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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26954027 No.26954027 [Reply] [Original]

Leon Cooperman works for Omega Advisors, a hedge fund company. After his outburst today and how it became viral quickly, kinda wondering what companies he's planning on shorting

>> No.26954155

Cooperman is J*wish, which is neither here nor there.

>> No.26954262

“It’s a way of attacking wealthy people”
Is this guy for real?

>> No.26954366


>> No.26954574
File: 58 KB, 599x645, rwallstreet bets yeeting jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect, the jews are relevant

t. /k/ lurker

>> No.26954622

him and the IBKR guy were whining on CNBC earlier and it made me want to buy even more GME and AMC.

>> No.26954721


Yes, this is how they think.

>> No.26954887

Let the Jews short themselves right back to Isreal.
We'll take our short term losses. I'd actually pay anyway to send them back.

>> No.26954916
File: 11 KB, 245x250, 1478666862818s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up leon cooperman early life on wikipedia
every fucking time

>> No.26955135

Completely hypothetical minecraft situation
At some point do these so called "traders" need to maintain positions like "i like the stock" and "we are/aren't attacking the wealthy"?

we all don't actually 'know' why we do anything, we just feel a certain way, based on conditioning, and then we act

even if we did...
if you're thirsty and there isn't water anywhere
then you saw a fat fuckin water balloon rolling around
what would you do
pretty obvious answer

courtroom pageantry is just that. they get you comfortable with lying about what you're doing.
stop lying about what you're doing. IN MINECRAFT

>> No.26955333

>Cooperman was born to a Jewish(7) family

>> No.26956908

you can already tell by the name. cooperman = copperman = kupfermann. person who traded with copper or its products.

>> No.26957111

>Trade a financial instrument that has no potential limit to loss
>Business schools all mention naked shorts have a mathematical corner case for infinite loss
The quants were the ones who failed here.

>> No.26957426


>> No.26958084


>> No.26958090

A WASP or Irishman could have traded with copper and passed on such a surname though anon.