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27091317 No.27091317 [Reply] [Original]

So if the hedgies are losing billions a day...
Who are they losing it to? Who do they have to pay? Doesn't it just go from one hedgie to another?

>> No.27092292

The claim is that eventually they'll have to buy the stocks at whatever price is listed, and they are on the hook for more stock than exists. I don't buy that though. They'll just break the short contract, pay a bit to the SEC, and life goes on.

>> No.27092506

>They'll just break the short contract

Nope. If it was that easy, their desperate resistance and overt tricks would not have been necessary.

>> No.27092838

can they even choose not to buy them? i thought it was an automatic process built into the short position. the brokerage programs will just run the buy when the time runs out, right?

>> No.27092974

This would crash the global economy as people would lose faith in the economic system predicated on contracts

>> No.27092993

The problem here not with the hedgies it with the big banks who are the prime brokers when they go bankrupt.

>> No.27093008

>They'll just break the short contract, pay a bit to the SEC
If they refuse to cover the short, they're going to get (a) sued for the value of the contract and (b) blackballed by the industry.

>> No.27093183

>they’ll just break their contracts
GME would unironically become a company with shares worth $300+ at real value if that happened.

>> No.27093198

thats a failure to deliver and a bigger deathblow than paying anybody.

If they just don't pay then what's stopping everyone else from just not paying on their contracts? Integrity? Honor? Good luck finding any of that in those kinds

>> No.27093363

this. never gonna happen. largest ever fine of like 100k or some shit. robbinghooders btfo. all the other shit get dumped to fuck, amc, nok, doge and anything else unwanted in our build back better world

>> No.27093405

Reminder that good honest short sellers have been raped in this charade. Pour one out for them.

It's the over leveraged greedmerchants that are the bad guys. Not all short sellers are like that. And the good guys are necessary as part of a properly functioning market

>> No.27093725

me, these dump fucks are paying 40% interest on my loaned stock. Best part is I get all my shares back whenever I want........... gunna squeeze the squeeze

>> No.27093886

what if they run out of money? sure they can borrow, but they can't borrow 80 billions of dollars which they are sure to default on.

>> No.27093954

Hedgies aren't losing billions. You retards will be starting next week. This shit isn't going ANYWHERE BUT DOWN! After hours it aint even moving. Expect it to tank to $50 by next Wednesday once you Qoomers realize 'the plan' was a hoax.

>> No.27094138


Yea you can just take billion dollar bets and then not pay when you lose


>> No.27094210

they aren't losing it all by themselves, that's for sure.
The details of who loses and who wins are up to the short sale contracts, but we can expect them to lose all they have (and squeezers to make some money) until they run out, defaulting on every loan and not fulfilling their short contracts (aka fucking up whoever loaned as well)
AKA banks and other funds are to be fucked and split the bill with Melvin

>> No.27094318

Hedgies stopped losing 2 days ago.

Google the hedge fund involved and gamestop, they are already out. Theres nothing to majorly gain anymore

>> No.27094380

when the fuck do they have to pay up
when does their short contract expire

>> No.27094424


If they don't pay , then confidence in the market is completely dead. The whole thing is laid bare as a completely rigged scam for all to see.

That is arguably an even better outcome than if they did pay out.

>> No.27094430

if this is true, what happens to those billions they're losing? Who's gonna pay for that?

>> No.27094479

Yeah, they bought 260% of shares without anyone noticing.
They've shown they're willing to break the rules, and lying is really the tamest of them

>> No.27094572

This seems like we're the bad guys. We're helping the banks make obscene fees and keeping China's theaters alive.

>> No.27094605

the majority of losses arent realized yet. Once the short contracts and call options expire the hedgies will now owe stock to whoever they borrowed it from, mostly other hedgies and large financial institutions. They, obviously, don't currently own 120% of the stock float so to pay back other hedgies they will need to purchase stock from the market

>> No.27094606

it's almost like citadel owns melvin so the interest on the short positions is, by discretion, an illusion. almost like the market can stay irrational for longer than the people who think this is a sure thing can remain solvent whilst the price gets driven down and each level of fomo'ers gets rekt on the way to the pre-determined zero

>> No.27094608

I don't think that contract part was true. It was just a mean to make this pump faster.

Which would have worked if RH didn't do everyone dirty.

>> No.27094667

oh geez the economic system was rigged? who would have thought.

>> No.27094783


If the shorts are still in for over 100% then I am still in.

>> No.27094795

short contracts are private information, they generally expire on friday so there was large sentiment that a large volume of contracts will mature today, they will continue to mature over the next few fridays, which friday will be enough to trigger the squeeze? who knows

>> No.27094894

NEVER. You were told this Friday, it was shilled over and over. The truth is, it was coordinated by a group of pump artists over at WSB. They used the retard momentum and spun it with an angle of fighting the corrupt system. They sold at $500 and are now pushing the narrative that Friday was a shill and the REAL squeeze is next week to keep people from completely turning against WSB. After this fails, they will blame it on the brokers going "welllll it could've squeezed butttttt". THERE IS NO SQUEEZE. YOU ARE BEING SCAMMED

>> No.27095073


Why not come out and say it openly then ?

>> No.27095100
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They don't have to lie.if I sold 1 of my shares of GME I closed that position. Don't worry about my 49 other shares, I'm correct in saying I closed that position. It's just deceptive language that implies one thing contextually but can be easily twisted. They did close out their GME position..............1% of it.

>> No.27095127

>Being this retarded
It costs us literally nothing to hold the stock you absolute retard.

>> No.27095139

this hole in your argument falls apart when you realize they could milk far more than 500 out of this you giant fuck nugget. If this were any other stock and not this one event where a stick is SHORTED 140% i would believe you so again


>> No.27095175

>They sold at $500
It hasn't even reached that

>> No.27095242

As far I understand each day (?) they dont give stocks back they need to pay % that keeps adding up. Apparently the % is very high (anyone knows exact number how high will they bleed daily?).
If they dont fullfil their obligations at all and just say "fuck you" then it will bring the end to hedge funds and also shorting.

>> No.27095318

I sold some at 499 but rebought on a dip, you're getting a bit too technical here but I believe some trades executed at 500

>> No.27095346

yeah, exactly.
It's what my homeboys back in /pol/ would call "kikery"

>> No.27095519

No they can't because this "magic short squeeze" is a meme. They will cover through backdoor agreements and slimy kikery like they always do. If you think the jews are just going to wait around with their pants down for 2 more weeks and let the short squeeze crash their whole company, you're retarded.

>> No.27095572
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>It costs us literally nothing to hold the stock you absolute retard.
my sides, anon. please stop

>> No.27095587

The goyim need not know.

>> No.27095607

I mean he does have a point though, if they dont pay interest on their open short position then they can just keep it open inevitably. And just wait you out until you decide to sell and it drops to a level they arent getting rekt. Or they just keep their positions open for months and you have your capital in a stock that isnt going anywhere but down.

>> No.27095608

This is how it works:
1. SEC announces widespread manipulation.
2. SEC forces sales of stock at the price they determine, albeit will still be high (I'm guessing $60).
3. Hedgies keep their gains in all other markets.

You aren't allowed to win. Remember that.

>> No.27095695

kikes can kike goys, but they can't kike kikes.
Do you really think their short lenders are willing to let go of tens of billions of dollars of profit? for what?
And melvin isn't the only one shorting GME, there are quite a handful of other hedgies doing it too

>> No.27095702


>> No.27095759

Problem is they own both the hedge fund and the bank they owe the money to. So technically they only pay interest on paper and could hold indefinitely although it would be highly unethical.

>> No.27095863

oy vey

>> No.27095869

>They'll just break the short contract, pay a bit to the SEC, and life goes on

"Laws" do not apply to them - only to you.

(SEC will probably declare some sort of "extraordinary circumstances" and their lawyers will claim force majeure.)

>> No.27096014

>Google it


Fuck off.

>> No.27096066

"Heads we win, tails you lose."

>> No.27096254

They can hold this short indefintately.
However, if they sold calls, then people have the ability to demand the stock be bought for them at the current price at that current moment.

Basically, the shorts can outlast this rise. But the calls can't.

>> No.27096336

>They used the retard momentum and spun
Just like the Q psyop.

"Trust WSBanon! Trust the plan!"

>> No.27096353

you cant kike a kike you retard.
a financial institution would never allow the hedgies to abandon their 10s of billions in debt to them

>> No.27096385

and when will the time runs out? can't they extend it? I'm a brainlet about stocks.

>> No.27096485

>(SEC will probably declare some sort of "extraordinary circumstances" and their lawyers will claim force majeure.)
If it gets that far, yes
I'm not sure what will happen first- whether the hedgies will refuse to pay, or the government will say that they don't have to...I'm thinking that they'll say they can't pay wihtout crashing the economy, the media will sell & spin it, then the SEC will seal the deal. And honestly, per the rules, I'm not that they'd be wrong to do so...the rules being what they are.

>> No.27096496

>refuse contract
>charged interest
>margin call
>forced liquidation
Wow they sure refused like a french woman during ww2.

>> No.27096572

To us you fool. They paid it straight into our pockets

>> No.27096598

this, does nobody on /biz/ even know how this works or are they literally just braindead

>> No.27096749

hedgies take out insurance to leverage their risk, so some larger parent bank will burden the losses with them

>> No.27096785

possibly, but a bailout with government funds just feels more likely to me. the longer they extend the short time limit, the more time there is for people to buy in and drive the price up, right? easier to pay the difference and let the whole thing end. until the next overextended stock shows up, anyway.

>> No.27096827

This is what's known as concern trolling, for you newfriends.

>> No.27096892

Exactly. "If u/DeepFuckerValues is still in I'm still in!!! HOLD!" basically the equivalent of "If Lin Wood still trusts Trump, I will too!". They devised a genius way to get people emotionally attached to their shares by spinning it as crusade against the corrupt system. You have literal retards going "I'M NEVER SELLING" who bought in at >$300 and think that holding shares worth $7 3 months from now is sending a message. When it tanks, WSB pumpers will bot upvote posts saying it was because the corrupt system rigged it and if they didn't rig it you WOULD'VE been rich but because they rigged it you aren't. "Not our fault!". Stay tuned for the next pump and dump!

>> No.27096935

A short is basically loaning a stock from a broker, pocketing the money, then saying in a week they'll pay for the stock back off the market when they hope it's lower. If they don't buy back, there are millions of accounts now missing GME that the stockbrokers have to pay for, to give their clients back their stock that they loaned out. So you think the stockbrokers are going to cover for greedy hedgies and eat billions in loss? Lmao no

>> No.27096941

>Do you really think their short lenders are willing to let go of tens of billions of dollars of profit?
Yes - because Yellen will promise to use taxpayer money to make up for whatever profits they leave on the table, ostensibly to "save the system." Screw the small investor during the trades, then screw them again by forcing them to give back all their winnings via taxes given to the hedgies. 2008 bailout all over again.

Wall St is rigged worse than elections are.

>> No.27097008

this has become international news. they wont be able to sweep it under the rug at this point.

>> No.27097033

>You have literal retards going "I'M NEVER SELLING" who bought in at >$300 and think that holding shares worth $7 3 months from now is sending a message.
If I'm never selling then what do I care what it's worth a month from now?

>> No.27097121

no one knows when time runs out, short positions are private information
most commonly they mature on fridays, notably today and the next 2 upcoming fridays.
hedgies cannot extend the time, when time is up they owe another hedgie or financial institution the stock that they borrowed. These kikes will want their enormous payout on time as per the contract.

>> No.27097125

>what if they run out of money
all their assets are liquidated

>> No.27097162

i'll try once more for you absolute fuckmuppets. go get a glass from your kitchen. fill the glass with tap water 140%. let me know once you've finished

>> No.27097262

>I'm thinking that they'll say they can't pay wihtout crashing the economy, the media will sell & spin it, then the SEC will seal the deal
Agreed. For the good of America, keep us all safe, etc.

It's like the old advice given to Victorian wives about being violently raped by their husbands:

"Lie back and think of Wall St."

>> No.27097315

Because you fell for a pump and dump and put money into it thinking you were "sending a message". Signs of a smoother than average brain and lower than average IQ.

>> No.27097383

shorted stocks are borrowed from someone who owns them (i.e. some index fund), and pay interest for everytime the stock price goes up, and stays up. What the big short, might explain it better to you

>> No.27097451

Can't tell if you're roasting my position. I feel violated in an odd way.

>> No.27097516


>> No.27097527

exactly, but they wouldn't be able to buy all the stocks to give them back on the short contract, not fulfilling it

>> No.27097557


>> No.27097594

The kikes and their tricks

>> No.27097598
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when short sellers cant afford to buy
the market maker that facilitated the trade has to cover it (the bad debt)
EXCEPT even the market make can't afford to cover it.

you, who bought the stock WITH the market maker ( if you bought through robinhood, they use market maker Citadell who just bought Melvin Capital (because Melvin went bust) and would mean Citadell would be liable to cover Melvins debts anyway - which is GREAT for Citadell BECAUSE to stop themselves going bust, they will simply REFUSE to ALLOW ANYONE purchase stock EXCEPT THEMSELVES to COVER the short they got from Melvin (which as Melvin goes bust Citadell would be liable for ANYWAY, But now CITADELL OWN all of Melvins other non-toxic assets) So long as citadells stops people from buying THEY CAN FORCE THE PRICE TO STICK OR FALL, Robinhood stopped trading because Robinhood is just marketing middleman for the service the market maker CITADELL provides.

CITADELL own the SHORT debt now, but they also OWN the MARKET ACCESS to that short, so they can just BLOCK that DEBT ever being TRADED and thus CITADELL NEVER have to PAY the short debt.

>> No.27097766

this, i only invest with money i can afford to lose. the second i click "buy" i consider the cash gone. sometimes the opportunity arises to topslice or close out, sometimes it doesn't. irrelevant, because the money's gone as far as i'm concerned. i'll be holding gme just to see what happens at this point, but it'd have to increase enough to pay my full mortgage to tempt me to sell lol

>> No.27097825

>but they wouldn't be able to buy all the stocks to give them back on the short contract
thats where the insurance comes on so the hedgie can use someone else's money to help them buy back the stocks they owe
they can buy them all back it will just cost an ungodly amount of money with the level of exposure this is getting.

>> No.27097877

i didn't buy through robinhood luckily, and there are still several brokers allowing trades as far as i know.

>> No.27098008
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Except it already happens all the time

>> No.27098018

>the stock price rose 200%? fake. get a glass of water,

>> No.27098130
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>> No.27098248

They can't cause no banks will loan them hundreds of billions that they WILL default on
The whole company is worth no more than 5 billions, this isn't a drop in the sea kind of insurance

>> No.27098303

price of stock =/= units of stock

>> No.27098448

Yes it has during AH you retard

>> No.27098459

>They can't cause no banks will loan them hundreds of billions that they WILL default on
its not a loan its insurance
hedgies have been paying premiums for years just in case some shit like this happen
their provider is obligated based on their agreement to pay some portion of the loss that the hedgies cannot cover
if the hedgie and whatever insurance policy they have cannot cover the loss then loans will come in next

>> No.27098527

>I don't buy that though
Look at this coping retard and laugh. What's the matter, Mommy won't give you your allowance so you can start trading stonks?

>> No.27098759

>Mommy won't give you your allowance so you can start trading stonks
that's a common bit of banter against GME buyers buying on robinhood because there is inevitably going to be kids involved there

>> No.27098797

will be settled in court in 10 years while Moshe will be sipping margaritas in tel aviv. you guys made it, you change the world for good !

>> No.27098815

Couldn't the hedges sneakily hide their old shorts by covering them during a buying frenzy, and then order new shorts so that they profit whenever the price inevitably sells when everyone panic dumps? So they would maintain the illusion of having overshorted volume?

>> No.27098926

>order new shorts
who is going to lend them new stock after they just lost $10-20bn?

>> No.27099149

I disagree. I smell blood in the air.

>> No.27099212

wait is that legal though? can't the govt force the brokers to allow market access? the gop have been ranting about a free market for decades.

>> No.27099310

25% hedgies, 75% retail.

>> No.27099378

nope, they just get a $100m fine.
citadell and robinhood both got them last year.

100m vs. 30-300b? this is a huge win for citadel.

they also got Melvins other stuff for free!

>> No.27099414


>> No.27099490

Look at Yellen, these guys own politicians. The only way this ends is with Robinhood closing and taking everybody's stocks with them and Citadel refusing to pay. Retail investors get regulated to high hell and they continue manipulating the market. THEY ARE THE LAW

>> No.27099701

you have no idea how this works, the short debt in question is owed to completely separate kikes
when short sellers cant afford to buy they still owe these kikes their money.
They will liquidate all their assets, rely on their insurance providers and then take out any loans they can get to cover their debt

>but they also OWN the MARKET ACCESS to that short
citadel owns a marginal amount of market access to the stock not the short

>> No.27099914

Well now they are making bank by selling a $25 stock for $350 to financially illiterate twitter users that think GME is free money

>> No.27099993

I was trying, in a gallows humor way, to say I'm in much agreement with you. We're not just screwed, we're systemically screwed. Sorry the humor didn't work better.

The violated thing...that seems the natural response to an ethical being swimming in the cesspool that is the temple of money.

>> No.27100022
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>> No.27100257

They will get another fine. You can't break Net Capital Rules. Their finance dept. calls the shots on this one, not the CEO. I promise you he has barely any knowledge on Net Capital Rules.

Eventually Robinhood will be shut down. They already don't play by the rules by not sharing trade activity with compliance departments for broker/dealers.

GME holders on robinhood will get fucked in the end. Their "customers" retail will get fucked as well.

>> No.27100285

Anyone on this board who says we need to sell 4tehmoney is a shill.
It was never about the money. you kikes could give me a million bucks in cash right now and i would burn it all to make a jew cry.

>> No.27100643

brb selling my GME from RH and re-buying through another broker/marketmaker chain

>> No.27101081

pretty sure you can just transfer

>> No.27101245

The fuck? We're all just trying to make a buck and are happy to take down a fatcat or a jew in the process. In the jungle, there is just different kinds of animals all contributing to the ecosystem

>> No.27101283

> t. retard who hasn't been following this play since summer and doesn't know GME is actually the best value play on the market and will be the new Amazon.
I'll hold my 1,000 shares that I bought for $9 until the price is back to $1,000 after having recovered after the squeeze.

>> No.27101735

>Doesn't it just go from one hedgie to another?
Yes. Also to the executives at Gamestop. Congrats, you not only sold back that $60 game for 25 cents, you also managed to score a few billion for Gamestop’s leadership alone.

>> No.27101832

dont sell, just transfer to another broker. may cost you but its better than getting out

>> No.27101854

>Google the hedge fund involved
> I'll pretend not to remember the name of my employer, I'm pretty sure everyone here is dumb enough to fall for it

>> No.27101884

you are right! then short it right now and post the screen
you should be rich monday

>> No.27101967

It goes to people who have an exit plan and sell. That is why the "stick it to the man" and "hold until the end of time" people will inevitably be burned

>> No.27102011

>Hedgies get wedgies
Somebody shop hedge boys hanging

>> No.27102057

i will be burned but not down 51 billions like them
still a win

>> No.27102148

still not selling

>> No.27102484

not their 51 billion. also to them is still like dimes they wouldn't pick-up if dropped compared to what your investment is worth to you. best of luck through

>> No.27102582

Did you know that the "market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent" is a word of warning to SHORTERS (and overusing leverage, in general)?
It doesn't cost us anything to hold. We're not the one paying interest. And funniest of all, your one hope, that the price will crash and everyone will panic sell, might backfire. People are pretty bad at cutting losses and selling in time when prices dive, the newer they are the worse they are at it. If they bought at $300 and you drive the price down premarket and it opens at a gap down to $10, nobody will sell. EVen if you crash the price during market hours, over a few days, chances are people won't sell in the red. The pattern is rather that they'll hold those shares for years, and one day if it never recovers they will have had enough and will sell. They'll hope for the recovery, they'll become sour and while discarding the dream of getting rich quick, they will instead cling to and double down on the dream of sending a message.
And funnier still. GME won't go bankrupt. It's actually a good investment that anyone should throw money at for a value investment if it's down in the $20s again. It probably will climb back to $300 without a squeeze. But all this taken together, means that the squeeze is so happening. Shorts are absolutely fucked.
Not investment advice.

>> No.27102701

>force one billionaire to keep 15,000+ people employed
good, fuck em.

>> No.27102789

>not their 51 billion.
its not their $51 billion yet but it is the second the short/call contracts mature.
>also to them is still like dimes
The vast majority of hedge funds have less than $10bn in total assets, so no this is not a "dime" to them

>> No.27102897

that was the dumbest thing I've read tonight..there are other brokers than RH..you do know that right?

>> No.27102936

that's not how it works

>> No.27103037

Melvin isn't the only shorter, if they are safe and the short is still > 100% that just means the pressure is even harder on other shorters. Not that I believe for a second that Melvin is safe.

>> No.27103253

>wait is that legal though?
Anything is legal for these "people."

>> No.27103990

>Did you know that the "market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent" is a word of warning to SHORTERS (and overusing leverage, in general)?
implying that cannot apply to other situations
>It doesn't cost us anything to hold.
it does if it shits the bed
>game of chicken that colluding kike financiers and their gov/fed friends will lose
>good investment at $20-something dollar
how? do tell
you're missing the point. do you think they give the slightest fuck? they'll just spin something else up or get another position with a (((friend))) and continue throwing caution to the wind using other people's money to get rich

>> No.27104235

>do you think they give the slightest fuck?
yes i do? If your firm is worth $4bn, and you lose $8bn, im no mathematician but thats the end of your fucking firm.
You're not "spinning something else up", youre out of a fucking job
Sure they don't personally lose too much money and they can find a new position but theyll forever be the trader that lost billions to a bunch of internet autists

>> No.27104456

Hypothetically I should buy buy buy on Monday open right?

>> No.27104459

"the hedgies" are like 1-2 companies that had a short position in GME. They can also just go bankrupt. Then the brokers are on the hook.

>> No.27104471

They all play with people's money. They all ruin lifes. It's just the big ones that actually ruin businesses.

>> No.27104542

oh sweet summer child

>> No.27104726

In theory, Debt Jubilee could happen. That's where all debt gets cancelled and a ton of people go broke. Maybe a few ultra connected investors make something. In reality, whoever is well connected will get enough of a break to get out of this trade with their shirt plus some profit and most Plebs will get jack shit. You will have to fight over this.

>> No.27104828

>total debt jubilee declared
>suddenly we can see from scratch who's really a drain on the country's finances
The /pol/ smugness would be visible from Neptune.

>> No.27105256

Wrong. There many fraudulent companies that have been exposed by frauds. If you want recent examples look up MiMedx, Wirecard or Penumbra.
It's the fraudulent companies that are playing with peoples money. They would get away with if not for the good guy short sellers.

What happened with Gamestop is the bad guy greedy short sellers piled in leveraged to the eyeballs and they'll get the punishment they deserve. The good guys do not deserve to be lumped in with them. And this is the narrative that has been created this week; that all shorts are evil. Nonsense.

>> No.27105287

Yes but normies and Richie Rich's would also be getting shot over clean water and food on a minute by minute basis. Fun times until you have to go get food too and nobody delivers anymore because there is very little to deliver and the route is too dangerous in spring time.

>> No.27105324

>fraudulent companies that have been exposed by frauds
exposed by shorts

>> No.27105720

Absolutely no way. The laws can't be that retarded.
>just pay the fine because it's cheaper than upholding the contract

>> No.27105783

yawn, what a retarded moralization.
I don't give a fuck about good goy points.
I give a fuck that hedgies open the fuck up, I don't care where in their fantastic version of the talmud it says this is religiously illegal, I'm getting my fucking money.

The only liquid I'm pouring out, for them, is zyklon B right into a fucking humidifier. in a hermetically sealed door. Enjoy motherfucker.

>> No.27105998
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I have a feeling this won't end well.
People are losing their mind, even in /biz/ when it goes like this 98% of the time things won't end in a good note.

I got a feeling they will take the people down with them.
There must be something up in their sleeve.

>> No.27106245

Feels good not being an American.

>> No.27106280

>pandemic hitting some people pretty hard
>see a shining ray of light in the potential of gains from a meme stock
>goes tits up after they yolo'd a decent chunk of their savings into it
not a good decision on their part but with how wide-spread this is I feel like it has some negative repercussions if they somehow pull the rug out from under people
having dumbasses in the family i haven't been in touch with for years reaching out and asking about stocks concerns me

>> No.27106359

Well... Who is paying the massive debt every single country has? Who actually has the money? No one. It's all built on an illusion.

>> No.27106600

I bought at >300 lmao. I am hoping to sell for a small profit on monday. I only bought 1 stock so even if it goes to shit i won't suffer though

>> No.27106758

Ill ask this here since I dont know this board so don't kill a thread for a maybe dumb question.

What algorithm determines the price of stock?
If I were to sell 2 shares of 10 total for $1 each, what would the new price be?

>> No.27106821

If you knew that you could print infinite money.

>> No.27107039

I hope so. I have a personal bone with robinhood. Every broker is fucking their customers, generally, and want them to lose. Robinhood is just more egregious. They know their market. And they're probably responsible for some bubbly activity.

>> No.27107057
File: 105 KB, 898x284, eat_my_shorts.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the short volume only reported every 15 days? How can we estimate what it is now?

>> No.27107082

You would fill the lowest buy order immediately and the order book would continue to dictate price like you hadn't sold at all

>> No.27107189

why not everyone with a 300 credit score did it 12 years ago

>> No.27107209

so everyone's acting like the price is going to rocket because of these HODL retards. can't they just keep doing their jewish price dilution to keep it down?

>> No.27107375

>do you think they give the slightest fuck?
I am 100% sure they are absolutely outraged. They are unbelievably furious. Look at how all their crony pawns are running to their defense. If they didn't HAVE TO do that they wouldn't because it shows that there is a line to hurt them.

>> No.27107406
File: 87 KB, 800x764, 1611652644086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good honest short sellers

>> No.27107550

so, mysterious vuju that no one really can see directly?
I find that hard to believe

>> No.27107676

This. The only way out for them at this point is through legal channels; something like a government bailout or set selling price for the stocks. And that would piss enough people off to make the capitol protest look like a bad carnival ride.

>> No.27107691

This is not 1940 nigger

>> No.27107800
File: 184 KB, 1070x1044, 1611896840811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice get

>> No.27107827


>> No.27107895

The price isn't dictated by an algorithm, it's dictated by the order book of sell and buy offers. The "price" you see is where they meet and shares change hands at an agreed upon amount

>> No.27107969

>They'll just break the short contract, pay a bit to the SEC, and life goes on.
The story is too big now. If they break their contracts, the SEC will bar them from trading. They can always go bankrupt and raise more capital and try again, but getting barred from trading is a death sentence.

>> No.27108070

To their broker. They are collectively paying about 40 million a week to keep their position open

>> No.27108095

Short sellers are like the people who play the dont pass bar at the craps table. You know they are logically playing the odds correctly, but everyone else still wants them to go fuck themselves. I hope they all go bankrupt

>> No.27108252

>They’ll just break the short contract, pay a bit to the SEC
HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. It’s not the SEC the hedge fund has the short contract with. Whatever institution lent the hedges their shares is even bigger than they are, and it’s gonna want it’s fucking shares back, it’s not gonna just let them walk away from billions of dollars worth of fucking shares, the SEC has nothing to do with it at that point, the lenders are gonna murder these fucking clowns. Vinny the Hanmer is gonna start breaking legs.

>> No.27108498

No it's setup this way so Feb 1st will show short % significantly decreased. Cue the impending dump.

>> No.27108730

So it's more psychology than math?
literally people saying "buy at this" and "sell at this"?

>> No.27108762

They don't fucking care. They rigged the election and everyone with half a brain knows it, but they still don't care and no one did shit.

>> No.27109250

Because that's how often exchanges report it. And it's also on an eight day delay.
Because that's how often they're required to report.
No conspiracy. Goes back decades.

>> No.27109373

Hey rock dweller. These firms who loaned money to HF for this short? They're dumping in even more cash.

>> No.27109411

So most the shorts are running huge options contracts, many of which were set up against the original stock price of $15. This was not a bad idea at the time, since, prior to the collective glue eating, the stock was projected to lead to de-listing or even potential bankruptcy. The only way that GME was able to remain solvent over the last 5 years was to continuously sell off their reserves and to default on stores which were costing them money to keep open. By all conceivable measures, betting against GME by selling calls or buying puts seemed a safe way to make money. Many of these would do shit like sell a call deal for $10 per contract (0.10/share) at ~$17/8 expiring in two weeks. On a contract like that, if you can sell 10,000 contracts, you have stolen about a hundred thousand dollars for your company, in what was thought to be relatively safe manner. Alternatively you could buy 10,000 contracts in $14 puts, with the expectation that it'll tank to 13.50 for maybe $5 per contract (0.05/share), and $50,000 you've set yourself in a position to be ITM when it hits $13.45. All of this makes you money SO LONG AS YOUR OPTIONS DONT GET EXCERSIZED.
>Enter the fucktards from WSB.
Suddenly, those put options are worth less than an ugly dude's dick (bye $50k). The calls you were selling mean that you have to sell a $250-300 stock to someone for $17 dollars. You are now losing AT LEAST 233 dollars PER STOCK on these trades.... but those aren't single trades. If you sold a contract of 100 shares to make $10, hedged against shit that DOES NOT HAPPEN, you are going to make money as long as that stock doesn't hit 17.10. This stock was trading around $325 on average today. A SINGLE contract of GME meant that 100x308 was lost by the shorts; in other words, each call they were selling during sane market hours lost them $30,800. Multiply this shit by the 10,000 contracts, and suddenly you lost 3.08 million for your investors.