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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2703775 No.2703775 [Reply] [Original]

Got laid off today. My job got outsourced to Bangalore to save costs.

I got a severance package worth 6 months of pay but thats it.

I only have saved up $175,000 for my pension.

I have no wife and kids.

I'm 52 years old.

I heard age discrimination is pretty bad and a guy my age has no chance of ever getting a decent job other than in Walmart.

How fucked am I /biz/? Be honest.

>> No.2703782 [DELETED] 

>got laid
and I clicked away

>> No.2703791

Move to Thailand. Live like a king til you die

>> No.2703801

crypto, old timer
my gains have to come from somewhere, may as well be from you

>> No.2703805

Put $100k of that into Bitcoin.

>> No.2703816

Go all in on antshares.

In all seriousness, this sucks, but you have a decent amount in your pension compared to most people and your house should be close to paid off by now or you fucked up. No wife and kids, you should be able to live comfortably with a part time gig at McDonalds.

>> No.2703817


Find another job in a similar position as fast as possible

It would be worse if you were 62, you still have +10 years in the labour market, so companies will still hire you for your skills and that touch of old-timey wisdom every workplace needs

I hope you are proficient in stuff that has been invented recently. If you can only do the stuff you learned 20 years ago, then yeah, you might have a bit of a problem

>> No.2703834
File: 43 KB, 1331x659, retirement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related will give you some options on where to retire.

>> No.2703847

I live in Thailand. I think it costs quite a bit to get a retirement visa. But you could overstay your visa and never leave the country again, but you probably will lose your mind. Gooks are worse than niggers imo because they're smart enough to con you in many different ways and certainly dumb enough to behave like a belligerent hive mind from hell. Thais operate on a shared subconscious frequency. If your frequency doesn't match theirs then you will have terrible luck. I generally hate their guts and I hope they suffer a horrible demise.

Don't move here

>> No.2703867


Definitely crypto. Put it on Bitcoin mostly and spread out to ethereum and litecoin like 10% each. Open a bitpay card and attach your Bitcoin wallet to it. Now move to Romania or something and you should be good for a really long time. Crypto is going up in price steadily so you won't have to work because it will generate some income. You can trade for more income if you want. Some people have done this for awhile and stopped working after they mined 1000 bitcoins years ago.

>> No.2703876

Well said.

>> No.2703880

52 is super young wow. I mean if you take care of yourself you have at least THIRTY years left. If you find a job passion you could even have 40 more years left. I know it's a difficult change losing your comfy job but now you have so many more opportunities.

Firstly, why no wife and kids? Do you want some? If you got /fit/ you could easily land a young 30s girls and have a few, it will make your older years so much more satisfying. I know a guy who had a kiddo in his late 60s, to each their own. You have a fucking ton of money, and have now 6mos of free PAID time to get your life in tip top shape, truthfully you could do it in about two months.

First things first:

1. Get your diet on point. Whole foods plant based, this is going to save your life and give you abundant energy. I can't over stress this enough

2. After a month of healthy eating, hit the gym big time, or go the calesthetics route, think of it like you're getting paid to work out (cause you essentially are).

3. So now two months have gone by, you are eating AND COOKING very healthy, you are /fit/ too, and on a good routein. Hop on online internet dating and find yourself a hot young 30 year old that makes a bunch of money and is looking for a kid. The first two things above must come first. You wouldn't believe how many high status young 30 women who make GOOD money there are, that are looking for a man. You are in a position to take advantage of this (even she keeps working and you decide to raise the children.) The first two things must come before this step though, or else you won't be in a prime position.

4. Now your life is in a pretty sweet spot 3 months from now, you are healthy clean eating, working out fit as fuck, have a young hottie on your side that you are banging regularly. You will be exuding vigor as this point.

>> No.2703897

5. Fuck getting a normal job, you still have 3 months left of getting paid to get your life in order, find a business opportunity in your area. Where is a need that is being unfilled, that you can fill. Also, if you followed the diet step, your brain will be strong, start coding. You can do C++ for machine learning, AI, or other hardware related things. You can do Javascript for web app development. Or you can go Python or smart software systems and web platforms.

The key here is to continue growing and to never stop learning. You have so much time ahead of you if you treat your body correctly and take care of it. You have more than enough money to float and buy yourself some time.

>> No.2703899

That sounds comfy anon
You need the following:-
Inexpensive Holiday
Gym Membership
5-10% of your wad in crypto
Iron Hands
And get yourself a new job - youre gonna make it

>> No.2703911

what is your profession? you could mentor young guns who are trying to get in

>> No.2703921

>52 years old
>Sad frog poster

I want to believe

>> No.2703933

THIS holy shit , wizard advice

>> No.2703935

Quick question. How smart are you, and how good are you with computers? One field that loves old people is computer science.

>> No.2703984

dude, NO field loves old people, tech maybe least of all. I am a 40-year-old who works in tech... thanks mostly to lucky genetics I look and seem much younger, so I get to hear the incredibly ageist shit that all the millennial techies say.

To OP, it's time to do something adventurous. If you have $175k and no debt-- slightly suspicious to me that you didn't mention that or your health, if you're 52-- then honestly you are sitting pretty.

>> No.2703991

>on 4chan asking for advice

Holee Fuck. Pls don't let this be me at that age

>> No.2704001
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who gives a fuck what anyone says, as long as you make company money which is directly quantifiable and related to your role, you can laugh your ass off

>> No.2704011

From internet research, it costs $6000 a year to live in Nepal. If you want to spend your days as a shut-in, does it really matter where you live?

>> No.2704014

How do they even discover this place?

>> No.2704025

I honestly wouldn't mind living in Saudi Arabia and converting to Islam if it meant I all I had to do was pray on a rug once or twice a day in public then fuck whores and do coke all night.

>> No.2704028

there are oldtimer threads on /pol/ occasionally and the vast majority either finds out through their grandchildren or stumbles upon this place being mentioned somewhere
I've seen many an old'un timestamped on /pol/

>> No.2704044

Yeah and they're even on /co/

>> No.2704048










>> No.2704060

At 52, I'd be surprised if my dick still worked. Personally, I'm thinking about retiring in Wyoming.

>> No.2704064

It's fucking 2017, buy a pill ya dingus.

I use em all the time and I'm 24, they're the fucking bomb.

>> No.2704070


Buy every single ico that looks legit, 10x your money in a year

>> No.2704086

Give me btc

>> No.2704088

I am not personally worried about ageism, nor do I really give a shit about it in a SJW way-- honestly I like seeing boomers BTFO-- but in terms of hiring etc. the ageism in tech is very real.

Older people are considered pathetic/creepy/useless/slow. And many of them are. Even super-rich older venture capitalists are considered gullible out-of-touch marks who don't understand anything they're investing in.

>> No.2704091

This is normieville now

>> No.2704100

>needing viagra at 24
I hope this is a joke, zaBOCKu

>> No.2704114


You naive lil boy

>> No.2704131

They came here when they were young

>> No.2704141

They'd still be like 40.

>> No.2704170

Buy $150k into bitcoin. Move to a studio apt for the next 5 years. Live in a mansion the rest of your life

>> No.2704201

you're at least 20 years older than anyone here

>> No.2704222


lol listen to this anon
sauce: lived three years in that shithole and just moved back to europe. fuck this monkey country Im never going back.

>> No.2704239

best post on biz in months

>> No.2704259

Thanks, just bought 100K

>> No.2704344

>The key here is to continue growing and to never stop learning. You have so much time ahead of you if you treat your body correctly and take care of it. You have more than enough money to float and buy yourself some time.

Look I know you're trying to help, but when you reach my age you'll just like everyone else realize that all this self help stuff is mostly just empty platitudes and rarely help anyone.

>> No.2704384

Hey, 40-year-old here. Taking care of your body and mind isn't empty platitudes, dogg-- it's literally necessary to survive, especially when things aren't going your way.

>> No.2704405

eat shit and die boomster.

>> No.2704436


Well you're still quite young. When you'll reach 50 you'll understand.

>> No.2704472
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>how did someone discover a website with hundreds of thousands of posts daily and has been mentioned on multiple websites, news channels, newspapers, etc

>> No.2704566

gib monies i reprt u huehuehue

>> No.2704604

Im 35, no wife and no kids, and being you is my worst nightmare.

I just had my 35th birthday, and every year I fear I'm growing closer to being you.

Please supply me with wisdom so I don't fuck up.


>> No.2704638

$175K saved at 52

You're fucked. My parents were immigrants and they have a net worth of ~1.5M at 45 and that's barely middle class in my area (North Chicago).

>> No.2704659

I am first generation as well. This is the current status of Americans, and always will be.

>> No.2704669


Don't blow $200,000 on day trading.

>> No.2704670

i got married at 23 to a great woman, no kids yet but soon. i had some career problems this year but i'm back on track feelsgoodman. just learn something new

>> No.2704678


Yeah I blew close to $200k day trading over the period of 20 years

Otherwise index funds would have netted me a million by now

>> No.2704681

open a pizza shop, mow lawns, email marketing, sell cheap crap on amazon, retail arbitrage, be a minimalist and use your savings for healthcare only, or you can work for someone else

>> No.2704683

My parents don't use index funds, they run a business & own real estate.

>> No.2704684

buy the fucking dip

>> No.2704692

move to thailand, learn to trade forex. no dont pay some scammer for access to forums or to follow his trades. bang a bunch of thai hooers. die happy.

>> No.2704698

>run a business & own real estate.

>still barely middle class

>> No.2704709

You sound like the 'guy who has given up last bit of hope he didn't know he had left'

>don't grow up to be a sad meme kids

>> No.2704710

>6 months of pay but thats it.
time to buy crypto. on margin.

>> No.2704724

They started 15 years ago with maybe $3K & have no education.

It's much easier if you have a degree, know how to speak the language, etc..

They'll probably be worth 5M+ by the time they retire, so I'm guaranteed 1M inheritance either way. Stay mad.

>> No.2704745

Buy ARK. You will thank me in 2 years.

Team, development progress, and market cap has all the right indicators to not only be big, but a substantial player next to BTC and ETH.

>> No.2704760


This board is for over 18s only.

>> No.2704773

im 22

>> No.2704774

Have you ever bought a house before? 1st time buyers qualify for 3% down. Get a duplex or a triplex. Rent out the other unit long term or if you are in a tourist area you will make bank via air bnb. live in the other unit. Not fucked at all.

>> No.2704779

Buy DGB. You will thank me in 85 years.

Memes, CIBC meetings, and memes has all the right indicators to not only be big, but a substantial player next to BTC and ETH.

>> No.2704781

>bragging about money you'll get when your parents die

>> No.2704786


No I just rent. I don't have a family nor a stable job now so it doesn't make sense to buy a house.

>> No.2704787

screen capping this, will post again in 1-2 years.


>> No.2704790


>> No.2704799
File: 80 KB, 746x1250, IMG_1516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao faggot whitey getting undercut on his privileges just so he can suck ladyboy dick and shoot heroin

>> No.2704806

My parents were in their 50s during the 2008 shit.

Both got laid off, mom has to work desk at a ymca and dad used to work at officemax.

Start a business, invest in crypto or you are fucked.

>> No.2705341

Well, not having a family is an advantage in your case because you can move out of state to find a job.
Why wouldnt managers want an experienced dude ? Because they are seen as less flexible and too expensive. Be willing to do the same job you had but for cheaper + be on top of the game in your sector. You have to show employers you are open minded, flexible and as cheap as younger persons but with a lot more experience than them.

>> No.2705664

>my parents are drug lords: the post

>> No.2706347
File: 8 KB, 200x200, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in Bitbay, wait till it moons, become a millionaire. Also, $175000 is shitloads, you'll have heaps of time to find work.

>> No.2706642


OP is not in a terrible position. Even a modest investment in crypto now would be a tremendous boon 5 years from now.

You're going to be alright OP.