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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 342 KB, 2000x1286, amc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27194637 No.27194637 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who didn't buy 1,000 shares @ $13.00 is NGMI

>> No.27194701

you're a fucking retard and you deserve what's coming to you monday. GME is the only meme stock worth investing in.

>> No.27194812

Couldn't agree with you more

>> No.27194915

Please be careful anons.

AMC is not gamestock.

AMC/NOK/BB/DOGE are distractions to syphon money away from the actual unicorn GME.

You may get fucked.

>> No.27194926

sorry pal but silver is the next play, then comes palladium, then comes gen 1 yu gi oh cards

>> No.27194929

Couldn't disagree with you more.

>> No.27194943

GME is done, the kikes can eternally crab it at $300

>> No.27194956

Don't let your memes be memes

>> No.27194975
File: 32 KB, 726x413, ANUDASHOAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WRONG. We were mooning until we got jewed. Both have been following each other. Only real difference is we are still early.

>> No.27195014

and for everyone who's going to bitch and moan and call me a faggot. i'm currently holding 50 shares of AMC. i know i'll never make back my initial investment but i don't care

>> No.27195023

articulate, specifically, why you think that

>> No.27195157

nice try hedgie

>> No.27195161

GME is in a better position but has already gone parabolic

amc is new, it has less total growth potential but it hasn't really boomed yet

if you bought in GME a long time ago sure, but amc is a better buy now

dyor faggot

>> No.27195223

>WRONG. We were mooning until we got jewed. Both have been following each other. Only real difference is we are still early.
This. If wasn't for robinhood's shenanigans this would have broke $30

>> No.27195284
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"epic reddit short big chungus squeezerino incoming next week guys"

>> No.27195309

Just buy both. What kind of idiot doesn't diversify a bit?

>> No.27195311

Well I can hold them eternally at 300 too, it costs me 0 to do so

>> No.27195372

we didn't even get past 16 on friday, what the fuck are you smoking

>> No.27195408

GME is done mooning, the market cap is too high and Melvin already sold. AMC is the only right play.

>> No.27195459

>thinks AMC will do the same as GME
<AMC (and all the rest of hype-stocks) has practically identical graphs as GME already

--> enjoy ur distraction, melvin bot

>> No.27195527

gme is done son

>> No.27195568

couldnt buy more than 10 on Friday

>> No.27195580

Fuck off nigger. The only reason we may lose in the end is that wall street and their hedgies blatantly showed everyone the game is rigged and bought up stocks while we couldn't for cheap. They very well may dump on us if it starts mooning again but that will happen to GME stock as well. This is war.

>> No.27195665

>gme is done son
Yes the gme rocket is done fueling up. Stand by for launch

>> No.27195767

here do some simple math retard
how shorted is AMC right now? go ahead and check moron and then COPE because you ain't got any

>> No.27195790

If you don't know the reason for that then you are either a shill or haven't been paying attention. The fact that we stayed above 10 Friday shows how many people are in on this. They still blocked buying more than 1-5 shares on Friday and people have money locked into robinhood that they have to wait to be transfered out to invest somewhere else. All this while hedgies had time to buy shares and put up sell walls.

>> No.27195824

but but le epic reddit big chungus squeeze??

>> No.27195837

this but honestly I wonder do people really thing GME is going to burst again? KEK anyone holding now is going to be left bag holding GME

>> No.27195920

explain it to me like I'm 5

>> No.27195970

It could pop a little more, but with all the Jewish tricks stopping people from buying it isn't going to

>> No.27196065

Current Short Volume: 44,670,000 shares
Outstanding Shares: 52,070,000 shares
then look at the fucking volume that was done on Friday 602,193,320 shares

>> No.27196092

Fuck AMC,GME 1k next week (not financial advice)

>> No.27196232

that's the only worry but hopefully people are smart enough to use a real broker or fuck even cashapp which allows you to buy stocks just limits the # of weekly transactions

>> No.27196257
File: 812 KB, 569x657, Apply pressure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"LE EPIC MEME WAR!! They are totally overplaying their hands and people ARE waking up!! You just have to hold bro, like DON'T take profits. It's totally not about the money. Diamond hands!"

>> No.27196412

If it gets over $500 again they're going to shut it down. You know it's true. AMC has more upward potential now.

>> No.27196471

You're the only retards still holding thses reddit memes, they already mooned if you didn't cash out GME or AMC when they were at ATH then you guys are really fucking retarded

>> No.27196524

>haha AMC rocketo emojo moon emojo
>we will be on the moon guys

ff monday:
>AMC starts at 13
>jumps up to 15
>goes back to 13
>decreases to 12
>goes back to 13
and that's how it is gonna be all day long. you guys need to stop being delusional. AMC will never break past 13, hell not even 15-17 range. screencap this and eat shit on monday you faggots

>> No.27196531


100 shares @ $6.50

>> No.27196697

but weddit twold mwe about chungus big squeezerinoooooooooooo

AMC will be at le 420.69 EOW hahaa

>> No.27197009

it's called gambling for a reason. the new york gambling exchange. i dont give a fuck if i'm gunna lose my money, it's an opportunity to get some

>> No.27197086

did you sell ?

>> No.27197217

no i'm still holding. i may shit on AMC but that's because this stock has no future. people are just hyping it up.

>> No.27197303
File: 28 KB, 419x444, 1570215514939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autists make clearing houses go bust
>robinhood & other retail brokers go bust too
>all those unrealized gains will never be realized
history repeats itself

>> No.27197354
File: 16 KB, 247x129, RobbinHood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to buy more on RH.

>> No.27197408

Nice. Depressed AMC bros. I bought at 19 so fuck yeah I'm holding. I'm a dumb fuck. What else can I do but hold?

>> No.27197481
File: 275 KB, 1176x2230, diamond_hand_energy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27197641

my buddy got 700 at like $2...
I'm so fucking pissed we started investing together meanwhile he's made it big and im stuck with only 10 FUCKING GME

>> No.27197783

I have heard that so much all of the sudden but still no proof and the volume and panic. Almost like someone wants people to sell at open on Monday because the do not want to cover.....

>> No.27197808

AMC insider here (my relative is an executive), they are introducing a massive advertising campaign to advertise a new streaming service and streaming box, private merger with Roku, wait for retail investors to panic sell, buy on mid February, and the news will break early March screencap this post

>> No.27197899

I'm new what app should I dl and is it too late maybe I'll buy 100 shares by open

>> No.27197977

yeah and i'm bill gates himself shitposting on /biz/ discussing meme stocks. nice to meet you.

>> No.27198005

100% Agee. AMC is stupid shit.

>> No.27198044


>> No.27198178

Kek, nice try. Not bagholding this garbage.

>> No.27198298

This, stop listening to the sudden influx of shills and reddit faggots wanting to steal your money. GME has peaked and they want you to buy high to hold the bag. AMC is still not at its price target of 100 to 500 USD. The shorts have not been covered. They had to close at 9USD on Friday and it closed at 13+. They are fucked. DO NOT SELL unless it moons hard and you really need the money. Do not buy reddits GME bags. Do not buy hedgie bags.

>> No.27198370

I'm new to this board can someone redpill me on GME, I've heard about ti everywhere, what's the big buzz?

>> No.27198635

is this what you're talking about because it already exists nigger. Don't get my hopes up just to shitpost or I will find you and throw eggs down your chimney

>> No.27198643

bunch of people gang up to fuck some hedge funds. this move will collapse the entire financial system. many of the people who will make crazy unrealized gains won't be able to cash out because their broker, clearing firms etc will be insolvent. it will be glorious.

>> No.27198730

either amazing quality bait or gtfo new fag. Either way, here is a (you)

>> No.27198935

Stop yelling guys, there are still a FUCK TON of shorts out there. The longer we hold, the longer the price stays up, the more interest the shorts have to bleed and thus the more money we make in equity.


>> No.27199019
File: 381 KB, 600x655, 1584848217537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I wonder do people really thing GME is going to burst again?
Maybe the fact that shorts have yet to capitulate? There is still at least 75% short interest


>> No.27199177

So GME is shorted for 140% of its stocks while AMC is shorted 80%. yes both are high but 140% is still orders of magnitute higher and literally never seen before except maybe Volkswaggon in 2008

Now... im new here to /biz/ but if there is one thing I understand its the movie industry

AMC WILL fail and was correctly being shorted by other industries for THREE reasons

1. Its a Chinese company, no guarantee they wont fuck with their investors.

2. As a chinese company they are limited heavily from pumping foreign assets into their failing company to keep it afloat.

3. The entire media/corporate establishment is trying to destroy brick and mortar AND movie theatres with the pandemic lockdowns.

Its a failing company and industry at large. The only thing that can save theatres is ending lockdowns and even THEN there is no guarantees because so many normies prefer netlfix and disney plus these days.

you can learn about here: https://youtu.be/SwXS-ZYL3Lc

>> No.27199338

citadel has already made an arrangement with GameStop. splinter about to sell out the turtles.

>> No.27199760

what a dumb post this is. with an in theatre streaming service, sheer size of land they own, and general popular opinion of their services they could easily go back to 2017 levels.

>> No.27199771

VW was shorted less than AMC dumbfuck

>> No.27199944

Theaters will be Nichee markets. I expect some to still stay open for novelty of it, but lets be real, they never really made good money since the Internet mainstreamed

>> No.27199962


>> No.27200118

Almost 100% of theater profits comes from food and drink sales, which is why movie theater snacks have an absurd 200-400% markup from what you would pay for the same candy and soda at a gas station or Target.

>> No.27200248

>Search Results
Featured snippet from the web
AMC operates over 11 thousand screens around the world, the vast majority of which are in the United States. Most of the company's revenue is generated by the cost of theatre admission, but food and beverage sales have also remained a healthy revenue stream over the years.

more dumb bullshit made up

>> No.27200362


American movie theater chain headquartered in Leawood, Kansas, and the largest movie theater chain in the world. Founded in 1920, AMC has the largest share of the U.S. theater market ahead of Regal and Cinemark Theatres.

>> No.27200436
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$50 ez

>> No.27200519

Seethe kike

>> No.27200549

Except releases to streaming services have flopped massively

>> No.27200889

it's almost like theaters are actually a massive cultural thing in america and even disney fuckin knows its


>> No.27201014

on Monday the hedge funds with the largest short positions are going to reach a deal with GameStop to buy up treasury shares at a high price (but not THIS high). They will freeze out all of the retail investors, GameStop will have a Scrooge mcduck money vault, and citron research will be the largest single stockholder for the company. The shares will probably have a provision where they can’t sell for a set period of time in order to slow down the resulting stock price collapse but either way it’s going to be a bloodbath for holders. AMC is the play for next week.

>> No.27201172

Why did AMC get shilled? I thought GME was the one with the short squeeze. How is AMC going to moon if they didn't get short squeezed like GME? Doesn't make sense, seems like 20 was the top. Or what am I missing?

>> No.27201513

>counting days that most brokerages disabled purchases
truly retarded

>> No.27201580

GME is getting squeezed too