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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27311529 No.27311529 [Reply] [Original]

>Wasted my entire high school playing vidya thinking I'd off myself once I turned 18
>Decided to take LSD before offing myself to see how it's like
>Had intense trip and decided not to do end it
>2 years pass and I've become a NEET with no future
>Hear about GME mooning, don't have enough money to buy any
>Have literally $35 and hail Mary it on AMC @ $4
>HODLing for deal life hoping these measly 8 shares can be turned into something

How the fuck do I make it guys? I don't want to be a loser forever. I live in a run down attic apartment with no working sinks and eroding walls. I'm so filled with anger that I killed my depression. I am alive purely out of spite.

>> No.27311681

Get a job, save money for a few years while living at home. Wait for next market crash and go all in. You have to be patient and wait for the best time.

>> No.27311749

You're still incredibly young. You need to get a job so you can have a stream of income to invest.

>> No.27311800

I recommend taking a walk tomorrow morning to cool your head before making any decisions.

>> No.27311804

You're fine.

>> No.27311829

Market will happen again anon. It’s a complex system. You’ll profit. Don’t be a quitter faggot stay the course and suffer with the rest of us. Also See you on the moon.

>> No.27311871

glad you didn't kill yourself anon. keep pushing.

>> No.27311878 [DELETED] 

kek, if u don’t get how to get profit with overall volume on crypto just clear your address and fuck off from this topic

cmon, I am too experienced to join in this scam, that’s why I will get my base on uniswap and use cascade for great profit with passive benefits

>> No.27311935

Get a job, or two. Work hard and save the money. Invest it wisely.

That's it. That's the secret. Welcome to adulthood big boy.

>> No.27311943

And besides bruh, I was like 25 before my life went to the moon. I’m only 31 now. Stay the damn course you got this.

>> No.27311963

don't give up anon, it's not to late for you

>> No.27311975

Join the military anon

>> No.27312026

this. Fight for israel. But at least they will pay and feed you.

>> No.27312108

It’s definitely not too late, I was a minimum wagie virgin loser until I was 23, then I went balls deep in link and remained a loser until it’s shot my net worth into 6 figures 3years later. Now I’m engaged and make more than I can spend. Start as soon as you can though. Invest all your money. Don’t look back.

>> No.27312218
File: 29 KB, 665x662, anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking into getting a job ASAP. I'm so filled with fucking rage these past few weeks that I can barely sleep. I feel like I'm having a manic episode.
I know, I know. I'm so fucking glad I realized I need to do something now that I'm still young. I've been improoving for the past month so hard. My face has cleared up so much and I've lost some weight from not eating junk. I just need money to keep climbing out of this poverty hell hole.
It's snowed way too hard this weekend. I would be up to my knee in snow. SOON THOUGH
Thank you. Suicide is for fags. (((They)) want us dead.
Yeah, I might legit just wagecuck 2x just to make it even faster. FUCK I'M SO FUCKING ANGRY.

>> No.27312327

Work a bearable job, spend less then you earn, and wait for investment opportunities.

>> No.27312509

I will continue living like a poorfag just so I can invest as much as possible. I think wagecucking x2 is the best thing I could do with my time. I don't care about luxuries anyway, I've worn the same sneakers for 3 years, used the same shitty android for 4 and only wear solid color chinese tees that come in packs for cheap...

>> No.27312534
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Buy sum BAO on Uniswap
Only been out a month
1000x incoming it’s only .001cents

>> No.27312646

fuck off pajeet bots. I need sensible advice and not pump and dumps right now. Fuck (You)

>> No.27312716

as somebody who wasted most of their 20's mostly high or addicted to things like computer games and imageboards, don't do those things. be able to sit still and be cool with doing nothing
that shit is all poison they purposefully put out there

>> No.27312824

rare good advice on /biz/.

>> No.27313022

don't worry. I've been vidya clean for a month now. I installed linux on my laptop just so I couldn't install games because I'm too retarded to figure out how to even install steam on Linux. I fucking hate drugs and alcohol so much you don't even know. LSD was the only one I wanted to try because I know you can't get addicted to it. My dad is a coke addict alcoholic and pisses away so much money on bullshit while having to pay for my family + child support for his bastard

>> No.27313510

its embarrassingly out of date boomer advice that will waste the next 10 years of his life getting nowhere.

even if you tried in life OP, the world fucking hates you, they dont want you to succeed, they want you to toil in misery. we are in an age now where the only way to make it is to take risks and those risks arent as irrational as they used to be, as in the past the alternative to risk taking was steady income, slow wealth generation and letting the wider prevailing society carry you forward. that society is gone.
i suggest you get a job like others have said but not to feed a system that wants you dead and mocks your pathetic life at every step but to increase how much you can borrow.
if you have no assets and nothing else to lose, debtmaxx, take out every loan and credit card you can, even if its just 3-4k you can then use that money on shitcoin roulette for a couple of months. with all the covid bullshit in the media ramping uup and down in waves, these debt companies are getting the sadboi phonecalls daily from non payers, they really dont give a shit anymore but this window of valid excuses wont be around forever.
if it all blows up? well youre young enough to recover, the debt will be erased from history in 6-7 years.

>> No.27313845

Do this >>27311681
Buy and hold GRT
get into Land Surveying for a career

>> No.27314013

retarded advice. maybe if I didn't have any patience I'd do this but this is dumb as fuck.
Did you do this or are you just giving me this advice for shits and giggles?
>Buy and hold GRT
Yeah, I was reading up on that since earlier this month but I had no shekels. Will put in some once I pull out of AMC since it seems promising.
>Land Surveying
What is that?

>> No.27314413

blowing money on drugs isn't half as degenerate as gambling it away imo

>> No.27314590

Not worth the risk of getting addicted to that shit. Also I find it unappealing to be not fully there. LSD was different because I felt completely fucking gone, like I wasn't even alive anymore. Weed is gay and anything harder is too risky to try

>> No.27314757

Sounds like you're a smart guy in a shitty place in life. You've got the mindset to make it, just stick to it.

>> No.27314836

you need therapy and a break from the internet

>> No.27314917

Incredible, you considered killing yourself before you even thought of getting a job. You and I had the same story except I didn't go full faggot mode at 18. Get a grip dumb fuck.

>> No.27315076

>or are you just giving me this advice
its situational, the combination of you fucking around in your teens already puts you behind millions of other people for the rest of your life in terms of future opportunity but youre also reaching prime age during prime clownworld, id also never advice anyone over 23 to debtmaxx as youll want all of it erased by the time youre 30.
all the 'good' advice youll get is predicated on conditions that no longer exist, i mean nevermind the obliteration of meritocracy in the workplace or in education, we live in a world of willingly supported fucking societal lockdowns, something just 18 months ago all of us would have said would be impossible and the plot to a sci fi movie.
virtually every path a well intentioned, hard working person could take to navigate through a career or into building some future for themselves is being eroded, soon low tier retail investors will be regulated out of the markets and worrying about that is only even an issue if you consider the future a place you want to exist into. every door is being slammed shut.
as for the rest of the advice youll get after the 'find a job' cut and paste nonsense, it will be to feed excess income (kek) into long term appreciating assets and being patient, however that advice is predicated again on the old world conditions, where theres going to be a prevailing friendly and stable society that wants to support those assets. we're moving into an age where the courts, law enforcement and the government are already proving to give no shit about civil liberties or property rights, we're one election cycle away from nigger reparations, the world hates you anon and anyone telling you to settle in and grind out for years on end to play the game has no idea how bad things really are.

>> No.27315166

Take more lsd. Get your shit together or begin your life as a shaman

>> No.27315255

>a break from the internet
what happens when i go outside?
ill see empty stores, niggers loitering, masked people dodging around each other in hysterical fear, police looking to catch groups gathering in too many numbers.
gee i sure want to live that life for 50 more years, i bet theyll take good care of me in retirement.

>> No.27315313

Thanks, anon. I'm 1000% serious about this shit to the point where I'm becoming annoying to be around because of how hard I'm working on improoving. My sisters fucking hate me for waking up at 6 am just to wake up early. I only use 4chan anymore at night when I've done all I needed to do for the day kek
You don't know anything about my life pre-18 kek. I'll save the sob story but being poor and a loser wasn't the reason I wanted to KMS
You took too many blackpills, anon. Maybe I'm not fully dead inside yet but I know not to let myself get assraped by schlomo. If I end up amounting to nothing in a decades time, I'll LDAR
I want to eventually. Maybe in a couple years if I still feel like I need to trip. Doing it now is not worth the money for me

>> No.27315468

>what happens when i go outside?
you exercise, see your friends and family, you get help if that doesn't help enough.

>> No.27315473

33 here, get off any drugs, stick with weed if you have to.

Don't spend your money on anyone even if they call you a dick, guess what if your nice they will still think your a dick.

Keep saving your money and invest in small amounts into stablecoins etc and listen to non-pajeet advice here but comb through it all.

I have no financial answers for you as I'm broke and poor myself but I can give advice on what not to do.

>> No.27315529

learn a skill to turn your time into money
otherwise you depend on money, which you have no way of obtaining. and no ability to create a business where you trade your time for money.
this weird get rich quick shit means we're in a massive bubble. what you need it to get the idea that you will work your ass off for 20-30 years, and at the end of it be well off.
also, learn to cook, not knowing how to cook is probably the biggest expense normal people have.

>> No.27315539 [DELETED] 

why going a fake ?
are you believe this jews try to give anything workable?
I don’t join them and why should I do it?
I have base on my wallet and uniswap exchange portfolio
I have brains to use Cascade and get passive profit

>> No.27315613

Unironically, get a fucking job. It's not so bad as it seems and you'll dig having the freedom to buy that fuckin 10piece meal with some cookies.

>> No.27315692

Get a job?

>> No.27315742
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Bought my first fat stack. 15k, wish me luck lads.

>> No.27315811

>Be faggot OP
>Play vidya and take drugs
>How do I make it anon?
>How do I success

>> No.27315845

Don't worry, I hate drugs. Weed is a waste of money in my eyes.
I don't care about bitches until I feel happy with myself and that won't be for a while.I have no desire to coom. Good advice though.
Yeah, I've been slowly piling on good habits and slowly removing bad habits every month, one habit a month at a time. Deciding what to invest my time into aside from working is soon on my list. I don't want to overload myself and get burnt out.
This has been said already and I already said I will. Hopefully 2 jobs since I don't do shit anyway with my time. Will make sure I don't slowly devolve back into my vidya habits.

>> No.27315859

Solution is to take 8 grams of mushroom and make a tea, drink and go for a walk in the forest or anywhere quiet.

You will talk to God and figure it all out.

Good luck anon.

>> No.27315922

Are you drinking energy drinks a lot?

>> No.27316017

work every waking minute until you have enough to not need to live in an attic apartment. keep working up to the next step in the chain until you reach some sort of level of comfort.

>> No.27316182

Nope. Energy drinks are gay and Jewish as fuck. I cut out soda from my diet over a month ago. I used to drink that shit like water. My teeth have gotten way cleaner since then. Why do you ask?
Baby steps, got it. I've been trying to avoid overloading myself by not trying to force too much change at once. Current schedule is remove a bad habit/add a good habit every 25th of the month (I started this on Christmas)

>> No.27316281

Start learning some sort of skill while you're job hunting. Even if it's fucking worthless. Learning literally anything is more worthwhile than learning nothing.

>> No.27316310

>also, learn to cook, not knowing how to cook is probably the biggest expense normal people have.

Cooking is a gigantic time sink for minimal gains. The only exception is crockpot meals and maybe pressure cooker meals. If you enjoy cooking as a hobby then you can go ahead and continue cooking, but don't get into it as a way to save money because I guarantee you that you would be better served by simply understanding how to better identify value in restaurants.

>> No.27316423

>its embarrassingly out of date boomer advice that will waste the next 10 years of his life getting nowhere.
This. Being a wagie is a waste of time and energy.

>> No.27316467

I've been doing a lot of reading recently but nothing subject focused. I'll start looking for something I care about and work on getting good at it, anon.

>> No.27316529

This but unironically, op don’t off yourself I was in the same position coming out of prison in my 30s and I’m now a millionaire, I really doubt you’re a bigger loser then I was there is hope for you. you’re young as fuck and that’s a good thing

>> No.27316548

I don't want to be a wagie forever but I need money to survive, nigger. I would like a working sink and heat in the winter.

>> No.27316584

Work anon. its not so bad. it can be good to walk the straight and narrow sometimes in life.
Get in shape. dont neglect your body, or it will neglect you.
This will not be the last bull market you see. Invest as you make money along the way. all of a sudden youll realize youre a lot better off than your peers. good luck anon. weve all been there.

>> No.27316614


20 years old and you have $35 assets? a minimum wagie working 1 day would have more than you...get off your ass and do something.

>> No.27316699

Sell them and get a rope and a chair.
Call 911 beforehand so that you don't stink up the place for days

>> No.27316767

You sound like a legit 12 year old. If your really 20 then you must be psychologically stunted or autistic

>> No.27316798

If not LARP, God bless. I have hope still, anon. I'm not dead inside yet.
I've already started eating better and lost some weight. I have a pretty good frame so working out is BIG on my road map.
I already am, nigger. Read the fucking thread before stinking it up.

>> No.27316845

Untrue, not everyone has mommy and daddy to fall back on and sponge off. Some people have to make it on their own and working will give him a better quality of life to sort out his head out and have money to invest it’s easy to fall into depression when your life’s shit

>> No.27316876

Oh, I'm definitely stunted and have mental issues, anon. But I still have hope in life.

>> No.27316907

>You took too many blackpills, anon
anyone who isnt blackpilled right now is an elite level npc.
i grew up in a different era, im 12 years older than you, it wasnt that long ago but it might aswell have been on another planet in terms of life expectations and what barriers there were for realising opportunity.
none of it is your fault and historically it hasnt been a problem to start out trying to make it a little later than others but how things are right now, i wouldnt wish your position on my worst enemy.

to put my thoughts into context, i hired 12 people between 2019 and 2020. starting from mid 2019, we went from having to wait a month to get 7 people to apply for a job with only one of them showing up to the interview looking and sounding human, which was how our recruiting went all the way up until january last year for low level positions.
last december i took on 2 more people, within 3 days of posting the positions online, we had reached 400 applicants, almost half of them with degrees and almost all of them with years of experience to quite a high level.
we threw every non-white and female name in the garbage and were still left with over 100 applicants, had we left the ad up another week it might have been 10x that number.
its a jungle out there anon, you only get one chance at youth and the last thing you want to be doing is looking back with regrets. consider that when i was your age, $10 would buy you about 50,000 bitcoin but thats a lot to pressume, more realistically the dow jones was sub 10k and theres any number of other tech stocks that very predictably rocketed since then, if the world was as it is today back then, id have been fucking retarded not to take a few k out in debt and roll the dice.

>> No.27316991

>I'm looking into getting a job ASAP
>I'm looking into

I've never met someone who starts a thought with this phrase who ever ends up doing what they said they were going to.

>> No.27317070

>we threw every non-white and female name in the garbage


>> No.27317148


fuck you, i'm looking into going on a diet

>> No.27317198

Nigger, it's the middle of the night. I will start sending in applications in a few hours. I'm looking at craigslist and Indeed on my other tabs. I have no idea what they want so I'm planning to mass apply to them all and hope for the best.
The world is fucked, I know. I hate kikes, niggers, trannies, and immigrants too but I'm not going to let that shit kill my drive in life. Like I said, if I don't amount to anything in 10 years time, I will LDAR. The time limit helps me.

>> No.27317221

Youre too far down the trough to make it. You are 20 years of age, I suggest you pick up some inconsequential position in the food industry, try to meet some girls. Get your body in shape so you enjoy your prime. That kind of shit. Later on you need to generate some credentials, either through college or skilled craft to be worth a fuck. Dont fuck your twenties off trying to live like you are 30. Go to the bar, order some wings, get drunk and enjoy being young

>> No.27317283
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eastern orthodoxy and a job

>> No.27317330
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Get a job and wait for a moment to strike. Get lucky. And then win. If your GME shares take off and make you a few thousand, I recommend putting some into RBC. Everyone says it's a shill coin, but it doubles in value every week or so and is now exploding in popularity. If you sell at a good value next week and dump it all into RBC I could see you easily making 5x your money back by April. Just be sure to pull out before the rug pull. Or if you want a slower but safer option of doubling your money I recommend dumping it into bitcoin.

>> No.27317431

I legitimately don't want to get drunk or fuck random whores, anon. I've never found it appealing even when I was at my horniest. I don't know how to explain it without it sounding like cope but I've had girls interested in me for years but I ignore them because I don't like being around others much. I will get a job and get in shape though. Credentials sound good as well.

>> No.27317476

>id have been fucking retarded not to take a few k out in debt and roll the dice.
i have to go OP but to stress again this last part is only something you should ever even remotely consider at your age or within a year or so.
theres no stigma at all for going into crazy debts or taking risk as a young guy, theres no repercussions without assets or ties to dependents, itll all be erased by the time youre 27/28 if not sooner.
good luck whatever youre doing but dont listen to these wagecucks who will be poor forever.

>> No.27317602
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>Just turned 21
>Literal autist
>Tried of being a wageslave
>Remember stocks are a thing
>Dump almost all my money into GME
>Proceed to get more cash than all my coworkers combined from doing literally nothing
I can't tell if this is a whitepill or a blackpill. On one hand all my years of work were for nothing and I could've spent all my time just gambling on stocks and crypto and not only would I have made more but I would've been happier to boot. On the other hand this is a fun alternative to working that actually gives me enough cash to not only survive, but thrive. I'm in love. Even losing money is fun in it's own special way. I love watching my number rise, the graphs flowing, the thrill of a rise, and the rush of a fall. I feel bad for all my wageslave coworkers that scoff at the thought of doing stocks or cypto. "oh, that's too much like gambling. I don't like the thought of risking my cash to make a small profit". These poor souls don't know just how good it can be.

>> No.27317619

Sounds like you need a therapist, then, or just someone you can let it all out to.

>> No.27317618

Yeah, I'll slowly start pouring in my wagie shekels into crypto. I want to save up for some dental work as well but I don't expect to do that for a few years. Investing is coming first (safe + shitcoin roulette). I'll shell out money for a proper PC by putting aside money every paycheck as well. That's the only luxury I want.

>> No.27317817

Based as fuck, anon. You're lucky but don't go chasing the dragon too much or you might lose it all. God bless.
Therapy is a jewish scheme. I've just seen a lot of shit in my 20 years that I really wish I hadn't.
>years of my dad beating me and my mom
>bullied all of elementary+middle
>got molested (not by anyone in my family)
>fell down blackpill rabbit hole and gave up on life

>> No.27317984

Get a fucking job and go all-in. Don't monkey-fuck the fence whiling away your hours looking for a comfy job or something that doesn't seem too hard. Get the hardest work with the most hours available and then fucking bury yourself in it, save all your money and start planning for the future and how you're going to invest. Fucking WORK, Anon, life is work.

>> No.27318005
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ok fucking hate me if you want but out of all the shit being shilled right now, rubic is defiently worth looking into your not going to 100x in a day but you might 10x in 6 weeks.

bitcoin could be at its peak and about to drop or could be about to moon to over 100k

i have always believed in sergay and would recommend link but holy fuck is he arse rapping us right now

keep and eye on gamestock, if there was a total finaincail collapse physical silver and tradable goods, lighters, spam that shit

partial collpase, would be crypto, chainlink etc.

nothing burger then idk stay the course.

remember we all lose money at first its a lesson you must learn, this is the transfer of wealth form the impatient to the patient. you are 20 and missed out on 2 years of trading you have another 40 to go retard, get a job and start investing.

>> No.27318093

Yeah, I'm mass applying to jobs tomorrow morning. I want to try and work 2 jobs if possible but I need to know the hours so I at least have time to sleep a bit. I'll work like a dog, I know it's the only way to make money in my position.

>> No.27318257

I browse this board every night so I'm mostly up to date on shit. I'm in AMC right now, wish I was in on GME but I saw the train way too late. Link sounds alright, Rubic sounds like a scam but the FUD and anit-FUD on it has me confused as fuck.
I expect a market downturn soon desu

>> No.27318357

You can buy a percentage of one stock on Robinhood right now I think. Like $10 worth

>> No.27318437

All my money is tied up in AMC. I didn't realize it worked like that until I already went in. Sad as fuck desu

>> No.27318520

What’s beneath janny?

>> No.27318714
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>None of you will know the pain of losing everything and starting from scratch at 29+
Consider yourselves lucky faggots

>> No.27318797

Capitalize your 'I’s, you’re an adult aren’t you? You sound underage and insufferable. You’re in your position because of your own choices and you’ll likely be there because of your own choices.

>> No.27318799

God I hope not. Sorry about that, anon. How did you lose it all? Tell me so I don't fuck up like you did

>> No.27318891

rubic is a pajeet scam don't fall for it anon
stick with the tried and true

>> No.27318980

If you kill yourself the jews and trannys win. We need you more than ever now anon. Don’t do it

>> No.27319010

Diet is the most important thing for every human. No point trying to change anything if you can’t even be bothered to get out of bed.

>> No.27319178

I won't off myself, anon. Sadly, I will not be allowed into the ethnostate if that ever happens because I'm half-spic. Either way, I'll fight the good fight. Fuck kikes.
Yeah, I'm cautious about my shekels. I'll look into alts once I feel more comfortable with potentially losing money

>> No.27319187

One of those things you listed is what I experienced too, anon. You need to see a therapist.

>> No.27319330

You sound like an angry, bitter, and hate filled individual.


>> No.27319350

OP go to rural Alaska this summer and work in either a cannery or(preferably) on a boat, you can make 5-10 grand(cannery) or 9-15k(boat) within 6 weeks. It’s not easy but I never felt nor seen anyone felt the stress that they feel working for mr shekelsberg. It’s only hard in the physical sense(it’s cold, that’s it) but mentally you’ll feel refreshed as it’s one of the few places left on earth that doesn’t operate by clown world logic. And with the money you’ll make you’ll be able to catch back up in this race we call life.

>> No.27319386
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sorry about that, anon. I'll consider it but for now I need to focus on other shit. I don't think it fucked me up too bad in the long run but yeah, shit was terrible and I never told anyone

>> No.27319530

>no future

Yeah nah, you still got time to un fuck your life. Have a think about what you enjoy or what you like doing, and get a job on that field or get a traineeship/apprenticeship. Just say you had an extended gap year after finishing school. No problems

>> No.27319586

It's what drives me to wake up in the morning, anon. I'll try to replace it with things I care about once I find them but for now hate and spite is my fuel. Better than not being motivated at all.
Sounds interesting. Alaska is far as fuck though so I don't know how I'd even get there. I'll write this down for sure though, the money sounds good

>> No.27319587

You say that anon you'll consider it, but you know you'll never do it

>> No.27319588 [DELETED] 

lmao retards still try to bring you this trash
chink shillers that keeps copying other protocols
I know only one true rebase system and this is Base Protocol
top Uniswap volume, top ratings and brilliant Cascade farming protocol

>> No.27319709

your bot is broken, pajeet
Nah, as scared and paranoid as I am of therapy, I know I'll need to bite the bullet on it eventually. It costs money though and that money can be used on something else. I've been told I needed to go to therapy for years by multiple people I've known.

>> No.27319851
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Focus on yourself. This is just a wild shot in the dark, but based on what you mentioned, you might have C-PTSD. Don't worry, I have(had?? no idea anymore) it, as well. When my therapist told me that was what I had, I kind of scoffed and felt embarrassed. PTSD, to me, was something that soldiers got, not children. But it gnaws at you, anon, it eats up certain parts of you, and one day when you call upon them, they're not there and you're just left feeling emotional and anxious and you don't know why. You are top priority. Not getting mad dosh, not getting rid of little habits here and there. You. Think of it this way: somewhere inside is still the little kid who saw his mom getting beaten. Doesn't he want to say something? Or what about when he got molested? You probably get fucking angry and feel like beating something, right? And rightfully so. But find someone who will guide you through this, and let you let it out. Because it's good to let it out, anyone who says otherwise is a gigantic fag.

>> No.27319868

Just avoid making dumb decisions

>> No.27319904

Best time? You poor poor fool. You have 8 hours

>> No.27320043

Not sure if you’re still on, but I’ll tell you and others how to make it. Once amc hits 100, sell, buy AGQ, hold for 2 weeks, then buy TZA. Hold for a week, sell then buy DFEN, hold for a month, then sell, you’ve made it, now invest into stable ETF

>> No.27320173

fuck you, anon. POS making me cry for bringing that shit up. I guess I really do need help. I'll find someone to talk to...Don't do that shit again though
I avoid the most common bad habits and will try to keep doing so
Fuck it, I'll do this just because if I lose it all, I'll consider it being the initial $35 lost.

>> No.27320206

What is making it to you? Wealth, power, happiness, success, and or fun. You have only two choices in your position. Either you will push yourself to work or you will shrivel up and die. To fight you need to have wisdom along with internal strength. To make yourself employable remember these phrases:
>What can I do for you
>Good morning boss!
>Hard work is it's own reward
>Please and thank you
>It is better to give than to recieve
>No task too boring no request too tedious
>I will accept all criticism serenely
>Hating is like holding a burning coal in order to burn someone else by throwing it at them
>I am sorry it will not happen again
Do not let your pride or wrath get in the way. The biggest red flag from your posts is your lack of humbleness. Don't feel the need to justify yourself with words and put downs. See the best in others, do not gossip, be positive, and selfless.

>> No.27320365

I unironically puff my ego to hide the fact that I'm a scared as fuck in the inside, anon. I'm not actually a dickhead.
Making it to me is feeling happy with myself and I know that's vague as fuck but I know what it means. I need money to feel secure. I don't need to be Elon Muskrat but I need to feel secure to feel happy with myself.

>> No.27320416

Dont be arrogant also

>> No.27321000

Just to clarify this play assumes amc takes off, followed by silver, which causes a crash, and thus causes the need for a war. You should pay attention to all of the securities throughout and do some due diligence on each when the time nears to purchase, just don’t purchase if that particular security has already taken off. Repost this thread and I’ll find it and give an update on the best possible moves.

>> No.27321089

checked. I'll check in on them daily. I've screenshot your reply and saved it in case.

>> No.27321429

Bumping for therapy, everyone deserves someone to talk to who they don't have to deal with in real life. It's not a scam, those people actually don't make that much money and usually genuinely want to help. If it's not working, try a different therapist instead of giving up.

>> No.27321523
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>>Have literally $35 and hail Mary it on AMC @ $4
>>HODLing for deal life hoping these measly 8 shares can be turned into something

>> No.27321557

I didn't think such things about you. Everyone is scared in the inside. Bravery is merely being able to not show it, whereas stupidity is not having the fear to begin with. Just a random thought is if you like reading try the masterpiece Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky. Its a book about hate, jealousy, envy, wrath, forgiveness, and love. Also the Lamb that is lost and then found is the one that is the most rejoiced for. God bless Anon.

>> No.27321690

>How the fuck do I make it guys?

Not even gonna waste time reading all the responses to your thread. GET A FUCKING JOB NIGGER if all you can afford is $35 worth of a $4 stock you're never gonna make it

>> No.27321740

Honestly it is pretty funny but it really is how poorfags feel. Now imagine how bad it is for poorfags in India and Africa.
Looks old as fuck but I'm DLing the PDF. Might as well try and read it since I'm a NEET still

>> No.27321744

Money will not solve this retarded mess

>> No.27321910

>Get job
>Work out weekly expenses
>Cut them down
>Start saving
>Put savings into tokens
>Tokens go up
>Keep saving
>Repeat until rich
If you are too stupid to know what to buy just stick with BTC, ETH, LINK
In a year you'll be in a better position than you are now.
Also read The Power of Now you angry fucking idiot.

>> No.27321926

working on it, faggot. Mass applying tomorrow. Hoping to work 2 jobs.
At least I'll be a retarded mess with money instead of a poor retarded mess
will read it after this Russian book, anon

>> No.27322086
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Two years ago I had $6 to my name and these autistic fucks saved me.
I gotta pay it forward. Good luck anon.

>> No.27322158

Merchants hold gold anon as should you, they pass it on through generations. That’s how they have got this far. Buy and hold gold

>> No.27322248

Ya it was composed before the USSR and the rise of communism by a man that knew what concepts like the ends justify the means leads to. The first 20 pages are a lot of introductions that you should read but not feel like your missing something crucial if you forget a lot. The rest is quite fantastic though.

>> No.27322348

I think I'm already on step 5. I went through the other 4 stages already since I've been using this shit hole site for 7 years but /pol/ for 5

>> No.27322755


>> No.27322762

What russian book? The power of now is unironically based as fuck and if you apply it you will literally break "the matrix"

>> No.27322857

Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky
Another anon suggested it. Don't worry, I have a lot of time until I get accepted by a job. I should finish these books soon

>> No.27323228

Good. High Literature is good. Once again if you apply the power of now correctly you will break the matrix, and be able to see the traps laid out in a supposedly "redpilled" post like this
>>27322086 while still taking the benficial lessons from it.

>> No.27323253

I'm a middle-aged fag. the number one thing I see when I get this response is that what you typed made you feel better.
dude, you have to work. this is your survival. the people you play the game against are in this mode and you're talking about being burnt out.
you need to get the fuck on this train and realize that the next 30 years of your life will be figuring out how to beat everyone else. does it sound horrible? yes, but the alternative is you post this again in a year.

>> No.27323445

Sorry fren but you need to get an entry level job and start saving money then invest and get better at your job so you can make more money. Either that or borrow as much money as possible with no intention of paying it back and Yolo it on Rubric of something.

>> No.27323557
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If you're good at games, you might want to consider this (see pic). Easy money that will only grow and compound over time.


>> No.27323766

Based. Calm down though, wgmi. The times they are a-changin’.

>> No.27323787

how do you improov. i want to too

>> No.27323874

Work is coming up given that I'm mass applying tomorrow morning and I doubt every single one rejects me since I'll be applying to every shitty job I see in my area. Burn out is a thing that can happen to anybody and as badly as I wish I could just force myself to do a complete 180 tomorrow, it isn't likely to work in the long run. For the past 2 months I've already improved a lot by slowly but surely adding and dropping habits. It made my head hurt to stop consuming so much caffeine but now it's perfectly fine and I don't even consider drinking any when I was a multi cup a day drinker. It made me so tired to wake up early every day but now I'm practically jumping out of bed every morning when I used to wake up at noon. I felt the temptation to look at porn and jerk off all the time until one day I didn't even consider it at all when I used to be a 3x daily fapper and now I don't jerk off at all. Same thing with snacking and basic hygiene. I've lost weight, cleared up my skin dramatically and have way whiter teeth.

>> No.27323962

dont listen to this kike, be as miserable of a neet as your heart desires

>> No.27324060

Yeah, been wining a few coffee pools, just need to win the paycheck pool now, before the listing


>> No.27324224

Basically this. My system is slowly removing a bad habit/adding a good habit every month or so. The idea is easing your way into good habits and cutting off bad habits in the process. You can do it more than once a month though if you feel like that works better. Avoiding overloading yourself works, it's a tried and true method. You don't want to go in head first into trying to be a completely different person, it's all about progress. You will notice the differences and appreciate them more this way as well.

>> No.27324278

you need to learn something that not many people know. apply to all the jobs, but learn something that filters applicants. people who get a great job and don't continue to do this get shitcanned as unemployable in their 40s/50s anyways, which is a worse situation than you are in.
that is great you are presenting well. focus on that, improving what you know, and learning what you need to get these jobs.
this is vague and almost too abstract to be useful, but it's because I don't know your field. reading at night to learn more is essential. you are literally competing with others for survival, and if you don't have their intellectual gifts (or even if you do) you will need to supplement that with an incredible amount of work.
sorry for the bummer, but someone should tell you now. I used to work as a dishwasher and in one sense that was the hardest job I ever had because anyone could do it.

>> No.27324345

Just be ready to face the fact that even though you have improved a lot, the people you meet IRL are not going to take note of this change and may/will treat you like you a second class citizen.

Don't let them beat you down, keep on improving yourself and we will all make it one day.

t. been there

>> No.27324346

when do you see the next crash happening? I'm in a similar boat to OP

>> No.27324394

20? Lol. Just work out, learn and plan ahead. No one actually knows what they're doing in life even when they plan ahead, but as long as you just DO something life will eventually lead you somewhere.

>> No.27324465

thanks, goals for this month are a 3k run a day, push ups till failure, plank till failure and to atop abusing my cock atleast once a day. also working on building hobbys

>> No.27324576

physical training becomes a good habit and then dedication

>> No.27324664

Nice man! Hopefully they'll release more pools soon

>> No.27324725

this is absolute bullshit and proves you are like a 4/10 tier cook. I can throw a roast in an oven and the shit will taste better than most restaurants with minimal effort. this means that you are not a good enough cook to understand how to optimize recipes for time/benefit.

>> No.27324770

>you are literally competing with others for survival, and if you don't have their intellectual gifts (or even if you do) you will need to supplement that with an incredible amount of work.

This is a false "life wisdom" presented to you by the matrix. Hope you can figure out where the lie lies and break free from it. Im the guy thay told you "get a job nigger" btw Im also telling you taking kife as a sacrifce or struggle is a lie, and you should be focusing on working hsrd on the things that make you happy not just "struggling for survival and your piece of the pie"

>> No.27324852

lmao does anywhere even let you invest with just 35 bucks

>> No.27324853
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Yeah, I'm doing this for myself strictly. I do not give a single fuck what people think of me as long as I feel good about myself desu. I think this is why I'm actually making progress this time because the last time I tried this (I was still in highschool), I was doing it to impress girls and realized it wasn't working like I expected and quit. Gotta improov for yourself.
Sounds solid. Remember not to push too hard and to find something that motivates you no matter how silly it is, it's YOUR motivation. I'm mostly driven by anger at this point in my life because of shit that has happened in my life. Also for anime girls. Unironically.
I listen to podcasts and read often. I had to fill my time with something given I quit vidya and jerking off kek
I know I have to be extraordinary to succeed. I want to be great. I'll put in the work like I am now.
Already starting on working out tomorrow actually. Just some simple shit since I have no weights and can't go to a gym for now. Soon though

>> No.27324916

My bank, brother. No fees either. I've tripled the $35 so far.

>> No.27325007

Yeah, we need a Lambo pool hahaha

>> No.27325034

if someone is coming here asking how to make money or get a good job, I am going to explain to them honestly what they are up against. I agree with you 100% and live in a way where I could work at Burger King, but I think someone should tell him what his competition is.
fyi, as an older person, this is for my family. I think it's important for younger people to understand that what I do is for the benefit of my children, not my personal happiness, and that changes my personal dedication.

>> No.27325115

>Cooking is a gigantic time sink for minimal gains
Not really, poor people spend a decent chunk of change on food. They eat a lot of premade and takeout, which really robs you. If you can make quick and easy stuff you do save a lot of money.

>> No.27325230

Who said lambo?

>> No.27325245

you buy BOND (Bonded Finance a hodl for the 100x)

>> No.27325257

I appreciate the reality in your advice, old anon.
Yeah, I would never eat takeout if my parents didn't buy it. Will continue to not buy it once I have a job as well. Waste of money for shit that is bad for you desu

>> No.27325418

Then I hope you are teaching your children to be dilligent and disciplined while also teaching them to be free from the trap- mentality of "life is a struggle and you must constantly struggle for your place under the sun" instead of encouraging them to follow their hearts desires

>> No.27325657

Anon, buy some cheap weights and start lifting. If you cant afford even cheap weights, search for "bodyweight routines" on youtube. I can't adequately describe how much putting on muscle will improve you. Depression recedes, you feel more confident and able to deal with things. Your brain also gets quicker at figuring shit out, your memory gets better, your brain just overall starts working as intended. The healthy body healthy mind meme is 100% true.

>> No.27325798

I have 2 15 lb weights that I can use already because of my dad. Is that good for now? I'll look into ordering better weights once I can use them properly.

>> No.27325923

my goal is to live my life where they won't have to make that choice by necessity.
"I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy"

>> No.27326053

you need more weight, but a job first. nothing builds confidence like seeing huge weight in front of you and moving it.

>> No.27326130

Will do. Guess I'll just start with these for now anyway. I'm not very strong to begin with so any weight is something to me.
>t. 5'5 120 lb skinny manlet

>> No.27326293

do greyskull, then Texas method modified to not look like a trex once you get the weights.

>> No.27326369

>is that good for now
Better than nothing. Start working out. Each week do more than the previous one.
As long as you dont end up like the boomer lawyers who raise hedgefund kids with no moral compass other than "make sure you go to ivy league college for law/medicine" and end up dealing with drug addict kids who cant wait to put you in a nursing home. All Im saying is a person needs to follow their own path and the dictates of their own heart (while guided by their elders so dont just become gay zoomers who cant even change their own oil or think for themselves of course).
Learn to deadlift and squat and do pullups

>> No.27326555

Got it. I was told by football bros that I had a good frame despite being skinny so I think I'll look pretty gud with muscle. My shoulders are broad as fuck kek. Wasted genetics

>> No.27327436

>hs dropout
>work at faang making six figures and have a decent stock portfolio but I have nothing I really want
>spend all my free time working because I've lost interest in games/tv/hobby programming
>still live with parents
>socially retarded, feel like I haven't changed at all in the last 10 years
>never leave my house
>no friends except for one that I struggle to keep interest in me because so little happens in my life
money doesn't buy happiness

>> No.27328547


lmao, fking digital natives and their upcoming suicide threads.
Imma enjoy every last drop of your tears, fking soi.s

>> No.27329580

>>hs dropout
>>work at faang

>> No.27329980

You can go out for a walk. But you even found for that an excuse. This is your problem. Excuses over excuses.

>> No.27330076

went to uni at 21 and did well

>> No.27330405

>>Decided to take LSD

>> No.27330808

Take the armypill anon. Seriously, turn that rage into a useful asset and make a career of it

>> No.27330927

Nigger, the snow is legitimately up to my knee. I am a manlet. I had to go to the store earlier today and that shit was terrible. I fell and my pants got all wet. I'm not going for a fucking walk until the snow melts.

>> No.27331155

Recruiter pls go and stay go
Don't get anon killed or colostomy bag'd for israel

>> No.27331262

It's so fucking good seeing other people determined to improve themselves
Been rolling around in self misery for too long and just woke up about a year ago
Godspeed anon, you sound like you're on a good path