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File: 150 KB, 899x897, 39287D24-528E-4E2A-8226-4C6CC01ED0BA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26990910 No.26990910 [Reply] [Original]

But they have to pay huge interest :)

>> No.26991064

You are all cheating the system, and will get what's coming to you.

>> No.26991415

Ya, money

>> No.26991514 [DELETED] 

Btw, you're a dumb bitch and will burn in hell. We are not "cheating" the system anymore than they were, you stupid faggot.
>it's only wrong when retailers do it!
Cum muncher. I bet you're addicted to cum so much, you even have gum with cum flavor

>> No.26991532

Good post. Keep posting it here to keep the tards informed.

Some more links to places to check short stats would be good too.

>> No.26991854

..and the tards need it spelled out for them so they don't freak out and sell this before the best has come.

Any exit strategy? This is the largest problem with the dogpile we're doing. Hold forever hoping to break the stock market?

>> No.26991891

Btw, we are not "cheating" the system anymore than they were, you stupid faggot. This game is rigged and only a moron can't see that. They also pulled illegal shit and so did the exchanges by putting a stop to buys

>> No.26991972

So basically fuck you and free market my ass

>> No.26992004

Youve outted yourself Jood

>> No.26992101
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>> No.26992205

*just to clarify not saying what the retailers are doing is illegal. My wording was shit. It's actually perfectly 100% legal

>> No.26992332

Yeah, but you know this isn't about picking a peak, it's about getting out before everyone else gets out - and that's simply going to make the diamond-hand shorter even more money.

They are still shorting this - for AFTER we run away. Now they can make more money because now it's dropping from $400/share to $5/share.. that's a nice profit when you short thousands.

If wallstreet is to be broken, we never release. Never. Can't take the profit.

It's the cost of freeing the country... spread across a number of anons.

>> No.26992555

Anyway, I already played my buy dips sell peaks game up until now, I'm basically break-even on GME - So what I have will stay in the market until I die or the market dies.. if everyone holds, it will be the market's death that happens first.

>> No.26992659



>> No.26992962
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I have 0 clue. As for your last question, pic related

>> No.26993059


Israel is not a legitimate state

>> No.26993113

how big of an 'oy vey' are we expecting?

>> No.26993304

an explosive oy vey, anon.

>> No.26993518

awwwww yeeee : )

>> No.26993654

No faggot, you fuckings scumbags are finally gonna get what's coming to you.

>> No.26993722


>> No.26993912

it's not cheating it's all fair game

>> No.26994048

Use a tiny portion of your profit to buy a game of gamestop.

>> No.26994100

That doesn't hurt things like this does.

>> No.26994563

Reminder for the weak among you, ignore bots short float is still over 100% the bleeding has just begun.


>> No.26994795
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I found this - explains it well

>> No.26994930
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>> No.26995044
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>You are all cheating the system
damn bros how do i cope

>> No.26995346

The original post was deleted from Reddit because apparently it used old data to calculate Days to Cover. Can anyone confirm?

>> No.26995515

Days to cover is now fucked, because the volume of shares is waaay up.

With this much movement, and regular prices, it wouldn't take long to cover - IF WE SELL.

However, if the bulk of us don't sell, it starts the cascade failure.

>> No.26995776

>cascade failure
the whole market? with no survivors?

>> No.26995818

Who knows... let's see.

>> No.26995911

...and all because they wouldn't let us play video games in peace

>> No.26995963

Fuck you piece of shit
They cheated first by over shorting gamestop by 130%.

>> No.26996155

make me.
Admit it - you lost. You'll never win, anon. You'll never even tie.

You'll always, and forever, lose. And you'll fucking deal with it.

>> No.26996161
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putting the "free" into "free market", you mean

>> No.26996277

checked and keked

>> No.26996445

I have 30k in GME and I dont care losing a single cent if it means a kike hanged or defenestrated himself over it. Hold until the second holocaust brothers

>> No.26996550

Cross post

Go say it here

>> No.26996586
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>> No.26996631

You're fucked, Melvin

>> No.26996686

They put a stop to buys because there was no more liquidity.

>> No.26996837

That doesn't make sense.. watch the dips today get bought up..

>> No.26996889

That's what they want you to believe.

>> No.26997035

the fire rises brothers

>> No.26997244 [DELETED] 
File: 534 KB, 1242x891, F10E4ED9-6745-4ECC-8692-1896956457D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider taking a trip to a tall bridge

>> No.26997271


>> No.26997374

No. Read it or leave. You need to read the whole thing

>> No.26997417

>cant read a one page reddit post
jesus fucking christ man

>> No.26997511


looks like someone missed his ritalin dose

>> No.26998110

> selling 250% of existing stock is absolutely legit and systematic

>> No.26998153


>> No.26998543

post proof

>> No.26998854

honestly this guy does a pretty good job of a summery


>> No.26999086

literally everyone who has cheated the system lately has gotten rewarded, hell we've got a cheater stinking up the white house right now

>> No.26999195

The exit strategy is sell before the Redditors. Don't aim for fucking 100,000 shares. Pick a reasonable (but still very profitable) value, keep it to yourself, and cash out happy.

>> No.26999221
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Look, i know this is amazing to think about but they'll come up with some sort of kikery that will make us lose. We were never meant to win, and we were never supposed to have a chance to win.

>> No.26999278

Checked and keked

>> No.26999381

Exactly this. They are doubling down, for when we sell. For this to hurt, you have to beat them in the long game. Each day is a bleeding day for them. I am not looking for profit. I want them to lose. NEVER SELLING UNTIL THEY GO UNDER

>> No.26999437

When to start buying options?

>> No.26999487


Commit suicide you fucking kike nigger faggot

>> No.26999543
File: 96 KB, 463x302, je56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if everyone sells on wednesday but only a finite amount of transactions can go through the system per day, doesn't that mean that some of the sell orders EVEN if they're market orders will execute too late?

>> No.26999597

the squeeze won't happen over 1 day, it will be a multi-day event

>> No.26999649

No. no no no

Don't sell until the short interest is zero - after every shortie who played this game took a bath.

Exactly. Hold until you see the whites of their eyes.. on the ground, bleeding out.

There shall be no selling on Wednesday, or any day for the next few weeks. Not until short interest is 0%

>> No.26999772
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>> No.26999840

yes, what i'm saying is if the squeeze starts today and lasts until next week's friday, and everyone sells on wednesday, then it'll take 7 days (according to OP post) to execute all sell orders because according to OP melvin can only get a limited amount of dildos removed from their ass each day.

>> No.26999841
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get fucked kike

>> No.26999923
File: 2.75 MB, 3024x3024, 20210129_002541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've finally had my fucking trading account verified.

Give it to me straight, is it too late to make money? Even a little?

>> No.26999941

what's your point

>> No.26999985

such rudeness, goy.
Is it any wonder why you're treated the way you are?

>> No.27000151

not too late by any measure. keep lurking threads to check in on the latest with the short float % of $GME, and buy in at a good dip. This is speculation, but I bet the price surges today since brokerages are reopening buying and then they'll dip because paper hands will want to be out before the weekend.

>> No.27000215
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>> No.27000276

not at all, wait for a dip, buy in and wait

>> No.27000286

Wednesday + 7 days = wednesday the week after that
But if they have covered all their shorts by Friday then that means everyone whose Sell order goes through AFTER friday will miss the squeeze.

>> No.27000326
File: 1.34 MB, 3264x1836, IMG-20210126-WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tip anon. Off to research paper hands.

>> No.27000381

this is complete bullshit none of this will happen
it will pop up a bit and then it will sink low

>> No.27000411

Isn't the worry though guys is that there's no money left to pay for everyone's share once the squeeze starts and they all go tits up.

>> No.27000427

how are they covering shorts if they can't be sold quick enough, think for a second.

>> No.27000475
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AMC too?

>> No.27000560
File: 360 KB, 1350x834, hahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suddenly wealthy people start advocating for communism
this is why you don't give the common man access to the markets

>> No.27000609

FUCK amc

>> No.27000721
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>> No.27000741

But I have 800 shares in AMC

>> No.27000902

AMC is a diversion tactic to take money away from GME

>> No.27001222

How much do you get paid to say this? Just wondering

>> No.27001253

Shares were being lent at 50-90% APR in the last few weeks lol

>> No.27002767

I made 26k this week faggot

>> No.27003428

we're not discussing how many cocks you sucked.

>> No.27003522


Never sell

>> No.27003610
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awww poor baby

>> No.27003638

>Gamble on infinite losses
>Get hit with infinite losses
*surprised pikachu face*

>> No.27003904

They usually get a base rate plus a few cents per post. The more replies the statement has, the more they get paid too, as it shows people are reading it.

Never reply to them to keep their pay low.

Never sell. Print your stock balance and put it on the wall for future generations to see.

>> No.27004187

A weekend and 5 days is enough time for the SEC to step, very risky