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File: 89 KB, 1427x950, bnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27274228 No.27274228 [Reply] [Original]

How much can one expect to make per day/month staking 1000 BNT?

>> No.27274926

Go to app.bancor.network and do simple math. No one should have to spoon-feed you on questions that are easily answered. But yes you'll make good APY

>> No.27275656

I guess what I am asking is how is it all calculated?

Would get get both the rewards given on the 12 week cycle and a portion of the fees?

Can I set the rewards to auto stake and compound?

>> No.27275855
File: 31 KB, 1350x97, bnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 and a half days

>> No.27276033

Yes you get both, rewards and fees
No, auto stake is not possible atm but they may implement it according to their discord

Dyor, it's worth it

>> No.27276501

I restaked my rewards 4 days ago and right now averaging $100 a day. It really is wild and they're bringing a lot of new ideas on board.. look up the bancor vortex

>> No.27276569


>> No.27276601
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Kek, how much of a newfag are you?

>> No.27276887

if you can't fight them, join them.

>> No.27276990

How fucking retarded are you to pass up free money? Old biz always too butthurt to see value staring it in the face.

OP if you're staking 1k bnt and leave it in the protocol for at least 100 days you'll be happy you did. If you're staking low amounts you'll be pissed off by gas prices though.

>> No.27277126

Is there any reason to stake BNT over the other part of the pair? Don't they give the same rewards?

>> No.27277446

bnt gives x10 more

>> No.27277550

Thanks for this. Vote of confidence.

Thanks, I think I will give it a shot.

>> No.27277565

Bnt stakers get 70% of the rewards in the pool, token stakers get 30%. Bnt APY right now is about 130% tokens are somewhere around 30% depending on which one.

>> No.27277934

Keep in mind pools with more stakers get more fees from swaps since there's more liquidity but pools with less stakers get a higher split of the bnt rewards, so find a good balance between the 2

>> No.27278426

Fuck man I let my LINK stack rot on Binance this entire time... Too bad there's no room left in that pool

>> No.27278513
File: 9 KB, 566x58, Screenshot 2021-01-31 at 22.49.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me the rundown on these two options? Are there any penalties to withdrawing or restaking?

>> No.27278647

literal kike coin

>> No.27278730

If you're patient and check the pool a few times a day you'll find times when you can get in. There was 10k link open for a couple days earlier last week. Just have to be diligent and wait till you can stake all or most of your stack since gas isn't cheap.

>> No.27279028

I was thinking the BNT/USDC pool would be a good one, It looks healthy.

Any recommendations on time frame to stake so as to avoid eth gas prices? Trying to not incur too much in fees between moving the coins to a private wallet and then staking them.

>> No.27279133

No penalties, only has gas fees. Most bnt that has been given out as rewards has been restaked into bancor.

No one gives a fuck about your mongoloid opinion. If you want to make money everyone knows who they should look to but sure remain poor and stupid.

>> No.27279177

Yeah, I have a decent stack at 1.3k and saw 1k space just earlier. Will move to my wallet and keep my eyes open.

>> No.27279187

I'm a CEX normie retard and I honestly don’t know and don’t give a fuck how to stake it, what interests me more is when this piece of shit is finally going to moon

>> No.27279425

General rule of thumb is several years time. It's cheap and unknown so won't be quicker than 3 years.

>> No.27279643

I threw 2 ETH at this the other day when i was drunk and then spent $200 on gas staking it and im starting to think i made a mistake

>> No.27279756

yeah it sort of is retarded right now unless its a bigger amount

>> No.27279818

Can't speak to you but I'm staying locked for rewards indefinitely since they're going to run for at least another year and can be voted to continue.

Ok normie retard keep missing out on free money. Price will slowly go up though 65% of all bnt locked in bancor.

>> No.27279938
File: 386 KB, 2328x1404, Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 9.05.17 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw early adopter

>> No.27280006

Yes gas isn't cheap you should either put a decent amount of your token or bnt in to take advantage or be prepared so stake for a medium/long term.

>> No.27280152
File: 39 KB, 460x397, téléchargement (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I put 3000 BNT about two months ago I now got 1000 BNT as reward for single-sided liquidity providing
This is pretty based

>> No.27280376

holy moly, u made it bro. just hodl and hope for no smartcontract hacks

>> No.27280501

Based Bancor Baller here.

I said the same thing when they released the rewards last week and I saw I made 7.5k bnt in rewards and fees for staking for 2 months. Bancor is absolutely wild and no one knows yet.

>> No.27280629


>> No.27280674

im not sure if i should stake stinkies or convert to bnt then stake that, the rewards are so much higher

>> No.27280718

So I'm curious about inflation and burn rate. Do tokens get burned ever or is the inflation rate variable?

>> No.27280917

>tfw all in on bancor
>tfw only 7500 BNTs

>> No.27281046

Yeah, i put 11k about when you did and the reward I just got was 6900 BNT, which I just restaked...I also converted all my LTC to BNT and added that as well.
bancor is the literal most obvious 20x in crypto/galaxy brain staking position.

>> No.27281426

I think it varies but most bnt is being restaked. Burning of vbnt is coming to the protocol though which I personally think will change bancor into something completely insane but we'll have to see how the economics work out long term.


>> No.27281548

is there impermanent loss pooling with BNT?

>> No.27281741

Up to 100 days, yes. 0% protection from IL up to 30 days of staking, then 30% protection going up 1% a day until 100% protection at 100 days.

>> No.27281954

Bnt make it stack size?

>> No.27282140

afaik the protocol burns BNT on trades, but a volume is not big enough for it to be siginificant.

also whenever a user owned BNT enters the pool it burns the protocol co-invested BNT

>> No.27282223

jessuz this thread is comped it is embarassing

>> No.27283150

Old biz was burned by bancor so everyone hates on it but the potential is massive and the rewards are insane. There's no one talking about it and they aren't really promoting it yet so I don't mind shitting up bancor and defi threads this weekend to let people know how much they could be making by staking bnt.