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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2713766 No.2713766 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly do they do?

>> No.2713776

It means she sits at a computer, manages some paperwork and is a nice piece of ass for her bosses who actually do work to look at

>> No.2713777

Wait to be replaced. Also normies need human interaction and handholding.

>> No.2713811

she's probably a teller or a coffee fetcher as an intern

actual 'banking' in the traditional, IB type term, involves one of two things depending on job

buying shit

and selling shit

this is referred to as 'buy side' and 'sell side'

buy side are guys who rep shit like pension funds, index funds, hedge funds, etc - they buy issues run by the 'sell side' guys

the sell side guys liase with issuers (usually stock or debt so companies looking to offer equity or bonds) to 'run a book' to package and sell a bunch of shit, usually taking a commission

thats it really

>> No.2713815 [DELETED] 

How come the pic was deleted?

>> No.2713819

yeah she's definitely a teller lol.

>> No.2713940
File: 854 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do I get into banking?
Without connections of course.
Or being a nice piece of ass

>> No.2713958

Bankers are mostly there to try to sell you on shit

>> No.2713965

Go to Princeton not Harvard. If you went to Stanford wait with the car nigger

>> No.2713968

>I sing and perform
She's a dramatic cunt that will sleep around constantly, also she's always on her period

>> No.2713981

Ground floor, be a teller
>Source: I'm a bank manager, worked in banking for 7 years

>> No.2713989

They bank.

>> No.2713993

I went to Wharton and IB was every kid's wet dream there. Every one of them was backstabbing and unhealthily competitive too.

But if you want to be a banker OP and can still manage to get in, it's really the place to go.

>> No.2714031
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Tfw my crypto gains wont give me an asian gf who loves me

>> No.2715149


Eh... I'm a banker and I don't do buying and selling.

I'm in the finance department at a bank. I work in the profitability unit.

You're thinking of the treasury unit.

>> No.2715167

Nobody knows.

>> No.2715174
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Just get an asian bf.

>> No.2715219


This is laughably wrong

>> No.2715275


A Bank takes your deposit and lends it out to other people, hoping you don't come back and call your whole deposit.

The only reason this can exist is because in accounting, an asset must be balanced with a liability.

In truth, none of this makes any sense. Accounting was invented so banking could exist. It's actually a really big scam if you think about it.

Anyway, there's a bunch of rules we have to follow and stuff. We lend money to good people though and do pay a fair interest rate to depositors.

Our "profitability" for your loan is your interest rate minus the place on the treasury curve where the average duration of your loan is found at the time of the loan.

For example, if you got a 30 year mortgage, the average duration is about 7 years. This means that on average, the mortgage will be paid off in 7 years (you refi or sell the house).

Our cost is what the 7 year treasury curve is today--so we obviously have to charge you more than that and give our depositors less than that.

That's how we make money!

>> No.2715475

If you're looking to get into IB do not touch the retail side. It's absolute cancer on a resume.

t. Wisconsin MBA/CFA at Credit Suisse.

>> No.2715497

how do I start my own bank

>> No.2715516

all makeup

Shoot higher if you're going to go Asian

>> No.2715920

during the day, they sleep in coffins. at night they prowl the streets cutting innocent men's purse strings.

>> No.2715947


She's some executive's eye candy and fuck toy at work

>> No.2715959
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tfw asian gf who loves me but I don't love her

>> No.2716089

What about MM commercial banking. My boy's dad is a regional VP at a large bank (JPM,WF, Bank of America) and I figured I would work up to associate and then go to get my MBA and switch to IB

>> No.2716128

You are not a "banker" at 20. She is at best an intern and more likely a part-time teller.

>> No.2716141


r u me?

>> No.2716160
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>> No.2716370

Commercial banking is just retail banking with an extra comma here and there. You're better off getting your 6, 7, and 63 and working on a trading desk before scoring a 700+ GMAT and stepping away for a couple years to do your MBA then your CFA.

Also, VP means nothing in these settings as almost everyone with a pulse is a VP or higher, so the First Brothers from Aerotyne can say they deal with a VP at wherever the fuck. It makes the clients feel fancy, but basically means your buddy's dad is a nobody. Sorry.

>> No.2716384

Whatever, nerd.

>> No.2716422

Run a Monero full node

>> No.2716467

You sound like someone who works at a bank and resents the fact that you take part in a system you know is inherently a scam.

>> No.2716472

I go to a non target school (MBA ranked ~50), would I still be able to get a solid job on graduation. I will probably graduate with like a 3.7 and my school only offers management for undergrad.Kinda fucked up senior year of HS and did not apply to a top undergrad.

>> No.2716492

That's probably fine, especially if you rape the GMATs and kill it on your essay. Contact to popular belief, they care less about undergraduate degree, especially if you can articulate your path/career arc and stack up well on the standardized tests.

>> No.2716534

And what job should I go for when I graduate? I am going into my junior year and don't live in a financial hub (Orlando). I could probably get an internship at a small botique IB or Corpfin job during the year. What should I do for senior internship. The advisors at my school are idiots so not really sure what path to follow for getting into a excellent MBA program.

>> No.2716643

I work for a certain bank that will go far with you.

Bankers are fucking idiots that sit in a branch all day and sign people up for products. That's literally it.

Maybe they resolve some customer service bs if someone is being a lunatic in the branch, but that'll likely go through the branch manager.

>> No.2716803

Honestly there are tons of gigs in Charlotte if you want to avoid NYC or Chicago. For admissions purposes, boutique firms are tricky because the admissions cunts don't always understand what they do, so you have to convey the value to them in your essay(s). You could also target a finance position at a place like Disney. Disney, GE, and all those old-school DJIA firms are fucking catnip.

Another thing to consider is taking the altruistic route just to get into grad school. I did an econ undergrad then worked for the state department, then did a song and dance for the admissions fuckers about how I wanted to work at the VA and serve our beloved veterans and blah blah blah. Joke's on them. It isn't like you're signing a commitment to not enter IB or Consulting.

I guess I did, in a roundabout way, work for the VA. As a consultant with BAH.

>> No.2716822

You are thinking of broker.

>> No.2716833

Stay the fuck away, the absolute worst

t. Performer/singer

>> No.2716874

I own a ton of preferred bank stock
The bankers pay me! muahah!

>> No.2716940

Lmao. Fuck I'm glad my life worked out the way it did. I wish you the best but that grind sounds shit to me.

>> No.2716959
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How do I get into this working as a trader at a bank? This is biz not job so what I really want is to work there long enough to learn all the tricks and secrets from the bank traders and then go my own way.

>> No.2716965

So I should work on getting my certifications and look for trading analyst jobs. Are they prestige whores at larger banks and firms? That seems to be pretty interesting. Also, would it look better to be a trader than say a financial analyst?

>> No.2716971

I definitely had to play the game to get where I am, but now I'm 35 making close to 200k plus bonus, equity, and benefits... And roughly 70-80% of my day is watching KSP videos while my R code executes.

>> No.2716989

Traders are a dime a dozen. CFA exams are fucking widowmakers and separate the average from the exceptional. Don't get me wrong. I know traders and CFPs who make a killing, but I would rather live off the strength of my models and analytical ability than my salesmanship, is all.

And yes, 100% the adcoms at the HSW type schools are prestige whores. If you don't have the right last name, you need the right resume. Or have some ridiculous Malala-tier story to sell them. The hiring managers are not much better, which is why the academic pedigree of a place like Harvard or Chicago opens doors.

>> No.2717007

Lel she wishes.

>> No.2717020

I figured for thew top three. What would you recommend to be a good job in finance for a non-target graduate that looks good to prestigious B schools. I don't mind if it is mind numbing or ridiculous hours because it will only be for a few years.

>> No.2717262

Finance is actually pretty broad, so it could be something like analytics, actuarial work, data models (like what I do), trading, portfolio construction... Even bookkeeping or capital budgeting. The most important thing to show is how your contributions impact the firm's bottom line and how your responsibility grew over your tenure there.

Did you go from being an individual to running a team of 3, then 7, then 12? Did your budget expand year over year? What sales initiatives or products did you help launch?

Also have an idea of where you want to go and what you want MBA to do for you. How it's it going to address a gap in your skillset and get your where you want to be? Don't forget that it might take you two or three rounds to get in, do you may be looking at 3-5 years before you start your program. You'll also need a letter of rec from at least one professional reference, so check out where your prospective bosses went, and when you work for them, don't coast.

>> No.2717732

my mom is a vp for bank of america and she does tons of conference calls and deals a lot with bank efficiency. it really is terrible and they demand too much from there employees trying to pinch pennies of extra efficiency out of branches most of the time. it really is a kike business.

>> No.2717739

count up all the money the bank has in the vault

>> No.2717894

thank you for this post anon

>> No.2718348


>> No.2718374

she's 1 step above a teller. she sits in a retail branch or in a conference center and tries to sell retail banking products - ie: get people to open new checking/savings accounts, cards, etc.

>> No.2718458

Why would you guys immediately assume she's not a banker? Sounds like sour grapes.

I went to uni at a target school and knew a girl that got a debt capital markets grad job at goldman sachs, and she would have only been 21 or so at the time. Was also hot as fuck.

>> No.2718502 [DELETED] 


>> No.2718635

Also I'm a treasury dealer at tier 2 bank, that counts as banker. AMA.

>> No.2718660
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 1497336103393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do banking when you can teach yourself webdev in 6 months, not pay for school, and make more money than a banker?

Dont be a brainlet.

>> No.2718685

This. Studied with plenty of these types, almost all went straight to big banks or accounting firms the poor souls. Have never heard the term banker used by someone in reference to themselves, 'I'm in banking' probably wouldn't sound that strange though, who the fuck knows just fuck her and find out when they're going to start using XRP.

>> No.2718765

i doubt webdev is going to get you more than IB banking...

>> No.2718778

I was thinking that too but it's useless in the age of CMS

>> No.2718818

>webdev in 6 months
Thank you for creating work for me. I get paid nicely to rewrite garbage PHP and SQL churned out by people who thought they'd learn "webdev in 6 months".