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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26722985 No.26722985 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a brainlet in stocks but i do know about tech and video games, someone please explain to me how a retail store about to be made obsolete by digital downloads suddenly rose in value that much and that quickly? i'm mean. obviously it was a pump of some sort or some other inside info must have been obtained..

>> No.26723305

Gamers rose up to defend a company that was getting fucked in the ass by a bunch of Jewish hedge fund managers.

>> No.26723396


>> No.26723510

Wallstreetbets is whats raising it, were taking it to the moon

>> No.26723671

yes but that doesn't explain how a company that is on the verge of obsolesence suddenly became valuable again. it's not jews or hedge funds bankrupting them. their business model is literally obsolete.

>> No.26724632

Its 3.2 million in a reddit sub all pouring there life savings into it, The company isn't worth anywhere near that the hype is just fueling the price

>> No.26724785

Here's a good explaination for brainlets

>> No.26724833

Wait wait hold the fuck up. If this is all it takes for stocks to become valuable, can we all force ourselves to become rich on any company we want just by having enough people pump money into it?

>> No.26724939

Market value doesn’t = actual value but it always will in the end.

>> No.26725065

>What is a short squeeze
Btw Gamestop deserves to die anyway, trash service.

>> No.26725067

There are 30 other threads on biz right now about gamestop and you had to make your own, huh?

>> No.26725092

>Oy Vey! Shut it down, he knows!!

>> No.26725111

>value investing
what century you in bro

>> No.26725153

They are doing it because come Monday someone is forced to buy the stock back. Otherwise, you are going to pump a stock with nobody to dump it on.

>> No.26725204

Redditors causing shortsqueeze to fuck over hedgefunds

>> No.26725266

Either just ride the rocket or go back to the cagie.

>> No.26725289

what do you mean? a healthy company shouldn't give a fuck about it's stocks falling in fact this creates an opportunity to buy them back and sell later for higher price.

>> No.26725311

No, because someone has to hold the bag
in this particular case, if I'm reading right
Melvin is LEGALLY OBLIGATED to buy back the shares, no matter the price
Thus we all know the bag holder won't be us, so the price is inflated because it seems to be guaranteed money
t. only got a B in finance so take what I say with an ocean of salt

>> No.26725325

Look up short squeeze. This is what's happening. No one cares about fundamentals and tech in this situation. People are just trying to beat the hedge funds.

>> No.26725334

>No one in this thread talking about shortsellers.
>noone understanding what's going on
god biz is retarded.

>> No.26725357

They brought in new management to restructure the company last year and they've made good efforts towards improving their model. The sudden influx will give them the edge to transform and be viable again, likely by going digital and changing up their brick and mortars to be an experience instead of a basic store.

>> No.26725538

>No, because someone has to hold the bag
Yeah, the people that shorted the stock.

>> No.26725584

Why? So said you knew about tech but you sound like a boomer, this isn't Blockbuster you tard, not only Gamestop has their online store that they bought from Stardock if I recall, plenty of people want a place to buy games physically and then resell then or exchange them, or buy consoles.
Where is Karen going to buy that Gamesphere for little Timmy's birthday?

Guess fucking what retard, if Gamestop was Blockbuster, it would already be dead, so evidently it's not Blockbuster.

>> No.26725607

This shit is all over the internet so there are a lot of tourists

>> No.26725618
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The specifics of how or why are getting buried in between explanations of everything happening today, so I'm gonna give a QRD.
>April 2020
>/r/WSB becomes privy to over $80 million in shorts on GME for no discernible reason
>a few months later
>up by over 50%, fucking over the short position
Shorts have infinite potential losses for financial institutions because they aren't required to post collateral, so reddit realized they could just keep piling on GME and it would keep going up.

>> No.26725959

look up what a short squeeze is. It has nothing to do with the actual value behind gamestop as a company. Jews took a disgusting gamble on gamestops failure and an army of autists rallied behind gamestop and are making the kikes reap the whirlwind.

>> No.26725983

Gamestop has a lot of shorts, like over 100%.
Wsb's plan is to buy and hold the stocks hostage.
When the shorts expire, shorters are legally required to buy the stock at wsb's named price.

>> No.26726060

Nobody likes this digital download shit.

>> No.26726259

OP. This has nothing to do with gamestop. We're collectively liquidating a hedgefund that had shorted 140 percent of the available supply. This has nothing to do with gamestop. On Friday 140 percent of the supply will be bought by these shorts and as it stands that means hundreds of billions of dollars are getting injected into the stock.

>> No.26726877

>This has nothing to do with gamestop.
I mean it does in the way that a factory has to do with it place where two parties decide to have a shootout

>> No.26727056

>where is Karen going to buy the gayman sphere
Amazon, from the comfort of her home
or some bigger name company she is more familiar with, like Best buy

>> No.26727146
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It's a lot more like playing chicken with a car that's about to run out of gas.

>> No.26727217

Plz explain

>> No.26727486

why cant gamestop just shift to digital downloads if thats so great. seems like an easy transition bro

>> No.26727720
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>> No.26728030


>> No.26728111

Gamestop is right next to her show store, you cannot download a console boomer, so Amazon is out of the question, man you bug people.

>> No.26728355


>> No.26728506

What expertise does a brick and mortar company have in becoming a software company

>> No.26728598
File: 492 KB, 1908x854, Bank of Gamestop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also they have an interesting new Banking division that I reckon is going to break new ground.

>> No.26728724
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Fuck outta here, tourist. You've never made money on anything.

>> No.26728963

Because making a website require next to no expertise?
Are you over 50 of age?

>> No.26728989

are people really still putting money into this? in a short period of time it will crash. Dont have to be a brain surgeon to figure that one out.

>> No.26729025

I've been here since 2015.

You can't tell the difference between shares shorted and dollar value shorted. You are a moron.

>> No.26729106

>On Friday 140 percent of the supply will be bought by these shorts
How do we know this? How is it public knowledge?

>> No.26729149

>army of autists
you mean normies, the herd
autists had probably already invested in gamestop and prepared for this in 1947

>> No.26729177


>> No.26729180

Hello smooth brain, the contract is due on Friday, they HAVE to pay what they've borrowed, this isn't betting anymore.

>> No.26729214

This. Also, the stock was shorted at 138% which is unprecedented. The blackest of black swans.
Flew over my fucking head cause I can't set up mutt investing in time.

>> No.26729239

Im Europoor, how can i join the fun??

>> No.26729244

>you cannot download a console boomer, so Amazon is out of the question, man you bug people.
are you retarded, or just a third worlder? amazon will bring that shit to your fucking door moron...

>> No.26729462

The stock market and fiat currency are literal memes. All being manipulated by bankers and other elites.

>> No.26729778

>bankrupting them. their business model is literally obsolete.
You are making the same mistake those hedgefunds did.
Micheal Burry, the guy who predicted 2008 crash was bullish on GME. Why?
Because their books were squeaky clean!
Doesn't matter if they were losing money. They had tons of it. Enough to build a new business model.
And that is exacly what they are doing. They hired a new CEO. The same guy that stole amazon all the petstuff sales with Chewy.
That guy is an ecomenrce guru and now he is GME's CEO.

Hedgefunds dun goofed. They got caught up in their failure to properly DD.
Companies don't just die just because hedgefunds decide to short them

>> No.26729909

Which is not the same as getting it directly from a store instead of have to rely on some courier to not fuck up your stuff or have it stolen, or have to wait weeks to get it. And fuck, I dealt in e-commerce businesses as an IT consultant, you boomer know that anyone can do orders online? Amazon is just one of them.

>> No.26729933

this. brick and mortar is obsolete.

>> No.26730171

all the autists in the world ain't enough to bring that company back to life again. digital downloads will destroy them. there is no saving a business model once it's become obsolete by some other technology. and that's exactly what is happening. but. blame the jews if you must i guess.