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File: 155 KB, 1080x1536, realPoorFolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27258605 No.27258605 [Reply] [Original]

What should I do with all this free crypto? What would you do? Am I gonna make it?

>> No.27258653

How does $1.000.000 USD sound?

>> No.27258721

Nigger did you literally just watch all the "get free XXX coin" videos last month and do nothing else?

>> No.27258841

WTF your portfolio is better than mine

>> No.27259274

You are never going to make jack shit, and based on your portfolio I can tell you that your entire existence is nothing but a joke.

>> No.27260158
File: 29 KB, 720x405, 1609970868048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, just used the app and look for free coins every couple days. I have very little money. Having over a hundred is a big deal to me.

>> No.27260297
File: 162 KB, 595x864, anillustrationfromourinheritanceinthegreatpyramidbycharlespiazzismyth18902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't get to choose the life we enter anon, just trying to get ahead in life, hence why I'm here.

>> No.27260376

Every time I complete one of those stupid videos on coinbase it doesn't even tell me if I got the rewards or not. Has coinbase been buggy lately or what?

>> No.27260563

Well stick around for airdrops and give aways from other anons I guess.
Some of us who make it give out free ETH to other anons from time to time.
There was one just a day ago.

>> No.27260756

put it all in to one, their not all gonna pump

>> No.27260843

You're doing good anon. Not everyone has a lot of money.. I hope people like you make it

>> No.27262200
File: 71 KB, 600x850, 1103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the kind words anon. Thinking maybe I convert them all into ETH then maybe wait for the ETH/Link pair to reach a good point to go into Link.

>> No.27262646

what app?

>> No.27263318

Coinbase app

>> No.27264113

Fellow poorfag here, how much do you get from these videos in a month? Thinking if I should get coinbase for it.

>> No.27266054
File: 58 KB, 720x1560, Portfolio as of 11am 1312021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much diversity, in fact it's so diverse I can already hear the call to prayer.

I understand, fren. I may not be poor poor, I have three large cars with v8 engines.

My job is the sole income for my family, my wife and kid depend on me to mark smart choices.

>pic related, it's me.

>> No.27266139

fuckers have not verified my identity yet. Can't get the free coins for the videos..

>> No.27266712
File: 389 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210131-113657_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight boys

>> No.27266913

How does six quadrillion dollars sound?

Not as good as six gorillion, but WGMI.

>> No.27267172

me too. i just got my $600 stimulus finally, and i can FINALLY afford to go to the dentist. having tooth ache for nearly 3 months now. I dont have enough to get everything done do Im just gonna have them pull the teeth that hurt and keep studying web dev (im gettin pretty good i think at least) and i put 10% in a webull account so I can hopefully at least slowly make some money until I can just get dentures :\ eventually if I ever do get a really good dev job or figure out how to trade like you guys maybe I can someday afford to just get implants. i know they are expensive but I'm not a materialistic guy.. I just want my teeth back :( they all fucked up from using drugs when I was younger. I was in and out of jail and now I finally have been clean for about 5 years. I really hope I make it. any TIPS for poorfags you guys have? how far can I make $60 go?

>> No.27267249

good i guess, but your distribution is upside down

>> No.27267383

>To all poorfags with sub 1k folios

You are never going to make it with small amounts of large caps. NEVER.
If you want to have a glimpse of making it you have to gamble on a shitcoin that either has solid fundamentals or it's in an early stage of PnD. Harsh truth. I will throw you a bone tho, if you scramble enough ETH for gas (with good timing you should get the tx through for $15), you should get into TRND, it might do 10-100x depending whether the dev delivers.

Also, what has helped me immensely are projects with airdrops, but not the pajeety one that will give you 2 bucks. CLV airdrop has netted me 400 bucks, for example. Meme/art competitions are where it's at.

Good luck anons and godspeed.

>> No.27267405

As in display or I should distribute the money in the opposite way?

>> No.27268427

do you guys have any tips for new people? with not a lot of money?

>> No.27268562

Read my post above

>> No.27269059

>projects with airdrops
what is this?

>> No.27269201

this 100%
i put 20 dollars into BAO early on and now have 200, same with RBC, put 20 into that early on and now have 150. In a few months I may have 500-1000. Small caps are the key to getting started

>> No.27269263
File: 201 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20210130-195749_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neck me bois.

>> No.27269450
File: 19 KB, 362x603, feeos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel you bro

>> No.27270016

Well, projects that are just starting out and distribute some portion of the supply to the community for free (the most famous one is UNI). You have to spend a lot of time in here and on Twitter to spot these though. They were the shit during defi summer, now not so much...

>> No.27270906

ohh i see. didn't bitcoin do something like that? i watched a few documentaries to understand it better. a bitcoin faucet? where should I look out for these new projects?

>> No.27270974
File: 96 KB, 750x1334, A69AA4EA-26F5-4C15-B872-611363D6CC92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold me bros

>> No.27271316

better idea to just focus on your web dev shit and get good at that. invest in yourself at this point in your life before thinking about turning $60 into $6000 through some meme coin.
gamble your money after you have a base

>> No.27271359

Yeah, there were faucets very early on. Faucets are a legacy way of distribution right now though and I don't know if any coin has these. Your best bet is to look for promising projects here and on Twitter (look for folks who shilled airdrop coins like $CLV, $1inch etc)

>> No.27271509

THIS 100%
You will just waste your precious time turning shit into shit. Focus on your skills and make money employing them.

>> No.27271703

Sorry anon but 60$ is nothing. You will spend half of that money in transaction and comission fees, and be left with even less. I say it's pointless in your case. Just save up more if you can, my first purchase was 150€ which went to 200$ in a few months, and that is a lot easier to work with at least simply because it doesn't take away 10% of your ether every time you exchange a token

>> No.27271846
File: 675 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20210131-153352_CoinMarketCap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I make it bros

>> No.27271885

I'm doing web dev stuff every day.. I would get a job here but I've applied to every place around me and no one will hire me because I'm a felon from my drug addiction. 5 years clean though and I've been doing web dev for 2 years. I love it a lot, it's so much more fun than anyone told me, you can literally make anything you want it's awesome. anyway, I wanted to at least start some investing be it memecoins, land, stonks.. and I'm alright with losing $60 because at the very least, I'll learn something and become better. I'm currently making projects for my portfolio and then apply for dev positions. the project I'm working on now is really complicated though, I have to keep restructuring the data because I realize how things are going to have to work with other components etc it's really confusing sometimes, but rewarding. i figured out I'm going to wait a little while and see what happens, and keep reading about this stuff. I want a good understanding before I blindly throw my money at nigcoin or whatever. appreciate the advice tho. I'm doin the best I can im gonna make it brooooooos!!!!!

>> No.27271969

I never was into airdrops but I did see several websites that compiled and constantly updated lists of airdrops. It might be worth to look there too for any coins you hold

>> No.27272154

Buy VeChain you're only hope of making it would be if VET Supply chain took off in a few years.

Or buy RBC but a $100 stack of RBC isn't what it used to be.

Everything else is closed off to you.

>> No.27273737

Try Upwork or Freelancer. Tons of pajeets here but you can make at least a little bit of money if they literally won't hire you anywhere else.
Best of luck and keep grinding anon, best of luck to you, you can do it.

>> No.27274016

I've done a few jobs on Upwork but most of them just require too much, I'm starting to become more confident in my abilities though. I want to start applying to the better paying jobs on upwork. never heard of Freelancer though, I'm going to take a look at that. thanks bro. we're all gonna make it.