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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27164749 No.27164749 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw bought DOGE at .075

>> No.27164828

why’d he do it bros

>> No.27164854


>> No.27164881

No reason to sell now, might as well keep i till it gets pumped again at some point

>> No.27164932


>> No.27164943
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That's me

>> No.27165021

Anon zoom out on the doge graph

>> No.27165065

all the niggas cashing out now celebrating their profits were you 4.
do with this what you will

>> No.27165070

Which labeast vid is that

>> No.27165135


What’s going on here?

>> No.27165189

what the FUCK is going on in this webm. did he lose his hand ?

looks like a meme youtuber sticking his hand in liquid nitrogen or something. EXTREMELY dangerous lmao

>> No.27165194

u didn't hear?

>> No.27165197

>oh noooo i bought Bitcoin at $0.075 how will i ever recover

>> No.27165231
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did he died

>> No.27165273


>> No.27165396

My guess is his hand is coated in lye which is very caustic
When I purchased some years back, it was required by govt (can) to take my ID info since you can do some dangerous stuff with it.

Idk why tho bc you can make bombs out of simple home ingredients

>> No.27165457

This, it always happens, just set an alert for when it goes back above your buy in price and keep an eye on it then.

That said, i wouldn't be surprised if it jumped up again next week. LOTS of people joined Robinhood to buy in after seeing all the hype on social media, only for RH to tell them "sorry, no instant deposits allowed, get fucked".

Once people's deposits clear and they can actually buy in, especially at the low price it's at right now, it may send it back up again.

>> No.27165483

Based retard

>> No.27165528
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>> No.27165724
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Oof I'm sorry bro
I bought around 0.04, so I'm hoping to at least break even by next week.

>> No.27165726

the hype is over now though. Normies have the attention spans of lizards

>> No.27165878
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>> No.27165971

You use lye to dissolve bodies

>> No.27166161

you are so dumb its unreal. Please i want you to explain to me how putting money on a coin or a stock thats gone 1000% in 24h is a good idea. You have issues

>> No.27166169

My entire life is one, big worst week

>> No.27166336

its actually down 50% in the past 24h. I unironically put $100 in last night, it won't go straight down. The DOGE subreddit is packed with about 65k normies at any given time talking about hodling to $10 and bragging about how many doge shares they bought off robinhood

>> No.27166363

Tfw bought in at .028

>> No.27166467

I need to buy buy buy but I can't get verified by binance as my ID is not valid since 4 months. How can I buy crypto without that shit ID? please help

>> No.27166473
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thanks, I'm fucking gay now

>> No.27166474

0.024 for me. I need to find a way to acquire more dogecoins.

>> No.27166586

It's hot ice. Ideally it would only be warm but he fucked up the chemistry when he made it so it burned the shit out of his hand

>> No.27166700

it's just a super saturated solution you science illiterates. Super saturated solution will react when they are agitated and start crystallizing. Have you ever used a chem had warmer? It operates on this principle. You agitate the solution with a clicker in it and when it crystallizes it creates hit from the exothermic reaction

>> No.27166710
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>> No.27166780


>> No.27166808

He saw one of those tutorials for making hot ice and fucked up the recipe, so he tried to just buy the chemicals for it and got this highly caustic industrial shit. He sticks his hand in it and burns a layer of skin off while trying to pull his hand back out.

>> No.27166816

LAbeast eats a fuckton of peppers and chilis, isn't ill
Furious Pete eats as much garbage as LAbeast, got cancer thrice, and had his testicles removed as a result. He doesn't eat a fuckton of peppers and chili.

>> No.27166925

creates heat kek auto correct

>> No.27166960

He stuck his hand in liquid mold and it turned into solid mold and ate his hand

>> No.27166982

Wtf is that

>> No.27167009
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>told my buddies to buy in on doge but instead of waiting for the dip like i told them they bought at the fucking market high

>> No.27167011
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tfw op bought the dip

>> No.27167024
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This is what I was thinking when I read it lol.

>> No.27167031
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>tfw bought DOGE at half a cent

>> No.27167055
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>> No.27167168

based retard

>> No.27167321
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>> No.27167346


>> No.27167510
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This guys face always freaked me out
I realize why now

He has the exact same face as the overly attached girlfriend but with a beard

He even sounds like her with a deeper voice

>> No.27167523
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I bought it at .008 and sold at .04 which isn't too bad. Mad a myself I wasn't paying enough attention to sell at .07 though.

>> No.27167524

he died

>> No.27167624

rip retard

>> No.27167673

reddit gif
reddit replies
reddit thread

>> No.27167690

Because he is THE LA BEAST

>> No.27167739

i think you are face blind bro

>> No.27167752

God L.A. Beast is the only good youtuber, what a chad

>> No.27167767


>> No.27167962



>> No.27168050


>> No.27168147
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>> No.27168253


>> No.27168421

Based man of science anon. Very well-explained, I appreciate it.

>> No.27168470

Ain't gonna get me, nigger.

>> No.27168879
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>tfw bought at .076 and not selling until tuesday

>> No.27168937


>> No.27169015
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>tfw made off with anons bags

>> No.27169051


>> No.27169197

>just set an alert for when it goes back above
how do you set an alert

>> No.27169205
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>> No.27169538
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I'm willing to resort to any superstition to assuage my fears.

>make $22k from PLTR calls
>squander gains on other option plays
>Robinhood will likely go under this week
>Don't have any money to open a brokerage account with a different company.
>dreading tax season

>> No.27169547

Gme is in the way of doge right now. Just hold anons. Its coming soon

>> No.27170100

I seriously fucking hate you stupid fucking retards. Everyone was hyping up dogecoin, I go into the threads seeing that the coin was increasing in value, that it was finally going to get to .10 and beyond so I ran and threw my rent money at it when it was at .08 riding the wave hoping to make a quick buck. You fucking niggers were telling me to HOLD. Now this stupid piece of shit has crashed and lost my fucking rent money. Hope every one of you stupid fucking faggots die painfully of covid soon

>> No.27170257

Fuck doge, bought in at .015 and I'm running while I can still profit. This is literally a crypto ponzi scheme now.

Don't get stuck holding the bags for reddit and twitter.

>> No.27170432

>he bet more than he was willing to part with on a memecoin

>> No.27170444

I mean did you think it wasn't a ponzi scheme? It's a worthless memecoin with no use case. DOGE was explicitly a pump and dump

>> No.27170515

nerve gas

>> No.27170582

Everyone with a brain was told this 100x, but I STILL had retards try to argue with me about it and act like some 50d chess genius.
>bro like money doesnt even have value lmao, doge will hit 1$

>> No.27170599

Just kicking myself for not selling an easy 6x

>> No.27170661
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>> No.27170670

Putting your rent up for volatile investments is never a good idea regardless of how optimistic people sound.

>> No.27170748
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>> No.27170763

Literally worthless garbage scam

>> No.27170857

Because it was going up!!! I thought it was gonna stop at .05 but it didn't! It looked like the safest thing to do, I just wanted to make an extra hundred dollars and then pull out. I just hope the coin skyrockets back up after the normies get a hold of it so I can break even and bail

>> No.27170895
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>> No.27170931
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>liquid nitrogen
>in a generic glass jar
>not violently boiling
It's the same liquid that you can find in these shitty hand warmers. Supposedly releases around 70C of heat while it freezes.

>> No.27171010

reddit obsessed

>> No.27171088

kek haven't seen that in a while

>> No.27171109
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>> No.27171259
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I want my board back:(

>> No.27171347

there was no good news in my life for past 2 years

>> No.27171394

>your worst week starts now.
Best to get it out of the way.

>> No.27171398



>> No.27171489

No, just severely burned chemically. Went to hospital. Sucked for a while and I'm pretty sure he went back to doing more stupid shit for views on youtube. His screams will be etched in my memory for all time though.

>> No.27171592
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Shut the FUCK up, we own this board now, bitch
Deal with it

>> No.27171746

It didn't hurt him at all and he was just doing retard screaming reactions for youtube. this shit is totally safe

>> No.27172178

My robinhood bugged out, tried to sell at .08 and buy at .05, but it lagged so hard that it executed a sell at .05 and a buy at .08 (which didn't even show up until it went back to .06) so I lost all my gains

>> No.27172280

This is my favorite one of his videos, worth the payoff of watching. I laugh out loud heartily every time

>> No.27172533

The only thing you own are my massive doge bags, thanks for the free money nigger.

>> No.27172883


>> No.27173352
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Hi faggot

>> No.27173499
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>> No.27173534

all me

>> No.27173587

yeah, guess i'll be taking a few weeks break from biz fuck this.

>> No.27173688

Classic /biz/ anon. Buy High Sell Low

>> No.27173775

Eat dick

>> No.27174755

Redditors will rope when gme gets reset to 6$ with no buybacks.

>> No.27175055

fuvk u

>> No.27176515

>instead of buying when they're 5 cents, they bought when they were 8 cents
who cares

>> No.27176671

based redittor identifying other redittors
now go back

>> No.27176724


>> No.27177213


>> No.27177894

doge coin pumps once every couple a years so....

>> No.27177910
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