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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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26799410 No.26799410 [Reply] [Original]

Neither a fud nor a shill (but i do have a stack if yall are curious)
FTM has a history of pumps and dumps according to some
Pic related goes all the way back to nov 2018
If trends are to be trusted itll crash
But the ath makes me question if smth changed
What do you think anons?

>> No.26799567

You are FTM

>> No.26799889

was and still is an iq test
looks like you are failing it

>> No.26800030

Im know to fail a lot of iq tests
In all seriousness though, what can you tell me about it?

>> No.26800769
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It's not because some retards seething on biz think it's a PnD it is one.
FTM will probably have a correction after pumping a lot but if you think we are going back to 40 sats and $0.002 after that pump, you understood nothing and don't follow the project closely.

>> No.26801060

Thats fair, im hoping to hold onto my stacklet for a long while in any case
Thats a good plan, right?

>> No.26801169

Nothing goes up forever, but this train aint slowing till $1

>> No.26801273

Nice bait, fudster op
FUCK YOU! We are going to billions

>> No.26801410

Still not fud
Just trying to learn, im glad to be wrong since i own a stacklet

>> No.26801662

How many FTM did you get? You still can accumulate safely with staking and minting.

>> No.26801870

Im a broke bitch so like a stacklet worth 500$ currently
Might look into that, thanks for reminding me

>> No.26801924

No, you are a piece of dog shit

>> No.26802159

It's already dumping lmao.