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27390270 No.27390270 [Reply] [Original]

How hard are GME fags going to panic if it opens red tomorrow after finishing around 240 today?

>> No.27390699

the jews probly weaseled their way out of this. it's their game, their rules. We'll soon see redditors suiciding en masse instead of hedgies. Either way we win.

>> No.27392232
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A lot of people were born to be Shudras anyway, we can't have this many people thinking they are entitled to wealth and stock market trading.

Some people were born to stock grocery shelves and live as menial coffee servants. That is your average late-comer to the GME game, and that is your average WSB user these days

>> No.27393134

I can't wait until they give up, I'm riding with AMC based purely on the speculation that normies are going to be too stupid to hold onto GME properly and go for the next best thing. Nobody is even being forced to buy these stocks yet and people are acting like a little red means the sky is falling on the whole plan.

>> No.27393256

Panic buy hard. Their grip is only going to get tighter.

>> No.27394940

I imagine most GME shorts right now were lent during the highs and most if not all existing at the beginning of this have been filled out. You can't have eternal momentum up and squeeze every short because people WILL sell at a certain point of profit (and today on loss).

>> No.27396171

But I want to add this could've gone way better if RH didnt fuck it all up beginning thursday.

>> No.27396491
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this is why I sold Friday, I am vindicated

>> No.27396738

Short interest way down its ogre. Normies will hold the bag and I will laugh at them.

>> No.27397099

the rich always win no matter what
anyone who didnt cash out yet is certified retard

>> No.27397645

god you are a sour retard. I don't like reddit but how can you not go on board when it comes to fucking da jooz over? Nobody is gonna be salty. It's beyond money at this point. Do you really think CNBC has your best interest at heart?
tl;dr: suck a fat one retard

>> No.27397799

The poor can win by switching positions and buying puts, April puts are in the money at ~$100

>> No.27398059
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>ok so gme is fubar but im thinking to buy the amc dip

am i retarded?

>> No.27398099

How many never-lose liars on here got hammered between this and gme? Every other thread was people planning their retirements last week.

>> No.27398233

yes but who isn't

>> No.27398382

>It's beyond money at this point.
Such cope. Yeah, I’m sure people want to lose 20% of their net worth to take 1% from some jew’s portfolio in nyc...

>> No.27398538

N9ooooooooo9 my dollarinos nooo9o9oooo

>> No.27399156

I have no skin in this game but I will say this. Anyone who got in under $50 and didn't sell when it ramped up over $400 is a retard and deserves to lose it all.

>> No.27399295

We're not fucking selling, shills. You might as well give up.

>> No.27399393

The hype was unreal though, mass hysteria beyond all reason. Don't blame any normie for getting swept up and thinking they were going to become millionaires in a week.