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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27246856 No.27246856 [Reply] [Original]

>sunday morning
holy fuck i cannot wait until these r*ddit niggers are destroyed by talmudic magic on monday.

>> No.27246879


>> No.27246950

Just lurk at the market at open tomorrow and sell at the morning peak as all the buy orders from normies go through.

>> No.27246997


>> No.27247076

True. The billboards and the airplanes will bring the last batch of bag holders in. After it surges tomorrow i'm selling before they can even get off work to think about it. Crafty reddit using ads to save people who are in the know of being last ones out.

>> No.27247135


I'm cheering for the jews because I hate normies more than jews.

>> No.27247246
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>Why yes, I do own GME
>My entry? $300

>> No.27247382


If you only got $500 to your name then that's still an intelligent play anon

>> No.27247442
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i got in at $75 and got out at $300. it's near the peak, there will be no short squeeze. the only additional upward movement will be retards FOMOing into it with the robingoyim 2 share purchase limits followed by crabbing followed by panic selling with smart jews shorting the top.

you know it's the top when you see billboards advertising GME stock diamond hands, when the redditstreetbets discord is full of 18 year olds and literal niggers spamming rocket emojis so hard it crashes the server every 2 minutes.

>> No.27247501

If by intelligent you mean fucking retarded then yes.

>> No.27247607
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prepare yourselves for Monday, gentlemen. it will be the biggest day of your life...

>> No.27247624

The problem with what you're saying it that you may also be a meme: way too many may start selling prematurely tomorrow.

The true interesting thing here is that this is THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY that this has happened.

There has never been a gigantic army of millionss of normies wanting to buy.

>> No.27247675

+1 shekel for your account

>> No.27247763

>it's different this time
you are so fucking naive

>> No.27247791

1. go back to r*ddit
2. you will not win
3. i hope you lose everything

>> No.27247838

It's different because of the SCALE. Name one other instance in history of millions (literally millions) of normies wanting to buy.

Those retards will probably keep buying into Thursday and possibly put it to $10k temporarily.

>> No.27247852


>Putting $300 for 15 shares
>Selling 15 shares for $5400
>"fucking retarded"

Lol ok boomer

>> No.27247863

>1-2% of the population has been subverting the masses for thousands of years for incredible success

>> No.27247922

Name one other instance in history, of so many interested normies at the same time.

I know what you're saying but the SCALE is novel.

>> No.27247932

Go buy 50$ in boomer stock every week and get back to me

>> No.27247948

But what happens if more people want to buy shares than shares that exist?

>> No.27248003

They are gonna make lots of money at the hedge funds expense and when it’s done bleeding them out things will blow over and they will move into another area

>> No.27248040

>Name one other instance in history of millions (literally millions) of normies wanting to buy.
The dotcom bubble you stupid fucking nigger


>> No.27248074

bitcoin 2017

did we just forget about that whole thing or something

>> No.27248163
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>> No.27248180

>what happens when demand exceeds supply
gee i dunno. quite a mystery

>> No.27248247


Fond memories of convincing a friend of a coworker to buy btc from me for cash in a suitcase after I discovered they had remortgaged their house to buy BTC at the peak

LOL it crashed like a week later and he panicked and sold for a huge loss

>> No.27248297


>> No.27248334

>posts pic of boiler-room bubble when we are talking about short squeeze
At least fucking try you stupid idiot.

>> No.27248360

>Thinks GME is going over $400 again

Truly retarded.

>> No.27248361
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>> No.27248378

these dummies don't know the difference

>> No.27248493


>Thinks that just because Reddit knows about it that means normies know about it

Listen until fucking Karen and Jack on Facebook start talking about Gamestop stock, this ride isn't over.

Why do you think there are so many advertisements? Now it is the time to get the dumb money in and profit hard.

>> No.27248536

I've heard this claimed unironically more than once

>> No.27248593

>talmudic magic on monday
NYSE will be closed due to winter weather on Monday. That's when the Moloch sacrifices will occur.

>> No.27248628

Can the hardly boys held us with this mystery?

>> No.27248651
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my 4x gains are locked in and cashed out. you are bagholding $300 cost basis meme stocks in some ridiculous misguided hope that it will skyrocket to $1200 to match my gains. no, i am not the stupid idiot. you are the stupid idiot, and you should go back to r*ddit with the rest of the stupid idiots.

>> No.27248701

>it's literally one hedgie with a folder full of soijacks shitting up the entire board
Time to pay interest on your shorts hedgie!

>> No.27248767

you're kidding right? my normie coworkers were takling about GME and AMC and NOK and SNDL on wednesday and thursday afternoon. it's been all over local, national, and international news. the white house and regulators are acutely aware of it. everyone already knows.

>> No.27248801

>my 4x gains are locked in and cashed out
Let's see how quick the hedgie stops posting when asked for proof.

>> No.27248813

>soijack poster
You realise everyone with a brain automatically discards your opinion when you do this, right?

>> No.27248844

>he's bragging about a 4x
are you sure you're not the one who should be going back

>> No.27248916

It keeps going up until the needed amount is sold.

>> No.27248955

watch this shit monday nigger

>> No.27248959
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Really, though, (((trickery))) will fix the price and/or halt trading if things start to get more out of hand than they already are. In addition to losing a shitload of money, (((they))) can't afford to ruin the image of "Biden's economy", especially so soon after inauguration.

>> No.27249099

ThIs TiMe iS DiFfErEnT

>> No.27249102

if you're admitting that they need (((trickery))) to stop GME from going up, then you're admitting it's a good buy right now

>> No.27249153
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>>Putting $300 for 15 shares
>>Selling 15 shares for $5400
>>"fucking retarded"
>Lol ok boomer
I like this guy

>> No.27249174

He can't even keep his fucking story straight, lmao

>> No.27249189

Anyone who thinks this is remotely close to the dot com bubble is fucking retarded. Please remind me when during the dot com bubble an international group of millions targeted stocks with shorts greater than the available float? Oh yeah, fucking never and has absolutely no relation to what happened in the dot com era.

>> No.27249245

Why are you retards conveniently ignoring the scale of naked shorting that took place and made this situation possible in the first place?

>> No.27249286

Because everyone here is a shill, a kike, or a retard shilling for one of the two or both.

>> No.27249389

You are delusional.
Half of the world cant buy GME because this stock is so shitty that brokers dont even list it anywhere.

>> No.27249469

Don't come crying to me when the SEC/govt erases your gains due to "bad actors" in the market. They'll take the "high road" and not actually charge you with any crimes (because they really can't and there are too many people involved), but they WILL take your money.

>> No.27249541

Bro you’re retarded, this has gone as mainstream as possible.

>> No.27249640

You need to leave your basement

>> No.27249655

>all these retards coping that they don't have any $GME
unironically bullish as fuck

>> No.27249769


>> No.27249773

I think the ride comes to a crashing halt by mid week latest. Price action similar to last Thursday but it doesn't recover this time.

>> No.27249833

Oh no OP. We're "waiting for the GAMMA SQUEEZE to get SQUOZE on friday"
Two more weeks bud trust the plan, Q
Worked out great for doge didn't it.
Truth is when the music stops all that hype goes straight into the fucking trashcan. Reality hits for these dudes who believed it was really a blank check like reddit told them when they see -40% and they dump it before their savings are gone. Some unlucky fucks will hold it all the way to the bottom and become completely unfixable bagholders.
Literally every single bubble in human history.
Let me guess: "a short squeeze can't be a bubble"
Because it's seriously stupid to think those original shorts are still short. What do you think this was? Secular 10x price increase in a week? I guess I'm not surprised since most people doing this never heard of a short squeeze before and don't even know how they work.

>> No.27249836
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>> No.27249877

Ya I've actually started cheering or the hedgefunds now... The gmetards started off strong and I was actually having to stop myself and do double-takes throughout the day asking;
>Am I actually agreeing with reddit here?
I was on their side. But this is just getting insufferable now and I hope we go back to normies just getting rekt by the markets again soon. You guys are so fucking annoying it actually makes me want the backstabbing, backroom-dealing kvetchers to win.

Maybe the jews were right and dumb money is better left out of the markets

>> No.27249899

>(((they))) can't afford to ruin the image of "Biden's economy"

Then they’re gonna have to capitulate, because nothing will ruin the image of Biden’s economy like a shitload of normies losing the closest thing they’ll ever get to another stim check.

>> No.27249940

Greedy normies come in clusters

>> No.27249985


>> No.27250077

What specifically is your problem? Just don't join the thread if you're that bothered, faggot. I came her to make fun of them and you're hust being a whining faggot.

>> No.27250080

I'm cross, on one hand, I'd love to make a ton of quick money. On the other, I could see redditors jumping off roofs. It's hard to decide which I prefer.

>> No.27250188
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Fellas, what can you say about the BAEX exchange(#baex)? There are a lot of tweets about this defi binary platform, and I want to know your opinion. Because blockchain binary can be profitable for users. I checked their referral and bonus programs, 4% of all earnings sounds nice

>> No.27250228

lol, I'd love to see them try to rollback the stock market.

>> No.27250245

I admire the fighting spirit, but reread my post, Im agreeing with you, lol.

>> No.27250271

get out of my thread you fucking subhuman curry nigger or i will flay you to the bone and dig a hole through your chest cavity with a pair of needle nose pliers

>> No.27250276

completely unrelated. fuck off paid shillbot.

>> No.27250316

>nothing will ruin the image of biden's economy like all those kids that aren't yet of voting age having their unrealized gains wiped out
absolutely retarded take

>> No.27250434

It's amazing how in the past three days, you kike shills have ramped up operations. Get fucked JIDF.

>> No.27250451

They already have you retard
You are late
You are bagholding
A month ago, $300 was the end goal, now all you retards have bought in and are expecting $4500

>> No.27250507

All they have to do is time it with the $2k stimmy checks. That'll pacify the majority of people who got in on the GME train or wanted to get in. Only a small number of people will protest, and they'll be vilified as "greedy alt-right market manipulators" or something similar. They'll probably bring up something about how BIPoC investors didn't have any opportunity to get in on the market to spin the whole thing as a social wedge.

>> No.27250526

Just sold my dialysis machine for more $GME wish me luck you pants shitting drooling retards

>> No.27250541


>> No.27250778

shut up kike

>> No.27250802

Seethe more normie.

>> No.27250893

>i bought my first stock literally 3 days ago
>but trust me, GME will absolutely hit $10,000
>it's called a short squeeze
>you can read about it on reddit

>> No.27250932

Listen someone explain something to me.

Push comes to shove won't the broker or whoever is responsible for borrowed shares renegotiate their contracts with the lenders? And compensate them with cash or other securities?

If so I don't see how this can trigger a financial crisis or whatever people are saying.

>> No.27250997

Post your transaction statement then. I have not seen a single one all weekend despite hundreds of fucking soijack/smug posts saying they've dumped their bags and are advising people to get out.
Just post the fucking screenshots.

>> No.27251109
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>> No.27251178

So much FUD.

>> No.27251185
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>if by X you mean opposite of X then yes

>> No.27251263

do schizos really?

>> No.27251273

It can't...
The sell-off during the second half of last week just a market correction timed coincidentally with the rise of Gamestop.
No one with half a brain believes that all the hedge funds implicated in this (which are somehow all the hedge funds on Wall street but only when they talk about the market crashing) will have to liquidate their blue chip holdings in order to stay solvent.

>> No.27251291

kike detected

>> No.27251382

But they're doing that at the moment. Melvin sold their stake in Alibaba for example.

>> No.27251393

GME is advertised on CNN. How many times do you have to have it explained to you that normies know?

>> No.27251565

0.1 cents have been distributed to your account. Thanks for keeping Wall Street #GMECLEAN

>> No.27251881


>> No.27251952

Still looking for an answer: Can/will the share loans be renegotiated?

>> No.27252003

I know (tho pretty sure they were also shorting Baba so they had to cover, could be wrong) but there are all of two hedge funds impacted by this GME stuff: Melvin and Citron. Every publication on this 'GME market crash' makes it seem as though every single hedgefund is going to liquidate everything the have at the same time just to stay afloat, when only two are involved.

>> No.27252042

The current option Bid per share is by around 5000. The shorts are bleeding nad if everybody holds it's going to blast off.

>> No.27252063

ITT: jealous incels who'd rather side with billionaire kikes instead of admitting Reddit won.

Kill yourselves.

>> No.27252160

Can someone explain to me how it is that I'll get fucked over if I buy an 01/23 $100p on GME? I don't really understand how Vega eats away profits from long dated options like this.

>> No.27252164

Lol better go with the market than agianst it. I'm in, many other people are joining. I want that money you dumb fags, you can keep your hate for Reddit this time and say broke.

>> No.27252197

SELLING? no lol.
i'm BUYING shorts like groceries tomorrow.
it's the only smart move right now. this is going to be epic.

>> No.27252208

this. fucking pathetic

>> No.27252267

I'm not arguing the normes don't know you autist, ofc the normes that's how we to where we are now. But as with any social media outrage, once the fad ends the memory fades fast.

>> No.27252296

>le leddit won
One who puts on his armor should not boast like one who takes it off

>> No.27252307
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>when your gme cost basis is $33 per share

>> No.27252420

It's so explicit it's almost funny

>> No.27252455

Where is the short squeeze?

>> No.27252478

Go back cancer

>> No.27252512

have sex, incel

>> No.27252553

it's not a physical thing anon, it's not actually in some place

>> No.27252635

God why is the internet so fucking stupid i can't post on reddit because i dont have karma or whatever and i can't post here because everyone is a retarded fuck

>> No.27252643

nigga you are still long on a stock
nigga you didn't even know what a short squeeze is till 2 days ago

>> No.27252673

this post reeks reddit

>> No.27252850


>> No.27252940

you can blame all the people trying to spread FUD just like this OP is doing, so you can't post without karma on reddit. it makes sense. as you can see OP loves shorts and is about to get ASS FUCKING REAMED and is trying to make you panic sell. watch his new thread next week when he posts his loss porn

>> No.27252959

Of course. I agree that not every HF will be implicated in this. In fact, many other institutions are taking the other side of the bet.
Melvin, however, has a gang of merry followers who copy their trades and they along with Melvin will be financially destroyed from this.
A lot of fund managers are going to get very rich off this and this isn't over yet.

>> No.27252965

>yeah man Muelwin Kapital will dm you and ask to buy your shares bro, just say you won't sell for less than 10k, he is forced to buy them bro
>diamond hands bro its like u hold the stock and u get infinite money
>but it's not about the money, it's about sending a message

>> No.27253075

Kill yourself Shlomo. I hate Ledditors too but I would certainly side with them over kikes.

>> No.27253092

Every financial forum out there is pro AMC and pro holding and that alone is pretty bullish. /biz/ is the only site that is bearish about AMC. We all know there are high risks, but it is possible that I get some fast money. The short percentage on AMC's float is at 75% +/- which is high enough to be taken advantage off. Especially when all the normies go in dumb in high risk stocks because they wann teach Wallstreet a lesson. Idgaf about that, I just wanna get rich.
And btw I normally don't hang out around here, but do you guys really just invest in shitcoin and some other retard cryptos??

>> No.27253296

I bet some HF are in long in GME too. For them it's a great opportunity, get rich while fucking over the competitors

>> No.27253312

>And btw I normally don't hang out around here, but do you guys really just invest in shitcoin and some other retard cryptos??


>> No.27253447

Kek. /b/ is my home but ok, I'm sure I'm better off with wallstreetbets financial advice as with /biz/'s.

>> No.27253488
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>> No.27253515

>buy GME for the meme
>buy GME for the short squeeze
>buy GME to take down hedge funds
>we're going to $1k
>just hodl until Jan 29
>we'll hit $1k eventually
>keep hodling because reasons
>if you don't buy at the top and lose all your money you're a shill
>it's not about making money, it's about sending a message that's already been sent
>buy GME on Monday, even if it's just a fraction of a share
>if you spend your money on anything that isn't GME you're a kike
you are here
>sell your children into sex slavery to buy GME
>GME is hitting $1k by EOY, diamond hands
>not buying GME is worse than the Holodomor
>Hitler would've gassed anyone who doesn't hodl GME for 1000 years
>ok let's make it 12
>if you don't kill yourself in your GME bunker you're a kike
>GME hodler colonies in Argentina
>there's an alternate reality in hollow earth where GME UFOs used lasers to evaporate the hedge fund kikes

>> No.27253667

Absolutely. GS and Blackrock are long GME too.
I should talk to some of my friends in London who work for hedge funds and see what they've got to say about the whole situation.

>> No.27254314

Make sure to post it if you do. And pls do tell that AMC will go to the fucking moon, will ya?

>> No.27254645

Yeah I'd never post the opinions of people in hedge funds.

>> No.27255135

>Worked out great for doge didn't it.
Most people aren't interested in buying meme coins

>> No.27255189

So, some Jews got pricked! Do they bleed shekels?

>> No.27255253

Doge is a shitcoin that isn't 130% shorted like GME.

>> No.27255372

/biz/ is only bearish because 4chan gets off on being contrarian.

>> No.27255445

Drink some water

>> No.27255575


>> No.27255606

How do you actually try to play this, waiting for the stock to collapse ?

I'm thinking about buying FEB 12 100 PUT ..

>> No.27256070

shut up kike / goy race traitor