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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 1073x851, tk9dpt2tz9e61[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27099730 No.27099730 [Reply] [Original]

Aww you couldn't pull yourself up by bootstraps? Eat the fucking rich

>> No.27099869

why would his wife leave?

>> No.27099916

he should learn how to code
or maybe get a stimulus check and start to retail, hahahahahahahahahhahahaahahaha

>> No.27099927

>shitting on Jews


>> No.27099948


>> No.27099979

they have to learn how to cope first

>> No.27100011

No money

>> No.27100030

Can't afford the note anymore

>> No.27100037

couldnt afford next year's boob job

>> No.27100065

Should have put his assets in Cryptos. Ignore it and get rekt.

>> No.27100080

Maybe they should stop blowing all their money on Starbucks lattes.

>> No.27100083

lifestyle gone. Some bars in NYC cater to Investment Bankers, and there are women that go out looking to settle down with high income earners.

>> No.27100088
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impossible, jews entertain their butthurt for several millenias, ever heard of their opinion on Jesus and Rome?

>> No.27100106
File: 17 KB, 570x312, eatrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27100134

>crying because he’s not rich


>> No.27100148

she learned he got naked with some hussy stocks.

>> No.27100162


>> No.27100181

fuck you reddit cringe, this is a chad board

>> No.27100213

>Eat the fucking rich
The fact that you used this phrase instead of "Gas the fucking kikes" tells me you're a filthy unwashed reddit tourist and you need to mcfucking kill yourself ASAP

>> No.27100215

She's too busy fucking me now

>> No.27100219

Hey hedge fag, egg and cheese go great with ramen.

>> No.27100226
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>> No.27100315
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>> No.27100313

why not both
gotta throw them in the oven before you can eat them anyway

>> No.27100431
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>Nu-uh, just because he died in like 50 AD I won't round the number to two

>> No.27100486
File: 23 KB, 728x400, B4D2D165-E1FA-4D8D-BC78-07B6FBB43DF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melvin, cash out now. If you even can. Rice and beans from here on out

>> No.27100518


>> No.27100625

it's ok b I support using English pluralizing conventions instead of Latin ones

>> No.27100630
File: 261 KB, 785x1000, soi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eat the fucking rich
poorfag cope, get a job simple as

>> No.27100636

sam hyde is rich, i don't feel like eating him. he'd probably taste gross with all the chinese bathtub chemicals he injects himself with anyways

>> No.27100865

that's not the english pluralizing convention though
anglicized millennia would be millenniums

>> No.27100985
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>he thinks he's "rich"

>> No.27101113

>haha yes goyim! eat those rich!
>now that those evil guys are gone, i'll help you guys rebuild the market...just do what i say and we'll all be rich!

>> No.27101125

>'Wahh I did a Gender Studies degree and never invested now I can't find a job'

Do yourself a favor. Read books and podcasts on investing and starting a business. You'll see how 'easy' it is

>> No.27101149

joggers think anyone who doesn't live in section 8 housing is rich

>> No.27101164

im not the brainlet who is crying about muh rich people
money doesn't make me happy. maybe do some introspection and youll understand
cope poorfaggot

>> No.27101209

Sam hyde is up to his eyeballs in debt. He just figured out that no one will actually do anything to you if you can't pay up because debtor's prisons don't exist any longer

>> No.27101285

She was only with him for superficial reasons

>> No.27101400

You will never be a millionaire

>> No.27101504

Paying her by the hour.

>> No.27101511

Probably could have saved money by not having Netflix!

>> No.27101524

Rich wives have a contract called marriage that stipulates they are paid an allowance. Like models or escorts on salary. Poor people don't know this and marry because they're usually both broke.

>> No.27101603

Has anyone spat "learn to code" at any of these fucks yet?

>> No.27101752

"Eat the rich" has to be the cringiest phrase your kind has ever used. It's really stupid. Redditors will be bald, 5"6 140lbs with noodle arms talking about eat the rich, eat a fucking steak bro.

>> No.27101764

His wife was a whore and he can't afford her any more.

>> No.27102093

socialism is only cool if it's for lifters
The US doesn't deserve universal health care with the amount of disgusting fat fucks around

>> No.27102209

I think he's eligible for the stimulus check now

>> No.27102259
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maybe get some roommates to cut down on costs

>> No.27102421

which ceo?

>> No.27102466

Middle class lifestyle isn’t even a realistic expectation anymore. If you make middle class income, you’ll just be taxed straight into poverty, with those taxes going towards services that you won’t be permitted to use.

>> No.27102504
File: 103 KB, 1280x1264, 1544215772975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this naive

>> No.27102524

House always wins. And when I mean the house, I mean the Jews.

>> No.27102636

Fuck off commie.
Fuck wall street, but fuck you too.

>> No.27102661

I pretty sure he didn't even say that so...

>> No.27102688
File: 339 KB, 652x569, Eat each other.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aww you couldn't pull yourself up by bootstraps? Eat the fucking rich.

>> No.27102705
File: 87 KB, 385x368, 59275-0-1434157834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27102818

oh shut the fuck up middle class lifestyle the houses back in boomers day didnt have central hvac cars were dogshit there were no cell phones no internet etc. you can live like a boomer and save so much money bro just dont pay for internet smart phones get a used car with crank windows

give me a break

>> No.27102933
File: 870 KB, 1280x1280, Lol.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27103302

This guy gets it