? i'm currently delegating to ryabina

>> No.27382136

yesterday people were saying 10k, 2k is too good

>> No.27382392

It's a .̶3̶0̶ .̶4̶0̶ .̶5̶0̶ .̶6̶0̶ .̶7̶0̶ .80cent stable coin at this point

I pulled out due to their relatively low APY meaning that under a different delgator I could close to double my delegation rewards. In addition to the fact that they are constantly overdelegated which also reduces my income. They are a great indexer ,but I hold no loyalty to any indexer, I will eat the 28day period to have a long term greater APY

>> No.27382785

How are you anons so positive about the pump? It seems to me that the price is rather unstable, where are you getting your confidence from?

>> No.27382847

a BIG no no at this point, remember it's okay to be late

you only getting FOMO'd if you buy now.


>> No.27382881

I'd rather it dump back down to .40
So I can load up again I'm try to delegate

>> No.27382969
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stop going up

>> No.27382995

based. is there a way to easily calculate rewards for different delegators? I need to move mine asap lol

>> No.27383280

I know there is a link to the calculator on the graph discord I'd send it to you but I'm not at the pc rn

>> No.27383374

>It's a .̶3̶0̶ .̶4̶0̶ .̶5̶0̶ .̶6̶0̶ .̶7̶0̶ .80cent stable coin at this point.
That's the dumbest thing i've ever heard, people went full FOMO for 1$ which eventually went full massive dip when it reach the top

this is literally basic market psychological

>> No.27383402

So staking my 250 isn't worth then

>> No.27383409

what's the threshold for delegation being worth it

>> No.27383495

my preferred calculator is https://graphscan.io/?indexer=0x27ca9cf008a217e828b4b39945034ff8450730d1 for comparing different indexers. It was created by Ryabina. Its a fairly powerful calculator compared to the other ones created by other indexers. In case you have a case of the smooth brain In the top input your planned delegation, click calculate and itll update the spreadsheet, you can then arrange by current apy, calculated estimated apy, and daily rewards

>> No.27383598

bruh, this is why you need to lurk carefully before you delegating

>> No.27383624

found it. thanks anon

>> No.27383787

lol that was a half formed thought when I made that post then switched to the other one. What I meant was that it is slowly but surely gaining a stronger price floor, obviously it will more than likely retrace, but each retrace has a smaller range

>> No.27383866

Oh I haven't yet, was just excited, but digging through the documentation on the website doesn't help my smooth brain figure if I had enough.

>> No.27383872
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Frosted Flakes of Blockchain, they're more thannnn good.... theyyy'rrrrreee GRT!

>> No.27384126

thanks anon, i will check it out

>> No.27384145


how does one delegate if one had the intent to

>> No.27384148

Is it worth trading XLM for GRT?

>> No.27384364

I'm just a retard but I have 10% XLM, 70% LINK and 20% GRT.
XLM seems like a good long term hold.
GRT seems like a good mid term hold.

>> No.27384477


>> No.27384563

i'm delegating 4k and i'd call that about the lowest you wanna start with, due to the cost to set it all up. It's not something you do piecemeal. You can build your stack little by little but don't bother delegating until you have a couple K at least. I do think many others are in your position, and those ppl might unintentionally shake out in the coming weeks when they find that delegating isn't for them and the coin isn't mooning

>> No.27384737

>XLM seems like a good long term hold.
>GRT seems like a good mid term hold.
I'm curious why you think that.

>> No.27384750

Now i get it, i'm currently looking at BTC chart for this.

My prediction BTC will dip back to 30K this week, the price keep declining.

Elon tweet doesn't work quite good.

>> No.27384845

Any recommendations on a good indexer? I have about 5k and the guy I had lined up just got overdelegated

>> No.27385049
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>Niggers already sprading FUD about GRT being an attempt to literally replace google
Why tho? Its already dumping until next friday at least

>> No.27385335

i always hope GRT thread always stay comfy like this, it's midnight here.

make a cup of coffee, playing switch and keep my eye on my laptop.

>> No.27385419

if anything GRT is the long term and XLM is the mid term

>> No.27385514
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Yes, it's going to put my bank account on a course for zeroes. Six of them.

>> No.27385554

The normie would reoil in horror at that statement.
I'm Swinging other coins and putting the profit into the GURT at the dips.

>> No.27385660

You probably get a couple grt per day delegating at that size am I correct? That's not bad at all.

>> No.27385789

GRT is like 2 month old, you have enough time to accumulate

>> No.27385912

Those are the real top swingies

>> No.27386233

It's got pretty comfy @ £.56 for the last hour, i smell a pump coming

>> No.27386674

I’m also just a retard, so I’m trying to figure out the best plays with input from people who know more, so I certainly appreciate your thoughts.

Do you think that’s not the case, and if so, why?

When should I drop XLM and go to GRT?

>> No.27386736


>> No.27386947

Its nice to see so many stacklets. I only built up to 1500 so far. Fuck i want to make it. Doing 80/20 LINK/GRT

>> No.27387085

does it even make sense to delegate when I have a measly 100 GRT?

>> No.27387349

>Its nice to see so many stacklets
Probably cause its a fairly new coin that just shot up really fast. Alot of people like me and you just assumed we had more time to buy low.

>> No.27387428

Apparently GAS fees will kill you. Everything I've read says you dont want to start delegating until around 4k

>> No.27387634

Thanks friend.

>> No.27387695
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When will it dump ?

>> No.27387735

Nope. 5k minimum imo until gas fees aren't fucked

>> No.27387777

Yeah, not much, but not bad in the long run considering it compounds daily and the price will def go up along the way

>> No.27387932


>> No.27387958
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QUads of truth

>> No.27388016

They amount to maybe 10 bucks, but in terms of percentage, wait til you havea big enough stack that it makes sense and you'll earn it back relatively quickly. Don't forget the 0.5% token burn as well.

>> No.27388024

you had 3 weeks.

>> No.27388026

theres a GRT discord?
anyone have a link?

>> No.27388027
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>> No.27388092

i knew i should have sold at 84c

>> No.27388121

Why the fuck won’t this thing dump! I need to buy!!!

>> No.27388319

I got 8688 grt
Trying hard to get to the 10k but with expenses it’s been a hard battle
How much do you guys realistically think this amount will be worth in 1 to 2 years?
Srs answers pls haha

>> No.27388406


>> No.27388511

How big is your cock?

>> No.27388572

First of all, I'm a fucking retard lmao, but yeah, I see potential in GRT in the short term, like at the end of this year I see GRT at least in the $5 range

Regarding XLM I see it as a stable coin that in the long term is gonna go up, not trusting too much on it.

Care to elaborate? I've read about this but not enough to give advice.

>> No.27388666
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Before anyone asks

>> No.27388672

no one will know until the other few billion GRT have been issued.
The swings over the next few months may be crazy.
never swing with something that you want to hold as your ticket for making it in a few years

>> No.27388716

5.5 inches but I can make any bitch cum, I’m an expert pussy eater, true story haha

>> No.27388721
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rate my portfolio

>> No.27388771

I went 40:40:20
Link (network) : grt (indexer) : nu (security protocol)

>> No.27389015

Wow very cool, super insightful.

>> No.27389102
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Alright, I bought. Feel free to start pumping again guys.

>> No.27389134

>Do you think that’s not the case, and if so, why?
I think GRT's usecase seems a lot more broad whereas XLM is limited to defi only. Although XLM has had dumps already so more likely to climb I guess. It all depends on which usecase you find more compelling.

>> No.27389245
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>E bought?

>> No.27389246

Multiply each line by 10 and you're looking good, anon

>> No.27389465
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>> No.27389483

Hello fellow 1k GRT friend. What is NU?

>> No.27389566

>9k comfy
more 7k next week
stay blessed GRT chads

>> No.27389618

>buy high sell low
when will /biz learn ?

>> No.27389877

virgin detected

>> No.27389914

Unironically really good.
If you just started out with this, then it's about the best investment you could have made.
Just got NU myself last night.

>> No.27389946

As a poorfag who can only buy a stack of 50 should I bother with this?

>> No.27389995
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>> No.27390012

gimme anon, is it suntzu's?

just the official one

>> No.27390059


>> No.27390145

what make you so comfy that this is not a scam and will go up?

>> No.27390164

>What is NU?
Project by absolute turbo tech autists (in the good sense).
Compare what he is saying to empty words you read on the websites of most random shitcoins, that get shilled here.

>> No.27390231

yes eventually this coin is weekly pump and dump, remember to buy low sell high.

>> No.27390256

do you know what the difference between current and estimated APY is? How is the estimate calculated?

>> No.27390386

Not bad, add link and youre investing in all the same ones as me.
Feels /comfy/

>> No.27390533

>that thumbnail
With a guy that looks like that, I don't want to invest anymore.

>> No.27390662

Watch the first two videos and you'll be convinced. This protocol already has a market monopoly - all of defi uses the hosted service.

>> No.27390729
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Double double. Buying now while below 80
More than enough for me too.

>> No.27390980

pls just go up

>> No.27391321

remember the 2$ LINK ? yes, those happened.

>> No.27391380

Just bought 1400 grt will I make it

>> No.27391577

2$ GRT sounds like a dream

>> No.27391597

Been dipping since the usual weekend pump, should bottom at Wednesday

>> No.27391725

yep. it always dumps during the week and pumps on weekends. buy in the middle of the week if you want in

>> No.27391957
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Wait two more weeks.
$5 GRT before march.

>> No.27392110
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Wtf I’m you but a little richer

>> No.27392231
File: 13 KB, 949x134, broship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grt/algo broship report in

>> No.27392578

How's $28k sound?

>> No.27392627

It’s a utility token like link. In fact these are the two utility tokens which will manifest as “the standard” in 5 years time
A lot of people fud when it’s a token “not needed” but the reality is the tokens are REQUIRED for the functionality. GRT will probably moon faster than link simply because everyone is on guard. GRT has the prospects of link, i plan to buy 20,000 before Friday.

>> No.27393001
File: 361 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210201-132404_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27393280

I hope so, Only 300 and I bought at 50 and 60. That's literally all I could afford to invest.

>> No.27393331

But if it's a monopoly won't there come competitors sooner or later?

>> No.27393372

damn, 13k GRT?!
That must feel so good.

>> No.27393502


>> No.27393762

Go delegate, nigger

>> No.27394368


>> No.27394389

If you aren't swinging meme coins and pumping the profits Into GURT dips are you even trying?


>> No.27394401

I have 1000 dollars to invest. Do I just put it all in GRT?

>> No.27394447

is sub .70 a pipe dream? i need more grt

>> No.27394468

Need to reach 20k at least first, waiting 2 weeks for each paycheck is frustrating

>> No.27394531
File: 47 KB, 694x694, da23dea20b9e26dfc666567f58066d4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>unironically bought the dip again


>> No.27394559

i just did that

>> No.27394591

WAGMI bros

>> No.27394683

Listen to this guy. I'm a 4k stacklet as well and delegating is just now starting to be a possibility. The ETH gas fees mean you need to make it worth it. If your reward is less than the gas fee because you staked some pussy amount, you're losing money simply to check the box of delegating.

>> No.27394862

I have a 10k GRT suicide stack and I think it might be a little early for $1.
That's 10b marketcap already.

>> No.27394877

dumped my 5k grt into algo and iota at 82c.. feels good man

>> No.27394902

Almost back to 80

>> No.27394951
File: 2.68 MB, 255x191, feelsultragoodman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gonna drop a cool $4K in once my withdrawal from those fags at TDA clears in a day
I use TDA for options trading, but they don't deserve my money anymore after deciding to be one of the ones who limited securities to goyim recently.

>> No.27394985

I think at least .68 is likely

>> No.27395020

1k end of week

>> No.27395040

checked, based. good luck fren.

>> No.27395072

Plus I'm afraid of fucking it up because I'm retarded so I'm gonna do more research before I go in

>> No.27395091
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, 1611627536261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom was early for her pound session, stacklet

>> No.27395205

This, probably gonna drop some more in on Tuesday/Wednesday before it pumps again

>> No.27395219
File: 121 KB, 821x1006, 1E72C32C-EEA6-443B-B6C6-C89487E12ADD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was probs going to sell the OMG for GRT.

Should I keep the Bitcoin or buy more grt or some link?

>> No.27395264

You gotta get pro my g way better

>> No.27395333

what percentage of GRT are locked up right now. how would you dump if it hit a dollar?

>> No.27395542

Will regular coinbase jew me with fees when I transfer to cb pro? Also how much ETH do I need to delegate 20k GRT (when I eventually get there)?

>> No.27395744

Trips died for this $1 target price pussy hands.

>> No.27395750

>Will regular coinbase jew me with fees when I transfer to cb pro? Also how much ETH do I need to delegate 20k GRT (when I eventually get there)?

Free transfer to Pro. I delegated 20k GRT, ran about 18.00 in gas.

>> No.27395969

Sentiment is swinging up, but still low volume and a huge red wall between .81 and ATH.

>inb4 FUD
not FUD, FUnDamentals

>> No.27396112

I have 4.5k and I'm not delegating, although I retardedly attempted to stake at 3k and fucked up badly and got charged for gas like 5 times over and didn't even end up delegating it.

>> No.27396138

They limited margin trading on GME and AMC during a hype pump and dump, call me a jew but I'd say they were doing a lot of stupid people a favor.

>> No.27396363

dubs checked. you are confused. a majority of GRT bagholders, myself included, are locked in and couldn't do shit for 28 days if it hit a dollar and we undelegated or stopped indexing. got a bag at .11, .30 and .45. I get a nice little bag every day now with rewards. Good luck.

>> No.27396486

so true

>> No.27396554


no, transfer from coinbase to gdax is no fee. you can do that all day long. put in about 65usd worth of eth in your wallet for gas. transfer between 1-3pm MST for cheaper gas.

>> No.27396591

Those are some impressive DCA price points. Very nice.

>> No.27396749

First test of .80 failed but it was a battle there for a minute.

>> No.27396794

How the fuck do I avoid fees while adding ETH into my MetaMask wallet in order to buy GRT?

>> No.27396991

I have my 20k LINK, your project needs mine more than mine needs yours.

>> No.27397118


>> No.27397120

some autist showed us grt the day before it was listed on coinbase. i read up and was blown away. I got lucky thanks to being stuck here forever. Good luck fren.

>> No.27397140

Other way around retard.

>> No.27397299

I wonder how many of us are in here from before December.

>> No.27397437

Ok I got 130 GRT, gonna forget that exists and see it again 2 years in the future

>> No.27397476

Is this the next Link?

>> No.27397508

3m sell orders between .81-.88 :( por que?

>> No.27397518
File: 383 KB, 824x488, GRT whale holders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes anon, well live and learn. This crypto shit is hard to always be ahead of the game. I'm just a jack of all trades type, so I'm not good at this shit. I sent my ledger nano to my home address for some idea of my retardation. Keep stacking man, this GRT shit feels so comfy and the use case for it is awesome.

>> No.27397569

Unironically and literally yes.

>> No.27397589

Coinbase earn is fucking scaming me as well
apparently I earned 6 different types of crypto and I didn't receive anything

>> No.27397622


Yes sirs very buys big gains just hodl

>> No.27397691
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>> No.27397740
File: 33 KB, 1280x720, Lucid Launcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You musn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling. $100 EOY.

>> No.27397851

538 GRT here. my first 3 crypto are XLM, GRT, and LINK. how am I doing bros? should I trade my meager 13 LINK for moar GRT?

>> No.27397860

checked. all of them. we are here forever.

>> No.27397890
File: 130 KB, 501x501, 1610400199342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel bro

>> No.27398002

I wish I wasn't wasting so much time lurking /pol in December, fucken Trump antics had me distracted

>> No.27398115


>> No.27398173


>> No.27398180

$.11 was on launch and for a very short period. I managed to fomo at .13. Were you a curator on the testnet?

>> No.27398222

REN also not a bad looking coin, link been crabbing for a while

>> No.27398326

buy it on Binance and you skip ETH fees

>> No.27398367
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>> No.27398515
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>> No.27398516

hi fren. text is hard to translate emotion and context within a subject. what I was trying to say as that when GRT hits a dollar this week, the majority of bag holders will not care and can not sell anyway. it's nice to see it make gains, but a dollar is nothing. if it hit ten, I'd bet under half of the delegation would detach. good luck.

>> No.27398568
File: 24 KB, 891x597, 1610399784075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post more Bobos for my Bobo folder

>> No.27398699

Gates breached, the battle begins

>> No.27398818
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>> No.27398834

I have 126 GRT

>> No.27398850

if i now sell it going to pump $10 in seconds

>> No.27398936

How do I stake this god coin my friends?

>> No.27398986

Literally have 22 only kek. Hoping I'll earn enough real life money to not be a baglet soon.

>> No.27399080

I'm feeling comfy holding 4258 GRT that I bought at $0.50. Am I finally going to make it?

>> No.27399086
File: 330 KB, 1144x888, 1612135215629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im buying in at .80 just to help breach this wall

>> No.27399121
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>> No.27399149

Same. I missed out on a lot, and was sitting on all cash cause I mistakenly thought the election sham turmoil would make markets go down.

>> No.27399214

235 grt lads, decent bag

>> No.27399220

>only 43k grt

>> No.27399252
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Comfy staking my 41k stack

>> No.27399330
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>> No.27399352
File: 54 KB, 680x567, MONKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you're saying and yeah, I get that most of this shit is locked up in delegation. I think this is almost the perfect scenario for a lot of the people here if it goes to like $5 or $10 because it will basically be an income machine, good for supplementing the lifestyle of a lot of the anons on here. Good luck fren.

>> No.27399401
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tonight will be fun

>> No.27399441
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>> No.27399565

good time to sell

>> No.27399626

I held digitbyte , redd and verge like a trooper. I can hold this


>> No.27399631
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>all these green IDs

>> No.27399672

>13 posts by ID
just buy in already, before you miss the train

>> No.27399685
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 1610659096370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck here it goes again, just broke resistance

>> No.27399691

I hope you die swingie

>> No.27399718

nope. just lucky

>> No.27399732

> p-please anons don't leave without me, halt the moon mission and wait for me, i-i know i had months but i was busy flipping shitcoins

>> No.27399759
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>> No.27399821

what does bobo mean? i asked it in another thread and i thought it was about mr. burn's bear bobo from the simpsons, soneone said no but didn't give any explanation.

>> No.27399890
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought some more at 0.82

>> No.27399900
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Went through .82 like butter

>> No.27399907

Doing god's work anon

>> No.27399916
File: 220 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so wheres my chads at?

>> No.27399915

the joke is the store used to be called chuck's fuck and suck

>> No.27399939
File: 66 KB, 420x361, 1610922416799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bobo is a regression/selloff/short/bear market mascot

>> No.27400076
File: 110 KB, 1920x1080, 71bbbd833fc5a8df06652da01841b792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw one FUD about sell walls for GRT
>literal NPC brain took over and sold my stack


>> No.27400182
File: 56 KB, 240x250, 1560371362111s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought at .50 but sold at .63

>> No.27400209

where to you change UI to dark?

>> No.27400233
File: 11 KB, 320x230, bobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what i thought it was about, bear market. but where does the name come from? is the bear statue at wall st named bobo or something? it's gotta be based on bobo the bear.

>> No.27400323


are you the same anon who's been posting pink wojaks all day who sold at .63? kek, i feel you brother

>> No.27400333
File: 780 KB, 762x1024, 1557605819848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned my lesson with XLM at 7 cents when I was stacking it like crazy cause it was so cheap, then dumped. Never again. I dont even look at money as being real anymore. Makes stacking your crypto so much easier.

>> No.27400365

i don't have the money until wednesday, is it ok?

>> No.27400368

This is a slow/weak pump, maybe around 23:00 GMT we might see a stronger one like last night

>> No.27400371

wish i knew mate sorry, did it like 4 years ago

>> No.27400432
File: 341 KB, 1076x1013, 1562960667989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I fucking retarded for thinking this can go to 1000 dollars in about 15 months?

>> No.27400442

why are there so many newfags here and why are you helping them

>> No.27400453

Fitting that NuCypher was created by a NuMale

>> No.27400456

I bought at .72 I hope I make it, its a weak 1300 stack but its mine.

>> No.27400469

its dark by default

>> No.27400474


>indexing fees

>> No.27400510


>> No.27400568

So GRT gave you a gift, don't get greedy, buy back and take some more
Not as much as you could have, but there's plenty of .eat left on the bone Anon

>> No.27400572

I'm a Graphonaut myself but that is a bit too optimistic. More like $10 EOY and $100 in 15 months

>> No.27400618


>> No.27400679

for me it's the gme dump

>> No.27400680

hey fuck off i'm learning all the lingo and slang. i never gave a shit about stocks but this whole fiasco has me interested. i know i'm still in lurk moar phase for the depth of what goes on here.

>> No.27400689
File: 15 KB, 1372x94, swingstack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my swing stack

>> No.27400743

i hope so

>> No.27400750
File: 25 KB, 400x400, Zh1mC8Vw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wall street opening = dump
>wall street closing = pump

>> No.27400752

Bobo's are the natural enemy of Mumu's. Didn't you pay attention during Economic Evolutions class?

>> No.27400749

If it breaks 1$ i unironically think this will go the way of LINK but 1$ is a heavy roadbum to cross

>> No.27400831


>> No.27400845

>league of legends
not hanging out with a retarded normalfag like you thats for sure

>> No.27400901



>> No.27400908

you sell helped us break the 82 wall thank you rajesh

>> No.27400932

I've heard that it's next to impossible for it to reach $1000, let alone in 15 months. I mean, Chainlink's been around for years now and it's hyped to shit on /biz/ yet it's still barely over $20,

>> No.27400937

Swingies will swing from the ceiling soon

>> No.27401048

am I a retard for holding my GRT on metamask? should I transfer it all to binance?

>> No.27401157

Not unless you're selling. Shouldn't hold larger quantities of cryptos on an exchange. Its not as secure as your wallet.

>> No.27401175

No. But I would use a hardware wallet then connect that to metamask.

>> No.27401178

I refuse to believe this won't go back to .70 at least

>> No.27401306

checked. oh fuck, here we go again! lol

>> No.27401479

put grt into metamask. goto: thegraph.com and then select netowork. click on an indexer you like and click delegate. make sure you have the eth in your metamask as well as the token to pay gas during the transaction. you will need to add the token to metamask to see it.

>> No.27401499

80 checking in. Lets pump to $2 lads

>> No.27401620
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my grt is primed and ready to pump once more

>> No.27401877

From a noose i hope
I hope you get left behind, stranded in the squalor of this wretched world of shitcoins, P&D's and stressful swinging with your filthy lowly kind.
Mark my words dog, you will never see the pure pale glory of a shining moon.

>> No.27402056

markets like oil and everything else trump had booming will be destroyed by the globalist.
funny shit new guy
nice! delegate that stack
nah, just optimistic
i was a newfag years ago. be nice to positive people. every person counts in crypto, unlike the stock exchange.

>> No.27402248

The amount of tabs you have open really triggers my autism

>> No.27402252

My dubs speak truth, repent or suffer, nigger.

>> No.27402331

You act like I have thousands of dollars to invest. I don't. If I had 30K to drop right now I would buy in on the spot. I'm poor right now so I need every dollar to count on my investment.

>> No.27402446

Keyed bollocksposter. Disagree though.