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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 223 KB, 1080x1294, FatChinaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27229601 No.27229601 [Reply] [Original]

What will Sergey present? Same slides?

Will he explain how decentralised oracles could have prevented the situation in which millions of Investors are part of right now?

>> No.27230363

Steaking on binance confirmed frens wtf wtf

>> No.27230521

Ohh yes I love me some Sergey. Do you think he ever launders that shirt, or does he just put it back on day after day?

>> No.27230546

why does he always wear the same crusty shirt

>> No.27230627

god sergey is so fucking hot with that look. its like he's looking straight into my soul whispering in my ear "we're all gonna make it"

>> No.27230655

When he changes it it's time to sell

>> No.27230693

can't wait to watch the same slides again

>> No.27230762

He fell for the cukerberg same outfit meme

>> No.27231050

If he wears the same shirt on more time I promise to market sell my suicide stack that hasn't moved for 700+ days

>> No.27231144

REEF to the moon sirs

>> No.27231891

It's just 30mins, won't be anything.

>> No.27232117
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1598383409750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you all for attending our virtual Binance Conference. Today is a special day, we are announcing ALL our partners!
>Thousands of logos flash on the screen, literally every company you heard of is partnered with LINK
But we are especially proud to announce our final partner. Final solution, if you please.
>Giant swastika flashes on the screen.
>Giant oven heats up behind Sergey
Feeding real data to a blockchain is not enough! We are going to feed them REAL PEOPLE!
>You hear muffled "Please let me out!" coming out of the oven
>Camera switches to inside view of the oven, there are people with huge nasal features chainlinked to the floor
Guys, please, can you be quite for a minute? We are all in this together!
To limit our supply, and create additional demand for our token, we announce that, starting from NOW, you can STAKE your tokens, but fuck with this DeFi bullshit, because now you can also BURN your LINK! I know you all gonna ask - why would I ever want to burn my linkies? The answer lies in the burn contract - for every LINK burned, we gonna burn one of the jews, niggers, trannies, and if we ever run out of them, we still have chinks, spics, women, and paje-- *oh, they are our major holders? Fuck* ahem-- pakistanis!
>even though it's a virtual conference, you hear loud applause coming from somewhere
To spice things up...
>Sergey opens his 595mil LINK wallet
...i'm gonna commence the cleansing of which the world never seen before
>he sends them all to burn contract
>ground shakes beneath you, you hear distant explosions, there are fires and people screeming outside your house
>huge 100 ft Sergey crashes the city, erupting fire out of his mouth
>you open CMC
>LINK skyrockets to $1488
>You go to bed and sleep with a happy smile on your face. For the first time in your life, you are sure the future is gonna be alright.

>> No.27232130

Thats how them ruskies roll.

>> No.27232281
File: 644 KB, 1080x3218, 4746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah just a coincidence that Sergey is the biggest KeyNote speaker of the SC conference of the most important crypto exchange in existence (coinbase burgershit doesn't count)

>> No.27232383

This. Think I'm just going to go have a nice long nap, I'm pretty sleepy bros.

>> No.27232471

I don't think he is going to release anything new, he will probably save it all for smartcon this year

>> No.27232507

Have a deserved (you)

>> No.27232583
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>> No.27232628
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>> No.27232754

I am. This will be a marketing disaster for Cheng. Should have build on LINK and not Band. Kek. Good bye binance smart chain 1.0

>> No.27232766

Additionally, do you seriously believe that CZ won't cash in the current anti-american WallStreet hype? I believe he will spill the beans regarding the usage of chainlink in favour of """helping the average Joe""". CZ is the most hype driven ubercapitalist and you know that. He will try to ride the GME wave as much as possible. Perfect timing as well tomorrow...............the timing is way to good.........b-bros?

>> No.27232813

same shirt
same slides
same price

>> No.27232839

I subscribed to the Binance YT channel, but do you also need to register to see it live?

>> No.27232859

TFW gotten more unique shirts from sergey than I've seen him wear (2)

>> No.27232908

Theoretically no but j would regardless. After the Nick Ger situation during smartcon they might restrict certain functions for non-registered anons.

>> No.27232947

I swear it's the same guy writing these small stories. All of these are so well written, I can picture all the details vividly.

>> No.27232979

can any of you chainlink faggots explain exactly HOW Sir Gay's project actually delivers value, and how this SlavMutt's shitcoin differs from the gazillions of pajeet scam pump n dumps

>> No.27233044
File: 2 KB, 125x121, 1604399688484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After the Nick Ger situation
Good times, bros... good times.

>> No.27233069

>opening act on a Monday
It’s nothing

>> No.27233175

>they might restrict certain functions for non-registered anons
What if I just want to watch?

>> No.27233190

can you go back into lurk mode old fag

>> No.27233199

You must be a newfag. This is good news, which means link will dump hard.

>> No.27233212

Lmao underline more why don't you.

It's a 30 minute intro fireside chat shared with some other guy. There's absolutely no announcement coming.

>> No.27233261

You got any screenshots? I wasn't able to find any at all and forgot to make some myself lmao.

>> No.27233343


>> No.27233539

What total weird trend based hopium. Sergey is literally doing the chat WITH hedge fund representative.

>> No.27233674

No he doesn't

>> No.27233834
File: 908 KB, 900x841, 1606864844669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Linkies have not yet learned how to embrace their Schwabish roots. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Link is not going to be the monolithic sergeyposters that they once were in the last decade. The Schwablord is going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Chainlink to make. They are now going into a Schwab mode, and schizos will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Chainlink will not survive.

>> No.27233851

It's a crypto hedge fund. So the David dude from arc will cash into the hype as well.

>> No.27234652

It's the only mass produced shirt that fits his obese body and it costs 1 million dollars per shirt. Sergey made the vaporware LINK token specifically to buy new shirts, as well as fund his Big Mac addiction. Don't buy this 'linkchain' scam, it's getting investigated by the SEC - the 'Shirts and Eating Commission'.

>> No.27234793

Yes het literally is but at this point you're just clearly so lazy you haven't even checked the details.

>> No.27234855

I thought Slavs hated Germans?

>> No.27235003

welcome to r/pol/ the shithole of the internet.