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File: 226 KB, 730x411, EswTVCYXEAIuArd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27169559 No.27169559 [Reply] [Original]

I mean, GameStop will be an eternal stonk for reddit? People with get tired eventually and price drops? If shorters doesn't make biz with gme, so there is any sense on keep buying It? redpill me on this

>> No.27169619

Drops back to 30-40 next week.

>> No.27169694

Nobody replied to my shit so here's what happened fri

I just wanted to inform you on what was accomplished today by holding GME over $325 this Friday: the expiration of the weekly options contracts.

The total call contracts on GME that were in the money at expiration was 92,547. Given that each contract represents 100 underlying shares, that is 9,254,700 shares of GME swapping hands to the bulls; all of which are currently in profit. Whoever may have been short on those contracts now owe 9,254,700 shares of GME to the bulls.

The total open interest on put contracts was 329,156. I thought it was important to mention because out of 329,156 total contracts, only 1120 puts expired in the money. This means that 99.66% of all puts expired worthless. Due to the closing price, 39,915,600 shares worth of puts just went poof.

The bears have basically tossed their money into a furnace, and 9MM GME shares are moving to the bulls.

This is what happened today. The squeeze hasn't even began. Hang onto your ass, we're about to see some shit.

>> No.27169732

this for sure. Short it ASAP

>> No.27169740

Reddit will become bagholders and cry about it for a few weeks til everyone forgets about it

>> No.27169766

Autists made a lot of money from GME - they have no reason to sell and the popularity of GME attracts more autists who either hate the establishment or are YOLO'ing because 'why the fuck not when they have nothing left'

The Great Reset is nearly here and this is the last year people have to make it and get out of the system.

>> No.27169842

I don't buy that but I guess we'll see. GME hit mass public awareness. Robinhood fucking over retail sent shockwaves, politicians are grandstanding on it. I don't think this is over by a long shot, and those shorts never covered.

>> No.27169922

yeah its not an if but when scenario.

you will make fucking bank if you time a short right

>> No.27169982

I shall explain this topic very thorughly in your native language.

le le le le le updoots derpina doggo mamamay ebin le le le rofl :)

Fuck off

>> No.27170001

it's not over at all. the feeding frenzy has just begun. how many retards do you think watched tucker carlson on thursday, signed up for robinhood, and will get verified next week? once they realize they're eating the crumbs of GME at a loss, their attention will inevitably turn to something else. shilling here and on fox news tells me it's silver.

>> No.27170074

Sure, but they're still worthless, and the value isn't maintainable.

>> No.27170086

what a time to be alive

>> No.27170108

ty but I am argentinian lol

>> No.27170252
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Guys we clogged up the financial markets!

>> No.27170269

Thats what was said when it was at 50 as well as 100 and still at 200.
Cash out if youre scared, we got your bags and well buy the dip.

>> No.27170291

fuck yeah bro, I've been in on PMs for a couple years now waiting for this shit to pop off. GME was a godsend. Retail realizing they have power if they focus, wew. We're going to break JPM boys

>> No.27170292

i think it will be a cult stock like tesla.

i can see it staying in the 300s range for a while after all this short squueze business in done

>> No.27170303


>> No.27170341

you're going poor you dumb nigger

>> No.27170425

Very important thing too: People on reddit are following what DeepFuckingValue does, I mean, if this guys sells al gonna drop eventually

>> No.27170449

This isn't your precious "muh store of value" Bitcoin. You have zero understanding of how value is created.

>> No.27170483

It sounded like you were pretty confident the when was next week. Just go with that.

>> No.27170493

>short it asap
>short a stock with >100% of float already shorted
hello melvin

>> No.27170615

I think something akin to the original squeeze thesis is correct. Obviously shorts are shitting their pants as evidenced by the whole smear campaign on CNBC/brokerage debacle.

I think we'll probably see GME hit 1000 and at that point lots of retail investors will begin selling. At that point lots of retail investors will be able to get out with some nice gains, and some retail investors will be left holding the bag.

>> No.27170623


>> No.27170718

It's not a matter of whether shorting it is wise. Obviously this thing is destined to crash at some point. The question is about getting the timing of the short right, which at this point is quite unpredictable

>> No.27170840

MOST will be holding the bag of a FEW, this is how it always works.

>> No.27170914

if they cry about losing money, they're idiots. they've already spent the whole week posting how it's not about the money. they're essentially chasing away allies and encouraging people to sell.

>> No.27170920

monitor the subreddit and analyise the sentiment. you'd have a good few hours headstart on the masses if you do this.

>> No.27170959
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Back to CLF

>> No.27170993

What great reset? If everything goes to shit nothing will change and people will be even more miserable.

Heavy restrictions on trading will be implemented and access will be even more difficult for the random joe.

>> No.27171188

The rich get richer.
The poor get richer, just not by as much.
Some misguided crusaders on reddit lose everything.

>> No.27171191
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Thats the beauty of it, the demand for the stonks wont go down simply because the shorters are forced to buy them so they can return them to their rightful owners. The Gamestop craze ends when all the 100% stonks have been bought, and the extra 40% have been bought, sold, then bought again by the hedge funds. Either that, or the hedge funds crash.

>> No.27171233

it's a win/win. people need to know they're ruled by a group of people who will never let them win. and they need to know that financial freedom is a few clicks away.

>> No.27171287

If you think wsb controls any outstanding % float you wild for that one.I think an effective short comes down to predicting when the big bois decide to sell

>> No.27171303

Do the deed and buy good sirs
Many Money to be had

>> No.27171625

>The total call contracts on GME that were in the money at expiration was 92,547. Given that each contract represents 100 underlying shares, that is 9,254,700 shares of GME swapping hands to the bulls; all of which are currently in profit. Whoever may have been short on those contracts now owe 9,254,700 shares of GME to the bulls.
yeah and let's say those strikes were near 120 to 150. how many of you were smart enough to sell the calls, rather than exercise them?
how many of you had even one call at a 200 strike or above and exercised it? (spent $20,000 or more) and did you borrow that money using robinhood gold, and are you now paying interest to keep that position? or did you do the smart thing and set a limit sell for the post-market to try to hop out at one of those 380, 400, 500 ticks before the next day?

>> No.27172009

i think it will take longer than that and i think it would be more like 60.

>> No.27172024

The reality of it is, he already took 50% value out. Now there are huge firms and money in this, who put %67 on Friday if retail was capped? I can't wait to see millions of these nigger faggots get rug pulled because of their virtue signaling.

>> No.27172046

it's the data after the close retard. anyone who closed didn't show up on open interest.

>> No.27172326

>muh Great Reset
If anything, this stops any plan for that in its tracks.

>> No.27172574
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Do you feel in Charge?

>> No.27172593

not my heckin bankerinos!!! who else will give me a whole 0.25% interest rate on my savings account? sure beats keeping cash and gold around am i right? they don't even compound for heck's sake!

>> No.27173114

that's not what i asked. what i asked was, how many of you wisely ditched your contracts instead of overpaying for the underlying?

>> No.27173387

>what does in-the-money mean?
nobody overpaid smoothbrain. that's how it works.

>> No.27173544

DeepFuckingValue doesnt determine the demand on the stock though, the shorters do because they are forced to buy those stocks. This isn't a pyramid scheme where the first ones in the scheme get paid by the newcomers joining i. This is more like a stress test on how much the hedge funds can take until their backs are broken.

>> No.27173637

The best (and most unlikely) thing to happen is for GME to get into the S&P500 index with its new market cap. Just imagine the shear amount of buying pressure from all those etf's buying in.

>> No.27174018

>68m share float but 300m already authorized
>strikes of 150, 200, 250, 300
>"yeah i'll pay that what could go wrong"
>23B market cap
>net income 2018 34.7m
>net income 2019 (673m)
>net income 2020 (471m)
"Net sales [during the holiday season] were $1.770 billion, a 3.1% decrease compared to 2019, as strong console demand was offset by store closures under the Company’s planned de-densification strategy, temporary store closures mandated by local governments due to COVID-19, and industry-wide limited supply of new gaming consoles, and supply chain constraints broadly; blah, blah, blah, blah"
>net income 2021 ????
>losing $4.22 per share justifies paying $300/share because of some forward-looking statements about a 10% cut for high-pressure sales of xbox live subscriptions

>> No.27174049

Yeah, that worked wonders with Doge, right?

GME is going to be spectacular. Even the fucking hedgies are gonna make fun of you lot later on.

>> No.27174169

>he thinks this is about his master's fundamentals
what's a short squeeze faggot? you and your kind are going to go bankrupt and we are taking your fucking money

>> No.27174225
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>well buy the dip.
....so you'll pay the shorts for being right now? but you wouldn't before and you hate them, right?
do you guys realize that if you actually had the money to exercise 100 strikes and you can sell now you'd get ALL OF GAMESTOP'S FUTURE EARNINGS right up front? probably more than they are ever capable of? what fucking education in investing do you think you have where holding is smarter than that?

>> No.27174322


I'll sell the hedgekikes my GME at $5,000.00 each.

>> No.27174339

After the shorts are covered (at a huge expense and loss for hedgies) the stock will collapse to near zero. You need an exit strategy. Basically you have to sell to the hedge funds, the price will only be high this week.

>> No.27174345

bro i don't have a penny in that game i'm just trying to stop people from believing retarded ass bullshit before they actually lose money for it. the market massacres ideology.

>> No.27174375
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>> No.27174457

So GME is wallstreet bitcoin. lfg!

>> No.27174485

that's because remaining retarded is free. you can keep on doing it after you're already in six-figure debt. you can keep on doing it after you declare bankruptcy.

>> No.27174669

I know this is an old comment, but I’ve been seriously debating this back and forth since Tuesday. The IV scares the absolute fuck out of me. $60 puts have to drop into the $40s to break even. Everyone knows it’ll go down but the premiums are so extreme I’m staying away.

>> No.27174767
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The SEC will get involved and punish the redditors and the redditors might sue each other when the price plummets. But we will see wallstreet hedgies crash and burn before that.

>> No.27174775

All the normies are gonna get cleaned out by doge coin, then meme stonks slow bleed next week

>> No.27174986

How long until the SEC gets involved?

>> No.27175211

>SEC will get involved and punish the redditors.
Sure, if they want a 2nd storming of Capitol Hill building. Or molotov cocktails inside Wall Street buildings.

>> No.27175243

People who sell GME stocks are failures with paper hands.

>> No.27175361

So they just pay interest for a few days until everyone forgets about it? Do the wediddit fags have a next move? I thought it was the greatest pump and dump ever. But the chart looks like a butte instead of a peak. I don't get it.

>> No.27175510

>how this gamestop hype gonna end?

>Hedge funds negotiate with their friends in the banks, brokerages, government, SEC ect
>Get reduced or suspended interest payments until GME is able to issue more shares in March
>Brokerages in the meantime keep limits on the meme stocks due to "volatility and potential manipulation"
>Bandwagon redditfags ect get left holding bags and seethe about the 1% and rules not being fair
>SEC puts new regulation on short selling, naked short selling ect making the redditfags feel they actually won
>Feds make a statement saying this needed to happen to prevent the financial collapse that would occur from banks have to pay a zillion dollars to every random refusing to sell a share

Calling it now

>> No.27175573


you buy/sell based on a thesis, not chart shape, you mongoid

>> No.27175694

Donno but it is inevitable at this point. They are seething hard and they dont want another GME situation.
Lets all pray it happens soon.

>> No.27175702

i think once you realize that the subreddit is the masses now, the better for you

>> No.27175843

>The Great Reset
kek I get 900$ every two weeks from the government for corona aid, which I dump into the stock market immediately to make money off of.

If the great reset is coming I welcome it

>> No.27175862

I think so too. Maybe it wont go all the way down in one week. But its definitely settling around 40 bucks. Big win for Gamestop as a business to be honest. Their standing debt problems are history.

>> No.27175959
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>shorters got fucked as price rises
>can't take the L
>stack more shorts in the $200-$200 range
They will do everything they can to reduce the price and the price will fall but the thing is those $300 shorts are going to come due and if there isn't volume for them to buy the price will once again be decided by those that held.
Do enough people have the balls to ride a month or 2 of pluming prices to push a second even worse squeeze? I have no idea. Am I retarded enough to HODL and try? Yes.

>> No.27176114

is it okay to put a stop call in if I'm afraid of losing all my money once it goes below 200?

>> No.27176128

post you're predictions on what's reddit will be like on monday:
>nonono, you don't understand, the REAL short squeeze is on tuesday :DIAMOND HANDS EMOJI:

>> No.27176150

>Hedge funds negotiate with their friends in the banks, brokerages, government, SEC ect
>Get reduced or suspended interest payments until GME is able to issue more shares in March
This seems to be a danger indeed.
Do they have an obligation to pay interest?
If not, they can just wait.

>> No.27176160

people meme each other in some sort of buying frenzy and forget that GameStop is actually a dying company.
If this whole experience taught me one thing, it's that the average person has literally 0 clue about anything finance related in general.
Just post some diamond and rocket emojis, type "to the moon" in all caps, and watch the retards drop their life savings on that shit.

>> No.27176275

Please enlighten me on what the thesis is here then you twink.

>> No.27176323

It goes up next week since RH gives up, people leave with their gains. Reddit baghodls for a year. SEC protects America by setting GME to $25

>> No.27176356

You answered your own question.

>> No.27176391

you unemployed bitch rofl

>> No.27176437

You 4chan pussys couldn’t organise something like this, only Reddit chads could

>> No.27176441
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>Do enough people have the balls to ride a month or 2 of pluming prices to push a second even worse squeeze?
I want to see that wild ride.

>> No.27176575

)))you((( are no longer welcome newfag

>> No.27176624

Wall street shills are desperate to FUD you and get you to sell, what do YOU think anon?

>> No.27176645

This momentum has outgrown DFV. He could sell everything and it wouldn't make a blip.

>> No.27176650

Make your bets /biz/. Will it skyrocket the first hour after the market opens on monday, with people rushing to buy in at 300$?

>> No.27176676

I see multiple scenarios from most likely to less likely
>GME stays between 200-600 for a bunch of weaks maybe a few months, hedgies suffer losses but try to cover them slowly, the value drops slowly after
>We get our short squeeze and then it drops
>GME stays at the 200 level for many months, very long war of attrition. Becomes some sort of high value stable memestock for a long while
>Paperhands drop value due to FUD, not instantly but over course of 2 weeks it go back down to 50
>State intervenes and does some shit against poor people

>> No.27176713

so they can't just stop buying? for real? is this a kind of spiral? If this is the case, SEC and USA in general doesn't have a lot of power to stop this? is all a bug on the system and can't be fixed? it is?

>> No.27176750

That's true, but I think I might start buying calls when WSB starts memeing some random stonk, and then sell those calls at a loss if it turns out to go nowhere. GME going from $20 to $320 in a week was amazing, and something tells me this is going to be a recurring theme with a few failed attempts in between successful ones.

>> No.27176960

If they short 10M shares they have to buy 10M shares, they are betting on being able to buy those shares cheaper, if enough people are selling they'll win, if enough people aren't selling we win yet again.

>> No.27177158
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Thank you big government from protecting us from ourselves.

>> No.27177195
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$SLP on binance, next 100x pump, tweeted by chairman himself

>> No.27177238

“I thought I was making an incredible investment,” Mark Hilton of Sherwood Elementary School stated. “I read in Margin of Safety by Seth Klarman that when kids on Wall Street Bets bid up bankrupt stocks you should short them. When GameStop went to $100 per share I put $15,000 of our school’s funds into a short.”

Mark Hilton, 45, has been the superintendent of Sherwood Elementary School in St. Louis, Missouri for 10 years. During the past ten year’s Mark has been in charge of managing Sherwood’s endowment fund – mainly investing in long-term index funds. This past year during the pandemic, Mark started to read as many investing book as he could get his hands on.

“I read over 14 books on investment strategy,” Mark said. “When I saw the hype with GameStop I remembered Ben Graham saying how meme stocks are a great short when kids on internet forums take them to ridiculous valuations.”

Literally seconds after Mark put a short order in, GameStop went to $400. “I was devastated. Not only did I short GameStop but I did it on 10x margin. When I looked at Sherwood’s Robinhood account it showed negative $12 million.”

Sherwood Elementary is now in the hole for $12.45 million. The school is on the verge of bankruptcy and ruin and completely out of funds. “We are holding a local bake sale this weekend,” Mark stated. “But there is no way we can come up with this money. I will have to fire all of our great teachers.”

If you have any idea what Sherwood Elementary can do to raise funds don’t hesitate to call the district.


>> No.27177323

Why don't people get this phenomenon was only possible due to the unprecedented effect of the Robinhood app. Which turns around and bans users from even *holding* the stock.

This isn't going anywhere. Restricting buying is gonna bleed this thing. No reason they aren't gonna do that monday, and tuesday, and the next day, etc.

>> No.27177407

To all the new friends: I highly recommend you check out the cryptocurrency RLC. It's likely to reach a billion dollar market cap soon. Even a small bag will make you a very rich redditor.

>> No.27177446

robinhood isn't the only exchange, Bittrex allows to buy gme too and is actually easier

>> No.27177473

I think it'll go to 500 and then instantly dip to at least 250 within the first 30 minutes.

>> No.27177799

If this is real that guy is a fool. Why would you ever invest a school fund in high risk investments?

>“I read over 14 books on investment strategy,”
Dafuq was he thinking?!

>> No.27177832

Before the squeeze is a massive dip. Maybe down to double digits. You will get fucked.

>> No.27177842

Pure fantasy. The shorts were covered on the 27th and 28th

There is no squeeze coming unless you all hold for months

>> No.27177982
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> Thinks the millions of regular normies are more scared of losing their tiny investments compared to the wall street billions.

I probably pay more for my yearly entertainment, this shit is worth it.

Hedgies can seethe more and fly out of windows mad about it.


Yeah not happening.

If they try and come after the small time investors they'll get Wall street burning quite physically to the ground.

You seem confused shill, do you not understand the simple logic of WE'RE NOT SELLING.

It's nothing to us to hang onto our heckin comfy stocks, we could ignore them forever.
Meanwhile with every passing day Wallstreet's grave is dug a little deeper.

We have so much to gain and so little to lose.

Get used to it, we're not budging.

>> No.27178002

Depends if what people have spent is the rent money or not, then again, its payday YOLO round 2

>> No.27178023

depends on how hard they meme. They need to meme it hard enough for the big boys to notice a trend.
Even if every WSB subscriber would hold 1k GME, it would still only be a fraction of the total.
It's mostly algorithms and high frequency traders holding the majority of the stock.
They think it's David vs Goliath while in reality it's Goliath vs Goliath witch schizophrenic David throwing pebbles at them.

>> No.27178113

THis is a decent explanation, and I knew that this was true to an extent.

>> No.27178206

That is the only good, rational conclusion to take from all this mess imo.

>> No.27178245

Yes, closely watch the reddit and get in early on whatever stock they try to meme, ride the wave till the high then get out. Let the morons hold their money and die for the cause

>> No.27178357

>The shorts were covered on the 27th and 28th
Since they haven't filed all we have to go on is their word. If you had to face a choice between a few million fine for lying or your entire capitalization what would you choose?

>> No.27178425

i dont even want to sell and collect my earnings. that is what AMC is for. GME is for sending The Message.

>> No.27178462

>just short a stock that has 50% interest rate and over 100% of the float dude

>> No.27178614

S3 has also said all the shorts were covered at a big loss on those dates. Theyve now just been re shorted down the line to make money when this bubble bursts

>> No.27178721
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>SEC protects America by setting GME to $25

This or something similar seems likely.

>> No.27178938

He determines normalfag opinion of the stock which controls their demand.

>> No.27179058

>pre-market fucking EXPLODES in price
>everyone dumps their bags anywhere between 500-1000 depending on what happens at open
>normalfags reeeeeeeee
>wall street has a shit ton more money and wins a way of attrition over several months

>> No.27179167

>SEC will cause the market to go to zero
There is zero chance.

>> No.27179519

>Another article stating Biden found and upper decker in a White House toilet.
Seems a legit source bro.

>> No.27179524
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but like I said, normalfags dont control the demand, the fuckup made by the hedge funds is controlling the demand. The hedgies are FORCED to buy the stonks owned by the WSB-tards. Even better than that, since they overshorted, they have to figure out how to buy 30-40%& stocks that they don't own, TWICE.

How does that even work? Pay double price for one stock? Buy, sell it back for pennies and then beg for the privilege to buy it back again?

>> No.27179572


Only a small amount of the shorts covered during the dip. Likely small fries taking losses they could deal with. The ones who are truly fucked doubled down.

>> No.27179583

I'm pretty sure The Stonk Market is a meme/satire source:


>> No.27180155
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you're the bagholders
the greatest fools
these are the biggest long positions in gamestop
it's not you reddit hodlers

>> No.27180217


>> No.27180266

It ends when the hedgies give in and the squeeze bleeds them dry.

>> No.27180542

Any way to tell the time / price they got in at?

>> No.27180681

When melvin takes a 1920's dive.

>> No.27180725

file date on the right is day of disclosure

>> No.27181187

Yes, re shorted down the line after they were covered. The hedge funds took a big hit then re shorted. Thats why the short percentage hasnt gone down or has actually increased. A lot of people will make money from it

>> No.27181257

What are the chances a big squeeze won't happen? Are there any ways they can wriggle out of this, by buying things back slowly?

>> No.27181393

They need to scare as many people as possible Monday, that is why they are driving it as low as they can with no volume in after hours.

>> No.27181624

when is it likely to see the BigDip before the squeeze? i have an extra $5k and only 30 shares. if it drops down to $200 again i could get like 25 more

>> No.27181630

Play stupid games
Win stupid prizes.

>> No.27181658

If you are unfortunate enough to look at what the retards at /pol/ is spewing, they think that buying GME is their way of "owning the Jews from Wall St" and urge to hold.

If you visit r/politics, it is their way of destroying the 1%, establishment, and rich old white guys wearing suit by holding GME. Left and right, we have GME jihadists that are ready to face financial destitution just to flip off the Wall Street.

What does this mean? The institutions pulled a PsyOp to make this GME fiasco look like "little mom and pop retail vs. the psychopaths from Wall St.", when it really is hedge funds trying to devour each other alive, using the Vox Populi as a façade. They have united both the far right and far left and every gullible new investor in between. When you read those "My 5 year old daughter called Trump a Nazi and everyone clapped" tier fanfics of how they were motivated to buy 200k worth of GME, or that they will never sell because of what they have done in 2008, you wonder if they know how many shares and call options Pelosi actually has. But don't tell r/politics that, unless you want to get banned.

The politicians will let the institutions, who own 85% of GME shares, exit merrily and drop their bags along the way to thousands of bagholders, while praising them songs of glory as they lay dying and becoming financially destitute, but they are delusional enough to carry their bags all the way to their grave just to "own the Wall St".

No matter who wins, we lose. But the ones who hold GME will be the ones losing the hardest. The entire WSB has been infiltrated with millions of bots, shills, and macros that silence any dissenters with downvotes. They tell each other to hold no matter what, as they plan their exit plan. When you can convert an Average Jane and Joe that their share of GME will go up to 1000, 5000, and to the moon (actual comments I've read from r/stocks and r/investing), you know that this will end bad for them..

>> No.27181771

Institutions started to buy GME stocks since last November and 85% shares are owned by the institutions at a far less cost basis. Unironically, nearly everyone on WSB except DeepFuckingValue is bagholding or close to it.

>> No.27181823

How much are we expecting a squeeze to be at, and for how long? Ive seen thousands of dollars being thrown aroun for hours, but surely it wont be that much?

>> No.27181854

Which is why they doxxed him. The implied threat was “sell and demoralize everyone or else”

>> No.27181970

i'm sure he volunteered to be interviewed because he wants to be famous

>> No.27182008

I think $1k is likely, maybe 2.

>> No.27182052


Its unironically working perfectly into wall streets hands. They have a large base of shareholders in the stock who are moronically determined to hold no matter what, while they get to eat all the profit and exit without a worry. Its absurd

>> No.27182133

Proof of DOX, he did and interview where they used his name and he didn't seem surprised so I'm guessing he told them his name before going live.

>> No.27182181

It could be the next TSLA. If people keep buying and holding

>> No.27182332

For a few minutes, right? My broker doesn't let me set sale orders above 55% of market value, so I hope I can time it

>> No.27182335

and retard obviously

>> No.27182739

This is the kind of post I would sick the SEC on. Absolutely reckless. I'm not going to, fuck jannies, but seriously, this is horrible thinking.
Even if they ladder themselves down because nobody is buying, they will only have done so by shorting even further.

>> No.27182769
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>> No.27182865
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Lemme try to break this down for you Melvin fucks fussing in here.
>for the last year people have been locked in their homes
>we’ve been subjected to constant riots due to political rabble-rousers looking to cause chaos during an election year
>”Orange-man-bad” is no longer a thing, leaving a giant gaping vacuum in the public narrative
>people are bored, hungry, disenchanted, and dis-fucking-illusioned with the ostensible “ruling class” that rigged an election and had to put up a wall around The People’s House

You were fuckin’ around in the market, and you got caught slipping’. Now, you could have been like Citrus, paid out your losses, and taken the “L.” But you didn’t want to lose to a bunch of rabble, did you? So you doubled down and tried to shake us out. (Okay, I’ll give you that. Respect.) But when that didn’t work, you cut off the market. You tried to manipulate your way into success. Bad move.

Now you have a little fucking holy war going on. Yeah, you maaaaaay get saved by the politicians, but you may want to think about that wall around Congress that I mentioned earlier. Maybe about those $2k checks they spent a year telling us weren’t financially viable. The mob is fickle. And the mob is angry.

What do you think the odds are that the politicians just throw into arena to appease the serfs? Bread and Circuses, my Melvin friends. The mob needs to be entertained.

We’ve all bought our tickets to the coliseum, and we want a show.

Now get in fucking arena.

>> No.27183036

But if the total number of outstanding shares is 147.09% then retail still has about 30% or more of those right?

>> No.27183081

etoro sells it

>> No.27183197

Bittrex bro

>> No.27183209

>For a few minutes
Depends. They keep shorting at higher and higher buy-in. Eventually they won't get a choice, unless they can ladder this way way down, and nobody else calls their bluff and buys in with the low prices.

Most spikes on the first go-round are done so fast you can't see them on the market charts, only if you have a feed giving every single trade. It's gonna depend on the person covering the short and how high he allows his terminal to bid.
Most outliers don't get spotted on charts, so you'd have to watch as it grows, and try to do your max bid where you think it's moving toward what you want. Can't say it would work, can't say it wouldn't.
Personally, if you didn't put down anything you can't lose, I'd say you should wait for +$800 on the charts,

but I'm no advisor, this isn't advice, and you will probably lose everything if you listen to me, have your house burn down on top of you, be stomped by a pack of wild niggers, shit on by a flock of geece, and drowned in a tub of hot sauce, so be prepared to be broken.

>> No.27183676

You realize that everyone left on this board held heavy bags between 2017 and 2020 right? Holding a bag for 2 months is nothing to crypto veterans.

>> No.27183879

most likely scenario.

>> No.27183941

Yeah look I’m the short term price can go up but eventually hedgies are gonna short it and it’s gonna crash

>> No.27183958
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>how does it end

>> No.27183998
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Freefalling hedgies

>> No.27184022

I just can't imagine an ending where GME goes to like 1000 and people sell and make gorillions. It just soudns too good to be true, like my bank is just gonna close my account without a word and tell me to suck their dick. What can I do? Call the police? They'll tell me to suck their dick too.

>> No.27184118

at the end of the day the price is always going to gravitate back towards what it is meant to be, which is low

>> No.27184159

Dust off those kneepads

>> No.27184264

I can't imagine they're not going to try to issue a shit ton of shares at $300 or whatever

>> No.27184412

well if you are gonna end up sucking dick do you mind starting with mine?

>> No.27184451

based and breadandcircuspilled

>> No.27184616

they will lose every single bit of goodwill that they gained through this fiasco. what they *should* do is just capitalize on it by selling Gamestop merch. Play with the narrative, not against it.

>> No.27184687
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Thinking about buying july puts with a 50 strike. It has to go down, right guys?

>> No.27184708

I'm not going to back out, but I am considering buying and selling a bit, the market is bound to boost up on monday morning, and then dip a bit just like it did on Friday, right?

>> No.27184719

meant for >>27184264
Gamestop gained a shitload of reach with this crusade. If they issue shares or run a private sale with the shorts, they lose all of it.

>> No.27184881

Wall St is going to wait to short this stock as soon as the they smell weakness. Doing so they're going to make mega profits. So how do you safely let gme correct its self with out a huge crash? Because I don't think everyone is going to hold forever. Is it possible to return all stocks back to the headgefunds at that moon price and let them destroy each other over it?

>> No.27184956

I'm eye balling my new building as we speak since Goldman Sachs will eventually be cascaded out of business.
Never, screw, with, GAYMERS

>> No.27185140

Thx paid shill

>> No.27185242


LRN 2 shots dumbass

>> No.27185384

based AF

>> No.27185475


>> No.27185855

Yes exactly, no way this will be allowed to happen.

>> No.27186223

This has been my concern the whole time. I didn't buy in early so that's on me, and I can't imagine this won't end up with some serious restrictions that rh (as an example) hasn't even touched the tip of yet, but this time obviously at the regulatory and SEC-mandated level. Rules are rules, but there's nothing stopping them from changing the rules to "save the economy"

>> No.27186404

what abou that silver though?

>> No.27186595
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>> No.27186612


>> No.27186737
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Hedgie pls

>> No.27187123

They have the weekend to plan and plot. You can assume they are going to spend tonight and tomorrow making personal loans, playing out computer added tactics and strategies.
It would be shocking if they don't pull somethign out of their asses at the bell Monday AM.
But this went global yesterday. The story is now international, and people all over the globe are seeing $$$.
I have no idea how this will end up, to be honest, I just know that the potential for gains is massive, and the potential for loss is total. If you buy, you can only lose what you put in, if you bought with your own cash, so don't buy anything you can't lose. If you short, you could lose more than everything you've ever owned. And with this many eyes, it could happen in a blink.

>> No.27187368

Oh yeah I only put money out of my pockets, I had up to 3 shares so no huge loss if they all disappeared. Im just wary that there will be no big squeeze, and perhaps the best tactic is to make money on the fluctuating market.

>> No.27187619

the people who bought are already bag holders.
Imagine thinking your epic reddit memes made you rich when you haven't even cashed out yet.
Go ahead bag holders. Hold forever.

>> No.27188600

I made 5k last month thanks to /smg/.
I used all of it to buy gme.
Not gonna sell even if it drops to $10/share.
It's ny responsibility.

>> No.27188880

Gamestonk and Dogecoin are the new Gold/Silver standards. That's how it ends.

>> No.27190576

Gonna rise another week, crab for a few more, and slowly sink.

>> No.27190791

Nigger lol