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27171249 No.27171249 [Reply] [Original]

>newfags flooding biz
>mainstream news running stories on GME, AMC, BB
>social media normalfags telling other social media normalfags to buy in

Is this peak sell signal?

>> No.27171323

Go to biz and ask questions I already know answer to

>> No.27171368

people like you keep thinking GME is just a pump and dump, and it may look like that to the ignorant newbie investor, but it's actually quite different. for more information, see this site:


>> No.27171426


>> No.27171561
File: 50 KB, 1409x836, 2021-01-30 14_46_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hasn't been updated since 10AM Jan 29

>> No.27171565


>> No.27171711

The story is fake but the lesson is true. If too many among the masses begin accessing the mechanisms of capital that machinery will be at least temporarily brought to a halt and dismantled until the undesirables have been cleared out back down into their place.

>> No.27171895

(if you think I'm talking specifically about emergency protections to cover short-sellers of GME you're wrong)

>> No.27171958

Sell if you a chickenshit coward (read: reasonably smart investor) that doesn't want to lose what they put in.
Hold otherwise.
Hedge your bet on a single share of GME (if bought pre or early pump).
Good for getting in on any class actions

>> No.27171983

newfags don't post on biz retard

>> No.27172241

Get it through your skull, you don't want to sell your shares to some Anon for $500, you want to dictate the price that the Melvin Capital will HAVE TO buy it from you. The number is arbitrary, but some will crack and "panic sell" when it only goes to a $1000.

>> No.27172548
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idgi, what was JP so worried about?

>> No.27172782

I think what you meant to say, but are to retarded to put it into a meaningful sentence...basement dwellers who have made a fortune in cryptocurrency have decided en masse to invade traditional investment platforms. These unsophisticated investors actually believe what they read in msm, not understanding the only purpose of Barrons, CNBC, Bloomberg etc is to fleece the gentile.

>> No.27172837

There may genuinely be a squeeze at some point in the next 30 days. Whether it happens or not depends on if the kikes can convince enough people to sell and tank the price.

It is also possible that competing hedge funds have bought enough that 4chan and plebbit have very little control of the direction of the stock at this point. If that is the case, the squeeze probably wont happen.

>> No.27173021

explain why hedge funds would buy at these ridiculous prices unless they planned on torching the shorts themselves.

>> No.27173354

There was no one left to buy stocks. If someone like the shoe shine attendant and their friends were going to throw in their life savings the market could only go down from there.

>> No.27173433

Fuck man, I guess really do have the paper hands as the cool redditors say. I feel I’m gonna crack and sell at a “good” price and it’s gonna explode in value at some astronomical price if I just waited another week

>> No.27173624

>fortune in crypto
>GME trading between $100-300
So xpensiv

>> No.27173659
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dog eat dog.
I know if i had the money to take out another hedge, i would. Less competition. Operate under the smoke of Melvin and retards. It's not like other high net worth people aren't thinking what some of the people online think. If there's a squeeze, they make fat bank. If there's not? nbd to them.

>> No.27173724

>muh shoeshine boy
That is a bullshit excuse for insider trading you stupid simp.

>> No.27174088

I got 10k in GME and intend on losing it because fuck you, not selling

>> No.27174263

The story is almost certainly fake and a weak excuse for why JPM decided to sell literally everything right before the crash. It totally wasn't because his banker buddies gave him a heads up shit was going down, no, it was the shoe shine boy.

>> No.27174391

just another play money, the point is the neckbeards believe mainstream media

>> No.27174471

When warren buffet took everything out of the stock market due to this reason, there was 18 months left of the Pump phase. He lost out on something like 100-150% gains.

The shoeshine boy talking about stocks nowadays precede the actual crash like a year or so.

Also, as Peter Lynch said: People lost money due to recessions, but way more people lost more money trying to predict a recession.

Also, analysts predicted 27 out of the last 3 recessions.

>> No.27174540

>Is this peak sell signal?

They can't buy in if you don't sell.

>> No.27174569

I'm already 70% tether

>> No.27174688

XD you nigger faggot, its end of trading week. You will never make it.

>> No.27174843

Why not take the chance to cost your competitors billions with, at most, a relatively small cost to yourself?

>> No.27174860

This is true but you have to learn to be happy with your gains, not worry about trying to time the absolute top of the market.

>> No.27175120

Buffett's problem was that after pulling out, there were no more value plays left in the market for over a year because everything was overinflated. Then he started getting desperate and invested in airlines, the one thing he should have known never to do.

Basically, he lost his touch.

>> No.27175208

Npte the replies further justify those hedgies being on our team hodl. They too want the big bucks, right? The whole argument premise would support holding.

>> No.27175305

I didnt blow my whole load in one day, did you? At the rate im going i could buy the dips for the next month or so.

>> No.27175316

the media is lying you for sure

>> No.27175416
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No it isn't, intern.

>> No.27175574
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I was retarded and thought the OP was about a general market downturn, not the shortmeme shit.
You cannot poredict the shortmeme's peak, as it's kind of a social movement now.

That's the main problem with predicting Ponzi peaks: you have to know who is the full potential audience. Once the pump reached everyone, it will dump.
At first I thoguht the GME was a wsb/4chan thing and once I saw it in every thread, that was the peak. Then stockie people from the outside started joining in, I though that was the peak, there is no way anyone else would be interested. Then the flood of normies came. That peak was actually easy to calculate (around thursday night, friday evening), but then Robinhood pulled a magic trick, so it fell back.

Now it's basically anyone's guess. The price is not really affected by the influx of normies anymore, it's more of a battle of attrition between shorties and "diamond hand" activist retards. If you claim you can predict what's going to happen, you're an idiot.

>> No.27175633

Hedgies owning most of the stock would mean you should hodl for a higher but not unreasonable price. God only knows the details of what they plan to do. We just know the result will likely be bankruptcy for their competition and making money in the process.

>> No.27175655

It would be if there wasn't a couple of large financial institutions that had legally obligatied themselves to let everyone shit in their mouths when this is over.

>> No.27175676

Then do your own fucking research and use your head, dumbass.

>> No.27175738

Lol if you believe this story

>> No.27175746

I'm pretty sure they will hold for infinity, because
a) it bankrupts smaller funds, which concentrates more power to them
b) lending those stocks they own is extremely lucrative and safe way to make money

>> No.27175899

Even if all the hedgies sold, it still wouldn't be enough to cover all the shorts. Even if all the pensions and ETFs sold (would never happen), it wouldn't be enough to cover all the shorts. Even if literally everybody put in a market sell order, IT WOULDN'T BE ENOUGH TO COVER THE SHORTS. That's what 140% of outstanding stock sold short means. The price WILL continue to go up until all the short positions are closed. The only way out of this situation is through.

>> No.27176101
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We're all merchants now

>> No.27176198


>> No.27176333

that wasnt JP morgon that was Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.

>> No.27176378

Stop being a pathetic faggot

>> No.27176606

Projections say 36k
I'll stagger my sales. I'm guessing there's enough retards who want to make a point to mean I won't be the biggest bag holder. And that's enough for me

>> No.27176681

Rabbi said "Inside everyone is two jews. One yells buy the stock, you will make money! The other jew yells, sell! Quick before you lose it all!"
>Which jew wins, i asked the rabbi?
"They both do," he said, "because when it comes to money, jews never lose."

>all jokes aside im holding with ridiculously high sell orders well over the current stock price

>> No.27176772

Pensions didn't hold this POS. Short funds, maybe deep value funds and funds that got stuck in value trap years before are the only institutional investors that owned this. Too harsh, there are folks that believed in the turn around story which is now guaranteed,

>> No.27176791

you think normies and small players are the only people that hold gme stocks? You think the ceo of gamestop wont sell them shares? Issue new shares? You think there will be enough normies with buy orders on every exchange at any time? Whats stopping some small pension fund from selling big chunks at lower prices?

>> No.27176800

>big money in 1929
america is fucked

>> No.27176826
File: 846 KB, 1242x1647, 1ACBB163-BF13-4055-84F8-407F7F824275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was your sell signal

>> No.27176834

Can you link the projections?

>> No.27176903


>> No.27177006

That would've meant two more days of peak euphoria, so you are extremely wrong.

>> No.27177155

You can look up which institutions own GME you know.

>> No.27177296

because porn stars can't have a brain?

>> No.27177454
File: 30 KB, 661x419, retard stonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mainstream news running stories on GME, AMC, BB
They never understood meme warfare

>> No.27177551
File: 648 KB, 963x862, D2FD61B9-B95A-4089-A0AC-9153125E029B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re only talking about buying literal garbage like GME, XRP and DOGE.
I think we’re fine.

>> No.27177621

Huh. It's the 2016 Trump campaign all over again, isn't it?

>> No.27177632

It's the equivalent of black women on twitter talking about bitcoin stock anon, that's when you know it's time to sell everything, because the price is about to plummet

>> No.27177673

How new are you... provide the sauce or stfu

>> No.27178354

It does feel like it, but we're oddly on acceptable terms with reddit at the moment.

>> No.27178481

Well because we are back to good old class warfare instead of its retarded little cousin, identity politics. We are still a long way from proper anarchism, but I hope we get there soon enough.

>> No.27178684

>because porn stars can't have a brain?
Have you heard her talk or only watched her get fucked? This woman is the prime example of a greedy cumdumbster

>> No.27179221

J.P. Morgan died in 1913

>> No.27179951
File: 51 KB, 686x680, roast beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to google to find out who she even was, but in that over saturated meat market-she has been very successful. It's time to sell when Alyssa Milano tweets about buying gme. pic related

>> No.27180048

hmm, maybe we could use this opportunity to better both places. 4Chan to stop hating reddit, and reddit to stop playing identity politics. So long as we come together to hate the rich. Communist/libertarians/anarchist/socialists.

>> No.27180079

By when do you think it'll peak?

>> No.27180143
File: 33 KB, 250x250, SLP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next massive reddit pamp - $SLP small love potion on binance
dont say i didnt warn u

>> No.27180307
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>> No.27180614

Anyone who thinks this is about making money fails to understand this isn't an economic force driving it.
people are plenty willing to burn large sums in the service of a meme. the past few years have made that blindingly clear.

>> No.27180699

it's not a pump, its a class war

>> No.27181242
File: 35 KB, 801x526, Es_pz_3XYAE0roO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his banker buddies lost their asses, they didn't know anything was coming
true or not it's painfully applicable to gme
chart of r/wallstreetbets growth
no more greater fools left to sell to

>> No.27182091


>> No.27182854

>posts story older than dinosaur shit

>> No.27183437

unironically should have sold the next day

>> No.27183691

>thinking human nature ever changes
the only difference now is that the entire market cycle happens within a week instead of ten years because zoomers raised on smartphones have no attention span

>> No.27183697

Yeah im sure the Shoeshine boy was a sign and he wasn't insider trading.

>> No.27183849

nobody had any inside info that the crash was coming
the big boys all lost their asses in 1929

>> No.27183868

Don't open the link, my antivirus flagged it as malaware.

>> No.27184083

>can't afford stock
>Make retarded threads to mess with people
Get a fucking job OP if you weren't on autism bucks you could still catch AMC

>> No.27184129


>> No.27184196

Source has nothing bad in it.

>> No.27184482


>> No.27184531

Don't be naive. The Rockefeller mob never lost a dime.

>> No.27184612

Literally a story of "ov vey the goyim know sell everything"