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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 443 KB, 1372x1220, shibacoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27256464 No.27256464 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe I'm finally gonna make it... After all I've lost over the years.
I think I'm gonna cry

>> No.27256534

sitting on 350b SHIB. Nice return and still flying high.

>> No.27256542

This, unironically

>> No.27256621


I feel the same.
It's crazy.

>> No.27256683

100b reporting in. I have never seen such a good return

>> No.27256768

I have 3b SHIB from 14 bucks including fees. I'm up 43 bucks so that's cool but I'm waiting to withdraw since eth fees make me want to die

>> No.27256871
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, leash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget leash boys. i told you guys it was going to explode insanely as shiba does. i have been right but it's not even close to too late. mcap of 500k. this could hit 10 million easily with the gains seen from shib.


I hold both btw both since the beginning when shibs total pooled eth was like 1

>> No.27257050
File: 79 KB, 1024x898, 1611728734572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have 33 billion but I'm feeling pretty comfy right now, I've never been this early on something

>> No.27257147

Anyone think it's a good idea to add liquidity in a shiba/ether pool at this time?

>> No.27257158


>> No.27257234
File: 176 KB, 480x480, 130886765_478526923130644_587547357078214694_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, we're gonna make it bros. Sell this to the redditors for the love of god.

yea still early

>> No.27257249

Kill yourself pajeet

>> No.27257521

Time to shill to the normies they will eat this up. say shit like OmG Shiba inu is soo cute. lmalo

was too lazy to get it yesterday but put in $28 today sitting on 1.4B

>> No.27257691

Not even slightly Indian, its normal to be jealous of those mooning without you, but it doesn't have to be that way.

>> No.27258392

There’s no point to this project existing and we all know it.

>> No.27258403


>> No.27258554

where can I buy?

>> No.27258706

also interested

>> No.27258745

27 dollar gas fee for a 15 dollar swap
>ETH is dead

>> No.27258792

>thinks there is a point to any cryptocurrency existing

good one anon

>> No.27258822


>> No.27258850

There is no project, it's just a p&d scam aimed at attracting all the DOGE ledditors

>> No.27258929
File: 84 KB, 444x935, shib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27259044

To anybody who wants to buy this right now, you are being shilled a shitcoin so the ones who bought 3 days ago can dump their bags on you

>> No.27259227


i read the same days ago. glad i didn't listen.

>> No.27259335

I accidentally sold my shibs this morning on a missclick and feel like shit... I could be making so much... Is it even worth it to buy in now? It feels like it'll stop at any moment

>> No.27259417

Lmao enjoy loosing it all in the dump phase of this literal shitcoin

>> No.27259487


i dunno dude. i'm still buying the dips tho.
it's still so small.. there's no reason to believe it doesn't have steam left in it.

>> No.27259494

Why is that a problem?

>> No.27259638

Sorry I doubted you guys last night. Already up 100%

>> No.27259731

I guess it might be worth to buy the next dip... I'm just worried that it'll dump HARD and then gas fees will make me lose loads

>> No.27259839

Are we not doing DONUT any more?