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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27337512 No.27337512 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27337583
File: 38 KB, 691x413, 76B06761-4AEA-42DF-BB5D-268A3074044A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder moshe

>> No.27337614
File: 94 KB, 624x951, 1611816340567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lets just allow kikes to ruin everything with no push back whatsoever.

>> No.27337650

And this is a bad thing?

>> No.27337691


>> No.27337713

I'm not a burger and I want to see the great satan burn.

>> No.27337716

What are we trying to save at this point?

>> No.27337739

>Investor activist
>trader activist
I actually heard these cringelords use these phrases.

>> No.27337753
File: 109 KB, 960x638, IMG_20210127_184443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27337763

Unironcially a good idea. The reason why Eastern Europe has so little immigration is because communism made them poor and unattractive to third world migration. Immigration is driven by economy and wages, no capitalism, no immigration.

>> No.27337764

>calling something both reddit and right wing
Man they're really reaching now

>> No.27337771

It's brilliant. To "get back at the bigwigs and stick it to the man!" these trustfund gamblers are raking in tons of cash. And absolute trash from /pol/ like this fucking cancer retard >>27337614 eat it.
Reddit won big with this one

>> No.27337826

Fake it you fucking Seether.

>> No.27337852

Yeah since the financial crisis of 2008, which originated in the US only hit the US.

>> No.27337892

fuck you bitch, i wanted to move to eastern euro after i saved some money.
live like a fucking king with just a couple gand

>> No.27338005
File: 230 KB, 892x530, silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say what you will about leddit but they're out there doing actual raids and yoou losers are trading mems and such

>> No.27338048

Stock market =/= economy,
and if it was then currently, it would be extremely overvalued.

Look at Tesla even, 800B Market cap, but they only made around 25B from selling their stock.

>> No.27338135

Jews suck my cock

>> No.27338191


gas yourself

>> No.27338247

>implying reddit had anything to so with silver
it was us, these cunts kept deleting threads because "HuRr ThEy ArE tRyInG To TaKe MoNeY AwAy FrOm GaMeStOp!!!"

>> No.27338253

T. Seething hedgie

>> No.27338615
File: 90 KB, 751x500, doyoufeelincharge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27338675

This is extremely bullish for Bitcoin.

>> No.27338750

Where the fuck? Eastern Ukraine?
Because if not living costs aren't that much cheaper in the east, unless you literally live in some abondoned village, but you don't have to move countries to find one.

>> No.27338837

hopefully real estate crashes too so i can buy a house

>> No.27339223

>Dude multiple large hedge funds going broke doesn’t effect the economy

Holy fuck this board is becoming unusable. I hope you are happy bizzzit. The collective iq of /biz/ is down -30% on the week

>> No.27339312

anywhere in which a basic adidas track suit means luxury

>> No.27339336

Why yes, i do want the economy to burn however did you know?

>> No.27339404

Yes, fuck you.

>> No.27339470

Yeah no one is falling for this shit. Kikes? The rich? You're all the same scum and we all want to see you fall. Seethe more, Chaim.

>> No.27339511

Then fucking nowhere.

>> No.27339524

Seethe more, no one cares you obvious paid shill. A bottomed out economy means cheaper stuff for me to buy.

>> No.27339616

>my world is comfy, it won't change, right anon?
Peekaboo mfer

>> No.27339783

Sorry, kike, the info was already posted :D


>> No.27339859

>Didn't read a single word in my post
>Generic 1970's down with the man replies
No wonder you're poor. Fucking losers man, this board is fucked with idiots now.

>> No.27339971

>crash economy
>buy the dip

>> No.27340193

Reddit won we lost

>> No.27340272

Yeah your shilling isn't working here because no one cares.


More like 2010s because everyone hates you. Seethe more, hedgie.

>> No.27340986

Kikes tongue my anus.

>> No.27341172

I reddit, faggot, you managed to capture approx 20% of the truth in your post, congrats.

>> No.27341379


>> No.27341384

Niggers tongue my kike.

>> No.27342453
File: 6 KB, 184x201, OK-crossout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mysterious non-public entity at the center of the U.S. stock markets, with primary responsibility, and the enabler of naked (counterfeit) shorting in America, is: Depository Trust Corporation. That's where the trail leads, or rather trails plural. "All trails lead eventually to Depository Trust." Depository Trust is a secretive entitiy owned by the primary brokers who make fortunes from the naked shorting business. That sytem allows multiple shorts of the same share of stock (either legally or, if illegally, unsupervisably). That's how there can be more shorts of GameStop stock than there are shares outstanding.

>> No.27342825

most retarded thing ever seen today, whoever wrote this should lose their job
silver won't pump like gme, the liquidity on the buy side from gme was non existent
silver however... the liquidity is astronomical