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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26786850 No.26786850 [Reply] [Original]

You know there wont be enough (((money))) to pay all of the stocks, right? you know normies are getting into meme loans to get more stocks, just like on 2008, right? I hope you are prepared for whats to come

>> No.26786892

Shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.26786962

SELL or get trampled by the stampede of scared jews

>> No.26787300
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>> No.26787370

Buy the dip

>> No.26787377
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so buy gold silver and shtf prep's

>> No.26787423

That is the point. To fuck with hedgies.

>> No.26787482
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Don't care, still holding onto GME

>> No.26787613
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>run out of monopoly currency
lol, no.
The fed will just brrrrrrrrr.
They've already shown it's all pointless over the last year.

>> No.26787913

so we cyber currency now or what?

>> No.26787977

Always were.

>> No.26788023

>he doesn't know
they want a great reset, they can have one

>> No.26788186

So all this GME gold fever was done on purpose?

>> No.26788240

"on purpose" is a loose term, but this is the season of change, and it is in the starts
they have made their bed, and they will lay in

>> No.26789054

It is the natural order of things. People just bought undervalued stock.