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26781607 No.26781607 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, the FOMO is getting to me. Is it too late to buy in? My coworker's bf who made >$400k on GME today is telling me tomorrow is the day shit pops off, and that it's the last day to ride the wave. I don't know who or what to believe anymore, but at this point, I'm operating on pure impulse and faith in meme magic.

Is placing the follwing after-hours market trades tonight retarded?
>$100 into GME
>$100 into AMC
>$100 into BB
>$100 into BBBY

As soon as the trades execute I plan to put a stop-loss order on each @ 10% below the buy-in.

Is this a bad idea? Am I retarded? I'm extremely ignorant about this stuff and need help, but whether I receive good advice or not, I'm afraid I won't be able to control my impulses due to the massive FOMO I have. I'm just a normie wageslave brokefag trying to double my money and this is the strategy that makes the most sense to me right now. Is there a better way to do this?

>> No.26781646

>no NOK

>> No.26781727

thats only $400 just do it

>> No.26781853

>Not owning NOK


>> No.26781889
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>stop loss
>on meme stocks
just get out anon if you can't afford the loss we'll HODL without you

>> No.26781992

Never too late they shorted 249% of the goddamn float and doubled down to try to get their money back

>> No.26782092

This. I'm half in AMC half in Nok. No idea what bbby is

>> No.26782199

buy GME, don't listen to the hedgies itt

>> No.26782240

if you don't own nok you're retarded. and only 100$ into each? get a cheap loan or something for a few thousand dollars - you'd be able to pay off the loan in one day and ride the profits out for a while. come on man!

>> No.26782292

okay I can afford to put another $100 into NOK too I guess, so $500 to play with total for 5 stocks. My follow-up question is: should I put EVEN MORE into GME than the others? I could maybe allow myself to put $200 into GME and $100 each into the other 4

BBY = Bed Bath & Beyond

>> No.26782431

ALSO, are the non-GME stocks worth holding past Thursday? I'm planning to sell GME on Friday obviously but no clue when to sell the rest

>> No.26782589

what is so special about NOK? why is NOK projected to moon more than any of the others I listed?

>> No.26782786

>ALSO, are the non-GME stocks worth holding past Thursday? I'm planning to sell GME on Friday obviously but no clue when to sell the rest

See this WSB post



>> No.26783102

Dont bother with bed bath beyond

>> No.26783231

why nok

>> No.26783324

nobody cares what you are doing with your lunch money

>> No.26783404


Robinjew fucked me over and didnt fill my order at $219. I'm going to try once more at open tomorrow, but have a feeling theyre going to lockstep and deny all orders to buy to try and save their jew hedge friends. After this fiasco is over im liquidating all my Robinjew positions, opening an account with a broker that didnt pull for the jewfunds, and will be shittalking and memeing against them from here on out.

>> No.26783440

sweating over $400
kid this is not for you.

>> No.26783681

Can you imagine being this dumb.... OP please

>> No.26783731

nah fuck bed bbby. they removed mypillow

>> No.26783778

Bump. Anons need to read this. Today was only the start of a longer war.

>> No.26783904
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Thats exactly like mine kek add the VIX in

>> No.26784051

You'll never double your money if you always guarantee that some cocksucker can buy your bags off of you at a 10% loss.

>> No.26784187

>half a GME share
Is it even worth it? Just curious, I could do the same

>> No.26784317
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I picked it up from another thread, where it was included in one anon's list of stocks predicted to short-squeeze (along with amc and bb). What evidence guides your determination that BBBY won't? I can't find any meaningful stats re: shorts ratio / day-to-cover for any of these stocks besides GME, I'm just going off what /biz/ is stating, but I want to understand the reasons/evidence behind why people are making these claims about these particular stocks

I currently make 90k salary but lack job security so I prefer to be as conservative/frugal as possible with my meager savings. I typically despise volatility but am making an exception to step out of my comfort zone to partake in a meme magic seance. if you aren't interested in assisting, that's fine, I acknowledge I am retarded and out of my element, but I'm trying anyway

I have an E*Trade and Charles Schwab account but I prefer the UI of RH, and at the end of the day there doesn't seem to be much variation between brokers to me. Sorry you got fucked over though, I'll take it into consideration in the future, but my RH account is already funded while the others are not

that's a good point that I didn't think about, but makes sense. maybe I will drop it to 50% loss or just nix the stop-loss aspect from my plan completely

>> No.26784667


>> No.26784680

GME if you can, we need all the help we can get when all hell breaks loose tomorrow.

>> No.26785022

Stop losses are really only useful for leveraged trading so you can set your stop right before your liquidation price and walk away with some beer money instead of $zero. Or, you can set the stop really tight to your buy in if you are using high leverage, and then steadily work your stop up as you get into profit.

>> No.26785023

Same. That was a lot of fun not having it filled. My brother got through though

>> No.26785098

>is it too late?

>> No.26785255

>no NOK

GME is good if you're a leveraged guy with calls from 40 under, but every knows GME isn't worth that price.

BB is solid if you got in early too. AMC would be great if vaccines were suddenly perfect and already distributed.

NOK is the answer. It's BB but from last week.

>> No.26785329

After hours trading is an absolute scam, there is nothing we can do about it until everyone is allowed, or no one is allowed. The 24 hour crypto market is ideal though.

>> No.26785354

Do not sell GME Friday, wait until at least next Wednesday

>> No.26785496

>stop loss at -10%
the price is so volatile you’re guaranteed to trigger it. OP is textbook definition of buy high, sell low.

>> No.26785502

>stop loss at 10% below buy in


>> No.26785760
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I'd like to thank everyone in this thread so far for contributing. I decided to double my original account funding and adjusted the plan based on what you shared.

Just placed the following orders:
>$292 into GME (~1 share)
>$200 into AMC
>$200 into NOK
>$108 into BB

...and decided not to do any stop-loss. No clue what's gonna happen but we'll see. I probably just lost all $800 (= 50% of my discretionary spending account funds) but fuck it, it's worth it for the memes.

>> No.26785839

Get in

Discuss stonks and crypto

>> No.26786081

>makes 90k
>$800 = 50% of discretionary spending account funds
are you a drug addict or just really shit with money?

>> No.26786138

>stop-loss order on each @ 10% below the buy-in.
>Is this a bad idea? Am I retarded?
yeah, it'll execute almost immediately
paper handed bitch

>> No.26786431

You'll probably only lose about half of it, worst case scenario. That leaveses you with 75% of your money, and that's only if you sell low like a true /biztard.

>> No.26786439

I distribute each paycheck into 3 separate accounts: 1 for bills/expenses (50%), 1 for savings (30%), and 1 for discretionary spending (20%). Of the discretionary spending, most is spent on food/restaurants, entertainment and other quality of life purchases, and that account is also what I use for playing with stocks if I choose (as I consider it gambling, hence quasi-entertainment). Since gambling is a vice, I wish to minimize it as much as possible.

>> No.26786506

*Leaves. I'm not trying to talk like a faggot.

>> No.26786596

Oh, and I also try to keep my discretionary account sitting at ~1500 at all times, periodically moving any surplus over to my savings every couple months. I do this to minimize frivolous spending / temptation to blow large amounts

>> No.26786607

Why not just make a budget and have one account instead of cucking yourself like that

>> No.26786700

because budgets can be easily deviated from when drawing from one large pool. this is simply my approach to personal finance, comparmentalizing my income into separate accounts just works for me

>> No.26786773

>selling Friday and missing the squeeze

>> No.26786808

NOK, and BB arent shorted to shit.

Shills trying to mislead people

>> No.26786914

whys everyone investing in Nokia?

>> No.26786976

that's very possible, but I have no idea how to tell one way or the other.


hopefully this is wrong but time will tell. what makes you conclude the posts are all shills/parrots of shills and different from the AMC shilling?

>> No.26787011

I can tell you're from reddit

>> No.26787234

Someone posted a link before to percentage of shares short float before.

GME was like 140%+, AMC actually was very short but under 100%.
Nokia is like 7%, absolutely retarded.

>> No.26787391
File: 716 KB, 1100x1025, 1611778381590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got

200 USD in NOK (30.7 shares)
3 shares of AMC
I got 100 more usd to play with should I split it between Naked, BBY?
Or put rest in NOK? For real, I know you don't get rich overnight but the mest moves would help a anon that has had it very though.

>> No.26787398

I can understand why you'd think that based on my pseudointellectual language style but nah, not from plebbit, although I did spend about about 15 cumulative mins browsing through links to WSB from /biz/-posters.

>> No.26787432
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>> No.26787473

>Nokia is like 7%
That's correct, I looked it up before buying, and bought anyway

Meme magic

>> No.26787547

damn guess I better buy BBBY after all. anons ITT convinced me to back out

>> No.26787568

If you bought it hold it a bit don't be a cunt.

>> No.26787770

I don't know, it just means there are a lot of shorts on it.
That said, everyone and their mother is downloading Robinhood (wsb had +1million subscribers in a few days), nobody understands what is going on, but thanks to the many articles, most people somewhat get the idea that
shorts = against company = hedgefund = bad
call/option = for a company = us = good = money
So my guess is most people will try to replicate the GME short squeeze strategy and simply buy shorted stocks. Most of them seems to be getting higher these days.

>> No.26788085

>So my guess is most people will try to replicate the GME short squeeze strategy and simply buy shorted stocks.

That is my thought process as well. Ultimately it doesn't matter if there is logic/rationality behind the decisions to buy, what matters is the perception that these stocks will continue to be jumped on by bandwagoners, thus inflating demand and driving the price up artificially

I'm too confused by options to figure out how to utilize them in time, so I just did market buys and plan to sell later the traditional way, should I be concerned that it is not a call/option?

>> No.26788658

>should I be concerned that it is not a call/option?
I have no idea. Calls have more leverage (more risk and more gains) than the traditional stock buying. That's all I know.

>> No.26789108

Robinhood wants me to wait 5 days before I can use money I deposited into my account wtf. This will be over by then

>> No.26789360

weird, mine was instant access. must be a credit score thing.

>> No.26789495

Hmmm webull gave me instant buying power but the funds didn't actually transfer for like 5 days.

>> No.26789609


>> No.26790936

It's honest to God about sending a message.

I highly suggest investing in companies that are on their deathbed. Don't let these kike fucks shut any of them down.

>> No.26791038

>looking at a bunch of stocks that just did 30-100% and thinking that isn't momentum