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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 349 KB, 740x822, 1611966095767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27112682 No.27112682 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27112710
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>> No.27112840

this would be a really good way to crash the fuck out of the market

>> No.27112904
File: 17 KB, 376x220, original_280270548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$CLF bro

>> No.27112988

Yeah I'd definitely roll out of the American economy entirely.

>> No.27112992

What would?

>> No.27113006
File: 3 KB, 200x194, D0363554-B782-4527-B738-87E3926D9DA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing worth saving from the US regime

>tranny Jews

>communists and fags

>all corrupt or retarded

>fucking rigged towards billionaires or low IQ welfare nigs

>just fuck my shit up with brown midget criminals

>kike propaganda

>nigger worship or lesbian worship

>social justice or Miga boomers

Hope China nukes us 100x

>> No.27113020


>> No.27113066

potataoo salad nigger onion wellbutrin eego yello sticky nigger salad halves onions

>> No.27113083

zats top you could participate in?
Illiterate mid-wit confirmed.
camy to you and “fuck your girl”
Don’t beg me to kick you off from this topic
Wanna go for profit - use your fucking brain and go for Base
That’s all I can tell u

>> No.27113094

>You made money instead of hedge funds! So we're taking your money away from you and giving it back to the jews like it belongs!
Not a good look, democrats

>> No.27113113

truly the great Satan. I think they're cutting down national forest in the PNW now too.

>> No.27113169

Telling everyone that is interested in investing in the United States that if they make it too big at the expense of the billionaire class' shitty mistakes that they'll have their gains rolled back to protect the silver spoons of reckless richfag kikes.

>> No.27113176

You're learning. As a white man your duty is to loot this fucker as hard as possible. If there's nothing left for us here, then fuck it. Take what you can, raid raid raid.

>> No.27113175

I hope Chinah nukes Israel and NYC.

>> No.27113184

The US is babylon the great.

>> No.27113193


Chief Spitting Bull benefits from market manipulation like every other politician who deserves the rope

>> No.27113226

burn it all down

>> No.27113227

with jews you lose

>> No.27113285

These people are going to be dragged out and beaten to death by the own National Guard they need to keep people from executing the federal government.

>> No.27113322

bullish for crypto

>> No.27113333
File: 739 KB, 546x900, 1588706681967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boomer "investors" might be the cringiest creatures on this planet

>> No.27113357

In a way doing this or not doing this will be great. They do nothing and let the poor billionaires get their dues then we get rich, but if they use hard power and cheating to fuck everyone, there will be acceleration on a scale you can’t even imagine

>> No.27113479
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every expectation from life they sold to us has been a lie, peace was never an ambition for our generation.
there really is only one happening left to come.

>> No.27113491

Fake news, google it you tards

>> No.27113529

Seems very cool and very legal

>> No.27113600

>Hope China nukes us
the jews are killing your society from within, it would be a waste of resources for china to step in they will just wait for you to kill each other then pick up the pieces and conquer the land

>> No.27113782

When I was nine, my parents would always fight. I was always depressed and the kids at school picked up on this and made it worse. Then my dog died and I finally cracked. I broke down in class and poured my heart out in the office. The were all very understanding and sympathized with me.
Then they sent me downtown for psych eval and potential institutionalization. When I came back, they put me in potato class even though my standardized test scores were at the top of my class.
Fuck teachers. They are cowardly selfserving idiots who never left school and act like manipulative, shitheaded children smoking pot behind their parents backs. Warren is the same. She will pretend to be on your side and then do this shit.

>> No.27113825
File: 1.23 MB, 80x8150, 77882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope China nukes us 100x\n Anonymous (ID: RN2s9zXo) 01/29/21(Fri)23:08:33 No.27113020\n>>27112682 (OP)\nU SEE GOY WHEN U PLAY THE MARKET LIKE WE DO ITS THE CASINO ONLY WE CAN PLAY U STUPID CATTLE OYYYYYYY VEEEEYYYYYY!!!!!!! I AM NEVER SELLING U HEAR ME KIKES U HEAR ME FEDS I.WILL.NEVER.SELL!!!!!\n Anonymous (ID: CO3Mng6l) 01/29/21(Fri)23:09:18 No.27113066\npotataoo salad nigger onion wellbutrin eego yello sticky nigger salad halves onions\n Vitalij_K (ID: rCoImy+m) 01/29/21(Fri)23:09:29 No.27113083\nlol.\nzats top you could participate in?\nIlliterate mid-wit confirmed.\ncamy to you and ?fuck your girl?\nDon?t beg me to kick you off from this topic\nWanna go for profit - use your fucking brain and go for Base\nThat?s all I can tell u\n Anonymous (ID: VxPjM5Eh) (9) 01/29/21(Fri)23:09:37 No.27113094\n>>27112682 (OP)\n>>27112840\n>You made money instead of hedge funds! So we're taking your money away from you and giving it back to the jews like it belongs!\nNot a good look, democrats\n Anonymous (ID: zsphwdfG) (10) 01/29/21(Fri)23:09:53 No.27113113\n>>27113006\ntruly the great Satan. I think they're cutting down national forest in the PNW now too.

>> No.27113847

>dems still pretend that the gop are the only ones protecting big companies

>> No.27113906

Based schizo

>> No.27113922

B-b-but Elizabeth warren said she was antiestablishment and working fir the common man.

>> No.27113994

Melvin I think your bot broke

>> No.27114014

I see the parasite has entered you

>> No.27114115

i hope you find peace one day man

>> No.27114137

Good. Let's burn it down. Can't wait to see the entire market crash and the kikes strung up from trees.

>market crashes
>millions of boomers lose their retirement
>more guns sold last year than ever before
It's going to be a blood bath.

>> No.27114352
File: 48 KB, 751x753, 8ADD0FD4-1A10-4081-B081-382F9BE33E28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God will use pain to bring us closer to him. He will punish us for our collective sins. We must repent

There is no political solution

The battle is spiritual

>> No.27114476

> and she's literally responsible for decoupling the economy from how we measure it. She could take responsibility or blame you all. Guess which our team went with?

>> No.27114524
File: 383 KB, 900x1075, 1611605626302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to hear you went through that anon. Teachers really are the worst. Hope you were able to get through it ok, stay safe fren.

>> No.27114609

Yes... Return my losses goyim

>> No.27114657

If everyone can find their inner jew and take advantage of it we can burn this fucker to the ground and start over without kikes.

>> No.27114799

CLF is crashing you dumb faggot no support unti 12

>> No.27114835

Answer this question and you'll know which one they'll go with.
Who is really in control of the government, and what ethnic group stands to profit off a war? Hint: both are the same

>> No.27114837


>> No.27114845

makes sense

>> No.27115022

Thanks. I'm well adjusted.

>> No.27115140

Roll back the Federal Government.

>> No.27115151

i just think its funny that so many boomers are seething because the common man has finally realized how he can get a bit of the money too

>> No.27115226

The only gamble was the hedgies. What we did has been very deliberate and calculated. Hedgies gambled up a scenario that we can't lose. Now this Indian-Jew wants to shut it down.

>> No.27115257

In my experience, teachers are often just unintelligent. The road to hell is always paved by the good intentions of morons.

>> No.27115452
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>Now this Indian-Jew wants to shut it down.
Call her the tipi nigger that she is.

>> No.27115649

whatever this larp is i love it

>> No.27115679

GME was at $5 with hedgies pushing it to ZERO, the retail investor saved gamestop. Go back to the reservation Warren.

>> No.27115785

We need to regulate corrupt Massachusetts racial imposters. Ban them from holding public office

>> No.27115867


>> No.27116071

Lol i cashed out already
Can they still unwind my trade

>> No.27116137

Terry is that you?

>> No.27116416

I try avoid the charade of ego and the material world. There's truth in your points, but it's more satire than Reality. Let the ignorant squabble over the minutiae of their games, and live free from it.

>> No.27116958

This is real. It finally started making sense. We're seeing these monsters for who they truly are, but we have to be shown. We didn't listen to those who tried to warn us. They we're right, now we suffer but ultimately God wins.

>> No.27117513

lol there's no way the SEC is going to do this... i hope

>> No.27118203

sorry anon. im a teacher in asia but i could never work in one of those mindfuck boxes i grew up in in the states

>> No.27118821

based. love you anon.

>> No.27118884

Buy silver, everything else is an illusion of wealth. One chance at this. Don’t duck up

>> No.27119269


>> No.27119369

Fuck that we just need to restructure and cast out the jews. Fuck china

>> No.27119490

Chinese are just Asian Jews

>> No.27119543

"Teachers" are the chaff of society. People who couldn't get a real job so they do glorified daycare for the state where their only real purpose is to push state indoctrination on people's kids. FUCK teachers and FUCK (((public education)))

>> No.27119900
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>> No.27120572
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>> No.27120654

warren is fucking dumb

>> No.27120699

So what happens to those who cashed out already?

>> No.27120821

Teachers would rather have school shootings than to expel the bullies who follow a girl into the bathroom day after day.

>> No.27120845

They made me completely lose faith in our election system, but this would really be the hammer for me. Not sure what else I'd find interest in. Sure I'm in crypto to a pretty large extent but this recent equity saga has made me feel more alive than I can remember in my 32 years.

>> No.27120887

Learn English namefag

>> No.27120964

Nice blog fag, where can I unsubscribe?

>> No.27121030

were is the rollback coming from?
not seeing it in any of the sources, just the one guy saying it is so.

>> No.27121059

Just wait. Once bidet packs the supreme court the entire federal government will be a sham. I hope you've been buying brass and lead along with all your electronic coins.

>> No.27121063

When has the SEC rolled back trades during other events where (((they))) profited massively?

>> No.27121135

Yeah she lied. She flipped houses during the recession with her brothers. And how.

>> No.27121146

You mean a literal "do over"?
HAHAHAHA If this ever happened, society would collapse

>> No.27121243
File: 1.97 MB, 443x331, 1611883158038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't this what ethereum did when the dao got hacked?
>mfw the entire US economy is literally just a giant shitcoin

>> No.27121330

If they do anything, make sure OWS looks like a gay parade compared with what's coming

>> No.27121385

The pristine beauty of the USA is, anon.

>> No.27121534

If they do this I guarantee everyone with the know-how will go entirely into Bitcoin the same day. Then they will teach the rest how to follow, just as it’s happening with GameStop and people still asking for brokerage recommendations. It will appear as if the government wanted it to happen.

>> No.27121920
File: 89 KB, 1024x1012, honk benny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly hope they do this. We live in peak clown world anyway, so why not have the cherry on top? It'd be over-the-top egregious for them to flat-out force a fucking mulligan just because, for once, retail investors outsmarted hedge fund whales.

Get rid of the facade. Show even the lowest-IQ grugbrain that it's all a scam. Also bullish for crypto when the higher-IQ people start flooding in en masse to escape the charade.

>> No.27122109

stop fearmongering you white parasite

>> No.27122408

give it back tyrone

>> No.27123992

If true we know who to hang first in Minecraft

>> No.27124096

Based on what you have posted here you are more qualified to serve in this elected position than Elizabeth Warren is

>> No.27126102
File: 62 KB, 600x361, tumblr_otk0zht6Yn1tiuifmo1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, dollar is the first shitcoin. Just move on. Not sure why everybody ITT get emotionally attached to the idea of seeking revenge. No happiness will come out of it.

>> No.27126403
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Bartholomew, fetch the smallpox blankets.

>> No.27127717

Hopefully this redpills many people that leftist regulations and interference are not meant to protect "the little guy" or the worker, they're meant to safeguard a parasitic class who needs to lie and cheat to stay afloat.

>> No.27127806

Cool. I don't give a fuck about gamestop, and all of their workers that are going to be shitcanned anyway could just migrate to the next available minimum wage job next door. hilarious to see the big politicans fighting for the little guy workers, knowing they're not going to be working there in a month either wya.

>> No.27127893
File: 9 KB, 280x180, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why I opted out with Bitcoin

>> No.27127997

>the government accidentally deposited $1,000,000 into my bank account
>i already withdrew it and spent most of it
>it's not like they can just take it back

>> No.27128129

Well the Biden admin is unwinding Trump's policies. Thankfully.

>> No.27128289

just gotta elect some new politicians brah democracy just works, even though people said the same thing 10,20,30, etc years ago for every election and people aren't getting any smarter wiser or more informed.

>> No.27128342

Thats not what the proposal says in any way you retard

>> No.27128402

I just looked this up. Christ, it's like you guys just like to be lied to.

>> No.27128452

That's why I'm on unemployment and disability and buying silver with the money.

>> No.27128558

Don't forget gold. It is wealth lol.

>> No.27128570
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 101560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roll back GME because hedgies are losing
I'm so happy bidens holding the bag when the house of cards finally tumbles down.
Please do it. I can't wait for people to start bombing banks and hordes of protesters going full rampage mode and purging gated communities.

>> No.27128629
File: 349 KB, 836x518, rollback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great minds really do think alike.

>> No.27128690

It's fake lol.

>> No.27128726

Extremely bullish for crypto

>> No.27128911

I hope...maybe he has found a connection from whatever dimension he is in

>> No.27129124

Nice try, Liz.

>> No.27129265

This would be so bullish for crypto

>> No.27129383

Because shorting a company with thousands of employees beyond 100% of the float, hiring mainstream media megaphones to badmouth the company in every way and pulling every dirty trick in the book to drive the company into bankruptcy, all because you thought up the brilliant analysis "hey people can just download their games over that Internet thingy, right, that means GameStop is the next Blockbuster!"...that's great for GameStop's workers and customers (many of whom are us). Get with the program, Warren, we're the ones taking out the crooks that drive your voters out of jobs and homes.

>> No.27129491

shut the fuck up you obnoxious loser. No one cares. You post this shit on every thread.

>> No.27130532

They'll find some way to jew folks out of their gains. Maybe then the normans on wsb will figure out why Crypto got started in the first place. SN knew the only way to win was by stop playing their game. The enemy is not some hedgie, it's the FED.

>> No.27130988

>were is the rollback coming from?
>not seeing it in any of the sources, just the one guy saying it is so.
This, anybody got a source we can read? I expect them to do something stupid, but that would be beyond normal stupid.

>> No.27131185

I hope you are all in BTC
You forgot Banks, they are going to control your spending or freeze your account
Convert to BTC and do a fast withdrawal before US pulls a Canada (blocking withdrawals offline wallets)

>> No.27131269

She's against nuclear energy, too. She's a fucking retard.

>> No.27131290

so SEC rolls back GME trades and as a big FUCJ YOU wsb fucking catapults AMC into the sky as next target. what are they gonna do? roll back AMC in 3 weeks too?

>> No.27131401



>> No.27131471
File: 13 KB, 474x266, 1A2880AE-AC10-4751-A0A0-80C8469838D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great job, you won already. You sure showed those shorts. Sell and take your winnings now.

What are you trying to prove by holding? This will only end badly for everyone if things keep going on like this. Do you really want to be the cause of another financial crash? The only ones who get hurt will be normal people who just want go on with their lives. When Monday comes, I hope you think about that. Make the right decision.

>> No.27131534

How? All she has to do is keep rolling it back to the peak.

>> No.27131640

>normal people
With those noses?

>> No.27131672

"Nooo, trading is only for rich people and the jew, if anyone can do it that mean I'm stupid"

>> No.27131694

Screencaped, thx anon xD

>> No.27131744

she's just some retarded bitch. She's not the sec. Thank goodness she isn't president because she's a clown

>> No.27131801

Oh. Nvm first pic is probably fake too since I already confirmed this one as fake. Retard fud. Gonna buy more. Thanks

>> No.27131885

You do know that who the SEC is, right? If not go and find out and report back on your findings so the rest of us can lulz

>> No.27131959

this is insanely bullish for crypto

>> No.27132022

It’s not speculation is it? It is a well thought through short squeeze. They noticed there were way too many shorts in GameStop and simply unrolled it. It is smart money taking stupid money. Believe it or not but some very rich people are very stupid, like Citadel.

>> No.27132029

Wtf is this thing and where did it come from?

>> No.27132063

There really is a solution to this: organized white men

>> No.27132130

Why did this post make my penis erect?

>> No.27132159


Were you a part of the white supremacist retards that stormed the capitol? Because you sound like you were.

>> No.27132197

>stormed the capitol
lol they walked in

Only protesters who stormed government buildings were BLM and Antifa in places like Portland.

>> No.27132239

go back to r.eddit nigger

>> No.27132283


That's not what the police there said.


Make me, chud.

>> No.27132331

Reminder that Warren created the PDT rule. Reminder that some impoverished kid on a rez couldn't get into university because of Warren. Reminder that Warren is among the most anti-poor politicians in the USA

>> No.27132385

i fucking told you all they will. over the weekend when everything is shut and locked they shall artificially push the price down back to starting level.... and you will all lose your fucking money if you didnt quit out before then haha

>> No.27132440

Fuck this shit. If you really want to fuck over kikes and elizabeth warren buy precious metals. Its the only way.

>> No.27132441
File: 112 KB, 992x558, capitol-riot-02-gty-jc-210112_1610470140267_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not what the police there said.
lol yeah I'm sure.

We have tons of footage, you know.
They casually walked in and stood around.

>> No.27132536


Tell that to the 5 people that died as a direct cause of the storming on top of the 3 police officers that have committed suicide since then.

>> No.27132542

By about four years should do.

>> No.27132619

That didn't happen in the main influx of people.

>> No.27132670

are you saying that the enemy is that weak?

>> No.27132865

Also, look up the deaths.
One is a stroke, another is a heart attack, and another is a "medical emergency" which isn't specified.

One woman was shot while trying to break down a door (which would never happen if the protest was BLM), and a cop got bonked in the head with a fire extinguisher, allegedly.

>> No.27132893


You chuds will go through mental gymnastics to excuse anything. Hope you enjoy the next 8 years of Biden presidency. It's what you deserve.

>> No.27132988

See >>27132865

Antifa and BLM spent MONTHS violently taking over government and police buildings, and even setting up separate autonomous states.
All with the overt and enthusiastic support of top Democrats.

But suddenly when it's Trump supporters it's "insurrection" and "terrorism", even though Trump immediately told them to go home.

Fuck off.

>> No.27133012


There's plenty of footage of the insurrectionists being violent and attacking police officers during the storming. That lady didn't deserve getting shot to death. It's another example of police brutality in the US. But it would never have happened if they didn't try to violently break into congress to begin with.

>> No.27133066

you're a gay and dumb faggot with bad idiot opinions

>> No.27133071


Trump incited the insurrection for months and kept encouraging it as it was going on. You can't possibly claim that saying the election was fraudulent while people are storming the capitol is somehow trying to defuse the situation.

Why the double standards? You clearly disagree with violence towards police, so why is it okay when your side does it? I didn't bring up antifa or BLM.

>> No.27133152

>There's plenty of footage of the insurrectionists being violent and attacking police officers during the storming.
It's a drop in the ocean compared to the months of BLM and Antifa riots.

>bad opinions
Nothing I said is a matter of opinion.

>Trump incited the insurrection for months
The fuck are you talking about?
As soon as they entered the capitol, Trump told them to go home.
He incited them to protest, that's it.

Meanwhile the dems openly supported and celebrated the months of violent protests and government building takeovers.

>> No.27133242

what kind of retard would want to fill their video game hard drive with downloadable games you can't loan out or borrow. It annoyed me back when I was into video games that DLC was DLC not included on the game cd.

>> No.27133271


Claiming that the election was fraudulent and encouraging your voter base to head towards the capitol when the next president is supposed to be sworn in is incitement. He eroded trust in the democratic process and riled up the worst parts of his voter base which lead to the storming. He doubled down on this stance and called the insurrectionists wonderful people and that he loves them as the storming was happening. That's not trying to defuse the situation.

>> No.27133296

>eroded trust in the democratic process
It's hardly a democratic process when you can just cheat your candidate into winning.

>> No.27133341

>Claiming that the election was fraudulent and encouraging your voter base to head towards the capitol when the next president is supposed to be sworn in is incitement.
Incitement to protest, yes.
As soon as things turned violent, Trump told them to go home.

Meanwhile the BLM and Antifa riots were violent from day 1, and top dems kept supporting and celebrating them for months.

Fuck's wrong with your brain.

>> No.27133345


>> No.27133348


There's literally 0 proof of this. Trump-elected judges admit to this as well.

>> No.27133358

You have to go back fag.

>> No.27133386

>the 3 police officers that have committed suicide
for what reason?
you know, with this whole capitol storming thing, what happened before it and the aftermath is incredibly fucked up and I'm not sure whether or not you see it. a lot of people believed that the election was fraudulent and instead of being transparent and addressing these issues you and your approved side of the government attacked them. they protested based on the belief that election fraud had been committed, and instead of treating it like a legitimate protest of this perceived issue in the US democratic system these people were labelled terrorist, the media shrieked about insurrection like there was ever a reality where this disorganized protest could lead to change, and their belief that the voting system was corrupt was never actually addressed.

basically, instead of responding to accusations of electoral fraud the way one would expect in a democratic and free society, it was responded to the way a totalitarian regime would. every single thing that was brought up by anyone who believes that fraud was committed was dismissed immediately without any compassion or explanation.

I'm not even from the US, I have no dog in the race but I think anyone who takes one side in that situation is a brainwashed retard and the whole US is a fucking joke right now.

>> No.27133390

No, Trump-elected judges say the competence to start investigations and audits goes to the politicians who refuse to carry out a single investigation or audit.

>> No.27133398

gay and dumb bad opinion'd faggot idiot
go off internet and stop telling people what you think
your brain bad
my brain good

>> No.27133408

Absolutely Halal

>> No.27133410


I've guaranteed been here longer than you have, friend.

>> No.27133444


>> No.27133464

Nothing I said is a matter of opinion.

>BLM and Antifa violently protest
>Dems applaud them for months

>Trumpers violently protest
>Trump IMMEDIATELY tells them to go home


>> No.27133466

>throw out every case on jurisdictional issues and never even look at evidence
>"see, there's no evidence!"
if you're on this board you shouldn't be new to these tricks

>> No.27133492

The sad truth. America isn't even worth the bombs. It's more profitable to just let us stew in our filth and keep producing whatever value we can while the rest of the world moves on, or becomes us.

>> No.27133515

gay dumb fag opinions
bad wrong opinion boy with small pea brain you need to stop
take opinion
put opinions in toilet bowl
flushing the opinions down the toilet bowl

>> No.27133526

you aren't supposed to squat on the keyboard while you type, yuri

>> No.27133539

>Convert to BTC and do a fast withdrawal before US pulls a Canada (blocking withdrawals offline wallets)
What? Need sauce on that Canada shit

>> No.27133568

>Prosperity for me but not for thee
Absolutely honked system.

>> No.27133691


>you and your approved side of the government

Friend, I'm not even American. I believe both sides of the US political class has abandoned the working class in the US for many decades which has led to this situation. There's no proof of election fraud and there never was. It's not being treated as a legitimate protest because it isn't one. Again, trump-elected judges admit to this. There's no legal case for it. Rudy Giuliani is being sued for a fortune because of it.


That's not true, anon.


"“The people have spoken,” Parker wrote, referring to the election results."

The rest of the world thinks you're a complete joke for even attempting to pursue this bullshit.

>> No.27133770

>That's not true, anon.
Your own link says it is true:
"U.S. District Judge Linda Parker in Detroit and U.S. District Judge Timothy Batten in Atlanta ruled that the plaintiffs lacked the legal standing to bring the lawsuits"

This means they do not have the competence to bring this case.
That competence goes to the local Detroit DA, who absolutely refuses to order any kind of investigation, audit, challenge, ...

>> No.27133831


No, it means there is no legal ground for the lawsuit. You're living in a fantasy world.

>> No.27133951

> it means there is no legal ground for the lawsuit
No, it means they have no STANDING.
Nobody even looked at the merits or grounds.

It means the decision to investigate, audit, challenge, ... is up to the district attorneys and judges, who refuse.

Literally from your link:
"“They want this court to substitute its judgment for that of two-and-a-half million Georgia voters who voted for Joe Biden, and this I am unwilling to do,” Batten said."

>> No.27133954

>they set your account -1,000,000
>cut the debit card and disappear

>> No.27133971

Correct, and anyone disagreeing with this clearly was not watching the livestream footage of the Minneapolis riots.

>> No.27134018

>If they do this I guarantee everyone with the know-how will start mailing bombs every day
Fixed that for you.

>> No.27134215



"“Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy,” Judge Stephanos Bibas wrote on behalf of a unanimous U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals panel. “Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”"

Does this make it clearer for you?

>> No.27134216

Look up the 'protests' back in January 2017. If what we had was an insurrection on the 6th now, that was a full on hot civil war.
>incited for months
??? He did no such thing. And if he did, all he 'incited' was people walking around aimlessly into the capitol. The 'storm' was a fucking drizzle. MEANWHILE IN FUCKING PORTLAND, they're STILL rioting. We're on like day 280 or some shit at this point. MCFUCKING KILL YOURSELF YOU ABSOLUTE CRETIN.

>> No.27134230

If they do the rollback, EMP Capitol Hill and Wall Street.


GME (4 days left ∞% potential DO NOT SELL ALL) -> Doge -> Stellar Lumens -> Ripple
Follow this strategy for maximum games and gains.

>> No.27134282


>muh antifa
>muh BLM

You're all obsessed.

>> No.27134286

The majority of people investing put their money into companies that have a long term positive trend and aren't extremely volatile like bitcoin or GameStop. Day trading is only for people who literally want to gamble or can manipulate the market through mass media (social media apparently and MSM).

I doubt they roll back anything but they will regulate the shit out of companies that are failing so they get delisted earlier than their stock price hitting the exchange minimum. Those companies will fall into the hands of hedge funds for liquidation quicker and easier than before. Like maybe they'll give you 3-7 days to recover or your company is out of there, not lingering for months.

They'll arrest a few people for organizing the pump and dump on reddit and discord for sure.

Congress doesn't invest in bitcoin they rely on insider trading for making their millions. I was talking to a Democrat today about this and they were in denial that both parties are on the sides of megacorps and megabanks.

The only difference between the Democrats and Republicans is that fractional shares as seen on Robinhood are more likely to be banned under a Democrat administration, because the stock market did fine before without them and it's a solid nanny state policy to ban it for our own good.

>> No.27134298

>There's no proof of election fraud and there never was
It's a vote. Whether there is proof or not is inconsequential as long as the voter believes that there is and it is possible to commit.
They did find evidence of election fraud by the way, they were isolated incidents and not evidence of widespread election fraud. There were countless suspect videos and recordings circulating which could have been sent in bad faith but whether they were or not, Joe Voter who watches it and asks "hang on, was this a fair election?" or if that was real had the exact same thought as a "domestic terrorist". Dig a little deeper and you will see that there were a lot of unusual coincidences, such as getting late night deliveries of last minute ballots.
I think people should have been forgiven for asking questions considering how poorly it was handled by everyone involved.

It was absolutely a legitimate protest despite how the media framed it, you must be too used to legitimate protests involving burning, looting, and flipping cars.

>> No.27134399

He's saying there is no proof without ever actually looking at any proof.
Not a single court ordered an investigation or audit, NOT A SINGLE ONE.

Most that happened was a barebones recount in Georgia (without investigation or audit), and even that found thousands of hidden votes for Trump.

It's classic "a priori" ruling, he's just assuming all the votes are legit.

>> No.27134422

lmao i had a faggot tell me 'at least wall street doesn't do hard forks" just yesterday, while i was shilling eth. the irony is always my favourite part

>> No.27134453


>day trading is gambling, market forces only function on the long term

they dont function without day traders at all.

>> No.27134463


The small amounts of actual voter fraud that happens, which happen in elections all over the world all the time, were ruled to not have any sort of impact on the outcome of the election. These baseless accusations were given much more credence than they deserved. The only people who believe they weren't are Trump fanatics who would refuse any other outcome than Trump winning the election no matter what.

You're clearly biased regarding this.


Whatever, anon. Your own judges have admitted defeat and that Biden is the rightful president. You'll have to accept that eventually.

>> No.27134550

Thank god i am going to sell my stocks and buy back in on monday at $5000

>> No.27134661

>These baseless accusations were given much more credence than they deserved
You're right, they should have immediately thrown people in jail for requesting an investigation into election fraud rather than obfuscating the issue and waiting for a flimsy excuse like a protest over not investigating election fraud.

>> No.27134666


WSB here.. Can someone PLEASE explain the blatant racism and homophobia on this board? Are you just a bunch of low IQ incels or something? Who do you think causes all the economic problems? CIS white male boomers do. The problem is obviously inter-generational wealth generated from slavery, and you honestly think people of color and LGBTQ folk are the problem? They're the victims here.

>> No.27134667

>Your own judges have admitted defeat and that Biden is the rightful president.
No, they threw out cases for lack of standing but added comments as if they ruled on the merits.
Not one court ordered any kind of investigation of any evidence.

>> No.27134725

Yeah I don't think so. The system has always been rigged against the little guy, and there have been bigger financial injustices than this in the past.
>central bank gets created and collects interest from government and taxpayers on bullshit currency they print themselves.
>government forces everyone to sell gold for fiat, then immediately devalues it.
>federal income tax gets instituted and increased by thousands of percent in less than 50 years
>banks get bailed out after similarly fucking the economy in 2008 without so much as a slap-on-the-wrist

Unfortunately it's the same effect that will ultimately put an end to this short squeeze.

People don't take risks when they're comfortable.

>> No.27134727

Spend them as soon as possible, in weapons

>> No.27134741

fuck off satan

>> No.27134774


Trips of truth. Yes, they are a bunch of low IQ incels who are looking for scapegoats for their own problems. That should be evident by all the retards on this board buying into literal conspiracy theories with zero amount of evidence behind them.

>> No.27134788

0/10 obvious bait post.

>> No.27134811

Why? Why the fuck would I or anyone else cash put their stocks just because they roll back trades in a case of retards buying a dying stock that is obviously being extremely manipulated from all sides

>> No.27134848
File: 77 KB, 509x512, scumbagsteve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh no. an incel racist homophobe thinks i'm Satan..

>> No.27134852
File: 461 KB, 752x768, liberal science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who are looking for scapegoats for their own problems.
Uh huh.

>> No.27134862

>How DARE you filthy plebs try and make money the same way the rich and powerful do, we are putting a stop to that right now!

Reminder that the majority of Americans voted for this.

>> No.27134915

>small amounts of actual voter fraud

>be Trump
>be ahead in 5 battleground states
>all 5 battleground states announce they're halting the vote count in the middle of the night
>observers go home
>they all keep counting anyway
>sudden vote spikes happen in the dead of night, without observation
>some of the batches have 100s of thousands of votes EXCLUSIVELY for Biden
>Biden is now ahead in these 5 states

And not a single investigation.

>Your own judges have admitted defeat
Based on absolutely nothing.
Not one investigation.

>> No.27134935


funny how you don't have an argument. It's because you know that all the evil billionaires are old white CIS men. It's not even debatable, but keep blaming people of color and the LGBTQ.. That makes perfect sense.

>> No.27134964


>if you don't believe in conspiracy theories you must be a progressive

Okay, anon.

>> No.27134990

You know, it's bullshit like this that actually makes people openly racist. Call someone racist enough for having reasonable opinions and then 14/88 isn't so much of a leap anymore.

>> No.27135012


>Trump encourages voter base to not vote by mail
>mail votes come in
>they're almost unanimously supporting Biden

Okay, retard.

>> No.27135034

no need for an investigation anon, they already said that these things just happen sometimes.
get in the gulag.

>> No.27135056

Has to be bait, though. Nobody would be this retarded, right?
Stop larping.

>> No.27135070
File: 323 KB, 694x1774, trump urges voters to vote by mail-in mail in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump encourages voter base to not vote by mail
lol wrong

>> No.27135087


The original post I responded to is clearly racist though. So your entire post makes zero sense. In case you're wondering, here's the post in question:


It's full of homophobia and blatant racism, and that's okay to you?

>> No.27135115


They happen on such a small scale that it's irrelevant. You people are a joke.

>> No.27135121

>old (((white))) cis men.
>blaming people of color and lgbtq
Tell me, how much of your energy in the last 5 years have you spent fighting for the rights of trannies to use the women's restroom, or for absolute dirtbags like Rayshard Brooks to attack cops with impunity.

And how much of that energy have you directed against wall street before now?

LGBTQIA is just a tool they used to distract you.

>> No.27135162
File: 212 KB, 760x509, meritocracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a marxist would type a post like yours, without any self-awareness whatsoever.
>women blame sexism
>minorities blame racism
>queers blame homophobia
>all three based on arbitrary boogeymen
>enact quotas to basically steal from more competent people
>competent people complain based on factual stealing
>"stop blaming others"

>> No.27135192



>> No.27135199


Defending LGBT rights and being opposed to austerity and widespread wealth inequality aren't mutually exclusive you know. You'd know that if you ever actually spoke to someone on the left.

>> No.27135202


Jewish shillbot spottet.

>> No.27135203
File: 782 KB, 1488x1548, michigan 138.339 votes added all exclusively for biden voter election fraud 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>batch of 130k votes exclusively for Biden
>similar spikes in all of the battleground states during the middle of the night when they said they stopped counting
>"such a small scale"


>> No.27135216

oh, so voter fraud does happen but there can be no investigation into just how much.
understood, comrade.

>> No.27135238


>> No.27135239

If you support affirmative action, you're supporting racism.

>> No.27135245


I have been defending the LGBTQ and speaking out against CIS white male billionaires since college. I would try to explain what college is to you hillbillies, but it would be a waste of time.

>> No.27135258

>Reminder that the majority of Americans voted for this.

They actually didn't. Noboy voted for Biden btw, it was just painfully obvious voting fraud.

>> No.27135279

either way, there's no article on it. This is a fake pic

>> No.27135325

I speak with people on the left every day at work. This GME short squeeze is the first time I've actually felt like we have a common interest.

>> No.27135388

What did you major in?

>> No.27135400

Nou fag

>> No.27135419


I'm a capitalist. I'm just not a retard.


There was investigation. It was ruled to not have any impact on the outcome of the election. You conspiracy frogs are tiresome.


It certainly has united people.

>> No.27135431

Something educational like sociology with an econ minor, of course.

>> No.27135444

He's from reddit, possibly a shill even

>> No.27135485

lol ok. Now I know you're a troll.
Nice try though. You had me going for a while ;)

>> No.27135503

We've won this battle, no matter which way it goes. Either we fuck over the hedge funds and we win, or they roll everything back, and everyone rushes into defi as the stock market ceases to function anymore. We can't lose. Buy Link & Eth, guys. Oh, and CME

>> No.27135516

Check the ID, retard.

>> No.27135520


>if you disagree with us you must be from Reddit

And you call Reddit an echo chamber. No, I do not frequent that site at all. I've been on 4chan since 2009.

>> No.27135728
File: 324 KB, 602x725, 1611772613391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27135756

They do this and it will be literal hell. Both sides united and pissed the fuck off. I dare them to do it.

>> No.27135757

>I would try to explain what college is to you hillbillies, but it would be a waste of time.
It's designed to turn you into a subservient employee who will never question the orders you are given to follow and worship the people who give you those orders because they are of higher position than you.

>> No.27135761

>There was investigation.

A judge looking at a a filing and dismissing the case based on standing is no more an investigation than looking at a raw onion is cooking.

>> No.27135768


gender studies

>> No.27135773

Whoops... Well you at least have a similar color...

>> No.27135793

Are you colour-blind? Mine's closer to yours than the other anon. They're fuchsia. We're salmon.

>> No.27135814


>>27135485 is meant for you.

>> No.27135841

time for me to go to bed.

>> No.27135853
File: 192 KB, 965x577, forced red-pilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be a really good way to crash the fuck out of the country.

What a massive forced red-pill it would be for the entire country! The Democrats stealing from the poor and giving it all to the rich because the poor dared to make some money; crashing the economy in the process since trust in American markets would instantly evaporate. It would be undeniable, in plain sight. That would wake everyone up.

>> No.27135855

>There was investigation
then why are they now launching an investigation into whether or not anyone agreed to investigate voter fraud after finding that Trump got someone to agree to it however couldn't get them into a position to do so?

>> No.27135871
File: 184 KB, 731x1070, 1472913392003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a 1-10 score? I'm trying to refine my craft.. At least a 7, right?

>> No.27135903


>> No.27135911

Why should people have faith in the Democratic process if, by your own admission, their representatives are failing them? It doesn't matter if the election was rigged ( it was ) it matters that people don't have faith in their institutions because they're being used to fuck them over all the time from every angle. Its not surprising judges don't want to rule on it in a way that would exacerbate the civil unrest, regardless of evidence or lack thereof. They have a very vested interest in not having the system blow up, they're literally judges

>> No.27135964

you vill be banned from trading and you vill be happy

>> No.27135987
File: 164 KB, 498x498, 1611803046300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many kippah's will you collect, /biz/?

>> No.27136010


>> No.27136028

7 sounds about right. Your first post was a bit weak, but you drew me back in with your reply.

>> No.27136055

Yes and the amount of value that's traded everyday might be greater in the hands of the few than the many, but the many will still 99% of the time buy and hold stocks that have a positive trend and good news on TV over multiple days/weeks/months.

If you buy something that has a risk of rising 100-400% or dropping 50-90% multiple times a day or in the week then that's a bigger gamble than say, buying a stock that you expect to rise and hold the gains at the end of that day (at least) that you can pull out before people start to read deep dives by analysts.

Literal bots & people looking at charts determine a lot of market forces initially. That's why Gamestop went up that quick but then crashed in the first day because people didn't know why the fuck it was going up they just wanted to ride the gains. The second wave only happened because of news that the stock was being shorted >100% and misinformation being spread of guaranteed gains.

>> No.27136091

>blame white men
>we need more diversity in your country
>Onlyfans is feminism, pornhub premium is free goys!

>> No.27136098

They're both orange bro. Are you female? Females have a better eye for color, no meme.

>> No.27136109

They are investigating how hedge funds can short more stocks than actually exist right?

>> No.27136119


They're literally investigating Trump supporters in the justice department. Not the other way around. It says so in the article. Jeffrey Clark is a Trump supporter. Are you stupid?

>> No.27136159
File: 288 KB, 2083x1842, 1609846724732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> CIS White male boomers

My nigger get your facts straight, you mean the joos who own 99% of wall street and are in the pockets of all politicians.

>> No.27136181

>throws every other hat in the ring
>doesnt mention the jew

>> No.27136184

>Jeffrey Clark, then the department’s acting assistant attorney general for the Civil Division, had plotted with former President Donald Trump in a failed attempt to oust then-Attorney General Jeff Rosen so that he could launch a probe of alleged voter fraud in Georgia
>so that he could launch a probe of alleged voter fraud in Georgia
are you?

>> No.27136254
File: 906 KB, 915x915, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warren is based and redpilled

>> No.27136307

Respond to this. I assumed you were from reddit because you're taking a lot of news reports, official statements at face value implicitly with your stance.
Anyone """ woke""" enough, left or right, recognizes that news and official reports and so on are mechanisms of control in a democratic society, Chomsky I believe said the control of information is to a democracy as soldiers are to a dictatorship

>> No.27136366

My ip probably changed, but more to the point, I also lurk /ic/. That's my point, though. The other guy baiting was hot pink.
I'd give it a four or less. It seems too eminently retarded to be someone moderating their position but you also don't type with the right wording/style. Plus, gender studies is going way hard. Reckon you'd be better off with undeclared science, business undergrad with soc minor, or anthropology major or something.

>> No.27136388

I hate to say it, but you're right.

>> No.27136446

Well it's really simple, every normal person thinks you're a disgusting freak who contributes nothing but mental illness, confusion and child rape to society.

>> No.27136498

>These wild fluctuations are just the latest indication that many private equity firms, hedge funds, and other investors, big and small, are treating the stock market like a casino
This is so fucking disingenuous. If these are just the "latest indication" why didn't she try doing something before this? It's first when the "other investors, big and SMALL" start treating it like a casino that it's time to shut it all down. Seriously fuck her.

>> No.27136524

Nobody cares if zogbots die

>> No.27136554


>> No.27136572

Even if he's an underling that doesn't ban him from looking into any alleged crimes anywhere they take place. If his boss is ignoring it then that could justify "ousting" him.

It's okay when all the DOJ/FBI underlings were insubordinate for the Russia hoax, but nobody is allowed to look into Democrat voter fraud at all? We're really in a banana republic then.

>> No.27136671

They cheated on the elections and the judiciary system was too corrupt to do anything about it. How do you expect people will react?

Also this was definitely not an insurrection, the violence was minimal and the CP let them in

>> No.27136704

WSB here

fuck off we hate riggers and Jews.

>> No.27136726

Why not bet on the Commodity shorts you could really pump and dump that and they are kind enough to put out a weekly report of their intentions. https://www.cftc.gov/MarketReports/CommitmentsofTraders/index.htm

>> No.27136791

trump referring to this bitch as Pocahontas was my favorite thing about him

>> No.27136835

I hate shills, effort post a fuck, I just say fuck kikes niggers tranny and fag from now on

>> No.27136865

Wow, nevermind. I thought your bait was far too blatant, but you're catching a lot anyway, guess it's at least a five.

>> No.27136934

LGBT are overwhelmingly bourgeois upper-class urbanites that co-opt each other as soon as they reach power positions.
They are part of the ruling class (Globohomo Inc)

>> No.27136951

China is literally the same. Jews run their banks too

>> No.27137013

This. Please, please, please let the bombs drop. I want to witness the end of the fucking world.

>> No.27137079

Elizabeth WHORREN

>> No.27137096
File: 1.75 MB, 400x490, 1608447226977.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if FUCKING GAMESTOP issues more shares at a steep discount on current price (20-30 bux) and the hedgies use this offering to cover their positions? Is this in the realm of possibilities?

>> No.27137116

Push this old bag off the stairs.

>> No.27137174

This, except
>Hope China nukes us 100x

Hope we have a national socialist revolution and then nuke China 100x.

>> No.27137202

Im going to buy the new stocks.

>> No.27137220

I don't think Americans know what literally means

>> No.27137236
File: 1.55 MB, 2834x3770, Jiemi-chan original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GME-chan hits the scene

>> No.27137244

>we will regulate the markets goy
>Biden already promised that he will protect banks from any legislation to regulate them
fuck American politicians. The fact that these shitheads aren't hanging in the gallows yet still surprises me to this day

>> No.27137272

You sound like a nigger, go back.

>> No.27137274

and then twitter blocked him so super-normies cant go back and see what he said.

>> No.27137279

You are an idiot. America is not your country. Nome of the institutions reflect your values. Once the boomers die you'll be 40% of the public, half of that faghots and traitors. Its your duty to take everything from the enemy and give back nothing. Its not your country. You have no control.

>> No.27137291

/pol/tard's theory is that minorities are used as vote golems to sustain the survival of the economically dominant class.

>> No.27137312

The reason for this headline is totally to protect you and not panic you into selling. Nope no sir.

>> No.27137319

>Then they sent me downtown for psych eval and potential institutionalization. When I came back, they put me in potato class even though my standardized test scores were at the top of my class.

yeah this story is complete bullshit. they do not "institutionalize" 9 year olds. fuck off fag

>> No.27137472

you cannot rollback stocks, this isnt a national issue LMAO
what happens to the investors in europe, huh?
you cannot just rollback their bank accounts there, its nothing less of a joke to suggest that

but if they do that in amitown I'll be laughing my fucking ass off so hard for so long

>> No.27137518



Respond to my effort posts right now you shill fuck fuck you fuck you I hate you

>> No.27137547

>She will pretend to be on your side and then do this shit.
no shit sherlock. Neoliberal politicians will never be on your side. Have fun with these people. You retarded Americans voted for them because you fags keep drinking Kool Aid

>> No.27137624


North Korea and China are laughing at USA righ now.

>> No.27137707

He either realized that there were no investigations into election fraud and left, or he realized that he will need sources to convince us and can't find any. Sorry mate.

>> No.27138019

this is a poorly programmed bot.

>> No.27138070

btw 4chan uses html to format posts

>> No.27138161

What would you suggest is my duty as a yellow man? Must we always conflict or can we get along as different races?

>> No.27138338

You talk like a faggot and aren't from around here.

>> No.27138466

and I use my dick to format my dad, what's your point?

>> No.27138470


Not him but the problem with this entire debate is that it enters the slippery slope territory. Assuming you viewpoint is right that the election was rigged how do you prove the previous election with Trump was anymore legitimate? How do you prove legitimacy of all other previous elections before Trump also? When your default position is that the system is everlastingly corrupt you leave yourself no room to provide evidence for why events that favor or disfavor your point of view is accurate or objective. At a certain point it all becomes a matter of events didn't go my way therefore it must be because the system was rigged and not because more people simply disagree with me a series of complex issues.

Also try to calm down anon.

>> No.27138519

yep. The great American nation is over.

>> No.27138539

They'd be insane to do this. You've got basically everyone from left to right agreeing this is an example of corporate greed.

Too much exposure to try this. They'll let this one go but change the laws later so you can't win again

>> No.27138594


>> No.27138612

Nothing they swing their micropenises around, engage in pissing contests and end up peeing their shoes and socks.

>> No.27138761




>> No.27138788

But what if the jews dont want to side with goy about this? Jews own all the news and if they wanted to they could just say wsb was a antisimetic terrorist organization and show the anti jew 4chan posts and most npcs who just repeat whatever news say would just side with jewish hedge funds and you dont want to be a antisimetic terrorist do you?

>> No.27139743

If this dumb fake indian bitch gets GME stock rolled back then you can bet your ass that the stock market will tank
So basically either
A) hedgies get rekt, and RH does too
B) the entire stock market gets rekt and RH does too
Buy crypto and physical silver. Fuck these kikes

>> No.27139875

what a worthless piece of shit jew

>> No.27140468

>Only (((We))) are allowed to manipulate markets

>> No.27140680
File: 172 KB, 1161x1239, 1610638916308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.27141457

And how do you plan on doing that? The media will demonize any uprising, the normies will never join and if they join it will be for the wrong reasons

>> No.27141515

So she just realized now? I hate this ugly cunt