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File: 82 KB, 921x788, rAAVE Yield Farming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26840988 No.26840988 [Reply] [Original]

If you're a long term believer of DeFi your best next play will be rAAVE here's why.

This is a token that has an elastic supply that's determined by it's price and MC, Simply put if it's above a 1:1 ratio with AAVE all of it's supply will increase until the price drops down to 1:1 and the opposite if it's below 1:1.

AAVE was the chosen token simply because there was a debate if it should be pegged to the DPI, But that holds a lot of yield farming inflation tokens that'll likely lose value in the future vs AAVE a token that's a working product with over $2Billion in TVL with very solid Aavenomics and have a ton of big innovations coming. AAVE is pretty much the best way to have exposure to all of DEFI we believe.

I have reached word limit more in reply's below

>> No.26841292

Made by Growth Defi Grwothdefi.com

>> No.26841413

Bullish on GRO and the launch of rAAVE.
Less than 10 days to go
No presale
3 pools to choose from
Bots will have a hard time snapping up the rAAVE at launch as deep liquidity is in the GRO/rAAVE pool, so they'll need a big bag of GRO to even try.

>> No.26841711

Only 14k GRO tokens left on Uniswap.

>> No.26842160

Just dipped a little, great time to get a bag ready for rAAVE

>> No.26843741

Yeah, I'm watching it like a hawk.

>> No.26844196
File: 41 KB, 666x555, newgroprice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dips don't last long.. I'll update when we're back back

>> No.26844627

rAAVE will make fortunes for early buyers on Uniswap.. The new innovations involving single asset liquidity deposit and the auto compounding will make getting involved with LP's and farming very easy even for a novice.. This will melt faces with the upside it will have...
Get in the chat now, and get up to date..

>> No.26844863

Already the buys are rolling back in, lets GRO some MOAR..

>> No.26845367

Nicee that's a good looking trend to me those sellers gonna feel burnt when they see rAAVE's MC will be mostly bought with GRO so if we're at a 30MM MC that'll mean a ton of GRO out of wallets and supply shock will hit big time .. Thank me later when this is at $400-500/GRO

>> No.26846009

Now, what would happen if you tried to do all this and more on your own?
First of all, it wouldn't be liquid if you wanted to cashout, selling rAAVE is easy and you've got liquidity for it because that's how long term holders are rewarded, by incentivizing LPs, in this case you'd have a hard time liquidating illiquid tokens with penalties or lockups such as stkGRO, stkAAVE, staked SNX and veCRV
Secondly, would you be able to afford the gas costs of managing something like this
Third, do you have the knowledge for it?
Fourth, do you have the time for it?

>> No.26846757

The ui of rAAVE will be very simple for the end-user.
for example you can use one asset whether it be GRO, AAVE, or ETH and click deposit and half will automatically be sold to purchase the liquidity pool pairing
and reverse can be done for withdrawing.
Your farming incentive rewards are auto compounded back into your position so no need to claim rewards and restake which would be heavy on ETH gas fees
A main factor for rAAVE is we have done everything to make transaction processes as cheap as possible considering how expensive it is right now to use the Ethereum blockchain.
For this reason also, the farming incentives don't need to be claimed but are automatically compounded into your provided liquidity pools.
There will be a lot of liquidity within the 3 pools so slippage will be a non issue for claiming from the pools.

>> No.26847136

next level LP farming

>> No.26847455

why the fuck are you 2 pajeets shilling something this hard when it is not even out yet? makes it look like a rugpull

>> No.26847780

What should I do when Raave drops? What is pairs?

>> No.26848191

You should buy some GRO and do an ez 10x instead of asking why, get your mind right and get on board this train..

>> No.26848574

Preparing /biz for rAAVE launch, if money ain't your bag, jog on

>> No.26848676


Cuz it's going to be massive why else? The higher the price of GRO the more liquidity and structure rAAVE will have at the initial all there is to it. Having more people only strengthens the ecosystem and makes it more trustless, I believe whole heartedly that this will be a huge success in the long term so excuse me for informing the people on why that is.

>> No.26848799

Follow the GRO chart......and this is one time where following the herd is the smartest thing you can do for yourself.

>> No.26849099
File: 1.57 MB, 766x956, GRO bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL stay poor

>> No.26849497

You had 4 months to accumulate GRO so you could get into rAAVE cheap, why the low effort FUD, try harder it takes more than that champ..

>> No.26849809


Fr feels wrong to buy at a +450% week but we've lonly seen the beginning which is crazy still got a small MC relative to Alpha and others and we have wayy better products..

>> No.26849902

What's your plan? how much GRO are you staking versus donating to rAAVE pool? 50:50?

>> No.26850432

He's fudding for cheap GRO. He'll miss the dip

>> No.26850690

Wait, what are you mad about? RUGPULL? Go talk to all the happy GRO holders over the last year.

Live: t.me/growthdefi

I'll be in there too.

>> No.26850768

Personally Ill do 50/50, half in the GRO/rAAVE pair, auto compounding, and then the other half of my liquid GRO will buy rAAVE on launch for a quick 3x, then swap back to GRO and stake it in stkGRO.. Long game for me..

>> No.26851073

I've 80/20 stkGRO/GRO. The liquid GRO is going straight into the GRO/rAAVE LP. Will get in via single asset (GRO). The contract will sell half for rAAVE, add both to pool, and stake the LP tokens.

>> No.26851409

And it auto compound the LP tokens.. no need to farm, it farms for you

>> No.26851430

Interesting -- what makes you think you'd benefit more off a potential 3x swap rather then retaining in GRO and not buying that rAAVe? I could see GRO taking off at a faster rate than rAAVE could swap back to

>> No.26851559

What is Defi and why should I support it?

>> No.26852160

Also question - scenario Q: you put say 10 GRO into the GRO/rAAVE LP - it creates an equal quantity of GRO:rAAVE, say 5:5 -- and you gain on the performance benefits. Can you at any time cash that out and get your 10 GRO back? or how does the redeeming aspect perform - still a bit confused if you could detail this scenario more! Thx!

>> No.26852429

Would more than likely be a very short term play.. rAAVE being a brand new token on UNI, could 3x in a matter of minutes.. Just going from past experience with new token listings..

>> No.26852716

Decentralized finance.. Its the future of finance, period. Removes the control from Centralized banks and large institutions, and places it back in the hands of the little guy, the way it should be..

>> No.26852979

It's a sector that'll decentralize the banking system and you can literally make money in stable growth devices and earn more than GIC's and what not. Especially if it's an expanding sector buying the #1 MC's Rebasing token with Solid Fundamentals can be a very very VERY lucrative play timed right.

>> No.26853020

I believe you can withdraw as a single asset. So it will sell the half of the LP tokens (rAAVE) and you get the GRO from that sale, and the GRO form the other half.

>> No.26853533

Do you have any good resources you can reccomend to learn more besides what I'll find on google? I am interested, how does
How do you trade crypto, other than large ones like bitcoin? Is there a recommended app? I'd like to search around there also.
Thanks for the help

>> No.26853647

So it's kind of a no brainer then to put your GRO in the LP pool right? No stake fees or anything like that and you'd just make work of your liquid GRO

>> No.26853704

Before you invest in any kind of GRO products bother yourself with going to the tg and ask few questions, the devs are insane people (in a bad way) and i wouldnt be surprised if rAave is just a way to pump GRO so they could exit scam with a big bag.

>> No.26853725

Defi can give better returns than centralised finance. There are no buildings, staff, company expenses etc. And you control your funds

>> No.26853948

If by insane you mean they patiently answer the same questions over and over day in and day out....sure.

>> No.26854148

just ETH gas fees, though they will be far cheaper than doing all the contract interactions, one by one by yourself

>> No.26854296

Start by joining our Telegram chat, you can ask all sorts of questions in there, and everyone will be happy to direct you to all sorts of resources.. Also the platform we are launching soon, rAAVE will be tailored specifically for new and inexperienced people to get into DEFI easily with a low technical barrier..
Join both, you've come to the right spot..
Just by spending time in the chats you will learn volumes..

>> No.26854652

What are you even talking about? You sound like your on METH seriously.. Why don't you actually look into GRO or rAAVE before opening your mouth and spewing complete nonsense..??

>> No.26854695

Are you fudding for a cheaper price?

>> No.26854729

lmao wut

>> No.26855249

cheers, I'll start lurking

>> No.26855377


Most of DeFi is on ETH so you'd only need to know how to buy ETH FYI at least rn day and age. I'd recommend AAVE Road to 3 Billion is a grat video on youtube, Or just search around for DEFI for Dummy's videos it's complex initially but eventually it's second nature and you really appreciate the deeper sounder fundamentally driven DEFI protocols like rAAVE will be.

>> No.26855956


FUD, Guys literally answer every question anyone has respectfully more patiently then I could. What entry you tryna get by posting this?

>> No.26856378

be sure to ask questions, don't lurk too much
there's a few pinned msgs on GROwth Defi. Inc' an intro to rAAVE

>> No.26856687

When I hear the word "Lurker" I always for whatever reason see the character Booger from revenge of the Nerds when he shouts "NEEEERRRRRRRDDDSSS" only it's "LURRRKKEERRRR"

Ok...I'm weird. Sorry.

>> No.26856946

I agree, they're a friendly bunch, both the community and the team. And both have a lot of experience. There are more new members from biz everyday

>> No.26857156

Ain't seen that film in a long time, it's a laugh

>> No.26857581

Yeah I learn something new about crypto everyday from them, and I'm 43 years old and kinda just started last year.

Glad I did.

>> No.26857876

Can I geta guide on how to buy this when it drops? ELI5 me please

>> No.26858010
File: 81 KB, 500x471, 1591332483682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHA wow upvoted friend :^)
No but seriously kys

>> No.26858976

go to raave.io, check timer, set an alarm.. less than 10 days away. During the wait watch the video, read the FAQs and join t.me/raave_official

>> No.26859202

I am an immortal Viking. Killing me works not.

>> No.26859426

The best way to prepare for the rAAVE drop is to buy some GRO. That will be the BEST liquidity on Day 1 because pretty much the entire GRO holder base is going to be depositing their GRO for rAAVE.

Trust me on this.

Out of all 3 rAAVE pairs, the Day 1 best play is to have GRO on hand.

>> No.26860052

Did you do stocks or any other crypto before?

>> No.26860190


Yessir going to be the longest 240 hours of my life lmfao

>> No.26860260

ahh so I cant buy it yet, but pretty much just have it ready on uniswap for then?

>> No.26860582


Yeah exactly, I don't like to say explosion so Imma say this is a powder keg if any big money starts coming in only 14k GRO left to buy on UNI

>> No.26860635

>ebonics coin

>> No.26861221
File: 114 KB, 885x594, 1602172239368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit would be way more convincing if you guys weren't just a group of shills replying to each other. It's obvious you came here to shill together.
Stick to informing people

>> No.26861984

last question, can I already create the pair on uniswap or i need to wait the 10 days and hope uni adds it in time?

>> No.26861987

Use rAAVE's UI on raave.io
It will save you doing multiple transactions on uniswap

>> No.26862057

>lurker doesn't remind him of starcraft

>> No.26862082

I traded Forex for 6 years, and I've had my good selection in stocks. I grabbed up facebook at $60, and paypal at $30....snapchat at $7....I'm a tech stock guy....and it treated me well and Cryptos are....tech....and I'm really interested in Decentralized Finance....because either 1 of 2 things will occur:

Big Banks will kill Defi


Defi will kill big banking as we know it, and they will have to adapt or die.


>> No.26862208

I just did that
informed a user on a better way to join the pools.

>> No.26862254

I dont see anything there just the timer and FAQ

>> No.26862258


What's gotta be convincing about it? It's trustless if you DYOR you'll understand this is not a p&d scam like everything else now a days this is a long term mindset driven coin made to reward the patient AAVE HODLers. Stick to missing opportunities

>> No.26862381

nice calls
I can't wait until mass adoption

>> No.26862431
File: 900 KB, 4032x3024, protipgro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh...we've added over 100 people to telegram in 24 hours from here. There are TONS reading....and only a few Trolls such as yourself replying. That's ok. It keeps the thread front and center for us. We aren't shills man. But are we marketing a great product? Fuck yes we are.

All questions are being answered.

Your FUD is concerning me however.

You can't really SHILL for a company when their chart is this fucking good looking.

>> No.26862520


The pair won't show up until they list it in 240 hour

>> No.26862638
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, ogImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Signing up for a Binance account right now - anyone have a referral code for me to use?

>> No.26862697

But it's the cryptos that are changing my life. I don't have to work for anyone else anymore.
I could just swing trade alt coins and call it a day.

It's been a blessing, and I'm grateful.

>> No.26862732


UI will be accessible when it's live

>> No.26862899

When the timer run out the site will go live
then join the pools (:

>> No.26863033


>> No.26863095


Why swing trade when you can just HODL rAAVE? Way less risk and you receive portions of swing traders profits (uniswap fee's) when you yield farm.

>> No.26863135


>> No.26863333

Great job mate
I'm sure rAAVE and GRO are gonna have you retire early

>> No.26863841

I always have a liquid pile of ETH to make daily money. 95% of my strategy is HODL.

I've been HODL'ing GRO since the beginning, and I'll be HODL'ing rAAVE

I like to make my daily $400 or so to pay for my groceries with my Liquid Etherium.


>> No.26863966
File: 993 KB, 1600x900, 1607785318704.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally interested you retard. I'm saying you and your fellow shillers are about as organic as gmo corn.
How can anyone read this thread and not instantly see you are a bunch of externals pretending to have a conversation with each other

>> No.26864023

Thanks man.
Retirements not for me though, I saw the movie "We Bought A Zoo" and it gave me a life mission.

>> No.26864234

Listen Kyle, there are a LOT of people talking who I don't know.
I have like 1 friend in here with me.

>> No.26864348

Big bills

>> No.26864425

I smoke like an ounce of weed a week if we are being honest. Shits expensive. :D

>> No.26864514


Okok I see you, That's an awesome strategy actually

>> No.26864569

If you are interested join the TGs. Btw did you find out about GRO and rAAVE here? If so, it's a good thing we are keeping the thread alive

>> No.26864908


What kind of zoo though? I'm not too keen on zoo's

>> No.26864942

If I could look at you in a room right now and you could see the sincerity in my eyes as I walked ass-naked out of the shower, found this thread, then began engaging with the GRO bros you'd be like "wow I assumed coordinated shill but walked into an actual discussion" which is completely justified as 4chan is a fucking cess pool

>> No.26865136

peeps are hype there's a legit defi product for once thats it

>> No.26865739


Lol fr, At the end of the day we're just a community who're all mutually passionate on one thing and that kind of opens the door to learning who these people are. Very interesting group I recommend joining the telegram to see for yourself we're indeed real sincere awesome people t.me/raave_official or t.me/growthdefi both are the bomb

>> No.26866130


yup, probably the best DeFi community. Not a when moon chat.

>> No.26867065

GRO is projected to be $1k soon, grab a bag anons, project is legit as fuck. Whales been buying heavily these oast weeks

>> No.26867174

Also wanted to say that the entire monetary policy is meant to take advantage of the fact that the crypto and DeFi markets are far from rational and thus create extreme periods of overpriced and underpriced opportunities.

>> No.26867779

Whales and a ton of new wallets m8, Adoption curve go brrrrr

>> No.26867847

I know people are like EHERMAGERD a couple of you guys are talking to each other...

And I'm like...yes it's called bumping to keep the thread alive, so people can learn about this product.

Shilling is hyping up some sort of scam for a pump and dump.

This...is not that.

Go do your own research. Join the Telegram chat. Talk to the hundreds of investors who have been with GRO since the beginning.

Make an informed decision on your own.

The end.

Rinse. Repeat. Repost.

>> No.26868339


EXACTLY, Do. Your. Research! If you're interested enough to read through this mumbo jumbo might as well see if it holds the hype.