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26795826 No.26795826 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26795864


>> No.26795882

I'm financially ruined

>> No.26795891

I'm sorry sirs

>> No.26795976

Even if you bought ATH, which was literally just 3 hours ago, you are far from ruined.

>> No.26796007

Been a nice pnd. I'm going to cash out 100k when it hits 0.18 again for a cool 8x. May go in when it's at 0.12 tomorrow afternoon or evening.
Get that last lil flip in boys before she's done!

>> No.26796138

You posted the exact same thing 10 minutes ago in another thread with different numbers. Ask me how I know you're a larping swinger who fucked himself.

>> No.26796177

I'm sorry I didn't buy more

>> No.26796184

he is larping, don't give him (you)s
also it's already 18

>> No.26796195

You really that desperate to FUD to try and get .2 Eth lmao, this is gonna blow past ATH you fucking swinger

>> No.26796268

Why do u keep spamming posts with this? You tranny

>> No.26796415

You are NOT going to make it

>> No.26796811

I lost somuch RBC bc of fud and fee :(. 17k own, i could have twice more

>> No.26796871

because of fud? how are you gonna blame fud on not your retarded fucking self for falling for it

>> No.26796894
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>> No.26796965

Any of you who sold the top should go into CUDOS, we can have a x2 or x3 today.
We'll go back in rbc whenever it goes back down.

>> No.26797067

This sounds harsh, but if you fell for the fud you deserve it. The fud on this has been so blatantly obvious you can spot it from a mile away. I don’t know how so many anons give into it. You’d save a lot on fees too if you weren’t constantly panic selling then fomoing back in

>> No.26797145

80c within 24 hours. Let' gooooooo!

>> No.26797205


>> No.26797229

I blame myself don't worry, plus i'm an 1 week new fag, never buy crypto before, so i know i don't unterstand shit.

>> No.26797234

Bought 1.5k st 4cents feelsgoodman

>> No.26797344

the FUD honestly has been pretty low effort, anyone who's been in this space for at least a few months can spot it. motherfuckers are doing integrating cross chain transactions; how many tokens do you even know that have an actual product?

Uniswap has a giant amount of tokens and they gave them out for free; Rubic is going to be a cross chain exchange interacting with tokens that aren't purely ERC20's. Do I need to fucking spell this out to newfags? Uniswap, the 10$ token with billions of tokens only interacts with ERC20 tokens; Rubic the token with a limited supply will be CROSS-CHAIN

>> No.26797388

lucky for you anon we're still very early. sure you mightve taken a hit but we going right back up. higher lows baby, break upward incoming

>> No.26797544

holy shit I understand why there had to be such a giant meme campaign with chainlink. people are fucking idiots; something with actual value will be staring these motherfuckers in the face and they just hoop line and sinker with whatever bullshit the media is spewing at them like that faggot ass art dealership token mark cuban uses

>> No.26797738

kek, if they fall for low effort shit like this then they deserve to get burned

>> No.26798008

I don't know man. It's like on one hand I do understand that; but people just need shaken up I guess and told the truth. Uniswap is a very popular exchange and very easy to use; however it has fucking pricey gas fees and only interacts with ERC20 tokens. That is a pure fact; Rubics is seeking to do something different and so far seems like they're delivering. I'm not a time reader or a financial advisor; but Rubics so far has given me as much confidence as Fantom has. I'm being unironic. Rubics website alone deserves applause; because a lot of projects in this space are pieces of shit. A lot even automatically try to connect your metamask; that shit gives me a heart attack. I like how on rubics exchange it gives you the option to connect your metamask; it's not automatically popping up in your face like some kind of fishing site. Many projects could truly learn from rubics just souly off that.

>> No.26798232
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i know it sounds like i'm shilling, but fucking A man; you have no idea how many times I rapidly click the X bar when some shitcoin website i'm looking into tries to connect to my metamask. Maybe I'm some kind of newfag, but really some shit automatically trying to attach itself to my wallet is like playing STALKER; I don't fuck with it. Rubics website allowing me the option to willingly connect my metamask to the website gave me a very good vibe from them

>> No.26798384

Holy shit this really is low effort

>> No.26798412

no im just drunk posting

>> No.26798452

Please leave

>> No.26798461


>> No.26798562

WSB has done a good job flushing jeets off the board.

>> No.26798667


>> No.26798765

Understandable. Statement retracted.

>> No.26798792

based and boozedpilled. whats your poison anon?

>> No.26798870

You fags were right...I regret not getting in. I'll get in at the next drop under 12 cents

>> No.26798989
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>> No.26799094

Ok see you never

>> No.26799249

montebello long iced tea. it's nothing to sing about; I just didn't feel like driving to a liquor store lmao

>> No.26799395

We’ll give you a break since you’re a newfriend and it can be tough when you first start out. Everybody here has made mistakes, the important thing is to learn the lesson every time you make one.

>> No.26799514

exposed pajeet scam.
technology from 2017

How is the weather in india?

>> No.26799667

>How is the weather in india?
t. mumbay call center international

>> No.26799821

Fuck off ranjesh

>> No.26799898

>Rubic goes up
Death to Bugmen

>> No.26799946
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>> No.26800884
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Moon mission inbound.

Pack your bags.

>> No.26801162

sell the news

>> No.26801368

Explain this to me. So I can send eth from binance to my metamask using the cheap bsc option and convert it to erc-20 for another small fee using rubic exchange?

>> No.26801558
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3 hours left until liftoff bros. Do you feel it?

>> No.26801624

Yes, just buyed more

>> No.26801879

Can a kind anon post the guide on how to buy this coin again?

>> No.26801937
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>> No.26802841

>saw a couple rubic threads awhile back
>epic fud campaign
>skipped out
anyway, I have 53K now, but Jesus I could have had far more. Next time, the harder I see people fud, the faster I buy. Fuckin’ doublenigger.

>> No.26803082


>> No.26803162
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>> No.26804051
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same. came to biz on 21st. bought high, sold low, then the same with link. bought rubic back yesterday. lost €1.5k in the process, but still glad that i migrated from pol to biz. i have a chance to make it now

>> No.26804125
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sirs pls buy my bag

>> No.26804328
File: 1.01 MB, 4014x1022, Screenshot 2021-01-28 at 12.16.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off currigel

>> No.26805767

go back

>> No.26805898

I kneel

>> No.26806343

Is there a way to buy rubic with link?
Or can i only buy etherium?
And can i buy a small dose of etherium?

>> No.26806420

don't try to time crypto you retard.
buy when the entire market is red, diversify and look back in a year or so.
Also waste a ±1000 on shitcoins for pennies and hope that one of them will eventually moon.

>> No.26806544

uniswap. but I advise against it.
Buy eth and use ti to convert to w/e you want.
You will need it for gas fees anyway.

Also if you are planning to spend 40-50 it is usually not worth it because of the fees.

>> No.26806741

Can i let say buy some eth for 50 usd or euros or 80 usd dollars?