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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 200x200, ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2672312 No.2672312 [Reply] [Original]

I'm back again. Friendly reminder, don't buy in until it hits 250. Don't sell either at this point, just wait.

>> No.2672316

Thanks God

>> No.2672324

Man, could have made so much money shorting ETH and ATVI, really annoyed with all these verification requirements.

>> No.2672330


I've been posting about eth the past couple of days. Just passing on info.

>> No.2672336

you back again? are you the guy who said 'it's hitting 200 by 7pm pacific' yesterday?

>> No.2672340

yeah that faggot

"derp it'll hit 250 by 12pm pst"

>> No.2672350

dont buy what???

>> No.2672381


No, I said 12 p.m. pacific. Followed up with the fact that it was pushed back, still told to wait. Fact is, it went from 320 when I made my first post to what it is now. Before anyone asks, there was too much resistance yesterday and it was decided to hold off. Look at the charts though and you'll see the drop at 12.

>> No.2672502

I don't have any more eth, but let's see if your prediction is right

>> No.2672582

you only make money shorting if the price goes up again, cuck

>> No.2672588


>> No.2672692

>doesn't know how shorting works

>> No.2672726

So you're over here saying that eth will drop to 250 in a few hours. Another faggot is saying eth will reach ATH in 5 hours.

Which one of you faggots is right?

>> No.2672731

you sell shares at the top, and then buy them back at the bottom. you have more shares, but unless the price goes up you still have the same amount of money

>> No.2672735
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The one that is saying its gonna drop


>> No.2672737

Nigga it's going to 200

Nobody knows what it's gonna fucking do by the way

>> No.2672749

Eth dips every weekend
its starting to dip early
this one might get ugly senpai

>> No.2672755




>> No.2672761

Also, status fags are liquidating their ETH collected during the SCAM

>> No.2672762


Who knows, but considering its rebound last time, you need to pay attention to the market because it goes up far faster than it falls.

I'm thinking that because people have expected it to fall we have a lot of fresh blood new to margin trading shorting. Once they start to get squeezed things will get interesting.

But as it stands, its fallen too much to enter a short right now, it might go up it could go sideways from here so I'm just going to avoid placing a position.

>> No.2672772
File: 65 KB, 992x496, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't I just keep all the ETH I have and buy more when it goes on SALE??!

>> No.2672780

It's easier and you're less likely to panic buy in at the wrong time but less rewarding.

>> No.2672791

you BORROW shares at the top and you BUY them at the bottom

>> No.2672800

why 5 hours? but yeh it's gonna hit ATH next week latest, for sure

>> No.2672803

But why would I buy $100 before the dip?

>> No.2672819
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>margin trading shorting

>> No.2672829

how do you 'look at the whalepool chat' lol

>> No.2672834


Because it might not ever go back up. This isn't the stock market where the Fed will just prop up whatever shit company tanks.

>> No.2672846

>all /biz/ threads talk about selling ETH

Isn't this one of those boards where you're supposed to do opposite of what everyone's saying?

>> No.2672857

ETH and BTC are cemented to be #1-2 unless some NEW radically better coin appears
none of the currently existing ones could hit either of them out of the top2

and crypto is doomed for a rise on the long term, its usage is still only at a infinitely small fraction of its potential

so this 'might never go back up' is just dum

>> No.2672883

hussshhh my sweet bearded child. you have so much to learn

>> No.2672893

Yes, do not sell your ETH you're doing exactly what /biz/ wants you to do by doing so.

>> No.2672909

What about LTC?

>> No.2672912


Something like this is what I've been told. But short term, as in this weekend they want it at least 250. I'm happy with that personally, buying in again at that.

>> No.2672914


>> No.2672916
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pic related anti-eth /biz day trader

>> No.2672923
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>> No.2672935


If you think it will drop to 150, then wait. It might, but short term I believe 250, then a rebound to 300. After that maybe a push to 150, who knows. I wouldn't doubt it.

>> No.2672944
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you aren't being a "stupid fucking shit" by seriously guaranteeing this, are you?

>> No.2672946


Came to this thread for this post.

Is it too late to short guys?

>> No.2672951
File: 57 KB, 680x680, b7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but.. isn't /biz/ saying that now because they it wants to reverse psychology him into selling his ETH?

>> No.2672967
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pic related

>> No.2672978

Generally not great strategy to hodl something that had gone up 5000% in 4 months imo

Never a gain until you cash it out

>> No.2672994

this. only way eth isn't coming back up is if btc doesn't either.

>> No.2672995

This is op by the way. My id changed. Here to talk for a bit before heading off for a few hours if anyone wants to talk.

>> No.2673005

i don't think it has fundamental reasons to be always @ the top, but im not an expert on it
but i was in BTC before LTC was born.
accepted at a small fraction of palces of BTC/ETH, no enterprise backing like ETH
they aimed to be 'silver' to 'bitcoin gold' originally (they were the first altcoin), but now ETH has lower transaction times / fees by FAR than what they can achieve

so idk. i may be missing something about it, but i see no reason for it to be also cemented at the top

>> No.2673007


Its not a great strategy to sell something when people are selling either.

t. ETH earlier this week.

>> No.2673022

DASH looks safe to park your shit in for a while, wait for Eth to bottom out.

>> No.2673024

The silver/gold analogy I see good. I just always see those top 3. Another Anon compared Bitcoin to MySpace and ETH to Facebook and I hadn't considered that but myspace used to be "it".

>> No.2673027
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>> No.2673028

yeah when BTC first hit $10 that logic paid a lot of people off very well, they're still praising their blessed intuition for cashing out for good

>> No.2673042

Your whales tried and ETH's bottom was about 270

>> No.2673049

Proof of Work or Proof of Stake??

>> No.2673057


How did you come to your conclusion OP

>> No.2673060


Wonder how much it will sky rocket after all these faggots shorting get squeezed out of their positions. Haha.

>> No.2673077

Probably a slow decline to ~$130 and then stable for at least a few months.

>> No.2673082


I doubt that. Like I said before, it's being done in a way to make it look like it's not being manipulated, at least to the average person. They want people to lose faith and sell their eth so they can scoop it up cheap.

>> No.2673088

A 5000% return is once in a lifetime stuff. Maybe you hit a 10 bagger once in a decade but that's if you are in seriously degen risky asset class

Do what you want

>> No.2673097


As I said in previous posts, information was passed to me, which I'm passing on here. It's information that's worked out for me so far. I was told 320 would be the absolute top before a sharp correction, and I posted about it happening the night before. I have the screen cap, I'll post in a minute if you'd like.

>> No.2673106

no tendies for you

>> No.2673138
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Here you go.

>> No.2673149
File: 251 KB, 346x3200, all-the-worlds-money-and-markets-dv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btc has over 25,000,00% return for those who purchased it when it first started trading lol

your logic is wrong. crypto has overall a marketcap of 100 billion at most (in reality a LOT less, a lot of private keys been lost/will never be used/owners died/etc)

that's LITERALLY FUCKING NOTHING compared to the market cap of... what its potential applications are (store of value - GOLD/SILVER, currency - USD/EUR) and it will also have ENTIRELY new applications that's not currently market cap'd by anything

pic very much related.

whops, can't post it full size, cuz 'resolution is too large', but check it out here


>> No.2673155

I'm up 298% shorting between the fib lines on Kraken on 5:1 margins. WOOOOOOOOOO.

Took me 3 days to get verified to tier 3, fyi. Only a day for tier 1.

>> No.2673158

>Not going all in on ETH now

>> No.2673185


shorting on kraken too

All those fags don't get it and are holding their bags tight

>> No.2673206

you can short on bitfinex
much lower interest rates too (peer to peer lending), and far better software

you can also move any amount (1000 BTC and more) in and out without any verification, that's only needed for USD transfers

if you actually short ETH you'll lose everything fast tho :}

>> No.2673209


I have been noticing some weird sell wall ceilings during recoveries as well, whenever it starts shifting upwards 300 - 500 BTC appears not very aggressively but halts the momentum and the moment the downshift begins it vanishes.

Screams manipulation to me.

>> No.2673246

oh in case you actually use bitfinex, you could use the affiliation code ifWmXFrqNi ( https://www.bitfinex.com/?refcode=ifWmXFrqNi )
that way both of us get 10-10% off your fees (meaning your maker/taker fees will be 0.00018/0.00009 instead of 0.00020/0.00010 AND i also get 0.00002 and 0.00001 of your trades to my margin account, win-win, only the exchange takes home less)

>> No.2673271

Let's just toss a coin

>> No.2673317
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, 1498425500879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is so intense. This is it! The make or break pull! If we break down past $265, that's it, goodnight ETH, down to $260, then likely $208. If we pull past $275, it heads back to $300.

WHICH WILL IT BE!? Keep your eyes glued on the trend of the bid vs ask volume!

Giving ETH has bloody weekends, that we're on a contiuning bear market, and negative social sentiment within the online trading community, I say we pull through and crash down more.

See you boys at $208!!! Get those shorts ready!

>> No.2673327

it's already past $275 on bitfinex

>> No.2673358

You gotta be really stupid to think ETH isn't going below 200$ during next crash.

>> No.2673381

Where can I see BTC and ETH charts parallel time?

>> No.2673403

Looks like its more between $270 and $280 now, which makes sense since $280 is a support line. If it breaks through the support, it might go up. I don't think so, though. Volume is still too seller heavy.

>> No.2673417
File: 201 KB, 660x780, 1496766560515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I know dapps will destroy the entire eth blockchain
>tfw ethnormies will never catch on until 1 $

>> No.2673480


>> No.2673507

WE 281 NOW

>> No.2673510


Seller Volume is people shorting t. vickybot, if it surges and people close those positions it will easily find $295-300 ceiling again.

>> No.2674020





>> No.2674057


its at 270, just $100 more to go anon, I believe in you.

>> No.2674092
File: 127 KB, 1111x795, Christophe1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patiently waiting for new buy signals around 260 is your best move here boys trust me im up a bajillion

>> No.2674115

the big question is if it will rebound off of $250 or continue dipping. if you buy in at $250 you could get rekt if it falls further. conversely, if you wait for it to dip further and it doesn't, you will miss the rebound

>> No.2674137


I'd wait.

>> No.2674143

jesus, this fucking guy might actually be right

>> No.2674148

Cucks in this thread think it's stopping at 250. Top kek.

>> No.2674169


Same as last time, just buy the dip and for fucks sake HODL. Don't be a panic selling little numale faggot.

>> No.2674173
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OP, please get yourself a tripcode for future tip offs.

>> No.2674183

wen will u retards realise u r holding bags once it hits 220 everyone is going to buy back into an actual failing coin did u c the livestream today? theyre going to have multiple transaction ids

>> No.2674278


Op again. How do I do this?

>> No.2674306


In the name field put in a username and password like so:


the only hash of the password will be displayed, so we can verify your identity

>> No.2674330



>> No.2674335

Proof it's me.

>> No.2674345
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>> No.2674351


thanks OP, got my buy orders hanging out just above 0.103 BTC

>> No.2674386

do you think it will rebound off of $250 or fall further down?

>> No.2674394

Got a refcode on bitfinex? I'll put you, to give something back

>> No.2674399

Waiting for $250 throwing in 2k

>> No.2674441
File: 158 KB, 544x416, 5570136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought at 275 i think I'll be okay

>> No.2674447

Ethereum's market cap is $26 billion, I doubt one group owns very much to dump

>> No.2674464

I agree. I think this is overhyped. That doesn't make $250 a bad entry for ETH, but... it could also go way lower...

>> No.2674501

price got too high too fast so it's slowly going down to a new normal. there are fluctuations on the way down, but the dips are deeper and the highs lower every time.

>> No.2674912


It's going to be pushed down as much as possible towards 250, but if it goes lower even better. The first night the goal was 300 and it was pushed to 290. It could go below 250, but personally I'm OK jumping in at that level.

>> No.2674961

do you think it will go up significantly after the dip to $250? or do you think it will just level off around ~$250?

>> No.2674986

pushing the market with 3-4k eth to ~250 seems kinda risky.. cant imagine their shorts

>> No.2675011

Cmon... when are these chinks gonna dump

>> No.2675093

placing my buy orders, OP

Here goes nothing

>> No.2675136

>The first night the goal was 300 and it was pushed to 290
Oh wow, that's so amazing. I should believe you then.
Oh wait, that's completely within the swinging range of ETH under normal circumstances

>> No.2675353



When I first posted nearly everyone who replied didn't believe me and we're convinced 300 was the floor and we were on the way to 600. I don't know about normal swings, just what I was told to look out for and around what time. Look at the screen shot in this thread, and check the charts.

>> No.2675375

Hmm, is going to double in value, completely switching trends in the next 5 hours or is it going to drop 10 more dollars? which is more likely?

hard to say.

>> No.2675467


Last I heard, the 2/3 week plan is to let it go up again one more time past 300, and selling off and causing a massive dump bringing down the price around the end of the month. Its meant to coincide with all the august 1st talk. It's just talk, but talk moves these markets and they know that. If it's brought down to 250 and causes another bear run in the next couple of days, even better. The ultimate goal is to just accumulate more eth. Understand though, they're using the flow of the market to their advantage so things can change slightly. Again, it's being made to look natural to someone just glancing at charts.

>> No.2675512

if i may ask, do you own any eth? if so, did you sell off and are buying back in tonight?

>> No.2675532

Can somebody summarize the Delaware thing. I'm driving right now and can't read their bloated article. What does it have to do with eth

>> No.2675543


I do. I have two stacks, one I'm holding onto and the other I sell high and buy low with so I can accumulate more. I've had a buy order set at 250, with some fiat set aside in case it goes a bit lower.

>> No.2675562


Sold at just under 320 when I first posted here the other night.

>> No.2675569

i've been in your past few threads and i appreciate your insight, so thank you. just to be clear, you're saying that after this price drop you expect eth to go up over 300 again before more sell offs? i have never sold my eth before from when i bought in at $19 but i may do it for the next price movement

>> No.2675593


I can't tell you or anyone what to do. Everyone's situation is different. To be honest, I wouldn't count on anything that's weeks out. Like I said, things can change. The only time I've been passed info and told it's really solid, it's always less then a days notice, sometimes a few hours. I asked the same questions you have and was told this long term plan, but have no idea if that's still going to be followed through with in a couple of weeks. I'll post here when I can, but the only thing I've been told that seems pretty for sure is the short term push to 250.

>> No.2675602
File: 66 KB, 510x332, 1495478570834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is doomed
just look how out of control it really is:


just imagine people actually used ETH as much as BTC than whole thing would collapse really fucking fast

>> No.2675608

ok, last questions. are they doing this as just another coin to flip back and forth to make a quick buck? or are they doing this because they believe ethereum will be very big in the future and they want to accumulate as much as possible before then? i see a lot of posts on here lately about how Ethereum is a "shitcoin" and it makes me wonder why im seeing so much of that being posted lately. again, thanks for your posts and i hope to hear from you again in the future

>> No.2675612

Some people prefer to overlook these "details" but actually ETH is a complete mess under the hood

Bagholders are blinded by greed and quick cash grab with ICOs, but in reality those ICO are lesss and less profitable.

Status, EOS, Bancor... all are under the introduction price in USD

>> No.2675631

case in point this post right here. a lot of this has been popping up lately. it seems almost orchestrated. what do they have to gain by posting this? if it really is a shitcoin, why do they even care enough to keep posting this in multiple threads

>> No.2675667


Overall I'm told they want to accumulate, but there are some who just want a quick buck. The pos I'm told is what interests them the most, which is why they want to accumulate.

>> No.2675690

damn, it's pretty stupid how the value can be manipulated so hard. anyway i'll keep an eye out for your future threads. have a good night

>> No.2675699

Hey there ETHgod, I've seen your posts and, for the most part, they've been on par with what's happening in the market. You say I should wait to sell. I've lost around 6 ETH by selling and diversifying into different altcoins and want to try selling my eth and buying at a low price. What is your predicted ceiling and floor (in other words, where should I aim to sell and buy)
>inb4 buy high, sell low

>> No.2675708


Buy high, sell low my friend

>> No.2675714

Definitely fucks

>> No.2675716

Nice strawman, setting up a counter position that seems ridiculous. I don't know a single person who seriously thinks it's going to 600. Those are 380 buy in bag holders.

Your predictions are all based on obvious and slow happenings

>> No.2675748

hi giant newfag here. when you guys say 250, 200, etc do you mean in dollars?

>> No.2675767

This whale bullshit. Look at the other coins, they all took a shit. There aren't any magic ETH gods that drop it $150 or raise it $350. It's shit like people losing confidence in the long term when the network is taking a shit on all the exchanges this early on in ETH's life.

Litecoin has lower % xfer fees. Think of Chinese moving a lot of money. They are going to move it first off on a network that isn't bogged down every other day, and most importantly the cheapest way to move it at the moment. Those are the types of variables that shake enough cages to move mountains. From what I see right now all the coins are moving in tandem, suggesting they are following a greater happening with bitcoin's value.

Have 2 ETH accounts one to HODL and one to trade between cryptos. That's where the Whales come in, doubling up on a shit coin and dumping.

>> No.2675774

go check gdax and gemini being manipulated by 1.5k sell orders for hours and without any incentive to sell a single piece of that wall

>> No.2675790


There were posts here the first time I posted stating exactly this. If it was so obvious, why didn't everyone sell at 320 and buy back on this dip? What originally made me want to post was seeing these threads talking about 600 eth, and going long on eth at the time. I was just passing on info.


I'm not predicting anything, just passing on info. I can tell you what I plan on doing, that's buying in at 250. That's what works for my situation at the moment. As far as ceiling, I'll probably consult after it hits 250 the see what the next move is and go from there. Whatever I'm told I'll probably post here for those interested.

>> No.2675794


>> No.2675799

reports say it will out do bitcoin?is it not time to buy then?

>> No.2675830


I've answered this in my very first post. I've been given information in the past several times that turned out to be lucrative for me, and seemed to me at least to be eerily on point. I doubted it at first too, but when it worked out several times I took notice. I posted on here to pass it on, saying to take it with a grain of salt and ultimately do what's best for you. People on here have said it's obvious and my friend using just basic techniques. Maybe that's true, but I highly doubt it. Even if it's true, the results are the same so I'm not sure it matters. I'm not coming on here saying you have to buy or have to sell. Always just come on to state what I was told and answer questions for a bit. What you do with the info is up to you.

>> No.2675839

yeah I've seen this post come up a few times, and so far seems it is coming true. So, well done so far.

>> No.2675841

That's been there for days
>If it was so obvious, why didn't everyone sell at 320 and buy back on this dip?
people are dumb and greedy
I've lost opportunities by trying to get another 50$ on 500$+ gains. Greed gets the better of people. Stupidity gets the better of newbies.

>> No.2675845


>> No.2675853


Truth. You should know your entry, exit and stop before going into a trade, and not adjust them once you're in.

>> No.2675867

Exactly, but sometimes I think "The last time it went up 7%, so I can settle by 5%" then it only goes 4% and starts falling, and I think, "Lets go 3.5%" and it doesn't go back there and it's too risky to hold.

Best advice I can give is if you day trade GRAB THE MONEY AND GET OUT. There will always be other dips and fluctuations, get a bit even if you only get 25% of the total fluctuation.

>> No.2675911


I have the opposite problem, I'm too quick to book profits rather than letting it ride. I'm letting this one ride though, I'll get back in once the 4hr macd histogram stops bottoming out or it reaches my buy at 250

>> No.2675965

So uhh
I'm in this for a month.
How do you short? Why is it good?

>> No.2675974


You need to have a margin account on an exchange that allows margin trading, like Bitfinex, GDAX, or Poloniex. To do it, you just sell coins you don't have, by borrowing them from other users.

>> No.2676092

Don't you have to legally agree that you have 5 million+ in assets or something along those lines?

>> No.2676106

>"the bitcoin network can't scale with normal usage. the fees are high and transfers take forever"
>it's just high demand
>"after 5 back to back ICOs that raised a billion dollars, the ethereum network is congested, but fees are still low and confirmations still only take a few minutes"
I literally can't wait until august 1st.

don't. a newcoiner trying to short means you're going to get your clock cleaned.

>> No.2676503
File: 11 KB, 1013x94, fSPJhbp01b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you bought the dip

>> No.2676588

Be careful, Anon.
Shorting in a bull market is very dangerous.

Crypto is not growing fast in the last few days, but this can change over night.

>> No.2676607

>mfw still thinks its a bull market

>> No.2676663

Fuck its going up again... I was hoping it would reach 250 and below so I could buy back in lower. Im bad at this.

>> No.2676670

99% of people are bad at this.
The winners are just lucky and present themselves as smart until they actually believe it due to survivorship bias.
Technical analysis is also garbage.

>> No.2676749

look at that
ETH is now 278 from 265
Where's the 250 OP?

>> No.2676763

no it isn't xD
put your fucking chart on 12h or 1d and stop watching 1m candles like a bunch of drunk russkis watching 2 dogs fuck.

>> No.2676836

Basically yeah, when everyone is screaming SELL SELL SELL, I think of them as poo in loos that want to buy cheaper. If they say BUY BUY BUY they want to cash out higher in order to be able to afford real toilets. Of course people (retarded as they are) willingly follow these pajeets into their designated shitting streets and lick up their shit.

The evidence is there, after a big fucking dip, there's almost always a big fucking shoot up afterwards, so either just hold and sell on the big upswing, or sell and buy back once it looks like it's going to change momentum.

If there's no big upswing then you're fucked, kek, but that's part of what makes this so exciting.

Or you could just continue HODLing and come back when the next major bull run happens. I've done that in the past and it paid off too, it just took 7 months or so to break even, but then it went straight past that and I could've made 6-7 times my initial amount if I wasn't such a coward.

Of course there are no certainties. But seriously no fucking Poo in loo on /biz/ can tell you for certain.

>> No.2676878

That's like saying whatever you do, don't do it.

>> No.2676887




>> No.2676899

Why are you screaming?

>> No.2676936

Because he is a FUD'ing retard that believes typing in all caps convinces people.

>> No.2678082

Crying with laughter

>> No.2678103

It's happening like OP said. Proof that the market is being manipulated is in this thread

>> No.2678212

It's 265 now anon.
Shall we come back here when it's 250 or will you come back?
Ps I can keep shorting right ?

>> No.2678221 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 1502x1503, Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We go to the stars my people:


>> No.2678234

Damn OP predicted this perfectly. Tell us more

>> No.2678291


Like I said earlier, by this weekend. It's not going to happen all of a sudden in 2 seconds, it's being made to look natural and not manipulated. Was just told to have my positions set by a certain time and to wait for 250. That's what I'm doing.

>> No.2678307

Oh wise one..will eth dip below 250?

>> No.2678311

this tbqh

dont short this, if you wanted to short eth, you should have done at 300$

>> No.2678396

Everyone should do what they think is best for them and their situation. If you want to buy in at 260 something, then go for it. It's still better then buying above 300, which many people on here were saying to do because it was a good deal in their eyes. Just passing information. I'll check and see if there's been any change since I first started this thread but was told to expect it sometime this weekend. I'm not really stressing about it, I sold at 320. Even if I bought in at 280 I'd still be up on eth. It was above 300 when I first mentioned 250 and now it's been closer to 250 then it has 300.

>> No.2679236

For those who are interested, should I keep posting on here or start a new thread?

>> No.2679277

Keep going here. I'm quite interested in this development.

I've shorted ETH on your info. Let's see how it goes

>> No.2679302

Meanwhile, investors who continue to hold ether itself cheer on the "Flippening" – the moment when ethereum's market cap will exceed bitcoin's, and thereby dethrone bitcoin as the dominant cryptocurrency. What these investors don’t realize is that the Flippening is essentially already upon us. They should not be comparing the market cap of bitcoin (which largely stands in isolation) to the market cap of ether.

Instead, they should be comparing the market cap of the ethereum ecosystem to bitcoin, ie the aggregate market cap of ether along with all its altcoins.

If you look at cryptocurrency market caps, seven of the top 10 are already based on ethereum. For those expecting another rapid doubling in price, they may be left waiting as value continues to diffuse across various ethereum-based tokens.

Really activated my almonds.

>> No.2679403

This must be the floor now..?

>> No.2679412

looks like it...it's been stuck around this price point for a while now.

But who knows?

>> No.2679520

Thats not how shorting works. The idea of shorting is as such:

1. You tell your broker that you believe that the price of a specific security will go down in the near term.

2. Your broker takes shares of the security that are owned by other people and sells them at the current price, with the understanding that if the price raises or does not drop that you will purchase back the shares for the person you are borrowing from

3. If the price does indeed drop, the shares are purchased back at the lower price

4. You receive the profit equal to the price of the (initial sale of shares) - (new purchase price of shares) = your profit

example: You short 10 shares of a security at $100, broker sells 10 shares for $1000. The price drops to $75 and your broker buys back the shares at $750. You will take home the profit of 1000-750 = $250 (minus various broker and transaction fees)

>> No.2679627


Ok, I'll keep posting here for now.

>> No.2679645

r/ethtrader and newsbtc said the next bear test would be $210 if a resistance formed below $270 which is happening now so let's see...

>> No.2679677
File: 763 KB, 968x968, 1498742566140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you were right. sold at 280 rebought at 250, now I wait... r-right?

>> No.2679681

Okay, so it's around 250, what's going on?
Will I be able to buy some (100$ or so) and sell it higher so I might be able to offset my $330 bag price?

>> No.2679715


I have a buy order at 250, with some fiat set aside in case it dips farther. What I was told was it was going to pushed down to 250 as much as possible, but if it goes farther even better. The first post I made, the push was 320 to 300, and it went to 290. So it seems it could go farther down, just depends.

>> No.2679724

>What I was told was it was going to pushed down to 250 as much as possible
Ahahah you fucking LARPER. This "being pushed down to $250" is normal correction movement. And the bottom is at somewhere around $180. You don't need a fucking whale crew to move ETH down right now.

Holy fuck you degenerate larper.

>> No.2679725

Rofl. You fucking idiots thought it'd stop at 250. Are you not seeing the same market? With the same lack of positive news? This shit is retesting 200, and this time it's breaking on through. Don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.2679729

I saved some fiat incase it dips further too, just rebought my original amount is all :^)

>> No.2679749


I've been posting here for days, check previous posts in this thread. I'm sure now people will say it was so easy to see, but I was posting about 250 when everyone else thought it was going up not down.

>> No.2679768

>going up not down.

So, keep shorting?

Buy back when it hits below what, 240? or is it too low?

>> No.2679779

>I've been posting here for days
keep on larping. the trend is negative right now - don't need a crystal ball to see where the price is going.

>> No.2679783


Buy back below 200. This train isn't out of gas yet.

>> No.2679798

this. don't bother with catching the knife till it's below $200. and then wait for a sign of trend reversal because there's a good probability that it will keep falling way below $200.

>> No.2679799

why not buy back below 100? or even 10 cents?

>> No.2679805

omg is muh eth going to 10 cents again?!

>> No.2679834

I see. Any timeframe you're considering for this slope?

I bought a few at around 300. Then bought more when it hit 240 a few days ago.

I'm in it for the long run but I don't mind making more money shorting it.

>> No.2679835

because that would be out of the norm

no, that would be highly improbable

I suggest you crawl up into fetal position and start sobbing because your bags will be heavy for the next time to come.

>> No.2679849

brb crying...

>> No.2679853

So it's like binary options but with a longer time span?

>> No.2679863


My point was it was at 320, and I posted on here before the drop talking about heading back down. Just look at the screen shots in this thread and look at the charts.

>> No.2679889

thanks for telling these retards to buy in at 250

ether is going below 200 lol

>> No.2679907

imma buy in at 150

>> No.2679945

bitcoin has another 70$ to fall boys

>> No.2679957

you cunts could halve this bitch and id still be green

>> No.2679962

don't worry pussy we're coming for you

>> No.2679965

Got a ref code for bitfinex bro? I want to put you as my ref

>> No.2679970

Are you a whale? Can you drop it to one fiddy thx

>> No.2679981

It's going to break past $250. Not enough buyer support. Next major support line not until $200.

>> No.2679990

why do you type this when the low was 242

no shit 250 isn't holding lmao

>> No.2680069

reversal incoming 250 support very strong

>> No.2680073

all the whales have been slowly cashing out over the past 2 weeks. this has been stated many times by various sources.

if you look at the ETH graphs, most of the new money got in around 200-270 right after that big crash. they are the most inexperienced and they are the ones feeling the most heat right now. once it goes to 200 they will dump real fucking fast and then there's no telling how low we go, probably 150.

>> No.2680087

this man tells the truth
I didn't think it was going back up, I just thought his posts were wild guesses and random FUDding.

OP is the eth god . vitalik should zuk his dik

>> No.2680190
File: 75 KB, 1073x596, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2680212

>be me
>use Gemini
>no way to tether or short so sold my stack of ETH for USD at $300 two days ago
>ready to buy back in at $250
>my USD STILL isn't available for trading due to a hold


>> No.2680241


>> No.2680265

No fuck you its going to 10 cents then 0

>> No.2680456

i bought at 245 and resold at 252, can I risk doing this again? I want a ps4.

>> No.2680501

How many sats are 250 dollars inETH? Thanks

>> No.2680510

Fuck, when you have no money in GDAX and transferring takes 3-5 days, so when you want to buy a few ether you gotta pay coinbase fees.

>> No.2680517

Fuck. Your right. Here we go. UP UP UP!!!!!'n


>> No.2680529


>> No.2680588

Hope I was able to help some of you out these past few days. Headed off for a bit, be back to talk more later.

>> No.2680614

buy dude. thanks for the information

>> No.2680620

oops i meant bye. my mind is elsewhere, sorry

>> No.2680629


>> No.2680716

Are you guys thinking it's going back up?, still looks like it's going down

>> No.2680725


>> No.2680747
File: 79 KB, 503x503, tezos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liquidate all your ETH assets now. If you're smart then invest in tezos.

>> No.2680821

it's resisting the downward trend...

Anyone confident in shorting ETH any longer?

>> No.2680833

>3 weeks uncapped ICO
>currently no product
>tokens frozen for 4 months
I don't see how this could go wrong at all.

>> No.2680848

>ethereum was also uncapped newcoiner
>test net has been live for months, check their github
>why would you need the tokens before the main net goes live?

keep parroting babby

>> No.2680865

>Anyone confident in shorting ETH any longer?
hell yeah. this thing is going to tank.

>> No.2680883


>> No.2680921

can you determine anything from the 5m graph on crytpowatch? it's forming an inverse head and shoulders on the 5m but i dunno if it's reliable to use it or not

>> No.2681253
File: 66 KB, 960x720, 1496173675197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TEZOS feeds on FUD
it's fuel for it's moon mission

>> No.2681272

Shhh. If they can't see the obvious red flags let them get raped by Tezos. They probably think that Tezos is unique and there isn't already a coin out there doing what the hope to do.

>> No.2681286

What's your email?

>> No.2681387

>comparing ethereum to this shitcoin


>> No.2681423

i have a question for you guys who think OP is legit

what would be the point of orchestrating a massive pump at 250 in an obvious bear market be?

it's fucking suicidal to try it even if you have 20k eth.

>> No.2681557

you still here OP? sold at 265 and we are close to getting there again with buy support and I'm getting cold feet...

You sure this is goig to 250 or did they maybe abandon earlier? serious question

>> No.2681590

Just bought back in @ $268.46! I hope this goes somewhere...

>> No.2681606

Lol it is about to hit 189 why would you but a fucking high?

>> No.2681623


Why aren't we talking about this

>> No.2681676

you really think it's going to hit the previous support? in what timeframe do you see that happen?
i doubt it, this right now is test of the 61%fib and on the 30m it looks like it could be rejected..

>> No.2681733

[citation needed]
[by whom?]

>> No.2681745

the entire market is manipulated you fucking moron. You think these pumps and dumps are just natural movement...?

>> No.2681760


>expecting certainty in information on a closed groups of elites

This isn't Wikipedia.

>> No.2681761

So whats the end goal? Things crashing or things mooning?

>> No.2681763

by jews, such as yourself.

>> No.2681825

So buy or wait :/

>> No.2681830

honestly i don't even know how those pumps work...they are over in less than a minute so who is supposed to buy into it? aren't all these pump groups esentially dumping on their slowest members? if so how come that they still have such enormous volume each time?

>> No.2682214

That remains to be seen, since what you said was BUY at 250, doesn't it?

This whole place is one big unsubstantiated claim after claim, and here you are, talking out your ass like everyone else here.

Of course, some naive idiots will believe you have any idea what the future holds, but I don't.

>> No.2683059

them bags are saucy dude.

>> No.2683431
File: 186 KB, 1404x962, eth 1mill sell order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean?

>> No.2683543


Means the price is going way down. Whale manipulation in action.

>> No.2683578

How low will it decrease towards?

>> No.2683582

what are you talking about?

how is this 'manipulation'?

>> No.2683750

Eth 255 buy now??

>> No.2683758

I'll buy it when it's <$100

>> No.2683768

fuck no i dont even know the price but fuck no

>> No.2683772




>> No.2683791


>> No.2684299

I'm back. Couple of things, I said that a push was being made to get to 250 sometime this weekend. It was being attempted, and personally I think they'll hit it given that last time I was told about a push like this it ended up being pushed down 10 dollars more past the goal. As I've said many times, make your own decisions based on what's best for you. I still have buy orders at 250, but even if I buy in at 270 I'm still coming out ahead because I sold at the last top of 320. Your situation might be different, so do what's best for you. As to why they would do this, what I've been told is its all about accumulating eth for as cheap as possible. Some plan on holding, others want a quick buck. It seems pretty obvious why someone would want to manipulate it of they could.

>> No.2684308


Thanks for your updates man.

We're currently in a bear market. Could be momentary or last a few months, however long it takes for the market to cool down after this period of hyper growth we've experienced.

Bear markets are ripe with market manipulation, with the hopes of accumulation and making money. This is a trader's paradise- if you are not a trader, either hodl or cash out and wait in fiat.

The bull will come back in due time, and probably an order of magnitude stronger than the last time. Just be patient and don't panic friends.

>> No.2684324


Go look at all my screenshots, and all replies in this thread.

>> No.2684366

what will you be doing once you buy back in? waiting for your friend to tell you what's next on his agenda?

>> No.2684472


As I said before, more or less yes.

>> No.2684755

>watches as a 1100BTC sell wall gets rekt
heh heh heh

>> No.2685821

>aren't all these pump groups esentially dumping on their slowest members? if so how come that they still have such enormous volume each time?

The idea is to dump on the daytraders who see the trend but don't have the information to get in quickly, or know when they're going to pull the rug out after it builds up

>> No.2685837

resistance at $270 right now. if we breakout soon then was just a dedicated larper.

personally I wanted to buy in around $240 but it looks like that option isn't on the table anymore.

>> No.2685845

It could be tomorrow anon
I want to buy back in sub $250 too but the only thing stopping me is the thought that it may go lower

>> No.2686086

Broke resistance. Down we go.

>> No.2686771

do you still think it's going to hit $250 soon?

>> No.2687031

It broke resistance upwards. It's not in a local downtrend anymore

>> No.2687068

Niggu, it's already dropping again.

>> No.2687120

So glad this thread is still alive. I sold at $300 on Thursday and bought back in at $256 late last night...

...but only bought back in half, because I'm done with ETH dominating my portfolio. Will ETH go back up? Will it break $400? Sure... maybe even by midweek... but right now I think Ripple might finally do something exciting, and I've been looking to secure a long-term position in a couple other coins that were too cheap last night to pass up.

>> No.2687129

>at $271
>It's going down
>le larper said


>> No.2687151

20x leverage shorting at 260

Lets do it lads!

>> No.2688294

All i got left are my eth bags.

Bought at $120 and will sell at $400 to go balls deep in Btc For August first.

>> No.2688319


>> No.2688374

where can u even do 20x? what's your interest rate? you'll have to pay back an insane lot more ETH when you close those positions
that's a great way to lose everything

>> No.2688389
File: 95 KB, 1893x760, eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's trying to break a (short term) downtrend, if it does it could go up quite a bit. MACD is bullish and RSI is still not in oversold territory.

>> No.2688391

You're fucked.

>> No.2688414

time to kys yet?

>> No.2688427

seemed the bottom was $256

>> No.2688478

srs though why are there not more threads about ETH mooning rn. it feels like every etherfag has left and there are only pol meme posters and dbg bagholders here.

>> No.2688494

probably because every single eth thread is filled with people calling eth a shitcoin and that it will drop to $7

>> No.2688496

it's not "mooning." It partially recovered. I sold again (a little early, but better safe than sorry), and am waiting to rebuy on the next dip.

>> No.2688503

kinda feel like i fucked up by not buying in at 258 last night

>> No.2688504
File: 23 KB, 448x373, 1445205729499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mooning

Needs a huge rally to even recover, mooning would be $400+

>> No.2688516

well then, it is getting itself ready to moon. the push to 280$ was very important today, as to not break down. it shows the strength of the asset that was in doubt. it might drop a little, but it will be making a higher low and slowly completing the huge bullflag. then moon.

>> No.2688522

We'll see. I ain't got no crystal ball, but I think >>2688503 and I will have another chance to buy in at $260 before ETH breaks $320...

...which still wouldn't be a "moon."

>> No.2688528

also it just did 10% in what was traded as a bear market. it's not mooning in the degenerate way it did for 2 months, but it is legitimately jumping up.

>> No.2688529

As long as I at least make some gas money, I'm happy.

>> No.2688542

well comrade, having said what I just did, the volume right now is threatening to make a liar out of me. I still think a buy order at $260 is a safe bet before midweek, but brace for FOMO...

>> No.2688543

When do we sell?

>> No.2688545



>> No.2688566
File: 89 KB, 1895x821, eth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's doubtful for now. We've been in a bear market for more than a couple weeks now.

>> No.2689104


>> No.2689120
File: 97 KB, 1024x749, 1385771357054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2689139
File: 63 KB, 600x763, 1498850596237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The post that saved Ethereum.

>> No.2689157
File: 67 KB, 1297x744, x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That required some patience...

>> No.2689178
File: 13 KB, 1104x107, y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did however open a better position near the bottom on Kraken ETH/XBT,
so I'm already in the green

>> No.2689188

All in all margin trading is rather degenerate gambling, imho.

>> No.2689212

not bad. not bad at all.

>> No.2689215


we've seen this so many times, eth crashes and recovers the fastest and hardest when bitcoin recovers from it's dumps

why the fuck did you short the rally up??

>> No.2689268

there will obviously come a time when it won't dip back to $260 anymore. just like the only thing those morons do, who shorted @$150, is shitposting on /biz/ hoping they can convince morons of mass-selling
he can join their army when ETH skyrockets and finds new supports again

>> No.2689279

shorting is just very dangerous in general
if a short position doubles, you lose everything

>> No.2689288

Mmmyeah, I'm gonna need ETH to dip to $260 just one more time for me, so if we could get that underway before Monday, that'd be great...

>> No.2689329
File: 96 KB, 1519x157, scr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that people can earn money by trading the opposite of me.

Fuck my life.

>> No.2689339

Also would like to mention that the SECOND I bought back my margin it went down.

>> No.2689340

do yourself a favor and don't fucking margin trade, you have no idea what you're doing.

>> No.2689343

>if a short position doubles, you lose everything

how? you're only down to half your initial funds, minus interests

>> No.2689355

I know, I just wanted to try it out.

>> No.2689400

great, you tried, now buy ether and fucking hold it like literally this whole fucking board told you to do.

>> No.2689405
File: 76 KB, 237x212, spurdo time to die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2689415

depends on if it's on leverage or not

but if you short 100 dollars worth at 10
it shoots up to 20
you now have to buy the same number at twice the price (200), so you do "lose everything" that you put in

>> No.2689432

no you ignorant slut you buy anything but eth cuz its A SCAM I TELL YOU SELL SELL SELL!!! t. bitcoin hodler

>> No.2689443


what I tried to say was, a coin can easily double, but it very rarely goes to 0 which would mean losing everything in a long position with a leverage of x1 for simplicity's sake

Shorting is dangerous. Forget the stop-limit just one time + some bad luck = death

>> No.2689453

Just got into crypto yesterday and already made 10% profit off my investment. Nice.

>> No.2689772


DROP for Daddy, you little Etherslut... lower... lower... go DOWN for me... drop for me...

>> No.2689803
File: 245 KB, 1296x730, the_wolf_of_wall_street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newest of the newfags here, are you guys using coinbase type sites to buy Ethereum or something else?

>> No.2689809
File: 53 KB, 1049x250, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i doing this right?

>> No.2689811

I used Bitstamp although I haven't bought crypto since 2014, only cashed out since

>> No.2689837

if you already have coinbase set up, then go on gdax.com it's the same company so you can use your coinbase log in, good thing about GDAX is that with limit orders there are no fees.

>> No.2690052

What? No fees? Even with margin trading? Fees keep fucking my profit

>> No.2690065

what do you base the top line's angle on??

>> No.2690113


>> No.2690147

but it intersects no other point that the ATH, how is that just not an arbitrary line? isn't it supposed to intersect the char @ 2 points?

>> No.2690161
File: 52 KB, 1058x247, downtrend-line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

picking line segments seems arbitrary sometimes , but i think of it like , its in a down trend since ATH, and there's a shorter uptrend recently. So i picked the fibb lines off recent move up and uptrend line on recent bounces.

I just play around with these and see how the price follows.

>> No.2690181

well it's interesting that the ceiling on 6/29 correlated between the longer downtrend and the recent move up

>> No.2690234

>but i think of it like , its in a down trend since ATH, and there's a shorter uptrend recently. So i picked the fibb lines off recent move up and uptrend line on recent bounces.

that does seem entirely arbitrary, lol

>> No.2690293
File: 63 KB, 1424x605, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morons. Here's what you need to look at. If we go over the line marked with purple, the bull run will continue. If we go under the line marked with orange, the bear run will. This will all be decided no later than the 7th.

>> No.2690436

So should I buy Ethereum now or wait for another dip?

>> No.2690444

there are no more dips, buy in now or regret

>> No.2690545

thread is over limit

new thread: >>2690428

>> No.2690935

idk about margin trading, but unless i'm retarded, there's no fee on limit buy or sell orders.